[Hat tip: commenter “AesopFan.”]
I’ve long felt that, as the title of this post says, Obama was the turning point – not to some hoped-for racial reconciliation, but to a divisive leftist dominance in US politics. Here’s an article from yesterday that illustrates his malign influence [emphasis mine]:
At their Substack “Truth Over News,” independent journalists Jeff Carlson and Hans Mahncke report on the newly obtained transcript of a Jan. 17, 2017 meeting between then outgoing President Barack Obama and 17 unnamed “progressive” journalists, in which they discussed Trump’s upcoming term and allegations that Trump had colluded with Russia. As Carlson and Mahncke note, Obama knew the Russia allegations were false; his CIA director, John Brennan, had briefed him in late July on a “proposal from one of [Hillary Clinton’s] foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference from Russian security services.” …
It would be an understatement to say that the press fell for the scam; this entirely fake story became the dominant political narrative of the first two years of Trump’s presidency, and it is still believed by a narrow majority of Democratic partisans, who nonetheless consider Trump’s “Big Lie” about the 2020 election to be disqualifying from office. …
I highlight this briefing not only because the transcript is new but also because it points to the origin point for the derangement of American politics over the past eight years: the Obama faction’s weaponization of the security state and the press to deny the American people a legitimate opportunity to reject their agenda at the ballot box. That agenda was described (in part) in the first half of today’s Big Story: alliance with Third World regimes abroad and the cultivation of a Third Worldist political culture at home, complete with corrupt spy services, rigged elections, a lackey press, the censorship and legal harassment of the opposition, sectarian division of the population among party-designated identity categories (“LGBTQI+” and “AAPI”), and violent street displays targeting the perceived enemies of the ruling regime, whether “racists” and “cops” (as in 2020) or “Jews” and “Zionists” (as in 2023 and 2024). Indeed, both in and out of government, the party-state machine constructed by Obama did its best to create, in lieu of a governing program that could appeal to the majority of Americans, a vast public-private apparatus of censorship and thought control targeting dissident speech as “misinformation”—a project that was thwarted only by Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter in 2022. More recently, the criminal prosecution of Trump on absurdly inflated charges suggests a willingness to abuse the legal system to go after opponents and interfere with electoral outcomes—unless, of course, they suffer blowback at the ballot box.
Prior to Obama, presidents cared to a great extent what the people wanted, and tended to respond to public opinion if only because they thought the people might vote them out, but sometimes also because they thought that was their job. After the election of Obama, who was the first truly leftist president and the first Alinskyite president, the MSM became totally taken over by propaganda rather than partially, and the president became deceptive about his goals and methods. The Democratic Party began to veer more strongly and openly to the left as the Overton window moved.
Obama didn’t try to shape his policy to the needs and desires of the American people, but rather to do what he could to further a global rather than a US agenda, and if the people didn’t like it they were just going to have to accept it. That approach has become far more common in Europe as well – or rather, it may have began in Europe and Obama was following their example. In reaction to all of this, both here and abroad, populist movements have sprung up and the left has concentrated on demonizing them as Nazi-esque.
In July of 2009 I wrote this about Obama:
We’ve had experience with incompetent presidents and/or deceptive presidents before. But I submit that we’ve never before had a president with such malignant and radical designs who also was so deceptive in such a profound way. Nixon, for example, was deceptive about many things as well as malignant towards his “enemies,” but he was still well within the mainstream of American political thought regarding defending freedom around the globe, keeping America strong, and the economy. Also, Tricky Dick seemed tricky; we knew about this characteristic of his even before he was elected.
Obama does not seem deceptive on the surface — at least, he doesn’t to many people, and that’s what’s important. And yet he has been deceptive about something far more basic than Nixon ever was: who he is, and his underlying vision for America.
To Obama’s credit, over time he has become more honest about all of that. Perhaps not so much in his rhetoric, but in his deeds.
And by his deeds ye shall know him.