And why would anyone want to vote for someone like Gavin Newsom for US president?
Those are rhetorical questions, of course. Efforts to recall Newsom failed. He might even have gotten more votes than Harris had he run for president this year.
Here’s what made me think of Newsom:
You get a lot of bang for your tax buck in California. Apparently those houses are so very tiny that they are microscopic.
As for why people keep voting for Democrats in a place like California, this piece – by someone in the greater Philadelphia area, rather than California – comes to mind. It begins like this:
I am a woman living alone near Philadelphia with a cat, so I guess you could call me a “childless cat lady.” I never wanted children, so I never had any. Since I have dedicated my life to helping other people, for many years I subscribed to all of the social justice causes. That began to change when the neighborhood I live in became a hotbed of crime and leftist intolerance.
The writer goes on to describe the violence and chaos that has descended on her neighborhood in recent years, then explains her state of mind these days:
A few months ago, there was a meme on Facebook that showed a white woman saying, “I don’t feel safe in my neighborhood,” and a man answered her, “You literally voted for this.” I now understand that my situation resembles this cartoon.
I have voted Democrat all my life. I supported soft-on-crime candidates because I didn’t want to see people go to prison and lose their chance at a better life. But now I see the ruin that we have to live with as a result of these policies. The white liberals in the suburbs do not live with the consequences of their votes. I do. …
Like most people, I just want to be safe. I want to live in a place where I can leave my apartment without fear that the man who saw me watch him attack a woman will come back and attack me. I want to live in a place where I’m not risking verbal violence for engaging in private phone conversations while taking a walk.I want there to be police who are here to protect me and other innocent citizens who just want to do our jobs, buy affordable food, and go to the YMCA in peace.
Is that too much to ask? Democrats seem to think it is. Many of my liberal friends expressed horror that “Americans value their pocketbooks more than my human rights.” Apparently wanting to pay the rent and afford food and medications is something we should be ashamed of.
My entire life, I saw myself on the left. But now I understand that the left has left me. I am a childless cat lady for law and order. I want a government that will protect me and my cat, that cares about the price of food and doesn’t say people should be satisfied with a lot of new minimum wage jobs that will not allow them to support their families. I am tired of being told my safety doesn’t matter and that I’m racist for pointing out that there is crime on the streets of my neighborhood.
That is how a mind changes.
I’m not 100% sure that this lady is ready to vote for Republicans across the board, but I suspect that she is. If so, she’s not alone – in most blue cities, the GOP gained a substantial percentage of votes compared to 2020. But when will it be enough to really change things in a place like Philadelphia? Or in California?
Meanwhile, Newsom declares he’s going to “Trump-proof” the state:
Newsom’s office told The Associated Press that the governor and lawmakers are ready to “Trump-proof” California’s state laws. His announcement Thursday called on the Legislature to give the attorney general’s office more funding to fight federal challenges when they meet in December.
Newsom and other governors seem to think – or continue to want their voters to think – that Trump threatens “reproductive rights.” And yet Trump has said very clearly that he thinks that abortion should be left to the states. In California, Democrats control everything and there is zero chance that the state won’t have liberal abortion laws. As for birth control and/or IVF, the GOP isn’t against them. But Democrats think it’s a winning strategy to say they are, and to cast themselves as the brave liberty-lovers who will defend those practices against all big bad Republican threats.
And then there’s the issue of illegal aliens and their removal. Another topic for another post.
NOTE: This post makes me think I should start a new category, “Election 2028.” But I’ll desist for a while.