I increasingly find that the vast majority of political analyses I come across are just plain stupid, and transparently so. And yes, that’s been the case since I began blogging twenty (!) years ago. But still, it’s gotten significantly worse.
It’s not just that news has become almost entirely propaganda, although that’s true. It’s that the propaganda is unconvincing on the face of it, ignoring the obvious. I once read that Soviet propaganda was like that – not meant to convince, but rather meant to tease and insult because the public knew it wasn’t true but it was an assertion of power: “See? We lie to you all the time and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
As I think I’ve said before, analyses of Kamala Harris’ loss skip her all-too-obvious failings for the most part. And why? Is it just that her identity groups – female, person of color – make her untouchable on a personal level?
Which brings us to this article at The Hill, listing possible Democrat presidential candidates in 2028. Who leads the way? Why, Kamala Harris, that’s who:
… Harris showed that she could run an impressive campaign even in the short time she was in the race, according those pining for another run.
The vice president’s political instincts have also grown, and she now has the understanding and experience of someone who has run a $1 billion campaign.
Well, it sure impressed me – with how inarticulate and inauthentic she is. And that one billion – well, totally squandered in payments to stars and Oprah’s company and people like Sharpton, and who knows what else. Granted, the article does mention that, but much later on, and in a tangential way:
Harris also led a billion-dollar campaign that lost. And her campaign was far from perfect.
It’s not just that she lost; it’s that the money was totally mishandled and used for grift, and there seems to be no accountability. Is that so hard to say? Apparently it would ruffle too many feathers.
Other suggested candidates listed in order of appearance: Newsom, Whitmer, Shapiro, Buttigeg, Pritzker, and AOC. Quite a crew. And as part of the discussion of Whitmer, there’s no mention of her behavior during the COVID lockdowns, which I believe makes her exceedingly vulnerable, and a “Democratic strategist” named Christy Setzer says the following re Whitmer:
I think Harris ran a much better race than anyone could’ve asked for, [but] the obvious takeaway is going to be that we shouldn’t run a woman of color or a woman at all. Sucks, but I don’t see people having a different analysis.
With strategists like that, who needs … Then again, maybe Setzer is well aware that a person could have asked for a better race than the abominable and almost ludicrous one run by Kamala Harris, but it’s just not cricket to say so. And maybe Setzer is also well aware that it wasn’t the fact that Harris was a woman that caused her loss.
Oh, and the article manages to analyze Josh Shapiro’s chances in 2028 without even mentioning that the current Democrat Party would never run a Jewish person who supports Israel.
Nevertheless, people get paid to write this garbage.
[NOTE: And here it is – the tag “Election 2028.”]