Home » Americans still ♥ Obama


Americans still ♥ Obama — 22 Comments

  1. Perhaps you should start to re-examine your very slight and very marginal relationship to alcohol. Might be time to up the dose.

  2. Didn’t Obama in some interview a couple of weeks ago say he thought he’d be re-elected if he could run for a third term? Appears he was spot on.

    As you say, depressing.

  3. the title is wrong:
    Anti-Americans still love obama

    Americans, dont love him…

    The left hates america, and so, are not really americans other than by accident of geolocation

    after all, superman stands for truth, justice,

    and captain america doesnt fight for america, and beats up americans!!!

    Islamic supremacist Imraan Siddiqi complained to Sears about the hats, and it was apparently his complaint alone that was enough for them to remove the hats from sale. After he succeeded in strong-arming Sears into removing the hats, he screamed “Allahu akbar”.

    thats right, infidels cant wear infidel hats

    basically the communists are using the islamics to impose state control.

    in fact, i said that when you have every group, including those who oppose each other in your bed, you can do what you want and point to the group that wants it as a reason!!!

    people didnt get it when it came to feminism, but maybe with censorship and these games, it might register.

    its NOT that an islamic wants X, its that the politiicans want X and its the islamics requesting it that then get the blame for the action.. .

    same withe feminists… and other groups..

    not only that, but to win the contest the groups keep coming up with more and more onerous things so that if the statist picks that, they think they won a contest or some such.

    its gotten to the point where they even cheat to make a fake entry into this contest, so as to be picked and win! see matress girl, the attack on fraternities but not sororities, the attack on mens lockers but not womens gyms, the attack on free speech, religion, and on and on.

    what despotic point will you come up with to win the contest and be love bombed?

    ie. how to make a totalitarian state without being blamed for making it.

  4. I would have to see the polling data to get depressed right now. Among the people in my area who routinely default to voting anyone but a republican, Hillary signs are as rare as a hen’s teeth. Bernie signs sprout up everywhere. And recently Biden 2008 signs have been dusted off and planted in a few yards. Despite polls showing hrc leading in Iowa, it seems to me the lack of hrc signs indicate 2016 will be a repeat of 2008.

  5. See, Jim Jones couldn’t have done that, no matter how many machine guns he had trained on familes or how many were made to drink the Kool Aid on promises of retribution from the CIA or promises of utopia.

    It’s one thing to get control of people, it is quite another to make them like it while asking for more when they become “Free”.

  6. It’s only depressing if people had projected or estimated differently. But mind control is not so crude a weapon that it can be defeated that easily. The Leftist alliance has spent decades of blood and treasure refining the tool. What has their victims and enemies been doing in the meanwhile?

  7. Ymarsakar:

    About getting people to love their relinquishment of liberty/freedom, Aldous Huxley understood.

  8. I would like to know where the polls were taken. It isn’t hard to skew data by electing the right people to ask.

  9. Those who are easily swayed, 95% of the left, have not the fortitude to withstand dedicated, armed opposition. Fear not the darkness of the left. 3 to 7% who will not go quietly will defeat them. Unintended consequences are the m*ther f*ckers of all m*ther f*ckers. They know not what they are poking with their ‘progressive’ stick.

  10. The people who approved of Obama are fools. Ask them their politics and they’ll reveal their idiocy.

  11. Neo, you have tried and tried hard. But there is only so much you can do in a country whose opinion makers spent a week beside themselves over the womanly graces of a guy with a cock and balls.

  12. “The people who approved of Obama are fools. Ask them their politics and they’ll reveal their idiocy.”

    But they have their Obama phones, their “View” and their EBT cards after-all what more do they need?

    You look at the Founders of this nation, those that traveled West, those on both sides of the Civil War that fought and died for their beliefs, those that fought The Great war and struggled during the Depression and those that answered the call after a “day that will live in Infamy and you understand living for Greatness.

    Nowadays most look for comfort as it pays immediate dividends.

    Like Esau, the country seems to have sold its birthright for a bowl of porridge 🙁

    The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness. – Pope Benedict XVI

  13. If we can be honest for a second, Obama’s numbers wouldn’t look like that if so many Americans weren’t deathly afraid of being accused of racism.

    You have to account for the white guilt factor.

    It’s impossible to disapprove of the historic first black whatever.

  14. …deathly afraid of being accused of racism. The mere act of voting FOR someone based on the color of their skin is an instance of racism. We live in an Alice in Wonderland world.

  15. I think the polls are correct. Every person I know who voted for Obama thinks he is the best best president, ever. They may have wavered a bit in the first term, but after gay marriage – they were rock solid.

  16. Ymarsakar The Leftist alliance has spent decades of blood and treasure refining the tool. What has their victims and enemies been doing in the meanwhile?

    not much as they believe that it doesnt exist, despite billions spend agencies accomplish nothing, and if you tell them what they dont know, they attack you as a tin hatter (without any real distinguishing between real tin hat stuff – alien butt sex vs history they dont know see IPS, clinton, kgb, etc)

    and neo is right about huxley..
    but take a look where he sourced his material

    Sir Julian Sorell Huxley was a British evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, and internationalist. He was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the mid-twentieth century modern evolutionary synthesis. He was secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935—1942), the first Director of UNESCO, a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund and the first President of the British Humanist Association. / Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society and its president from 1959—1962.

    a very communist loving man and one who would love sanger. and all that people complain about…

    Julian Huxley, evolutionist and first director of UNESCO

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Its purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedom proclaimed in the United Nations Charter / It is the heir of the League of Nations’ International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation.

    Unesco with other such agencies ended up being fronts for lots of spies and protected kgb agents, while forwarding the league of nations, which became the UN… LEAGUE being one of those code words for communism at that time… (most organizations bearing the name served the communists the same way that certain things like peoples and other words do the same today. of course, the people that yarmarskar mentions refused to beleive all that, but they ALSO refuse to read all the history and literary works behind it. i guess they are waiting for the press of the dear leader to tell them)

  17. Steve57 Says: October 21st, 2015 at 9:10 am

    If we can be honest for a second, Obama’s numbers wouldn’t look like that if so many Americans weren’t deathly afraid of being accused of racism.

    You have to account for the white guilt factor.

    note that the trailer for star wars and the complaint of a few of anti white sentiment and such in it has been attacked as racism. IE. if you want to protect your own if your white, your a racist, and the only valid position is extermination over time (Democide).

    survival is racism
    the oppressor class has to die out

    there is no way to say you like yourself or that you like contributions and not be turned into a neo nazi racialist hater… whites are not allowed to like their culture, western civ, or even defend themselves against any kind of such harm.

    they are racist if they dont lay down and die
    if they do lay down and die, they are dead racists
    which to the left is better, given that they dont even use the terms right based on their origin and meaning (see trotsky for that, and left right and centrist in terms of right oppositoin, etc)

  18. Obama needed Billy boy to stump for him last time the * election was &too close to call*
    He probably would have been defeated had not the IRS interfered with the election with intimidation & harassment to anyone not on board with the community organizer. (He promised to get to the bottom of the harassment & THAT never happened !)
    Poetic justice that the Clintons are left to *turn in the wind* considering the sexual harasser did his best for Obama, the Clintons are tasting their own bitter brew !

  19. Every single black person I asked … Why will you vote for Obama? … said because he is black… period.

    Every single white person I asked … Why will you vote for Obama? …. said we need a change… period.

    The blacks got a black president. The whites got a change. They got just what they voted for. At this point why wouldn’t they be happy?

  20. Artfldgr Says:
    October 21st, 2015 at 10:30 am
    Ymarsakar The Leftist alliance has spent decades of blood and treasure refining the tool. What has their victims and enemies been doing in the meanwhile?

    Arming themselves to the teeth. People don’t buy guns (and ammo and magazines) in face of a threaten ban just to turn them in.

  21. @janetoo: I find that strange, though not at the same time. It’s bizarre. What if the majority of justices didn’t vote “yes”? Again, Obama is getting way too much credit for things he had no hand in, unless you count him successfully appointing Kagan and Sotomayor as justices who voted” yes.

    Besides ACA, truly, what has Obama done to garner the favor?

  22. Arming themselves to the teeth.

    And what do people expect to do with tactical edges, fight the future generations? Meanwhile, the Left is taking children and indoctrinating them as future homo victims and stormtroopers.

    They’ll never run out. Of course Unintended Consequences has a recommendation to add a strategy to apply the tactics better, but it’s not something most people are capable of.

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