Preach it Candace preach it! What a brave and wise young woman she is.
Whatever one may think of her opinion on this matter (I happen to agree), the abuse to which she has been subjected (at times bizarrely, since, despite being pro-black, she is often derided as a “white supremacist”) for having the courage to express contrarian arguments at a time when the regnant soft totalitarianism demands conformity of thought (not to mention servile abasement and Maoist self-criticism) is yet another example of leftist hostility to intellectual diversity.
She’s a smart, tough-minded woman and I absolutely respect her for that.
Alas, I get the impression that the political party that I would expect to be on her side has let her twist in wind, alone, while tripping over itself to endorse the BLM/anitifa communists.
I hope I’m wrong.
Could you be more specific about what you’re saying? Are you referring to Democrats, or to some Republicans? What party would you think would support what she’s saying and is not?
J.J. and j e:
She is extremely courageous.
Same to Xennady: You mean the party of slavery?
I would expect the GOP to support her. She notices reality and respects the Rule of Law.
I do not see that at all. Of course, I may be wrong. I don’t watch television and I don’t read the so-called mainstream media either.
But I do read various online political sites and, statistically, I think I’d see some evidence of the GOP standing up for her and her viewpoint, more than I have. I instead see the usual instant groveling from the gop, including the usual reflexive acceptance of the leftist framing of events. Mike K noted this yesterday, from Nikki Haley and Mike Pence, and I noted it from George Bush.
Of course the demonrats endorse antifa, letting their own cities burn, thinking this will harm the Demon Trump and the hated white devils who support him. Yawn, another day ending in y.
Harry Truman once famously noted that given the choice between a Republican and a Republican, the public will choose the Republican every time. Well, today we’ve essentially been given that same non-choice. We get to pick between the demonrats themselves and the people who reflexively support the demonrats world view, which I think was the point Truman was making.
This is how those folks got Trump- and why so many have left the GOP, or never bothered to vote for it in the first place.
The gop is worthless and irrelevant, either ashamed or unwilling to represent the people who vote for it, because it’s always seeking approval from the people who hate both the GOP and the people willing to vote for it.
Either that will end, or the GOP will go away, to be replaced by something effective. But now I’m just rambling, forgive me.
Why are so many rich and famous so ready to bow to insanity?
Drew Brees seems a nice person to me, but he was submitted in a very short time to the dogma that “racism is systemic”.
Are is convictions fragile or does he fear for his wealth or fame? Perhaps, his original convictions were just based on feelings, and when he felt good feelings evaporating around himself, he capitulated.
As Solzhenitsyn taught after a life under the regime of lies: we must remain with truth, especially when it costs. Eventually he emerged from the Gulag as a man in full, like Guareschi did after his internment in Nazi camps.
Same to Xennady: You mean the party of slavery?
Yes, I do.
Weird addendum- it literally never occurred to me to think the democrat party would support Candace Owens, knowing her views.
Gosh, I suppose I should have just said that.
Thank you for clearing that up.
I have a problem with Candace Owen not understanding the work that Christ did in Floyd during those years that the Houston pastors said he was so beneficial to them in his walk.
That he backslid in Minneapolis does not negate that change in his life.
Neo, subject for another whole discussion. Would the country have been better off if the civil rights legislation never been passed and government enforcement infrastructure never been created (but the civil rights movement proceeded). The laws and government created the poison of victimology and identity politics.
Edward R. Bonderanka:
She was going by the evidence of his life prior to that, and the evidence about his drug use and crime that led to the police arresting him in the first place, and she felt this was almost certainly not his first slip. We have no way to know what really was going on during those years in which he supposedly reformed. Perhaps he was indeed leading an exemplary life for those years. But otherwise, he had been a long term career criminal guilty of at least one violent crime and chronic and serious drug abuse and drug dealing. She does not think this was just a recent relapse.
Republicans are hardly a unitary bunch. You listed three people, two of them out of office. I don’t know what they said. But at any rate, that’s not the party as a whole. I don’t know what the rest said.
That only took me a moment to find. I thought of Cruz first. But I doubt he’s the only one. Who cares what Bush has to say at the moment? He’s the old school GOP.
PaoloPagliaro, Giovanni Guareshi was one of the great satirists of the 20th Century. I reread the Don Camillo books at least once a year! They are always a delight!
Xennady – I knew right away what you meant.
Candace Owens is a force to be reckoned with. She is courageous, and fierce. Watch the first one minute of this clip, then skip forward to Owens’ response at around 5:30.
By the way, she was chosen by the Republicans to be a witness at that hearing.
And Neo, thank you for posting this. I’ve been trying to get other conservative sites to run it.
You listed three people, two of them out of office.
Point taken, but one of them is the sitting VP and another appears to be planning to run for president. The third is an ex-president. These people are hardly non-entities in the party or in national politics.
About Cruz- and Candace Owens for that matter- it doesn’t matter if I like and respect them. The leftist-dominated political establishment of the country- including the paid-to-lose Washington Generals of the geee ohh peeee- simply doesn’t care about them, other than to hate and ignore them.
They are about as relevant to the national political scene as the abolitionist movement was to the politics of the Antebellum South. Whether or not that changes in the future remains to be seen.
But it certainly won’t change if the non-leftist party remains under the control of the usual suspects of the GOP establishment, who will grovel to any leftist on command.
I thinkthe reason the GOP is still pretty useless is that the enforced orthodoxy of the left is still the ruling paradigm. If you watch Ceau?escu’s last speech
It starts with everyone and all the banners and chanting apparently supporting the narrative, but when it breaks it is not certain of itself yet. I think this is the kind of transitional moment we are currently seeing, and why our particular civilisational stuckness requires outspoken people like Candice Owens, Jordan Peterson, and yes, Donald Trump. Richard Fernandez called attention to this kind of ‘preference cascade’ moment a few years ago, and I agree we are living in times when a dominant paradigm is dying. After the moment or time actually comes then lots of people who never said anything claim they saw it all along. Those kind of people go to create new orthodoxy until it in turn degenerates. The moment may be now or it may not occur for quite some time yet. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. Enjoy!
I think that the most tedious thing in politics is the inevitable and relentless savaging of our society by the Democrats. The second most tedious thing is the glum whining of people like Xennedy here who let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
If you don’t like the fecklessness of the GOP, imagine the world without the GOP. Just watch the tv news or read a newspaper. That is the world without the GOP. You like Rachel Maddow or Jake Tapper or Al Sharpton or AOC or Sheldon Whitehouse or Andrew Cuomo? You like CNN or NBC or the NYT or WaPoop? That is the world with out the GOP.
As Ronald Reagan said, if you disagree with me 20% of the time, we agree 80% of the time, and are allies. The Crustycons didn’t like Paul Ryan, or John Boehner, so now we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Do we like that better? I don’t.
Ed Bondereka,
No offense, but I think you missed the bulk of Ms. Owens’ point. She is sick of blacks who have chosen a path of criminality being celebrated. I am 100% certain she would agree with you in your hope of Mr. Floyd’s redemption and salvation. She states he did not deserve death for his actions. She states the policeman should be tried.
How depressing it must be for black people to see this time and time again; a black man, in the act of committing a crime, singled out as a totem for the “black community” to rally around.
Like me, you’ve seen videos of black business owners stating they have done “everything right,” yet their life’s work was burned to the ground in a national movement to honor a black man who was not doing everything right. Yet there is enormous, positive attention focused on the wrong doer and none on the good citizen.
“Black” does not equal “criminal.” “Black” does not equal “slave.” I have a cousin who was shot and killed by a white, female cop while acting erratically on drugs. My family were slaves in Europe. But no one looks at me and pats me on the head and says, “Oh, you poor thing. Your ‘people’ are slaves and criminals, let me show you how empathetic I am by marching with a placard.”
We don’t celebrate white criminals. We don’t have debates over whether the decendants of the decendants of the decendants of the Irish or Chinese deserve “reparations” because their families were brought here on ships into indentured servitude and death building our railroads and digging our canals. Every race on Earth has been enslaved. Every race on Earth has criminals. But today, in our national conversation, criminality and slavery = the black race. In the ’60s people marched in support of black children being permitted to attend school, to ride a bus, to sit at a counter and eat a meal. Now the “cause” is in support of illegal drugs and counterfeit currency?
Candace is mad as hell, and it’s a righteous and legitimate anger.
Hope she’s looking over her shoulder. Not just for the conventional threat. Maybe a fed threat to bankrupt her family on BS charges….. The cyber equivalent of a throw down bag of weed….
Did any see that Candace started a GoFundMe page that was taken down because the Alabama bar owner she started the page for agreed with her opinions on George Floyd? [!]
She started the GoFundMe because a leftist baited her on twitter after he read an article with the bar owner who cited her views in an interview. So she decided to turn the tables on the tweeter and help the owner. The GoFundMe raised $205,000 before it was taken down because it ‘violated their terms’. It’s odd because most likely the page did no such thing. Instead text messages the bar owner sent were reported by the media and then deemed too hot or controversial. And they were perhaps but not as much as the looting of his business. Although he actually said nothing inflammatory. He was angry about looters destroying his business. Undoubtedly his criticism of the martyrdom of George Floyd was the issue – but I don’t think those views were in the GoFundMe page.
This is where the left’s control is too much. They bend the will of everyone who doesn’t toe the line and shutdown anyone who disagrees.
This is nuts.
Yes, this is Montage today. Still left of center but not that far left…
Perfect. Separable. Diversity breeds adversity. Due process, not warlock judgments. Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere. #HateLovesAbortion
She’s prudent, bold, right, and pretty, too. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Justice for Dorn et al.
There are quite a few folks in many factions; antifa, anarchists, anarchocapitalists, even the Democrat and Republican parties, who believe in the idea that our system is irreparable and must be destroyed so we can get to the business of building a new system. There is no shortage of these folks in Silicon Valley and they have support with many tech billionaires, as well as Executive management at places like; GoFundMe, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, AirBnB, Twitter, Patrion…
War is politics by other means. Of course anti-free speech revolutionaries are fighting to deplatform Candace Owens and anyone helping to spread her powerful, effective and truthful words.
As the saying goes; you can tell your over the target when you receive the most flak.
Sometimes I think the problem is that being a little bit left is like being a little bit pregnant. Somewhat of an oxymoron.
In other words, being a little bit left means that one enables the hard left, because the latter are the ones who seem to have taken over the Democratic Party. When I was young it was highly possible to be a little bit left – in other words, a liberal. Most of the Democratic Party was composed of people fitting that description. The influence of the far left was negligible, so it was possible to say you were a liberal and/or a Democrat and it didn’t mean anything especially extreme. I went much of my life thinking I fit that description.
The most influential writer for me in understanding why being a little bit left was putting faith in a pipe dream and enabling something much worse was Thomas Sowell, in particular The Vision of the Anointed and The Quest for Cosmic Justice.
It’s the least important part of her message, but she is attractive and her courage, independence and strength radiate beauty.
I actually think that is a real thing with many Progressive women. Women like Gretchen Whitmer unconsciously despise women like Governors Noem and Palin, because they radiate the beauty of what a truly strong woman is and Whitmer knows she pales in comparison.
Very, very sad. When your ideology is so toxic that it literally seeps through your pores and destroys your appearance, causes you to intentionally disfigure yourself… Well, it’s time to rethink your ideology. They cannot abide the real, true, physical appearance of someone as beautiful as Candace Owens with a truly beautiful mind to boot.
It is the literal actualization of Queen Grimhilde from, “Snow White.” If the mirror reflects someone more beautiful the hags prefer to destroy the beauty rather than have to stare at the reflection and work to reshape their own image.
Candace Owens is not new to me.
She is a truly remarkable person: insightful, factual, brave, articulate and … beautiful. Put her up against Mitt or George W, losers in any debate with her.
She doesn’t talk “black” either. None of the phony stuff, the pseudo-accents that emerge from the mouths of Barack or Hillary when they speak to black “folks”.
It’s impolite to piggyback on your discussion with Montage, but you raise an interesting point I think about often. I agree that one has to be very cautious where one lends one’s support these days. I am mad at the corporations who are donating money to BLM and the celebrities who have bailed out protesters. I will remember their names and work to give them less and less of my business. Whether they are aware, or not, they are funding rioting and violence; even murder. And economic and personal destruction.
However, I also think it is fine that Americans be allowed to be apolotical, or marginally political. Does a nurse who spends her career working in the neonatal ICU have to spend what limited leisure time she has reading the works of Thomas Sowell, or watching the evening news? Is it alright if she has naively formed political views? I believe it is an important part of civic duty to know what I vote for before I cast a vote, but I also want to live in a country where people are free to be uninformed.
I think the larger issue is messaging. You write often, and well, on propaganda. We need to get better at spreading the message of freedom and making it obvious, appealing, attractive. You also write often, and well, on how the Left has seized most of the mainstream instruments of messaging. But look at what folks like you, and Kurt Schlichter, and Glenn Reynolds and the Daily Wire and the Daily Caller, Joe Rogan, Rush Limbaugh, the brilliant, brilliant Sabo… are doing.
I can tell you, firsthand, freedom lovers are bypassing mainstream outlets and getting their message to anyone with ears to listen and eyes to see.
“The Crustycons didn’t like Paul Ryan, or John Boehner, so now we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Do we like that better? I don’t.”
I do. I absolutely do. At least we can fight Nancy Pelosi. Paul Ryan AGREES with Nancy Pelosi on a great deal and where they differ, Ryan offers a Randian-style libertarianism which is not only enormously harmful to society but has the added “benefit” of having virtually NO ACTUAL SUPPORT among the general public. And I’m not sure Boehner actually believes ANYTHING except what his corporate paymasters tell him to believe.
Give me an opponent I have a chance to defeat rather than “allies” who aren’t really on my side.
Most of you probably know there is a recent saying, “The Left can’t meme.” And it’s true. There is an “Emperor’s no clothes” thing going on and many young people see through it. Most of my kids and most of their friends do.
Stephen Crowder, a young, Conservative entertainer with millions of daily viewers (mostly young) made a great point recently. During quarantine Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, James Corden, Seth Meyers… They all resorted to shooting their daily shows from their homes. They still had teams of writers writing their material and a support staff of hundreds. But their shows looked pretty shoddy. Without minions propping them up, in their presence, they were not particularly great at standing on their own. Stephen Crowder has a crew of 3? 4?, and has always done his show that way and the production quality is much better.
Young people see this in much of what they watch. A broadcast team of 1, 2 or 3 people doing more entertaining stuff than a network television show with a budget of tens of millions of dollars.
Heck, neo’s posted videos of folks in lockdown doing ridiculously creative, clever imaginative and well produced entertainment that beats anything CBS, NBC, ABC, Netflix or Amazon puts on. Again, you receive the most flak when you are over the target. More and more people are pointing at the Emperor and laughing at his nakedness.
Mr Bunge:
Paul Ryan wasn’t even close to our current Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Do you always fight past battles and win them in you own mind?
Question of the day. When did Ryan and Boehner leave the House of Representatives? Do you realize they don’t work there anymore? Check K Street.
I am very concerned for the immediate future in our nation. I’m pretty good at assessing risk. I’ve always had a good “spidey sense,” and known when to exit a location or situation because things were bubbling up.
I have lived through times of more real, imminent danger to America. September 11, 2001 comes to mind. But I have never seen such an all out assault on Truth at a time when the truth can be known to anyone who seeks. Things like the Reichstag Fire, Tet Offensive, Potemkin Villages… they are not new. But we are literally watching 1/2 – 2/3 of “Experts,” in the MSM telling us:
– something is peaceful as we can literally see it burn in the same camera shot in the background.
– if we go outside and congregate with more than 10 people no less than 6′ apart we will die, our parents and grandparents will die. At the same time they tell us groups of thousands of people; shoulder to shoulder are good for public health.
– a disease is rampant that will kill millions of Americans.
– states lifting their lockdowns will see huge spikes of COVID casualties in 2 weeks, and no such thing happens.
– the same people who we see on our televisions saying they have seen evidence of Russian collusion from the Trump administration say they have seen no evidence of Russian collusion from the Trump administration when testifying in hearings.
I imagine there may have been times in the past where Elites have lied to us as much as now, but even if there were, we could not immediately see they were lying. We see this now, and they know we see them, yet they double, triple down.
Something is going on and it is not good. It is either the last, desperate, violent throes of a greedy death cult being kicked to the curb, or it is the rise of a new, violent energy. I hope it’s the former, fear it may be the latter and pray that whatever it is it ends very soon, before more innocent people are hurt.
I should add, General James Mattis’ recent, public statement is one of several things that have my spidey senses tingling. There are some significant things that are out of congruence.
He specifically mentioned Trump being out of accordance with the Constitution. We all know our military takes an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. What happens if the Commander in Chief defies the Constitution? (That’s a rhetorical question.)
“Paul Ryan wasn’t even close to our current Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Do you always fight past battles and win them in you own mind?
Question of the day. When did Ryan and Boehner leave the House of Representatives? Do you realize they don’t work there anymore? Check K Street.”
Do you always feel the need to defend politicians who have done a terrible job advancing and protecting the things you claim to think are important?
Ryan does agree with Pelosi on free trade and immigration, has supported privatizing Social Security and Medicare, and was utterly unprepared to repeal Obamacare despite explicitly advocating it for years.
And do you understand Ryan and Boehner were “working” for K Street while they were still in Congress? That’s kind of a problem.
If you don’t understand how you got to where you are, you’ll never get where you want to go.
Yes, so much lying. 24/7. As has been pointed out, they’re not even TRYING to hide it anymore.
Lying as “virtue”.
To remove Trump from office.
Lying as a means to cover up extraordinary criminality.
To cover up of the greatest political scandal in US history is astounding.
Very little, if any, of the MSCM is reporting on it, and if they do cover it, they spin it either as a huge conspiracy theory or they justify it as a laudable attempt to protect democracy.
But it’s mostly just “a figment of the deranged right’s imagination”…
And so, more lying as “virtue”.
The MSCM and the Democratic Party lie and spread hate. Which is then packaged and hyped, once again, as “virtue”.
So what happens when an entire society is so infused with deception, lying, violence and hatred.
And calling it “virtue”?
(I don’t think it takes any special sixth sense to figure out, actually—though having it must certainly be kind of cool.)
I know what you mean and I have read Sowell [though not as much as you] but I’m of the ‘old liberal’ view that is not afraid of nor tries to shut down political views or opinions that differ from my own. And so in this way – while I don’t agree with everything Candace says here – I most definitely do not think she or certainly a bar owner whom supports her view should be silenced. And, yes, we see that with the Left more and more. Worse though is that IMO it’s a minority we call the Left that begin to control universities and corporations to toe the line. I think in ‘normal times’ GoFundMe or universities et al would not buckle but they feel they don’t want to be labeled as racists and go broke. So they do buckle. That’s the real shame. It’s not a First Amendment issue but it is a free speech issue. Suppressing all views one doesn’t like leads to the very intolerance the Left apparently decries. [At least Zuckerberg seems to get this idea by not banning Trump’s posts.]
Will it make me question the Democratic party? Yes, it will [and does]. But not every progressive idea I have is Ideologically railroaded into the new Leftist view of the world because many of them predate the new Left. Also there are only really two parties in the US. Can I join a third party? Not really. I could go on… you get the idea. Thanks.
As Ronald Reagan said, if you disagree with me 20% of the time, we agree 80% of the time, and are allies. The Crustycons didn’t like Paul Ryan, or John Boehner, so now we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Do we like that better? I don’t.
Just to point out that the post-Gingrich Republican Party hasn’t accomplished much. In part, that’s because it had only modest majorities, was unwilling to junk the witless filibuster and even more witless holds on nominees, and was thus vulnerable to small and recalcitrant minorities in the caucus – some of them programmatic temporizers and some of them shilling for a particular industry on a particular vote.
@ Rufus, on ” It is either the last, desperate, violent throes of a greedy death cult being kicked to the curb, or it is the rise of a new, violent energy.”
The ability of Barr to bring big busts, and results of this election, will largely determine which of those two scenarios takes hold.
The election (and its aftermath) will be largely determined, by whether liberals, with Montage’s capacity for independent thought, face the *magnitude* of the far Left’s determination to destroy this society, vs. if they still let themselves be played into toeing the Dem party line.
@Montage, would the attitudes of the IDW be a basis, for the 3rd party which you seek?
If not, who would you recommend, for an illustration of your outlook?
Have you any confidence, that your outlook has any grass-roots support, and if so, where?
Barry Meislin,
Sorry, I wasn’t complaining any special sixth sense or even insight to current events. Many, many people have been predicting dire straights for awhile (including comment’ers here), and most of those same people are predicting the pace is accelerating and reaching a frightening, perhaps inevitable peak. Nothing special about my noticing the same.
My point was I work to be optimistic and generally believe life (in the West, at least) is better than my TV screen says it is. There have been times I’ve seen more concrete evidence of dire events to make me fear for my, and my family’s immediate future, but I now sense a pervasive cacophony of often disassociated events that seem to have a common theme of anarchy and destruction towards America and Americans. If I were single and childless right now I’d probably relocate, at least temporarily, to the Virgin Islands, or some other out of the way place.
The frog is no longer being boiled slowly. The burner is set on high.
I still have faith in Barr as an honest and determined broker, but he is fighting a very difficult battle. I hope I am wrong, but I don’t predict we will see the prosecutions and incarcerations necessary.
Mr Bunge:
Who is the minority leader in the House of Representatives? That would be Kevin McCarthy (R CA). Try to focus. Is he the same as Nancy Pelosi? Ryan and Boehner are long gone from the House, have you noticed? Fight the battle in the present.
Privatizing Social Security and Mediacre were/are a Nancy Pelosi agenda? LOL! LOL! LOL! Sunday funnies.
I’m not familiar with the IDW but I looked it up and I see names of some people whom I follow on twitter including Michael Shermer and Steven Pinker. So I suppose I could recommend some of what they say but politically I’m moderate progressive – though tolerantly so! There is no grass roots for this.
I have some confidence that America is more moderate than far left or far right. Yet the farther elements tend to dominate the debates. Although the definition of each tends to fluctuate every 8 to 10 years. But I don’t think a large number of Democrats are in lock step on every issue with the left nor are a large number of Republicans are in lock step with Trump – though I would not call him far right.
So short answer is I’m a political loner who sees an intellectually shrinking middle even though I think it is far more present in society than some want to admit. Who represents them? Probably no one party but – again- with only two main parties the people have to make a choice sometimes to their chagrin.
I have some confidence that America is more moderate than far left or far right. Yet the farther elements tend to dominate the debates. A
Montage thinks Stormfront ‘dominates the debate’.
Rufus T. Firefly —
What happens if the Commander in Chief defies the Constitution? (That’s a rhetorical question.)
What worries me more is what happens if the Commander in Chief makes a legal, Constitutional order and the military commands don’t follow it.
Bryan Lovely:
Good question, will they be sacked and then quietly fade away (General Douglas McArthur)? The left is hoping they will not follow that precedent.
“the farther elements tend to dominate the debates.”.
I suggest, this owes much to the Establishment campaign to strangle the middle class, and the MSM’s covering for this campaign, e.g. by smearing almost all skeptics (e.g. Tea Party, OWS) as “extremists”, while *massive* bailouts for Wall St. were touted as “mainstream”.
Likewise with the Establishment’s touting, of Open Borders, and of Dubya’s wars.
“Privatizing Social Security and Mediacre were/are a Nancy Pelosi agenda?”
See, this is why I sometimes don’t engage because this kind if stupidity is almost irresistible. I wrote…
“Paul Ryan AGREES with Nancy Pelosi on a great deal and where they differ, Ryan offers a Randian-style libertarianism which is not only enormously harmful to society but has the added “benefit” of having virtually NO ACTUAL SUPPORT among the general public.”
The key part of that sentence is WHERE THEY DIFFER. It indicates that what follows describes things on which Ryan and Pelosi do not agree. Privatizing Medicare and Social Security would be some of those things. Ryan supports them while Pelosi, and the overwhelming majority of the American public, do not.
Paul Ryan is now on the Board of Directors of Fox (though what exactly qualifies him for that is unknown) and is reportedly using his authority to promote an anti-Trump perspective at Fox News. That’s kind of a big deal, isn’t it?
And beyond that, there’s this whole thing about learning from the past. In recognizing the failures and weaknesses of previous leaders, you can better perceive and understand the failures of their successors and work on correcting them.
Montage @3:27pm said:
“Worse though is that IMO it’s a minority we call the Left that begin to control universities and corporations to toe the line.”
There is no “minority” of the spineless, the money-grubbers, the craven, the enablers of the Left.
The captains of industry have seen the future. Look at the # of TV commercials featuring blacks; often black families, as if that were the norm. In fact about 75% of blacks are born out of wedlock. We used to call those “bastards”.
By my estimate, about 25-30% of TV commercials on Fox(!!) feature blacks. The black US population is 14%.
A rare commercial depicts an interracial couple.
Should tell us something.
The major, globalist corporations are pushing a social agenda, which is more than just trying to stay ahead of a wave. Yes, whites will become the largest minority in the US in the not-so-distant future. They remain a critically important portion of the buying public, yet are “disrespected” by their visual absence.
The spineless of American whites goes back to the 1960s.
Kingman Brewster (you can’t make that name up!) was president of Yale the University when multiple Black Panthers were charged in the torture and murder of a 19-year-old in 1969. Brewster said,””I personally want to say that I’m appalled and ashamed that things should have come to such a pass that I am skeptical of the ability of Black revolutionaries to achieve a fair trial anywhere in the U.S.” (source:Wiki)
His opinion was clearly entirely irrelevant to the arrests and trials of the perps, but he made it gratuitously anyway.
I wonder if he would say the same about Derek Chauvin. The absence of “presumption of innocence” would seem to me to make a fair trial with unbiased, uninformed jurors impossible anywhere.
It’s the most hopeful thing I saw in these days, and I’m happy they got so much in just a couple days.
Just about as long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve been advocating the point of view you express in this thread about those who keep hating on what used to be called the GOPe or the RINOs.
I’ve noticed, though, that the kind of circular firing squad carping about the GOPe and RINOs isn’t heard as much anymore. I used to continually point out that in most of the states those RINOs, etc., were coming from, only a moderate Republican had a chance of winning against a Democrat. And when they’d say they’d rather have a Democrat, I’d point out that that’s the way to lose the majority.
I think one reason we hear less of it these days is that (a) there are more conservatives in Congress than there used to be; and (b) the ones that are there are a bit more willing to fight for something (for example, even McConnell has been quite aggressive about approving judicial appointments).
If there really is a wishy-washy RINO-type in a state or district that really is red and a stronger conservative has a good chance of winning, that’s a different story and it might be worth complaining and then primarying that person. Otherwise, no.
Mr Bunge
I missed the subtlety of your argument, my bad. Social security and Medicare are going bankrupt and Paul Ryan was not able to persuade the polity to change course. So he failed and Nancy Pelosi is still what she is.
Paul Ryan now works for Fox News, another bad thing in the world of Bunge.
You still haven’t said squat about working to influence the (imagine all caps Mike) current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on conservative issues. Too much trouble, or just easier to rail about failures in the past? 🙂
Yes, this is Montage today. Still left of center but not that far left…
Montage: Stick around a bit more for follow-through. I make no bones about being a largely unreconstructed hippie, as well as a current conservative, on this blog. I seem to do OK.
Anybody see the NY Time op-ed editor was pressured to step down over the Tom Cotton op-ed. Yes, we want to be fair and include other opinions on the matter. Whoops! No we don’t. Please resign, sir…
I probably didn’t articulate my opinion but what I tried to say is that while BLM may have become part of the mainstream within the party of the Democrats it does not mean the majority of Democrats who vote for Democrats are in support of BLM in anymore than a slogan or two. I would disagree about antifa being the mainstream of the party. Definitely not the mainstream of voters. That would mean more than 65 million voters. I would doubt 65 million people could even define what antifa means or what exactly it stands for other than anarchy in the name of justice.
I like Hedges in general. He’s a tad further to the left than I am. His love of Bernie seems to cloud some of his judgement.
I’ve never considered TV commercials to be an accurate reflection of society. They sell things and in the example you cite they are selling not only a product but also the idea of a stable black family life. I don’t think that’s bad.
“What happens if the Commander in Chief defies the Constitution?”
Well, Mattis has already intimated that Trump has (and if you repeat something enough, it becomes true?)
But I’m not sure what Trump has done, specifically, to deserve this most serious of accusations—-can anyone help me out here?
What I do know is that when it comes “defying” the Constitution, the only ones who can honestly be accused of that are the Democrats of the previous administration as well as the hystera generated by the antics of the current crop of adolescent-acting clowns in the House (though this behavior can no doubt be attributed to the effort to cover up the criminality of the previous Democratic administration—so there is a “purpose” to their madness). Time after time. Absurd attempt after absurd attempt. Ripped-up sheet of paper after ripped-up sheet of paper. Slander after slander. Lie after lie.
Thus the accusation of the good general is “merely” projection, which is nothing new, so rampant has it been in the Democratic Party and its media cohorts—and which is, at this decibel level, a characteristic of psychotic individuals as well as, it appears, organizations.
(Even as it is part and parcel of the grand Democratic Party protection racket.)
That they’ve managed to get a general on-board to spout such slanderous hyperbole is what they likely believe to be a tremendous achievement. But it’s just the same old.
The more they lie, and the more people that join them in lying, the more “truthful” and “serious” and “convincing” they become? Apparently, it’s a firm, belief. Tried and true. Carved in stone.
This is the stuff of psychosis. (But that, once again, is nothing new.)
And so the spasms of hysteria and violence will continue. And will continue. Committed by psychotics who insist that they are “merely” being virtuous, trying to eradicate evil and protect their country and society.
Yes, the epitome of virtue.
Perhaps this story should be the sequel to the “Camp of the Saints”…
Bryan Lovely,
“What worries me more is what happens if the Commander in Chief makes a legal, Constitutional order and the military commands don’t follow it.”
Sorry, that’s precisely what I was trying to state, but I did not write it as clearly as you. Such a bold statement from Mattis seems very out of character with the honorable, career soldier he appears to have been. He almost certainly has a lot of loyalists still in the ranks. Why would he have made such a public statement if not to encourage those loyalists to disobey the Commander in Chief?
“Lie back and take what you deserve” seems to be the message that the Democratic Party is Proclaiming to the nation.
I suppose it just might work if the MSCM works hard enough pushing it as “Emancipation” for the 21st century.
File under: “Freedom from freedom” (the “Fifth” Freedom…and finishing touch)
“Too much trouble, or just easier to rail about failures in the past?“
Dude, I’m sorry if your Paul Ryan love pillow got damaged at the dry cleaners or whatever. Put up a GoFundMe and I’ll chip in to help buy you a new one.
And to further your education, you would make yourself look a whole lot smarter if you…you know…actually challenged or tried to refute any of the things I state about Ryan. Responding with “But what about THAT guy?!?!” is weak tea.
And speaking of BLM and messaging, apparently Mitt Romney was part of a George Floyd protest. That got him a lot of “newfound respect” from the Left and sent Redsteeze on Twitter off in a snit. He’s disgusted that they praise Romney now after savaging him in 2012 and proclaims that Romney is this amazingly moral and decent guy.
Mitt Romney? The guy who tried to run the the left of Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts and then declared himself “severely conservative?” The guy who buttered up a bunch of rich a-holes behind closed doors by telling them 47% of Americans are essentially worthless parasites? The guy who repeatedly kissed Trump’s ass when he wanted something, then spit in Trump’s face when it suited him? That’s moral and decent?
I respect Redsteeze for not losing his damn mind because OrangeManBad but he’s still got a big blind spot for how failures on the Right are as much responsible for Trump as failures on the Left.
Mr Bunge
Just another rant from Mike.
Romney is a mistake the voters of Utah will have to remove. Expand your target list, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, among other disreputable Republicans deserve your analysis. Or switch it up and identify one who is doing a good job. Is there one that meets the Mike Bunge stamp (foot stamp) of approval?
Mr Bunge:
You like the xyz “failures on the Right are “responsible for Trump as failures on the Left” them, you’ve used it before. Are you a closeted never-Trumper just waiting to come out? A curiosity in conflict.
“Yet there is enormous, positive attention focused on the wrong doer and none on the good citizen.” Rufus T. Firefly on June 7, 2020 at 11:24 am
Good citizens are not, despite the hyped myths, being shot by the police, and so are useless to the Cause.
Your elucidation of Candace’s video was very clear, and there is only one thing I disagree with in your commentary: sometimes we do celebrate white criminals (Jesse James is one of the forerunners). Not all of us, certainly, but enough to make a cultural impact.
Perhaps it’s a common trait of humanity.
Some blacks are finally getting wise to the lopsided nature of the attention they are getting.
Excerpted from a Twitter thread that showed up reading about the impact of Owens’ video — apparently there is a movement called #AllBlackLivesMatter, meaning, not just when a black person is killed by a white one.
This is 100% where I am at. Black Lives Matter™ sells merch and solicits donations and has a political platform that includes stuff like support for BDS and other things that have nothing to do with this subject.
Caleb Hull
In short, I support black lives matter, the phrase, but I do not support Black Lives Matter, the radical organization trying to push an absurd agenda in the midst of tragedy.
You like Chris Hedges, one of the most vicious, vile and pernicious liars in the business of “journalism”? (And that’s saying a lot, because there is no lack of pernicious liars in journalism.)
You may wonder what I’m talking about. Please read this.
When I wrote that statement I did think about idolization of criminals of all skin tones; there are too many movies to count, but I didn’t elaborate since Candace was speaking specifically about an ongoing trend in the black community. Although I’m sure shows like “The Sopranos” and the Godfather movies are as good as everyone states, and I understand the Mafia is used by scriptwriters as a convenient prop to elaborate on human nature and the human condition; I typically don’t waste my time on such fare. I grew up around the mob in Chicago and they are, by and large, thugs, bozos. Immature, selfish and cruel.
It’s interesting to occasionally examine that side of human nature, but I much prefer celebrating folks who do moral and ethic good for humanity in spite of difficult surroundings. In that regard I am certainly sympatico with Ms. Owens.
Those who vote for Democrats vote to favor the BLM slogans, as implemented. “what I tried to say is that while BLM may have become part of the mainstream within the party of the Democrats it does not mean the majority of Democrats who vote for Democrats are in support of BLM in anymore than a slogan or two. I would disagree about antifa being the mainstream of the party. Definitely not the mainstream of voters. That would mean more than 65 million voters. I would doubt 65 million people could even define what antifa means or what exactly it stands for other than anarchy in the name of justice.”
You don’t get to choose “just the good parts” of the party you vote for. In fact, all of society is stuck with the bad parts of whichever party gets power. When I voted Libertarian, which virtually never got power, neither I nor society was stuck with the worst parts. Similarly those who voted Green. For third parties, you can vote for the good parts.
Whether or not antifa, or Green Nude Eel, is part of the mainstream of the “party”, meaning the voters, is not so important. The policies implemented by those getting power is what happens with the laws, and their interpretation. The sexual harassment and discrimination against white male conservatives is allowed, according to official gov’t National Labor Relations Board and its argument against Damore’s discrimination suit.
“Democrats” in power today are making the “leftist” policies that are made. Nobody votes “Left”, they vote Democrat. If they believe in the Democrat policies, based on leftist Fake truth.
“Cool” instead of “Virtuous”.
Christian Capitalist civilization is based on virtues. Best list for men comes from the Boy Scouts (I’m a Life Scout, less than Eagle tho I got all needed merit badges):
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
But Boy Scouts, as teens, don’t get laid as often as the cool rebels. Those with or without a cause.
Then the 60s revolutions: in sex roles (The Pill! Unsatisfied housewives );
Civil Rights for Blacks (Act in 1964), “Black” instead of “Negro”, integration;
Vietnam, fighting and dying but not to win (bombing but no invasion of N. Vietnam), draft and draft dodging, and stronger anti-establishment protests;
Great Music! Rock ‘n Roll, British Invasion, electric guitars, AM & FM radio.
Cool is … cool, but following all the rules all the time is less fun, and less cool. But better for materialistic civilization.
Sex only in marriage is better for material civilization, but mostly happens among high IQ college grads and low IQ religious folk.
When the college folk idolize the cool, promiscuous guys, many non-college folk have more sex outside of marriage, and both more abortions AND more unmarried mothers raising kids.
77% of black kids not being raised by married mother & fathers? That’s what can destroy civilization; that’s not racism, it’s “cool” over “virtue”. And most college grads practice monogamy and raise kids who live with married parents.
Yet they preach far more promiscuity than they practice.
“Are you a closeted never-Trumper just waiting to come out?”
So, the guy who has a hissy fit when I criticize Paul Ryan and then pointedly refuses to explain how anything I said was incorrect continues with his “What about that guy?!?!” nonsense.
And here’s another lesson. When everyone is saying “X,” you don’t need to jump in and say the same thing everyone else is. That doesn’t add anything to the discussion. There’s LOTS of people here and elsewhere commenting on how awful the Left is and how much they’re to blame for our current situation. But if the only problem in America was the Left, Jeb Bush would be President right now, or Marco Rubio or Scott Walker. Donald Trump in the White House is as much a rebuke to the Right as it is to the Left.
Mr Bunge:
You personify nonsense and projection. Keep the rant going, they are tiresome, you just change out the strawman from time to time. Whatever. And then talk to me about “some other guyism” LOL Mike.
You are saying President Trump is the problem it seems. Those other guys lost in 2016 for various reasons. Go cry about it with Joanah Goldberg (concern troll). 😉
I now like Trump. But I’m seeing more insults from and to MBunge than arguments for or against specific policies. If the main Bunge critique is that many Rep voters were unhappy with known GOPe politicians, that’s a critique I agree with.
Had my second choice Rep Ted Cruz been the candidate (first choice was Carly Fiorina), I now think he would have lost, failing to get many Rust Belt ex-Dems to vote for him, despite keeping most of the GOPe (establishment Reps, tho they didn’t like Cruz, either).
Lots of GOPe folk “talked” about ending/ reducing illegal immigration – Trump was most strong, most clear, most believable … and he mostly delivered.
All GOPe talk about lower taxes — Trump delivered. With a LOT of help from Paul Ryan & the GOP House majority, which seemed to do little else. Certainly failed to end the Russian Collusion Hoax before the 2018 election. Also NO Congressional money for the Wall 2017-2018. Big mistakes.
Trump did deregulation. Trump got far more conservative judges confirmed (McConnell gets LOTS of credit here, not much credit for other things not done).
Lots of Reps were disenchanted with GOPe, and even with politics. Trump energized a lot of less elite pro-American folk.
I used to think Trump’s Big Fat Mouth on Twitter was a problem. Now I think it’s effective at showing how often, and how deep, the Establishment State is the problem. Mostly Dem, but with many “successful” Reps going along, like tax funding Planned Parenthood, so as to get along.
Vote Dem –
Get Dem radical left policies
A new(ish for me) blog, Jon Turley, talks about defunding the police. As Minneapolis is discussing:
“ The city council now appears to have a veto proof majority to dismantle the police department. Other jurisdictions are considering similar moves and Los Angeles just announced a major cut in funding. Again, the silence of other politicians is perfectly deafening as they try to avoid any public criticism or conflict with the most radical elements of this movement.
Those who vote Dem are empowering the radicals, whom “moderate Dems” are unwilling to oppose. If you have Dem friends, they should be laughed at — for supporting the racist party that wants to dismantle police forces and allow greater black on black crime.
See Baltimore trends for what is being desired.
I wish Trump would start saying: “The protesters are angry enough to protest, but not angry enough to vote for the other party in their cities and states.”
Tom Grey,
I wish Trump would start saying: “The protesters are angry enough to protest, but not angry enough to vote for the other party in their cities and states.”
Of course the demonrats endorse antifa, letting their own cities burn, thinking this will harm the Demon Trump and the hated white devils who support him. Yawn, another day ending in y.
You are mostly right, X. Although I am biased towards the Demoncrat term.
Rufus, the world is not going to end, so sayeth Ymar. Also, for those that made it through to 2021, utopia will be there to greet them.
They just have to go through the spring cleaning of 2020, where all the dark stuff hiding underneath needs to be exposed to the light. THis causes a “shock” in the system of the insects, and they scurry around. Just got to eliminate them first.
Candace was better on the vaccine subject. SHe is too biased, in the other direction, for old George there.
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Preach it Candace preach it! What a brave and wise young woman she is.
Whatever one may think of her opinion on this matter (I happen to agree), the abuse to which she has been subjected (at times bizarrely, since, despite being pro-black, she is often derided as a “white supremacist”) for having the courage to express contrarian arguments at a time when the regnant soft totalitarianism demands conformity of thought (not to mention servile abasement and Maoist self-criticism) is yet another example of leftist hostility to intellectual diversity.
She’s a smart, tough-minded woman and I absolutely respect her for that.
Alas, I get the impression that the political party that I would expect to be on her side has let her twist in wind, alone, while tripping over itself to endorse the BLM/anitifa communists.
I hope I’m wrong.
Could you be more specific about what you’re saying? Are you referring to Democrats, or to some Republicans? What party would you think would support what she’s saying and is not?
J.J. and j e:
She is extremely courageous.
Same to Xennady: You mean the party of slavery?
I would expect the GOP to support her. She notices reality and respects the Rule of Law.
I do not see that at all. Of course, I may be wrong. I don’t watch television and I don’t read the so-called mainstream media either.
But I do read various online political sites and, statistically, I think I’d see some evidence of the GOP standing up for her and her viewpoint, more than I have. I instead see the usual instant groveling from the gop, including the usual reflexive acceptance of the leftist framing of events. Mike K noted this yesterday, from Nikki Haley and Mike Pence, and I noted it from George Bush.
Of course the demonrats endorse antifa, letting their own cities burn, thinking this will harm the Demon Trump and the hated white devils who support him. Yawn, another day ending in y.
Harry Truman once famously noted that given the choice between a Republican and a Republican, the public will choose the Republican every time. Well, today we’ve essentially been given that same non-choice. We get to pick between the demonrats themselves and the people who reflexively support the demonrats world view, which I think was the point Truman was making.
This is how those folks got Trump- and why so many have left the GOP, or never bothered to vote for it in the first place.
The gop is worthless and irrelevant, either ashamed or unwilling to represent the people who vote for it, because it’s always seeking approval from the people who hate both the GOP and the people willing to vote for it.
Either that will end, or the GOP will go away, to be replaced by something effective. But now I’m just rambling, forgive me.
Why are so many rich and famous so ready to bow to insanity?
Drew Brees seems a nice person to me, but he was submitted in a very short time to the dogma that “racism is systemic”.
Are is convictions fragile or does he fear for his wealth or fame? Perhaps, his original convictions were just based on feelings, and when he felt good feelings evaporating around himself, he capitulated.
As Solzhenitsyn taught after a life under the regime of lies: we must remain with truth, especially when it costs. Eventually he emerged from the Gulag as a man in full, like Guareschi did after his internment in Nazi camps.
Same to Xennady: You mean the party of slavery?
Yes, I do.
Weird addendum- it literally never occurred to me to think the democrat party would support Candace Owens, knowing her views.
Gosh, I suppose I should have just said that.
Thank you for clearing that up.
I have a problem with Candace Owen not understanding the work that Christ did in Floyd during those years that the Houston pastors said he was so beneficial to them in his walk.
That he backslid in Minneapolis does not negate that change in his life.
Neo, subject for another whole discussion. Would the country have been better off if the civil rights legislation never been passed and government enforcement infrastructure never been created (but the civil rights movement proceeded). The laws and government created the poison of victimology and identity politics.
Edward R. Bonderanka:
She was going by the evidence of his life prior to that, and the evidence about his drug use and crime that led to the police arresting him in the first place, and she felt this was almost certainly not his first slip. We have no way to know what really was going on during those years in which he supposedly reformed. Perhaps he was indeed leading an exemplary life for those years. But otherwise, he had been a long term career criminal guilty of at least one violent crime and chronic and serious drug abuse and drug dealing. She does not think this was just a recent relapse.
Republicans are hardly a unitary bunch. You listed three people, two of them out of office. I don’t know what they said. But at any rate, that’s not the party as a whole. I don’t know what the rest said.
Here’s Cruz’s statement, for example.
And here’s Cruz a year ago, talking about the way the Democrats treat Candace Owens.
That only took me a moment to find. I thought of Cruz first. But I doubt he’s the only one. Who cares what Bush has to say at the moment? He’s the old school GOP.
PaoloPagliaro, Giovanni Guareshi was one of the great satirists of the 20th Century. I reread the Don Camillo books at least once a year! They are always a delight!
Xennady – I knew right away what you meant.
Candace Owens is a force to be reckoned with. She is courageous, and fierce. Watch the first one minute of this clip, then skip forward to Owens’ response at around 5:30.
By the way, she was chosen by the Republicans to be a witness at that hearing.
And Neo, thank you for posting this. I’ve been trying to get other conservative sites to run it.
You listed three people, two of them out of office.
Point taken, but one of them is the sitting VP and another appears to be planning to run for president. The third is an ex-president. These people are hardly non-entities in the party or in national politics.
About Cruz- and Candace Owens for that matter- it doesn’t matter if I like and respect them. The leftist-dominated political establishment of the country- including the paid-to-lose Washington Generals of the geee ohh peeee- simply doesn’t care about them, other than to hate and ignore them.
They are about as relevant to the national political scene as the abolitionist movement was to the politics of the Antebellum South. Whether or not that changes in the future remains to be seen.
But it certainly won’t change if the non-leftist party remains under the control of the usual suspects of the GOP establishment, who will grovel to any leftist on command.
I thinkthe reason the GOP is still pretty useless is that the enforced orthodoxy of the left is still the ruling paradigm. If you watch Ceau?escu’s last speech
It starts with everyone and all the banners and chanting apparently supporting the narrative, but when it breaks it is not certain of itself yet. I think this is the kind of transitional moment we are currently seeing, and why our particular civilisational stuckness requires outspoken people like Candice Owens, Jordan Peterson, and yes, Donald Trump. Richard Fernandez called attention to this kind of ‘preference cascade’ moment a few years ago, and I agree we are living in times when a dominant paradigm is dying. After the moment or time actually comes then lots of people who never said anything claim they saw it all along. Those kind of people go to create new orthodoxy until it in turn degenerates. The moment may be now or it may not occur for quite some time yet. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. Enjoy!
I think that the most tedious thing in politics is the inevitable and relentless savaging of our society by the Democrats. The second most tedious thing is the glum whining of people like Xennedy here who let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
If you don’t like the fecklessness of the GOP, imagine the world without the GOP. Just watch the tv news or read a newspaper. That is the world without the GOP. You like Rachel Maddow or Jake Tapper or Al Sharpton or AOC or Sheldon Whitehouse or Andrew Cuomo? You like CNN or NBC or the NYT or WaPoop? That is the world with out the GOP.
As Ronald Reagan said, if you disagree with me 20% of the time, we agree 80% of the time, and are allies. The Crustycons didn’t like Paul Ryan, or John Boehner, so now we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Do we like that better? I don’t.
Ed Bondereka,
No offense, but I think you missed the bulk of Ms. Owens’ point. She is sick of blacks who have chosen a path of criminality being celebrated. I am 100% certain she would agree with you in your hope of Mr. Floyd’s redemption and salvation. She states he did not deserve death for his actions. She states the policeman should be tried.
How depressing it must be for black people to see this time and time again; a black man, in the act of committing a crime, singled out as a totem for the “black community” to rally around.
Like me, you’ve seen videos of black business owners stating they have done “everything right,” yet their life’s work was burned to the ground in a national movement to honor a black man who was not doing everything right. Yet there is enormous, positive attention focused on the wrong doer and none on the good citizen.
“Black” does not equal “criminal.” “Black” does not equal “slave.” I have a cousin who was shot and killed by a white, female cop while acting erratically on drugs. My family were slaves in Europe. But no one looks at me and pats me on the head and says, “Oh, you poor thing. Your ‘people’ are slaves and criminals, let me show you how empathetic I am by marching with a placard.”
We don’t celebrate white criminals. We don’t have debates over whether the decendants of the decendants of the decendants of the Irish or Chinese deserve “reparations” because their families were brought here on ships into indentured servitude and death building our railroads and digging our canals. Every race on Earth has been enslaved. Every race on Earth has criminals. But today, in our national conversation, criminality and slavery = the black race. In the ’60s people marched in support of black children being permitted to attend school, to ride a bus, to sit at a counter and eat a meal. Now the “cause” is in support of illegal drugs and counterfeit currency?
Candace is mad as hell, and it’s a righteous and legitimate anger.
Hope she’s looking over her shoulder. Not just for the conventional threat. Maybe a fed threat to bankrupt her family on BS charges….. The cyber equivalent of a throw down bag of weed….
Did any see that Candace started a GoFundMe page that was taken down because the Alabama bar owner she started the page for agreed with her opinions on George Floyd? [!]
She started the GoFundMe because a leftist baited her on twitter after he read an article with the bar owner who cited her views in an interview. So she decided to turn the tables on the tweeter and help the owner. The GoFundMe raised $205,000 before it was taken down because it ‘violated their terms’. It’s odd because most likely the page did no such thing. Instead text messages the bar owner sent were reported by the media and then deemed too hot or controversial. And they were perhaps but not as much as the looting of his business. Although he actually said nothing inflammatory. He was angry about looters destroying his business. Undoubtedly his criticism of the martyrdom of George Floyd was the issue – but I don’t think those views were in the GoFundMe page.
This is where the left’s control is too much. They bend the will of everyone who doesn’t toe the line and shutdown anyone who disagrees.
This is nuts.
Yes, this is Montage today. Still left of center but not that far left…
Perfect. Separable. Diversity breeds adversity. Due process, not warlock judgments. Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere. #HateLovesAbortion
She’s prudent, bold, right, and pretty, too. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Justice for Dorn et al.
There are quite a few folks in many factions; antifa, anarchists, anarchocapitalists, even the Democrat and Republican parties, who believe in the idea that our system is irreparable and must be destroyed so we can get to the business of building a new system. There is no shortage of these folks in Silicon Valley and they have support with many tech billionaires, as well as Executive management at places like; GoFundMe, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, AirBnB, Twitter, Patrion…
War is politics by other means. Of course anti-free speech revolutionaries are fighting to deplatform Candace Owens and anyone helping to spread her powerful, effective and truthful words.
As the saying goes; you can tell your over the target when you receive the most flak.
Sometimes I think the problem is that being a little bit left is like being a little bit pregnant. Somewhat of an oxymoron.
In other words, being a little bit left means that one enables the hard left, because the latter are the ones who seem to have taken over the Democratic Party. When I was young it was highly possible to be a little bit left – in other words, a liberal. Most of the Democratic Party was composed of people fitting that description. The influence of the far left was negligible, so it was possible to say you were a liberal and/or a Democrat and it didn’t mean anything especially extreme. I went much of my life thinking I fit that description.
The most influential writer for me in understanding why being a little bit left was putting faith in a pipe dream and enabling something much worse was Thomas Sowell, in particular The Vision of the Anointed and The Quest for Cosmic Justice.
It’s the least important part of her message, but she is attractive and her courage, independence and strength radiate beauty.
I actually think that is a real thing with many Progressive women. Women like Gretchen Whitmer unconsciously despise women like Governors Noem and Palin, because they radiate the beauty of what a truly strong woman is and Whitmer knows she pales in comparison.
I assume you’ve seen things like this:
Very, very sad. When your ideology is so toxic that it literally seeps through your pores and destroys your appearance, causes you to intentionally disfigure yourself… Well, it’s time to rethink your ideology. They cannot abide the real, true, physical appearance of someone as beautiful as Candace Owens with a truly beautiful mind to boot.
It is the literal actualization of Queen Grimhilde from, “Snow White.” If the mirror reflects someone more beautiful the hags prefer to destroy the beauty rather than have to stare at the reflection and work to reshape their own image.
Candace Owens is not new to me.
She is a truly remarkable person: insightful, factual, brave, articulate and … beautiful. Put her up against Mitt or George W, losers in any debate with her.
She doesn’t talk “black” either. None of the phony stuff, the pseudo-accents that emerge from the mouths of Barack or Hillary when they speak to black “folks”.
It’s impolite to piggyback on your discussion with Montage, but you raise an interesting point I think about often. I agree that one has to be very cautious where one lends one’s support these days. I am mad at the corporations who are donating money to BLM and the celebrities who have bailed out protesters. I will remember their names and work to give them less and less of my business. Whether they are aware, or not, they are funding rioting and violence; even murder. And economic and personal destruction.
However, I also think it is fine that Americans be allowed to be apolotical, or marginally political. Does a nurse who spends her career working in the neonatal ICU have to spend what limited leisure time she has reading the works of Thomas Sowell, or watching the evening news? Is it alright if she has naively formed political views? I believe it is an important part of civic duty to know what I vote for before I cast a vote, but I also want to live in a country where people are free to be uninformed.
I think the larger issue is messaging. You write often, and well, on propaganda. We need to get better at spreading the message of freedom and making it obvious, appealing, attractive. You also write often, and well, on how the Left has seized most of the mainstream instruments of messaging. But look at what folks like you, and Kurt Schlichter, and Glenn Reynolds and the Daily Wire and the Daily Caller, Joe Rogan, Rush Limbaugh, the brilliant, brilliant Sabo… are doing.
I can tell you, firsthand, freedom lovers are bypassing mainstream outlets and getting their message to anyone with ears to listen and eyes to see.
“The Crustycons didn’t like Paul Ryan, or John Boehner, so now we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Do we like that better? I don’t.”
I do. I absolutely do. At least we can fight Nancy Pelosi. Paul Ryan AGREES with Nancy Pelosi on a great deal and where they differ, Ryan offers a Randian-style libertarianism which is not only enormously harmful to society but has the added “benefit” of having virtually NO ACTUAL SUPPORT among the general public. And I’m not sure Boehner actually believes ANYTHING except what his corporate paymasters tell him to believe.
Give me an opponent I have a chance to defeat rather than “allies” who aren’t really on my side.
Most of you probably know there is a recent saying, “The Left can’t meme.” And it’s true. There is an “Emperor’s no clothes” thing going on and many young people see through it. Most of my kids and most of their friends do.
Stephen Crowder, a young, Conservative entertainer with millions of daily viewers (mostly young) made a great point recently. During quarantine Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, James Corden, Seth Meyers… They all resorted to shooting their daily shows from their homes. They still had teams of writers writing their material and a support staff of hundreds. But their shows looked pretty shoddy. Without minions propping them up, in their presence, they were not particularly great at standing on their own. Stephen Crowder has a crew of 3? 4?, and has always done his show that way and the production quality is much better.
Young people see this in much of what they watch. A broadcast team of 1, 2 or 3 people doing more entertaining stuff than a network television show with a budget of tens of millions of dollars.
Heck, neo’s posted videos of folks in lockdown doing ridiculously creative, clever imaginative and well produced entertainment that beats anything CBS, NBC, ABC, Netflix or Amazon puts on. Again, you receive the most flak when you are over the target. More and more people are pointing at the Emperor and laughing at his nakedness.
Mr Bunge:
Paul Ryan wasn’t even close to our current Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Do you always fight past battles and win them in you own mind?
Question of the day. When did Ryan and Boehner leave the House of Representatives? Do you realize they don’t work there anymore? Check K Street.
I am very concerned for the immediate future in our nation. I’m pretty good at assessing risk. I’ve always had a good “spidey sense,” and known when to exit a location or situation because things were bubbling up.
I have lived through times of more real, imminent danger to America. September 11, 2001 comes to mind. But I have never seen such an all out assault on Truth at a time when the truth can be known to anyone who seeks. Things like the Reichstag Fire, Tet Offensive, Potemkin Villages… they are not new. But we are literally watching 1/2 – 2/3 of “Experts,” in the MSM telling us:
– something is peaceful as we can literally see it burn in the same camera shot in the background.
– if we go outside and congregate with more than 10 people no less than 6′ apart we will die, our parents and grandparents will die. At the same time they tell us groups of thousands of people; shoulder to shoulder are good for public health.
– a disease is rampant that will kill millions of Americans.
– states lifting their lockdowns will see huge spikes of COVID casualties in 2 weeks, and no such thing happens.
– the same people who we see on our televisions saying they have seen evidence of Russian collusion from the Trump administration say they have seen no evidence of Russian collusion from the Trump administration when testifying in hearings.
I imagine there may have been times in the past where Elites have lied to us as much as now, but even if there were, we could not immediately see they were lying. We see this now, and they know we see them, yet they double, triple down.
Something is going on and it is not good. It is either the last, desperate, violent throes of a greedy death cult being kicked to the curb, or it is the rise of a new, violent energy. I hope it’s the former, fear it may be the latter and pray that whatever it is it ends very soon, before more innocent people are hurt.
I should add, General James Mattis’ recent, public statement is one of several things that have my spidey senses tingling. There are some significant things that are out of congruence.
He specifically mentioned Trump being out of accordance with the Constitution. We all know our military takes an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. What happens if the Commander in Chief defies the Constitution? (That’s a rhetorical question.)
“Paul Ryan wasn’t even close to our current Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Do you always fight past battles and win them in you own mind?
Question of the day. When did Ryan and Boehner leave the House of Representatives? Do you realize they don’t work there anymore? Check K Street.”
Do you always feel the need to defend politicians who have done a terrible job advancing and protecting the things you claim to think are important?
Ryan does agree with Pelosi on free trade and immigration, has supported privatizing Social Security and Medicare, and was utterly unprepared to repeal Obamacare despite explicitly advocating it for years.
And do you understand Ryan and Boehner were “working” for K Street while they were still in Congress? That’s kind of a problem.
If you don’t understand how you got to where you are, you’ll never get where you want to go.
Yes, so much lying. 24/7. As has been pointed out, they’re not even TRYING to hide it anymore.
Lying as “virtue”.
To remove Trump from office.
Lying as a means to cover up extraordinary criminality.
To cover up of the greatest political scandal in US history is astounding.
Very little, if any, of the MSCM is reporting on it, and if they do cover it, they spin it either as a huge conspiracy theory or they justify it as a laudable attempt to protect democracy.
But it’s mostly just “a figment of the deranged right’s imagination”…
And so, more lying as “virtue”.
The MSCM and the Democratic Party lie and spread hate. Which is then packaged and hyped, once again, as “virtue”.
So what happens when an entire society is so infused with deception, lying, violence and hatred.
And calling it “virtue”?
(I don’t think it takes any special sixth sense to figure out, actually—though having it must certainly be kind of cool.)
I know what you mean and I have read Sowell [though not as much as you] but I’m of the ‘old liberal’ view that is not afraid of nor tries to shut down political views or opinions that differ from my own. And so in this way – while I don’t agree with everything Candace says here – I most definitely do not think she or certainly a bar owner whom supports her view should be silenced. And, yes, we see that with the Left more and more. Worse though is that IMO it’s a minority we call the Left that begin to control universities and corporations to toe the line. I think in ‘normal times’ GoFundMe or universities et al would not buckle but they feel they don’t want to be labeled as racists and go broke. So they do buckle. That’s the real shame. It’s not a First Amendment issue but it is a free speech issue. Suppressing all views one doesn’t like leads to the very intolerance the Left apparently decries. [At least Zuckerberg seems to get this idea by not banning Trump’s posts.]
Will it make me question the Democratic party? Yes, it will [and does]. But not every progressive idea I have is Ideologically railroaded into the new Leftist view of the world because many of them predate the new Left. Also there are only really two parties in the US. Can I join a third party? Not really. I could go on… you get the idea. Thanks.
Crook-o works for China.
As Ronald Reagan said, if you disagree with me 20% of the time, we agree 80% of the time, and are allies. The Crustycons didn’t like Paul Ryan, or John Boehner, so now we have Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Do we like that better? I don’t.
Just to point out that the post-Gingrich Republican Party hasn’t accomplished much. In part, that’s because it had only modest majorities, was unwilling to junk the witless filibuster and even more witless holds on nominees, and was thus vulnerable to small and recalcitrant minorities in the caucus – some of them programmatic temporizers and some of them shilling for a particular industry on a particular vote.
@ Rufus, on ” It is either the last, desperate, violent throes of a greedy death cult being kicked to the curb, or it is the rise of a new, violent energy.”
The ability of Barr to bring big busts, and results of this election, will largely determine which of those two scenarios takes hold.
The election (and its aftermath) will be largely determined, by whether liberals, with Montage’s capacity for independent thought, face the *magnitude* of the far Left’s determination to destroy this society, vs. if they still let themselves be played into toeing the Dem party line.
@Montage, would the attitudes of the IDW be a basis, for the 3rd party which you seek?
If not, who would you recommend, for an illustration of your outlook?
Have you any confidence, that your outlook has any grass-roots support, and if so, where?
Barry Meislin,
Sorry, I wasn’t complaining any special sixth sense or even insight to current events. Many, many people have been predicting dire straights for awhile (including comment’ers here), and most of those same people are predicting the pace is accelerating and reaching a frightening, perhaps inevitable peak. Nothing special about my noticing the same.
My point was I work to be optimistic and generally believe life (in the West, at least) is better than my TV screen says it is. There have been times I’ve seen more concrete evidence of dire events to make me fear for my, and my family’s immediate future, but I now sense a pervasive cacophony of often disassociated events that seem to have a common theme of anarchy and destruction towards America and Americans. If I were single and childless right now I’d probably relocate, at least temporarily, to the Virgin Islands, or some other out of the way place.
The frog is no longer being boiled slowly. The burner is set on high.
I still have faith in Barr as an honest and determined broker, but he is fighting a very difficult battle. I hope I am wrong, but I don’t predict we will see the prosecutions and incarcerations necessary.
Mr Bunge:
Who is the minority leader in the House of Representatives? That would be Kevin McCarthy (R CA). Try to focus. Is he the same as Nancy Pelosi? Ryan and Boehner are long gone from the House, have you noticed? Fight the battle in the present.
Privatizing Social Security and Mediacre were/are a Nancy Pelosi agenda? LOL! LOL! LOL! Sunday funnies.
I’m not familiar with the IDW but I looked it up and I see names of some people whom I follow on twitter including Michael Shermer and Steven Pinker. So I suppose I could recommend some of what they say but politically I’m moderate progressive – though tolerantly so! There is no grass roots for this.
I have some confidence that America is more moderate than far left or far right. Yet the farther elements tend to dominate the debates. Although the definition of each tends to fluctuate every 8 to 10 years. But I don’t think a large number of Democrats are in lock step on every issue with the left nor are a large number of Republicans are in lock step with Trump – though I would not call him far right.
So short answer is I’m a political loner who sees an intellectually shrinking middle even though I think it is far more present in society than some want to admit. Who represents them? Probably no one party but – again- with only two main parties the people have to make a choice sometimes to their chagrin.
I have some confidence that America is more moderate than far left or far right. Yet the farther elements tend to dominate the debates. A
Montage thinks Stormfront ‘dominates the debate’.
Rufus T. Firefly —
What happens if the Commander in Chief defies the Constitution? (That’s a rhetorical question.)
What worries me more is what happens if the Commander in Chief makes a legal, Constitutional order and the military commands don’t follow it.
Bryan Lovely:
Good question, will they be sacked and then quietly fade away (General Douglas McArthur)? The left is hoping they will not follow that precedent.
“Trump – though I would not call him far right.”
Shrewd concession by you.
Trump is now GOP mainstream, and antiFa is becoming Dem mainstream, just as BLM had become (c. 2013-14) a major part of the Dem mainstream.
For Chris Hedges’ view of how this came to be, see .
“the farther elements tend to dominate the debates.”.
I suggest, this owes much to the Establishment campaign to strangle the middle class, and the MSM’s covering for this campaign, e.g. by smearing almost all skeptics (e.g. Tea Party, OWS) as “extremists”, while *massive* bailouts for Wall St. were touted as “mainstream”.
Likewise with the Establishment’s touting, of Open Borders, and of Dubya’s wars.
“Privatizing Social Security and Mediacre were/are a Nancy Pelosi agenda?”
See, this is why I sometimes don’t engage because this kind if stupidity is almost irresistible. I wrote…
“Paul Ryan AGREES with Nancy Pelosi on a great deal and where they differ, Ryan offers a Randian-style libertarianism which is not only enormously harmful to society but has the added “benefit” of having virtually NO ACTUAL SUPPORT among the general public.”
The key part of that sentence is WHERE THEY DIFFER. It indicates that what follows describes things on which Ryan and Pelosi do not agree. Privatizing Medicare and Social Security would be some of those things. Ryan supports them while Pelosi, and the overwhelming majority of the American public, do not.
And in case you never got the memo…
Paul Ryan is now on the Board of Directors of Fox (though what exactly qualifies him for that is unknown) and is reportedly using his authority to promote an anti-Trump perspective at Fox News. That’s kind of a big deal, isn’t it?
And beyond that, there’s this whole thing about learning from the past. In recognizing the failures and weaknesses of previous leaders, you can better perceive and understand the failures of their successors and work on correcting them.
Montage @3:27pm said:
“Worse though is that IMO it’s a minority we call the Left that begin to control universities and corporations to toe the line.”
There is no “minority” of the spineless, the money-grubbers, the craven, the enablers of the Left.
The captains of industry have seen the future. Look at the # of TV commercials featuring blacks; often black families, as if that were the norm. In fact about 75% of blacks are born out of wedlock. We used to call those “bastards”.
By my estimate, about 25-30% of TV commercials on Fox(!!) feature blacks. The black US population is 14%.
A rare commercial depicts an interracial couple.
Should tell us something.
The major, globalist corporations are pushing a social agenda, which is more than just trying to stay ahead of a wave. Yes, whites will become the largest minority in the US in the not-so-distant future. They remain a critically important portion of the buying public, yet are “disrespected” by their visual absence.
The spineless of American whites goes back to the 1960s.
Kingman Brewster (you can’t make that name up!) was president of Yale the University when multiple Black Panthers were charged in the torture and murder of a 19-year-old in 1969. Brewster said,””I personally want to say that I’m appalled and ashamed that things should have come to such a pass that I am skeptical of the ability of Black revolutionaries to achieve a fair trial anywhere in the U.S.” (source:Wiki)
His opinion was clearly entirely irrelevant to the arrests and trials of the perps, but he made it gratuitously anyway.
I wonder if he would say the same about Derek Chauvin. The absence of “presumption of innocence” would seem to me to make a fair trial with unbiased, uninformed jurors impossible anywhere.
I gave some help to this man:
His attitude moved me deeply, and his family is a blessing to be seen:
It’s the most hopeful thing I saw in these days, and I’m happy they got so much in just a couple days.
Just about as long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve been advocating the point of view you express in this thread about those who keep hating on what used to be called the GOPe or the RINOs.
I’ve noticed, though, that the kind of circular firing squad carping about the GOPe and RINOs isn’t heard as much anymore. I used to continually point out that in most of the states those RINOs, etc., were coming from, only a moderate Republican had a chance of winning against a Democrat. And when they’d say they’d rather have a Democrat, I’d point out that that’s the way to lose the majority.
I think one reason we hear less of it these days is that (a) there are more conservatives in Congress than there used to be; and (b) the ones that are there are a bit more willing to fight for something (for example, even McConnell has been quite aggressive about approving judicial appointments).
If there really is a wishy-washy RINO-type in a state or district that really is red and a stronger conservative has a good chance of winning, that’s a different story and it might be worth complaining and then primarying that person. Otherwise, no.
Mr Bunge
I missed the subtlety of your argument, my bad. Social security and Medicare are going bankrupt and Paul Ryan was not able to persuade the polity to change course. So he failed and Nancy Pelosi is still what she is.
Paul Ryan now works for Fox News, another bad thing in the world of Bunge.
You still haven’t said squat about working to influence the (imagine all caps Mike) current Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on conservative issues. Too much trouble, or just easier to rail about failures in the past? 🙂
Yes, this is Montage today. Still left of center but not that far left…
Montage: Stick around a bit more for follow-through. I make no bones about being a largely unreconstructed hippie, as well as a current conservative, on this blog. I seem to do OK.
Anybody see the NY Time op-ed editor was pressured to step down over the Tom Cotton op-ed. Yes, we want to be fair and include other opinions on the matter. Whoops! No we don’t. Please resign, sir…
I probably didn’t articulate my opinion but what I tried to say is that while BLM may have become part of the mainstream within the party of the Democrats it does not mean the majority of Democrats who vote for Democrats are in support of BLM in anymore than a slogan or two. I would disagree about antifa being the mainstream of the party. Definitely not the mainstream of voters. That would mean more than 65 million voters. I would doubt 65 million people could even define what antifa means or what exactly it stands for other than anarchy in the name of justice.
I like Hedges in general. He’s a tad further to the left than I am. His love of Bernie seems to cloud some of his judgement.
I’ve never considered TV commercials to be an accurate reflection of society. They sell things and in the example you cite they are selling not only a product but also the idea of a stable black family life. I don’t think that’s bad.
“What happens if the Commander in Chief defies the Constitution?”
Well, Mattis has already intimated that Trump has (and if you repeat something enough, it becomes true?)
But I’m not sure what Trump has done, specifically, to deserve this most serious of accusations—-can anyone help me out here?
What I do know is that when it comes “defying” the Constitution, the only ones who can honestly be accused of that are the Democrats of the previous administration as well as the hystera generated by the antics of the current crop of adolescent-acting clowns in the House (though this behavior can no doubt be attributed to the effort to cover up the criminality of the previous Democratic administration—so there is a “purpose” to their madness). Time after time. Absurd attempt after absurd attempt. Ripped-up sheet of paper after ripped-up sheet of paper. Slander after slander. Lie after lie.
Thus the accusation of the good general is “merely” projection, which is nothing new, so rampant has it been in the Democratic Party and its media cohorts—and which is, at this decibel level, a characteristic of psychotic individuals as well as, it appears, organizations.
(Even as it is part and parcel of the grand Democratic Party protection racket.)
That they’ve managed to get a general on-board to spout such slanderous hyperbole is what they likely believe to be a tremendous achievement. But it’s just the same old.
The more they lie, and the more people that join them in lying, the more “truthful” and “serious” and “convincing” they become? Apparently, it’s a firm, belief. Tried and true. Carved in stone.
This is the stuff of psychosis. (But that, once again, is nothing new.)
And so the spasms of hysteria and violence will continue. And will continue. Committed by psychotics who insist that they are “merely” being virtuous, trying to eradicate evil and protect their country and society.
Yes, the epitome of virtue.
Perhaps this story should be the sequel to the “Camp of the Saints”…
Bryan Lovely,
“What worries me more is what happens if the Commander in Chief makes a legal, Constitutional order and the military commands don’t follow it.”
Sorry, that’s precisely what I was trying to state, but I did not write it as clearly as you. Such a bold statement from Mattis seems very out of character with the honorable, career soldier he appears to have been. He almost certainly has a lot of loyalists still in the ranks. Why would he have made such a public statement if not to encourage those loyalists to disobey the Commander in Chief?
Speaking of psychosis, heeere’s Hillary:
Echoing the “No-Nothing” Party of the 19th century, the Democratic Party seems to be trying indefatigably to rebrand as the “No-Shame” Party.
Nor are citizens allowed to defend themselves (even as the moral imperative of the day is to disband police departments across the land).
“Lie back and take what you deserve” seems to be the message that the Democratic Party is Proclaiming to the nation.
I suppose it just might work if the MSCM works hard enough pushing it as “Emancipation” for the 21st century.
File under: “Freedom from freedom” (the “Fifth” Freedom…and finishing touch)
“Too much trouble, or just easier to rail about failures in the past?“
Dude, I’m sorry if your Paul Ryan love pillow got damaged at the dry cleaners or whatever. Put up a GoFundMe and I’ll chip in to help buy you a new one.
And to further your education, you would make yourself look a whole lot smarter if you…you know…actually challenged or tried to refute any of the things I state about Ryan. Responding with “But what about THAT guy?!?!” is weak tea.
And speaking of BLM and messaging, apparently Mitt Romney was part of a George Floyd protest. That got him a lot of “newfound respect” from the Left and sent Redsteeze on Twitter off in a snit. He’s disgusted that they praise Romney now after savaging him in 2012 and proclaims that Romney is this amazingly moral and decent guy.
Mitt Romney? The guy who tried to run the the left of Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts and then declared himself “severely conservative?” The guy who buttered up a bunch of rich a-holes behind closed doors by telling them 47% of Americans are essentially worthless parasites? The guy who repeatedly kissed Trump’s ass when he wanted something, then spit in Trump’s face when it suited him? That’s moral and decent?
I respect Redsteeze for not losing his damn mind because OrangeManBad but he’s still got a big blind spot for how failures on the Right are as much responsible for Trump as failures on the Left.
Mr Bunge
Just another rant from Mike.
Romney is a mistake the voters of Utah will have to remove. Expand your target list, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, among other disreputable Republicans deserve your analysis. Or switch it up and identify one who is doing a good job. Is there one that meets the Mike Bunge stamp (foot stamp) of approval?
Mr Bunge:
You like the xyz “failures on the Right are “responsible for Trump as failures on the Left” them, you’ve used it before. Are you a closeted never-Trumper just waiting to come out? A curiosity in conflict.
“Yet there is enormous, positive attention focused on the wrong doer and none on the good citizen.” Rufus T. Firefly on June 7, 2020 at 11:24 am
Good citizens are not, despite the hyped myths, being shot by the police, and so are useless to the Cause.
Your elucidation of Candace’s video was very clear, and there is only one thing I disagree with in your commentary: sometimes we do celebrate white criminals (Jesse James is one of the forerunners). Not all of us, certainly, but enough to make a cultural impact.
Perhaps it’s a common trait of humanity.
Some blacks are finally getting wise to the lopsided nature of the attention they are getting.
Excerpted from a Twitter thread that showed up reading about the impact of Owens’ video — apparently there is a movement called #AllBlackLivesMatter, meaning, not just when a black person is killed by a white one.
This is 100% where I am at. Black Lives Matter™ sells merch and solicits donations and has a political platform that includes stuff like support for BDS and other things that have nothing to do with this subject.
Caleb Hull
In short, I support black lives matter, the phrase, but I do not support Black Lives Matter, the radical organization trying to push an absurd agenda in the midst of tragedy.
You like Chris Hedges, one of the most vicious, vile and pernicious liars in the business of “journalism”? (And that’s saying a lot, because there is no lack of pernicious liars in journalism.)
You may wonder what I’m talking about. Please read this.
When I wrote that statement I did think about idolization of criminals of all skin tones; there are too many movies to count, but I didn’t elaborate since Candace was speaking specifically about an ongoing trend in the black community. Although I’m sure shows like “The Sopranos” and the Godfather movies are as good as everyone states, and I understand the Mafia is used by scriptwriters as a convenient prop to elaborate on human nature and the human condition; I typically don’t waste my time on such fare. I grew up around the mob in Chicago and they are, by and large, thugs, bozos. Immature, selfish and cruel.
It’s interesting to occasionally examine that side of human nature, but I much prefer celebrating folks who do moral and ethic good for humanity in spite of difficult surroundings. In that regard I am certainly sympatico with Ms. Owens.
Those who vote for Democrats vote to favor the BLM slogans, as implemented.
“what I tried to say is that while BLM may have become part of the mainstream within the party of the Democrats it does not mean the majority of Democrats who vote for Democrats are in support of BLM in anymore than a slogan or two. I would disagree about antifa being the mainstream of the party. Definitely not the mainstream of voters. That would mean more than 65 million voters. I would doubt 65 million people could even define what antifa means or what exactly it stands for other than anarchy in the name of justice.”
You don’t get to choose “just the good parts” of the party you vote for. In fact, all of society is stuck with the bad parts of whichever party gets power. When I voted Libertarian, which virtually never got power, neither I nor society was stuck with the worst parts. Similarly those who voted Green. For third parties, you can vote for the good parts.
Whether or not antifa, or Green Nude Eel, is part of the mainstream of the “party”, meaning the voters, is not so important. The policies implemented by those getting power is what happens with the laws, and their interpretation. The sexual harassment and discrimination against white male conservatives is allowed, according to official gov’t National Labor Relations Board and its argument against Damore’s discrimination suit.
“Democrats” in power today are making the “leftist” policies that are made. Nobody votes “Left”, they vote Democrat. If they believe in the Democrat policies, based on leftist Fake truth.
“Cool” instead of “Virtuous”.
Christian Capitalist civilization is based on virtues. Best list for men comes from the Boy Scouts (I’m a Life Scout, less than Eagle tho I got all needed merit badges):
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.
But Boy Scouts, as teens, don’t get laid as often as the cool rebels. Those with or without a cause.
Then the 60s revolutions: in sex roles (The Pill! Unsatisfied housewives );
Civil Rights for Blacks (Act in 1964), “Black” instead of “Negro”, integration;
Vietnam, fighting and dying but not to win (bombing but no invasion of N. Vietnam), draft and draft dodging, and stronger anti-establishment protests;
Great Music! Rock ‘n Roll, British Invasion, electric guitars, AM & FM radio.
Cool is … cool, but following all the rules all the time is less fun, and less cool. But better for materialistic civilization.
Sex only in marriage is better for material civilization, but mostly happens among high IQ college grads and low IQ religious folk.
When the college folk idolize the cool, promiscuous guys, many non-college folk have more sex outside of marriage, and both more abortions AND more unmarried mothers raising kids.
77% of black kids not being raised by married mother & fathers? That’s what can destroy civilization; that’s not racism, it’s “cool” over “virtue”. And most college grads practice monogamy and raise kids who live with married parents.
Yet they preach far more promiscuity than they practice.
“Are you a closeted never-Trumper just waiting to come out?”
So, the guy who has a hissy fit when I criticize Paul Ryan and then pointedly refuses to explain how anything I said was incorrect continues with his “What about that guy?!?!” nonsense.
And here’s another lesson. When everyone is saying “X,” you don’t need to jump in and say the same thing everyone else is. That doesn’t add anything to the discussion. There’s LOTS of people here and elsewhere commenting on how awful the Left is and how much they’re to blame for our current situation. But if the only problem in America was the Left, Jeb Bush would be President right now, or Marco Rubio or Scott Walker. Donald Trump in the White House is as much a rebuke to the Right as it is to the Left.
Mr Bunge:
You personify nonsense and projection. Keep the rant going, they are tiresome, you just change out the strawman from time to time. Whatever. And then talk to me about “some other guyism” LOL Mike.
You are saying President Trump is the problem it seems. Those other guys lost in 2016 for various reasons. Go cry about it with Joanah Goldberg (concern troll). 😉
I now like Trump. But I’m seeing more insults from and to MBunge than arguments for or against specific policies. If the main Bunge critique is that many Rep voters were unhappy with known GOPe politicians, that’s a critique I agree with.
Had my second choice Rep Ted Cruz been the candidate (first choice was Carly Fiorina), I now think he would have lost, failing to get many Rust Belt ex-Dems to vote for him, despite keeping most of the GOPe (establishment Reps, tho they didn’t like Cruz, either).
Lots of GOPe folk “talked” about ending/ reducing illegal immigration – Trump was most strong, most clear, most believable … and he mostly delivered.
All GOPe talk about lower taxes — Trump delivered. With a LOT of help from Paul Ryan & the GOP House majority, which seemed to do little else. Certainly failed to end the Russian Collusion Hoax before the 2018 election. Also NO Congressional money for the Wall 2017-2018. Big mistakes.
Trump did deregulation. Trump got far more conservative judges confirmed (McConnell gets LOTS of credit here, not much credit for other things not done).
Lots of Reps were disenchanted with GOPe, and even with politics. Trump energized a lot of less elite pro-American folk.
I used to think Trump’s Big Fat Mouth on Twitter was a problem. Now I think it’s effective at showing how often, and how deep, the Establishment State is the problem. Mostly Dem, but with many “successful” Reps going along, like tax funding Planned Parenthood, so as to get along.
Vote Dem –
Get Dem radical left policies
A new(ish for me) blog, Jon Turley, talks about defunding the police. As Minneapolis is discussing:
The city council now appears to have a veto proof majority to dismantle the police department. Other jurisdictions are considering similar moves and Los Angeles just announced a major cut in funding. Again, the silence of other politicians is perfectly deafening as they try to avoid any public criticism or conflict with the most radical elements of this movement.
Those who vote Dem are empowering the radicals, whom “moderate Dems” are unwilling to oppose. If you have Dem friends, they should be laughed at — for supporting the racist party that wants to dismantle police forces and allow greater black on black crime.
See Baltimore trends for what is being desired.
I wish Trump would start saying: “The protesters are angry enough to protest, but not angry enough to vote for the other party in their cities and states.”
Tom Grey,
Of course the demonrats endorse antifa, letting their own cities burn, thinking this will harm the Demon Trump and the hated white devils who support him. Yawn, another day ending in y.
You are mostly right, X. Although I am biased towards the Demoncrat term.
Rufus, the world is not going to end, so sayeth Ymar. Also, for those that made it through to 2021, utopia will be there to greet them.
They just have to go through the spring cleaning of 2020, where all the dark stuff hiding underneath needs to be exposed to the light. THis causes a “shock” in the system of the insects, and they scurry around. Just got to eliminate them first.
Candace was better on the vaccine subject. SHe is too biased, in the other direction, for old George there.