It gets more and more difficult for our Pravda-esque media to cover up for Biden’s increasing frailties, and so they’ve adopted a new tactic. In a way, it’s an old tactic, because it reminds me of the game we used to play as children when someone insulted us: “Bounces off me and sticks to you!”
A couple of weeks ago I suddenly noticed a large increase in the number of Democrat spokespeople and media outlets implying or outright stating that Donald Trump is senile. Or, as a variation on the theme, that he’s crazy. Or senile and crazy – and “crazy” not just as in “mildly eccentric” (which he’s long been) but “crazy” as in “demented and out of touch with reality.” Now, Trump is many many things, and a lot of those things are things a lot of people don’t like or even hate. But “senile” and/or “crazy” are not among them.
The message about Trump as crazy old coot was disseminated from too many people and in too many places to be an accident; it was obviously a coordinated approach. And now the Biden-defenders have unveiled a new tactic, which is to claim that videos showing Joe Biden to be old, infirm, addled, confused, or any of the things that have been readily apparent for a long time are fakes. It is Joe who’s actually sharp as a tack and able to leap off tall buildings in a single bound.
I now notice that, just a moment ago, Ace has put up a post on this very same topic, saying that the tactic is now just about everywhere in the MSM:
This is a full-court press throughout all the Regime media — they’re all claiming, at once, all using the same language, that all the videos showing Biden wandering off, freezing, and sitting (or shitting) in invisible chairs are “cheap fakes” spread by “right-wing media.”
They’re simultaneously claiming that Trump, who gives two hour speeches without a single note-card, is the Real Mental Invalid Here.
As I said earlier, I first noticed the MSM claiming the latter, starting maybe about two weeks ago. Then just in the last day or two, mostly since the G7 Summit, we’ve gotten the follow-up approach stating that the videos that make Biden look bad are right-wing fakes.
Of course, videos of that nature about Biden have been around for his entire presidency and – funny thing – it’s not been claimed till now that they are fakes. But the left counts on people to have a poor memory or no memory, just as the Soviets counted on their people. Actually, that’s not true; the left knows (and the Soviets knew) that many people do remember, and it doesn’t care. Its propaganda is aimed either at those who don’t pay attention, those who are gullible, and/or those who believe what they wish to believe and are adept at saying 2 plus 2 equals 5.
Orwell knew a lot about that sort of thing. The left practices a form not just of simple lying, but of truth inversion. And it often works.