Wouldn’t it be interesting…
…if we had two contested conventions this year? Of course, that could be “interesting” as in the Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times.”
Continue reading →…if we had two contested conventions this year? Of course, that could be “interesting” as in the Chinese curse “may you live in interesting times.”
Continue reading →Well, they’re actually in Indiana. But you know what I mean. Look at the three most recent ones: Trump +2, Trump +9, Trump +5, Cruz +16. Now, that’s a formidable spread. I throw up my hands at trying to make … Continue reading →
This sort of behavior is contemptible, reprehensible, and expected: Hundreds of demonstrators filled the street outside the Orange County amphitheater where Donald Trump held a rally Thursday night, stomping on cars, hurling rocks at motorists and forcefully declaring their opposition … Continue reading →
UPDATE 6:20: It’s official: Here’s the earlier post: All signs indicate that the upcoming announcement from Ted Cruz will be that he’s chosen Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Perhaps it will help him. Perhaps not. I’ve always liked Fiorina. … Continue reading →
This is an instructive article about people who self-describe as “evangelicals”: Thanks to data compiled by the Association of Religious Data Archives, we have a very good sense of how many people in a given locale regularly attend church. By … Continue reading →
[UPDATE below.] I have my usual feeling of dread about it. This will almost certainly be a very big day for Trump because of the states involved: Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island—that is, Southern New England and some … Continue reading →
Commenter “K-E” wrote this today: I know many of you on here cannot stand Trump, but I’ve felt that way about Dole, McCain, and Romney, yet I was willing to let go of my dislike and get behind these guys … Continue reading →
Political parties are organizations designed to get together as a group to further a certain point of view. They are not democracies, nor are they even republics. They are not governmental agencies or branches of government at all. They nominate … Continue reading →
…why is Kasich still running? The question isn’t all that interesting or mysterious to me, because I figure it’s ego, and/or he aims to help or hurt Trump or Cruz (take your pick), and/or he somehow sees this as leading … Continue reading →
Peggy Noonan writes: Have you had your 2016 Moment? I think you probably have, or will. The Moment is that sliver of time in which you fully realize something epochal is happening in politics, that there has never been a … Continue reading →
The hype on Ted Cruz is that nobody likes him, everybody hates him, he has no friends. The hype on Republicans is that they’re racist bigots. Here’s a story that could kill (or at least slightly injure) those two birds … Continue reading →
The state of Indiana has a primary on May 3, and most analysts feel it will be pivotal in terms of the GOP nomination (and Ted Cruz knows it). But all that speculation about which way the state will go … Continue reading →