Home » Boris Johnson wishes the Jews of Britain a Happy Chanukah


Boris Johnson wishes the Jews of Britain a Happy Chanukah — 26 Comments

  1. I doubt that Johnson’s diverse heritage will stop some on the Left from calling him a racist.

  2. When trying to do go back through genealogy I have found possible Jewish heritage through both my parents’ lines. These possibilities are quite far back so how can one determine if those links are true?

    Both family names seem to come from Ashkenazi families, one from Germany and another from the Ukraine. Both show conversions to Protestant before coming to the US.

    I would like to know if I am descended from the families, no matter how far removed.

  3. eeyore:

    Take a DNA test. I think Ancestry,com is the best. They can tell pretty accurately. The tests can show even if only about 1% of your DNA is of Jewish origin, which can represent 7 or 8 generations back.

  4. I was checking out the shows and movies included with Amazon Prime when I saw that they had a large catalog of Billy Wilder films. Wilder was an Austrian Jew and one of Hollywood’s great screenwriters and directors.

    So I watched Irma La Douce, Avanti, Witness for the Prosecution, The Fortune Cookie, and Stalag 17. “Witness …” is a very fine adaptation of an Agatha Christie story with Charles Laughton as the centerpiece.

    But I was surprised by Stalag 17 because so many of the features that were familiar from “Hogan’s Heroes” and even “Mash,” both the movie and TV series, were developed first in Stalag 17. The Hogan’s Heroes producers were sued by the various creators of Stalag 17 (it was originally a play) and some sizeable settlement was made.

    An interesting fact of Hogan’s Heroes is that most the actors portraying Nazis were played by Jews. In particular, the character Col. Klink was played by the Werner Klemperer who was the son of famous conductor Otto Klemperer. Werner almost backed out of the role at the beginning, until the producers assured him that all of Col. Klink’s Nazi schemes in the show would end up looking foolish, or rendered useless by quirks of fate.

    Also, Stalag 17 was very successful at the box-office, but Wilder had his take reduced because his previous film, Ace in the Hole, was a big money loser. Ace in the Hole is a very dark and cynical look at the newspaper reporting business. Now, Ace in the Hole is consider one of Wilder’s best.

    Speaking of the dark underbelly of newspaper reporting, I saw “Richard Jewel.” Ignore the self serving critics, and go see it. In the film, the wife of Richard Jewel’s defense attorney says, “In my home country, do you know how we tell if someone is innocent? When the government tells us they are guilty.” She’s an emigre from the Soviet Union.

  5. It’s interesting that the last quote block mentioned Nubian female sex slaves. I saw that Boston renamed a square from “Dudley Square” to “Nubian Square”.


    Despite a non-binding vote that indicated that 54% opposed the name change, the locals decided that most of the people in the area around the park supported it. It seems that there was a local store called Nubian Notions which closed in 2017 that they were trying to honor. Yea, sure, go with that story.

    To a midwesterner, I am more aware of the Nubian slave trade than the history of some dude from the 1600’s or a closed local store. In 50-100 years, what history will they remember?

    The renaming issue is a funny issue. In Oklahoma City area, there was a concern last year about “Lee” and other names. If I remember correctly, local research showed that the Lee school was actually named for someone who was important in the early formation of OKC and not related to General Robert E. Lee. Another school was named for a significant Indian in OK history, but he was also a slave owner. Note – I said “Indian” since I cannot remember which tribe – there are only 38 federally recognized tribes in OK. I cannot remember the outcome of the name change proposals.

  6. Thanks to TJ for the background on Billy Wilder and Stalag 17/ Hogan’s Heroes. It reminded me of my mother, long ago, who disapproved of Hogan. It was no joke, she’d say; there’s nothing funny about it.

  7. Neo,
    Those Victor K. posts were before I showed up here, except for one that I don’t remember (sigh). Never read any Klemperer. Is it fair to call him and C. Hitchens reluctant or hesitant communists?

    Scanning your posts a bit, I recall the brownshirts and the beatings and murders in dark alleys. Also, that a substantial number of journalists were targeted in those attacks. I can see that there was laziness and inertia among the citizens, but there was just plain fear too, in my limited opinion.

    The diary that I’ve had on my reading list for awhile is “A Woman in Berlin: 8 weeks in a Conquered City” by Anonymous.

    Estoy Listo,
    In Stalag 17, the film opens with two POWs being killed and their bodies put on display. So Wilder clearly did not want to ignore the ruthlessness of the regime. But it doesn’t stop the comedy. Plus there is a subplot of real justice vs. vigilante justice developed.

  8. Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!

    By which I mean:

    Boris and Bibi and Donald, gee gosh!

    Anybody notice Boris names the wrong Antiochus Epiphanes, calling out “III” rather than “IV”? Seems like, anyhow.

    Still, evenso, well done Mr. Johnson, well done.

  9. Re: Circassian slaves, and other slaves. My husband is of Balkan ancestry. In North Africa and Turkey, he is often taken to be “from around here.” This is because of the many, many people, both men and women, taken from the area as slaves by the Ottomans.

  10. can recite “The Iliad” in Greek

    Some portion, permit me to suppose: whereas I had a college chum who could swallow sufficient air to enable him to belch the entire first line of the Iliad in Greek. Let Boris try that!

  11. Meinertzhagen was an @$$whole. But he was exactly the @$$hole you needed back then. And now. A genius with a bayonet.

  12. Sorry. Got dragged off to other things. Meinertzhagen was despite the name British. A British army officer. During WW1 he commanded what was known as the Jewish battalion. He was, I believe, a colonel at the time. When a British general disparaged Jews in front of his troops he and them forced the general to apologize at the point of their bayonets.

    Maybe I have the story wrong. Maybe it never happened. But I know enough about Meinertzhagen to know that is exactly the kind of thing he would have done

  13. It is not common knowledge but the largest mass lynching was if 11 Italians. New Orleans 1891. Look it up. I am of Italian descent. But here is the deal. This is still the best country on earth.

    Fun fact: I am more Cherokee than Elizabeth Warren. My dad served in USS, later the WMEC Cutter, Cherokee.

  14. I don’t want to make light of the situation. But I grew a visceral dislike for people like that.

  15. I think it is appropriate to observe on this holy day that while divine my eternal God chose to enter this world as a Jew. In the line of David.

    Merry Christmas. And if Israel needs me I will be there if I have to crawl.

    Besides I never got that port visit in Haifa the Navy promised me which I hear is awesome.

  16. I mentioned Meinertzhagen. He was the @$$hole I as an officer always aspired to be. Sometimes it is possible to be such a huge @$$hole you wind up being a saint. I am reminded by this by the earlier reference to Hogan’s Heroes.

    William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection wrote about this.

  17. Eddie Rodmonds was a Master SGT in the U.S. army captured by the Gernans during the course of the Battle of the Bulge. Shortly after his capture he was ordered to give up the Jews

  18. We are Americans. We don’t give up the Jews. On the appointed morning all the Americans fell out. The Nazi said you can’t all be Jews. And Redmonds said “We are all Jews here.” When the Nazi put a gun to his head he told him to give ahead. If you shoot one of us you have to shoot all of us. The Nazi walked away.

    Yes. Bravery is a choice. .

  19. Oh, and not one of the Americas didn’t fall our. Because $$%@ you. Roddie Esmonds is righteous among nations. But here is the deal. Every single American who gave the Germans the giant middle finger was a hero.

  20. Roddie Edmonds. I will leave out the swear words. But I wanted to use them.

    Roddie was the guy who told the Germans to $@<& @ off.a

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