Remember 2016, the Flight 93 election? Well, the 2020 election figures to be…
…the Nineteen Eighty-Four election, according to Victor Davis Hanson:
It is becoming a stark choice between a revolutionary future versus American traditionalism.
I don’t think there’s any “becoming” about it. This has been true of elections ever since at least 2008 and perhaps earlier. After all, remember “hope and change” and Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of this country?
Some of this transformation had already occurred, of course, with events such as the reform of immigration laws during the 1960s. I’m not going to argue about when it really began – for example, you could start with Wilson or TR the “progressive,” or you could talk about FDR or the income tax or even the popular election of senators – but now it’s reached a sort of fever pitch and is far more open in its manifestations and goals.
More from Hanson:
The choice in reductionist terms will be one between a growing, statist Panopticon, fueled by social media, a media-progressive nexus, and an electronic posse. Online trolls and government bureaucrats seek to know everything about us, in Big Brother fashion to monitor our very thoughts to ferret out incorrect ideas, and then to regiment and indoctrinate us to ensure elite visions of mandated equality and correct behavior—or else!
In other words, the personality quirks of a Trump or an Elizabeth Warren or a Bernie Sanders will become mostly irrelevant given the existential choice between two quite antithetical ideas of future America. In 2020 we will witness the penultimate manifestation of what radical progressivism has in store for us all—and the furious, often desperate, and unfettered pushback against it.
We are also well beyond even the stark choices of 1972 and 1984 that remained within the parameters of the two parties. In contrast, the Democratic Party as we have known it, is extinct for now. It has been replaced since 2016 by a radical progressive revolutionary movement that serves as a touchstone for a variety of auxiliary extremist causes, agendas, and cliques—almost all of them radically leftwing and nihilistic, and largely without majority popular support.
One of the things that stuns me is that so many people who are about to vote Democratic in 2020 seem unaware of the extreme leftist and anti-liberty nature of today’s Democratic Party despite the fact that it is no longer hidden. When Obama was running, he was smart enough to present a facade that was somewhat moderate (you might say it was moderately moderate), especially in 2008. But now the mask is off for the Democrats, and yet many people still cling to an antiquated notion of what voting Democratic means. And of course, a growing number of people (especially the young and the college-educted) know full well what it means and they approve and applaud.
Hanson discusses the aspect of this change that has resulted from indoctrination via the school system. He emphasizes universities, but the rot now goes all the way down to the youngest students:
Our universities effectively have eroded the First Amendment and the due process protections of the Fifth in matters of sexual assault allegations. Higher education is now controlled by a revolutionary clique. It institutionalizes racially segregated dorms and safe spaces, matter of factly promotes censorship, and either cannot or will not prevent students from disrupting lecturers with whom they disagree. What or who exactly say not to all that? Who would dare say that America in its third century is not going to change its use of English pronouns or decide that there are not three and more biological genders?
One of the problems is that it may be too late, and that’s true even if Trump is re-elected. Is his unique (to say the least) personality a mere speed bump along the way to leftist domination? In my darker hours I very much fear it may be:
Like it or not, 2020 is going to be a plebiscite on an American version of Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. One side advocates a complete transformation not just of the American present but of the past as well. The Left is quite eager to change our very vocabulary and monitor our private behavior to ensure we are not just guilty of incorrect behavior but thought as well.
The other side believes America is far better than the alternative, that it never had to be perfect to be good, and that, all and all, its flawed past is a story of a moral nation’s constant struggle for moral improvement.
The election is almost exactly one year from now.
It may indeed be too late, and VDH’s latest piece hints at such a dark scenario for the future of our republic. One wonders whether this extremely cogent analysis will even appear online at National Review, which has largely lost its way since the election of Orange Man. How will historians of the future explain the cultural, demographic and political suicide of a country which was once the envy of the world?
I think it is correct that, even if Trump is reelected, even if the Republicans keep the Senate and retake the House, at present Trump is just the Dutch boy holding his finger in the dike, and many of us have just woken up too late to our peril.
Trump alone cannot stop the barely contained Leftist flood from washing our traditional society and government away, cannot reverse the conquests of the Gramscian Long March–the hostile Leftist invasion which, over the last couple of generations, has conquered, taken over, subverted, and “fundamentally transformed” just about every major institution of and cultural support for our traditional society in this country.
Nor can–given its past and current performance–Congress.
It will take a massive–from the grass-roots, all the way to the top–a sustained counter-revolution, a “Reconquista” and, so far, I don’t see such a Reconquista shaping up.
But, reelecting Trump and a Republican takeover of Congress–especially by new Nationalist, America First “Trump” Republicans–might help things get rolling.
It has long been apparent to some of us, here and elsewhere, that the battle for America’s soul was lost long ago.
The Bill Ayers/Bernadine Dohrns/Alinskys/Gramscians/Obamas long ago seized and held the high ground, much as at Gettysburg, where Pickett’s valiant charge was certain to fail, and did, at enormous cost in lives and ultimately, the defeat of the Confederate South.
The collective Left does not break ranks. In that sense they are fascists, as in fasces (Latin!), tightly bound together with an ax at their center.
Conservatives are philosophically devoutly conscious of individual rights, and are thus by definition easily defeated by that united, ever-united collectivist foe.
je: Can you quit with the rather stupid “Orange Man” and perhaps pay some attention to Trump’s policies, whether realized or just attempted and foiled by Obama-appointed federal district judges?
Future historians will write in Mandarin ideographs, since history is written by the victor(s). They will explain the global Chinese ascendancy in words of praise for the triumph of the Chinese Communist Party. You expect objectivity? From historians?
We on the right are facing a difficult cultural battle. The media, academia, and the globalists are working hard to corrupt our culture. Get involved at the grassroots level, that is all you can do. Of many of us are facing the actuarial tables. But shoulder on. You don’t have anything more important to do.
Parker–Those on the Left aren’t “working hard to corrupt our culture,” from what I see, with rare exceptions, it appears that they’ve already done it.
The American Mind, Hunter Hearns: The Flight 93 Election Crashed
The American Mind, Peter Boghossian: Welcome to Culture War 2.0: The Great Realignment
What do you mean “at the community level”?
My city council is majority leftist. One cute council lady, a (R), votes with the (D) majority 76% of the time, and is re-elected by her huge-majority (R) district!
One must be nominated by a council member to be on the library board and all other boards, and those resume submissions end up in their shredders. The Left appoints Leftists (surprise!).
The elected school board is the same. Those who are not leftist are passive, ignorant go-alongs.
There is a strategy called the “Benedict Option”, after St. Benedict, who founded medieval monasteries with iron-clad rules of monastic conduct, with expulsion for violators. But that is a circle-the-wagons-against-the-Indians approach. The BO book is by Rod Dreher.
The stance you described earlier in a quote, is relevant. Self-regarding snowflakes with an undisguised dictatorial impulse … the tyranny of the sensitive one who simply assumes that you belong to him:
The snowflake cannot really say why it is entitled to your consideration; it just asserts that it is. Because, “rights”. Rights which it cannot ultimately justify; as its own anti-teleological “anthropology” and radical subjectivity, is incommensurate with the concept of objective rights.
I came across an interesting formulation in a passage in a Wiki article on the concept of “The Other”; that notion which solidarity whores and inclusion pimps are always yammering on about. Emmanuel Levinas in this case, is referred to in a phrase which in some measure codifies the appetite driven assertions of the leftist, even though it does not explain or justify the leftist’s claims in any traditional sense of the term “justify” – by reason and category and attribute.
Phenomenologically then, (or so I take it) it is assumed – by the hierophants to these little snowflake bundles of uncalibrated desire and appetite which stake their incessant claims to your attention and forbearance – that:
” … fraternity precedes the commonness of a genus …”
See? They don’t need to justify their claim structure. Their face wells up before your face, and you just f–king owe them, because … feelinz or some shit.
The “Benedict Option”, at least in any naive formulation, does not have a snowball’s chance in Hell of succeeding.
Because the appetite entities of the left, “the desiring things” as their philosopher priests have reconstituted the formerly human person, won’t leave you alone. They cannot leave you alone. They cannot survive unless “included”. On their terms. According to the dreams they dream.
The only way to get them out of your face once they lose whatever inhibitions they now have, will be to quiet them once and for all: as they recognize no limits to their desires or sway, and apparently feel no point of satiety. They are like zombies knocking at your door … forever.
Probably why there are so many movies of that theme at present. unconscious recogition.
How can you reason, in moral terms, with a being like that?
I’m not too worried about the Left because the guy still in the lead for the Democratic Presidential nomination is Joe Freakin’ Biden, a septuagenarian who is about as “unwoke” as you can be in today’s Democratic Party.
This is about college educated, upper-middle-class whites against basically everybody else…and not even all college educated whites are on the woke train. These people are not that powerful, they are not that persuasive, and there aren’t that many of them.
To put it another way, go look up the polling data on what actual Latinos and Latinas think of the term “Latinx.”
Geez Louise, Chesa Boudin was just elected San Francisco DA. Following in Kamala Harris’s footsteps.
He’s the son of two Weathermen, David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, who went to prison for the infamous Brinks truck murder-robbery. Chesa was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
In other words Chesa is Weather Underground royalty. As I recall his name is a mash-up of Che and USA.
Victor Davis Hanson tends to keep his powder dry, so the dark tone of this column got to me too.
The choice is on the American people now. I think we’ve got the better odds, but it’s hard to believe the Democrats have gotten this far, this crazy.
I’m here in LA; metro population 10x that of Nebraska. Culture shock for Cornhead.
Most people don’t care about the rot. Bread, circuses and good weather are how the plebs are kept under control.
Gas is $4.39 here but WTI is $55 throughout the country. As VDH notes, CA has oil and gas but refuses to drill.
The thing I don’t get is how they tolerate those power outages.
MBunge, you’d best wake up. There is a political forest fire raging around you and you think you are OK. But you, and we, are not.
You don’t get to sue the Democrats when you are dead at their hands via health care rationing, gun control, or whatever nasty other devices they have to snuff you and keep the planet from warming.
We’re in the Democratic primary season so naturally the candidates are appealing to the political ideas that they think make up the Democratic party. Republicans do the same. Trump went much harder against illegal immigration than his primary challengers … and won. So there is that. But I don’t think the electorate is that far left. Many simply do not like Trump and that’s why he polls so low. Which can be the only reason because we are at peace and the economy is strong. He should be polling at 60%.
Democrats are closer to moderate in my view. One good example is the recent election in Tucson, AZ. The first Latina was elected as mayor. She is a Democrat. And yet in the exact same election the voters overwhelmingly voted against making Tucson a sanctuary city. And too, nationally, Joe Biden leads in the polls. As noted, he is not left. I think he has a very good chance against Trump. Polls show Warren and Bernie right with Trump too so that could happen but in order to implement some of the programs they want they have to take more seats in Congress then they probably will. And it would have to be all leftists. That’s a stretch. But this country swings back and forth. If Biden wins then the mid-terms will likely go back to the Republicans.
PRAGER: The Left-Right Divide Is About Reality Itself
“Our Revolution’s Logic”
Angelo Codevilla
The greater the violation of the Constitution by the left, the more certain that it will not end well for them.
Learned nothing.
Recently I was wondering why more old-school Democrats haven’t defected to the Republican party. Obviously some people leave, but there are still people who are patriotic, pro-law enforcement, support the troops, etc. but haven’t gone over to the other side. I think the left-wing media has simply succeeded at convincing their constituents that voting with the Republicans means taking away healthcare, not funding schools, leaving people to die in the streets, etc. that the thought of going over to the Republican party and working within it to improve healthcare, housing, the environment, etc. isn’t an option. Really, Republicans need to do a better job of showing that this is an option and getting more moderates to join them.
Democrats are closer to moderate in my view.
Yeah. Abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, triple the Medicare budget, connive with the media and the security state establishment against the elected president and anyone near him (see John Doe investigations in Wisconsin), and use petty thugs to break up meetings of the political opposition. #closertomoderate
This is what feminism as a force created whether for themselves or at the behest… if you want to complain about the rot and all that in the schools.. just look to who is there to do that…
From the National Center for Educational Statistics
and here is a quite untrue story with enough truth to make it palatable
Why Men Are the New College Minority
Males are enrolling in higher education at alarmingly low rates, and some colleges are working hard to reverse the trend.
nah… not happening, they must be Ms-hearing therapist.. not the rapist..
see a simple Ms-understanding
from the UK
From legal match
but who wants to be thought of as this (below)?
To Learn About the Far Right, Start With the ‘Manosphere’
The sexist world has become a recruiting ground for potential mass shooters.
its not only noticed, its promoted, and i guess one would have to wonder why the people they are targeting will defend the country if they are treated like this… this could be to drive them to socialism where at least they can not be on the bottom and or loaded into ovens or camps eventually given where such politics ends up.
An Acceptable Prejudice
by Elizabeth C. Corey June 2019
I guess the ladies who happen to also be pale better not have male children, or perhaps changing them into transgendered females is a way to “save them”?
each of the things that are topics have their roots in marxism, and each has a feminist icon who put forth the point.. without the feminists, none of this would be possible… they are even proud of it…
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
nie mój cyrk, nie moje ma?py
not my circus, not my monkeys
it either happens next year… or, happens in 5 years
but, thats the end of it as i said 14 years ago
now, please pass the popcorn.. and dont forget the butter…
as all i am going to see here are opinions of what should be this or that..
which amount to, nothing… way too little way too late, because if your seeing it as in germany openly
then there is no way to stop it, slow it, halt it, etc…
Hanson knows this, but he still has to earn a living for those next years, and has to draw the line at being PURGED
purged from the press, the public square, purged by youtube… etc
“There is a political forest fire raging around you and you think you are OK. But you, and we, are not.”
Oh, I’m not saying there aren’t bad times coming. But let’s remember that the entire political/media establishment got its ass handed to it just three years ago by Donald Trump. And that happened WITHOUT something like a war or economic crisis to enable it.
Reality always wins. The old Soviet Union held off reality for decades but it took murder and repression the likes of which are unimaginable in the current United States and even then, it was still a hollow shell just waiting for a strong enough breeze to come along.
Let me put it this way: America currently has both perhaps the most spectacularly wealthy oligarchic class in human history AND massive long term government spending and debt problems. Very few on the Right have any idea what to do about that but NO ONE on the Left has any clue.
Recently I was wondering why more old-school Democrats haven’t defected to the Republican party. Obviously some people leave, but there are still people who are patriotic, pro-law enforcement, support the troops, etc. but haven’t gone over to the other side.
I have a suspicion that if you unpacked it, you’d discover that HRC’s supporters among the white population (in 2016) consisted of (1) bourgeois types who tend to see themselves (in re the rest of us) as visitors from a superior neighborhood and (2) trashy single mothers. There are others, I’m sure, and it would be helpful to have them. However, most of this electorate is not reachable.
As for the black electorate, it’s been an astonishing monolith for 50+ years and its voting behavior is insensitive to the identity of candidates or to circumstances. As recently as 1960 there was a vigorous Republican minority among voting blacks, and voting blacks ca. 1932 were adaptive and responsive enough to circumstances that they were capable of switching allegiances, in spite of how tainted was the Democratic Party. I’d like to see that monolith begin to crack, but I’m not holding my breath. (I have a suspicion about the source of this behavior).
The electorate isn’t as far left as the Democratic politicians. But the electorate has been pulled further and further left by the Gramscian March. And the candidates are not just appealing to this or that faction. They are leftists and they mean business.
the new USA
a man was paralysed at mcdonalds..
and now
Video appears to show Popeyes employee body slamming woman outside restaurant
you can be sure who they will be voting for..
MBunge: America currently has both perhaps the most spectacularly wealthy oligarchic class in human history AND massive long term government spending and debt problems. Very few on the Right have any idea what to do about that but NO ONE on the Left has any clue.
The Left in Europe has decided to proceed as follows: European Central Bank President Lagarde’s quote from earlier this month regarding the negative interest rate policy, “We should be happier to have a job than to have our savings protected… I think that it is in this spirit that monetary policy has been decided by my predecessors and I think they made quite a beneficial choice.”
That view is mind boggling on so many levels.
Students Tear Down Anti-Socialism Display, but UNC Charlotte Won’t Investigate
So much like another country in another time…
The old German socialist (and Nazi) slogan:
“Alles muss anders sein” (Everything must be changed).
That view is mind boggling on so many levels.
The inflation rate in the Euro Area is currently running at 0.8% per year. People’s savings aren’t in danger.
“Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, whether you’re from New York or the middle of the country, you should be frightened by efforts to try to create crimes out of nothing,” Dershowitz told host John Catsimatidis. “The latest twist was people on television, particularly CNN and MSNBC, are saying that if the president or somebody else were to name the whistleblower in the Ukrainian situation that person would be guilty of a crime. Well, I spent the afternoon yesterday searching the federal criminal statutes from beginning to end. I couldn’t find the crime.”
“It reminds me of what Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the KGB, said to Stalin. He said, ‘Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime,’ which he really meant, ‘I’ll make up the crime.’ And so the Democrats are now making up crimes,” he added.
“It will take a massive–from the grass-roots, all the way to the top–a sustained counter-revolution, a “Reconquista” and, so far, I don’t see such a Reconquista shaping up.” – Snow on Pine
I assume you chose that term with great precision.
The analogy is more than just figurative for Europe; although not quite that literal here, it’s getting closer.
MBunge: America currently has both perhaps the most spectacularly wealthy oligarchic class in human history AND massive long term government spending and debt problems. Very few on the Right have any idea what to do about that but NO ONE on the Left has any clue.
A technical means of correcting these imbalances eludes no one. The problem is our bad political culture and our wretched institutional architecture. Obstructive veto groups are so empowered that collective action to make authoritative allocation decisions is not possible. The kultursmog is such that people are persuaded the burden must be born by the other guy while our politicians pretend you can just kick the can down the road every year.
Joe Biden leads in the polls. As noted, he is not left.
Joe Biden is properly described as a shallow careerist grifter who has in his life provided very little resistance to the prevailing currents in the Democratic Party. The closest you get to such resistance would be positions registered forty years ago (when he was of the stated view that court-ordered busing was a bad idea and social worky rehabilitation programs for street criminals largely a waste).
One of those stories where you’re pretty sure America disappeared somewhere, like **poof**, it’s just gone: Attack Of The Toms River Turkeys. Do the townsfolk have a jolly good slaughter, pluck-fest and barbeque? Oh hell’s no. They go bitching to the animal control bureau, the media, or the Governor.
Pod people have replaced us. Quivering sissies. Jesus.
ArtDeco: The inflation rate in the Euro Area is currently running at 0.8% per year. People’s savings aren’t in danger.
It isn’t the inflation but the negative interest rate policy that is depleting the savings. Her comment was specifically in reference to that policy. The negative return is obviously being funded with savings by somebody and it certainly isn’t the govt.
Ok, I don’t stay up to the minute or hour on the comment thread…
What I mean is push back at the local and state level. Get involved, do the grunt work, canvass, put your money where your mouth is, or just bitch and moan sitting on your asses. And/otherwise learn to reload.
If you want something work for it and put your money (not your words) on the line.
Artfl knows. The whole country has become a female seminary.
Still time to vote for Sean!
Root Cause Analysis tells me that what we are seeing is the chaos introduced by a failing Constitution. Any Constitution that is written so poorly will ultimately fail. The Founding Fathers indicated they were creating a limited government but a lack of detail has led to an unlimited government. And like our ancestors in 1861 we are seeing the same inevitable slide to violence because we are predisposed to think that violence to decide the Constitutional problems is preferable to a Convention.
“When a progressive mom takes her kids to walk and play in a California municipal park and, instead of relaxing comfortably with her fellow mom friends, finds blood-tainted needles sticking up out of the grass, what sort of policies does she imagine allowed that? When a small business owner in San Francisco finds vagrants defecating near his breezeway or mobs of shoplifters swarming his store, what sort of politics and ideologies will he consider led to that?” – VDH, among his many other rhetorical questions, the answer being in all cases, “They have no comprehension of the connectedness of their votes for the Democrats and the undesirable results.”
(Undesirable for normal sane people; a feature for the Left.)
Case in point comes from the now-blue state of Virginia, which is on its way to becoming East California:
And yet – the complaining parents almost certainly include people who also voted for the Democrats on the school board.
Total compartmentalization of cause and effect.
It isn’t the inflation but the negative interest rate policy that is depleting the savings. Her comment was specifically in reference to that policy. The negative return is obviously being funded with savings by somebody and it certainly isn’t the govt.
It’s not depleting anyone’s savings. If you don’t like the coupon on the bond, don’t buy the bond, and invest in other assets.
Virginia again.
Art Deco: It’s not depleting anyone’s savings. If you don’t like the coupon on the bond, don’t buy the bond, and invest in other assets.
There is about $15-trillion worth of negative yielding debt out there. I will let you do your own calculation and draw your own conclusion if that is depleting savings or not. On Aug 1, 2019 Bloomberg reported that the total negative yielding debt was $14-trillion. See
sdferr on November 11, 2019 at 5:55 pm said:
The American Mind, Hunter Hearns: The Flight 93 Election Crashed
The American Mind, Peter Boghossian: Welcome to Culture War 2.0: The Great Realignment
* * *
Excellent. I will add a third topical post from Peter Thiel, via that source.
The three of them address Neo’s rejoinder to Montage’s comment:
neo on November 11, 2019 at 8:35 pm said:
“The electorate isn’t as far left as the Democratic politicians. But the electorate has been pulled further and further left by the Gramscian March. And the candidates are not just appealing to this or that faction. They are leftists and they mean business.”
Another thing Montage said is also debatable: “Democrats are closer to moderate in my view. One good example is the recent election in Tucson, AZ. The first Latina was elected as mayor. She is a Democrat. And yet in the exact same election the voters overwhelmingly voted against making Tucson a sanctuary city.”
You can’t “average” political positions. These voters are not moderate; they are schizoid. As VDH pointed out in his essay, also linked by Neo today, people who vote for any Democrat are in effect voting for ALL the Democratic Party’s policies unless (as in this case) explicitly rejected, because Leftist Democrats will enact those “rejected” policies by stealth anyway.
sdferr–Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny, how the way too “civilized” townspeople in this “over 55 community” were getting pushed around by a bunch of Turkeys, which raises the question, who were the real Turkeys here.
Seems to me that there was a lot of meat on the hoof so to speak, yet, no one in this community seems to have thought about just shooting the damn nuisances, cooking them up, and just having Thanksgiving a little early this year.
Actually, my step-father was born in Toms River, and my impression was that people out that way were made of sterner stuff.
These days, apparently not.
shadow on November 11, 2019 at 7:40 pm said:
Recently I was wondering why more old-school Democrats haven’t defected to the Republican party…. I think the left-wing media has simply succeeded at convincing their constituents that voting with the Republicans means taking away healthcare, not funding schools, leaving people to die in the streets, etc. that the thought of going over to the Republican party and working within it to improve healthcare, housing, the environment, etc. isn’t an option. Really, Republicans need to do a better job of showing that this is an option and getting more moderates to join them.
* * *
That is a correct assessment of the problem, but sdferr’s links to the essays at American Mind address the rather optimistic proposal at the end, as do the remarks by parker and Cicero about the up-hill battle at the local level to regain ground already lost by the Republican Party.
Not too coincidentally, this mirrors the British situation (h/t Andy on that thread) where the Leavers who usually vote Labour will never vote for the Conservatives even though they agree with them on that issue, because of the same type of perceptual narrowness.
There, the Leavers have a third option, and are more likely to vote for the Brexit Party than for either of the two main parties (ignoring the minor ones).
Here, there is no functioning “moderate” party with any combination of “moderate” policies that might appeal to a significant number of unhappy voters.
ArtDeco: The inflation rate in the Euro Area is currently running at 0.8% per year. People’s savings aren’t in danger.
Andy: It isn’t the inflation but the negative interest rate policy that is depleting the savings. Her comment was specifically in reference to that policy. The negative return is obviously being funded with savings by somebody and it certainly isn’t the govt.
ArtDeco: It’s not depleting anyone’s savings. If you don’t like the coupon on the bond, don’t buy the bond, and invest in other assets.
Who needs to conceive and then disseminate propaganda, we have people here who generate it out of the air believing its their knowledge… Andy is talking savings accounts at banks, not what the banks invest in (that people can too).
What Are Negative Interest Rates?
Real World Example of a Negative Interest Rate
Big banks start charging clients for euro deposits
Artfldgr on November 11, 2019 at 8:50 pm said:
Students Tear Down Anti-Socialism Display, but UNC Charlotte Won’t Investigate
* * *
The run-around by the administration was despicable, and the actions of the #resistancesnowflakes deplorable, but the closing statements by the YAF leader were heartening — not just because of her support for freedom, but because she wrote a coherent, grammatically sound, understandable essay.
Also not coincidentally, this situation echoes an episode in early Latter-day Saint history, where the President of the United States gave the same craven response as the president/administration of the college, but with deadly ramifications because it gave dubious legitimacy to the state governor who officially ordered the extra-judicial murder of his Mormon constituents.
This is on topic, really, since we started with VDH, who is the Voice of Doom for California.
As we drove through Kigali in a green Toyota Land Cruiser we were stunned by how incredibly clean and well kept Kigali’s streets, sidewalks, and businesses were. There was no litter, no graffiti, roadside vegetation was manicured, and there were no foul vagrants living along the sidewalks or in the parks.
I asked our guide how the Rwandans manage to keep their city so clean.
“Umuganda!” he shouted. “Before Umuganda, there were piles of garbage everywhere! … He explained that on the last Saturday of every month, all able-bodied Rwandans (18–65), including the president and his Cabinet members, are required by law to go out and clean the areas around their homes and businesses. The police fine eligible citizens who fail to participate 5,000 Rwandan francs (about U.S. $5.00).
A4 is the two-lane highway between Kigali and the park. Like all of Rwanda’s highways, it is kept impeccably clean by crews of maintenance workers who sweep up litter with wicker brooms and hand-snip the flora and fauna growing on its shoulders. Small farms with modest cottages line the highway. I was reminded of Switzerland — a far less wealthy Switzerland, but a nation of proud citizens.
We began comparing Rwanda’s A4 to our stretch of U.S. 101 that runs from the Cahuenga Pass near Universal Studios, past the Hollywood Bowl and the Hollywood sign, past the star-studded Walk of Fame, then down into the Los Angeles Civic Center, Staples Center, and the opulent Arts District. This stretch of California 101 serves motorists in one of the world’s most vibrant and richest cities, yet little money is been spent maintaining it, never mind beautifying it. It is a dull, dreary, and sad stretch of highway. The freeway is bounded by ghostly trees and weed patches covered in layers of litter — empty beverage cans, soiled diapers, discarded cigarette packs, snack wrappers, and more. Befouled homeless shanties dot 101’s shoulders, line its overpasses, and occupy its underbelly… U.S. 101 reflects our city’s, county’s, and state’s lack of leadership and vision.
There are too many areas in Los Angeles that are equally neglected.
California and Los Angeles promote our city to poor, uneducated Latino immigrants. We wondered why our government could not declare Umuganda throughout Los Angeles, why it does offer the uneducated, the poor, and the able-bodied social services recipients minimum-wage jobs maintaining our roads. We wonder whether Nuevo Los Angeles will be a proud, revitalized city under the sun or a jumble of tiny islands of wealth in a sea of slums.
“We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes. Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted,” Boudin vowed in response to an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) questionnaire during the campaign.
“Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted, we have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness,” he lamented.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders cheered Boudin’s victory in the election. “Now is the moment to fundamentally transform our racist and broken criminal justice system by ending mass incarceration, the failed war on drugs and the criminalization of poverty,” the Vermont Sen. wrote on Twitter Saturday, congratulating Boudin on his “historic victory!”
California and Los Angeles promote our city to poor, uneducated Latino immigrants. We wondered why our government could not declare Umuganda throughout Los Angeles, why it does offer the uneducated, the poor, and the able-bodied social services recipients minimum-wage jobs maintaining our roads.
many own many properties, and so, could not physically clean them all
then, there is the problem of letting these minimum wage jobs violate the unions
the union issue is the biggest… i remember a man in toronto got tired of a broken staircase in the park and fixed it.. not good.
i found the article..
City says steps will cost at least $65,000; man builds them for $550
This is the same reason that people cant donate and volunteer to help the poor in NYCHA
A couple more essays on point. Are the right-wing journalists following a conservative talking points memo this week??
Probably not part of the memo, but a reminder of where the 1984 Election could take us.
Trump is not Hitler, but the Democrats are giving a good imitation of the ideology that he & the Communists manifested.
AesopFan–The Gramscian conquest was accomplished through informational, psychological, cultural, linguistic, moral, and spiritual warfare, and any counter-revolution will have to be won using those same modes of attack.
The problem is that we on the Right are at an extraordinary disadvantage, since pretty much all of the high ground and positions of power in these areas have already been occupied, conquered, subverted, and “transformed” by the Left.
“Joe Biden leads in the polls.”
Further evidence of the utter insanity that’s become the “new normal”.
To be sure, the Ministry of Truth has been working overtime to ensure that this most dismal of candidates—of personalities (yet less dismal, apparently, than the others)—is even in the running.
(“Now gods, stand up for dementia”? For thuggery? For serial prevarication? Yes, so it appears…. Anything to defeat the Orange Man.)
The incident mentioned by Artfldgr about an assault on a female customer by employees of Popeye’s is an unfortunate byproduct of the booming economy. For a very long time economists have considered 5% unemployment to be “full employment”. This is an acknowledgment that about five percent of the population is actually unemployable, meaning that they don’t have the intelligence, or skills to hold even the most menial of jobs.
We are currently at 3% unemployment, which means that 2% of the current workforce are a major liability to their employers. But it’s worse than just that 2%. The shortage of qualified labor means that everyone is working at a level slightly above their qualifications at every level.
In simple terms, it means that we end up with a significant lack of adult supervision, which is what is happening in those fast food restaurants.
The last time this happened was in the late nineties. The result was a general lowering of the quality of the goods and services produced in the U.S. which, in turn, resulted in significant losses of market share for U.S. companies. It took many years for those companies to restore their quality and recover their markets.
I worry about the economy heating up more than it already has.
There have been quite a few reports–often with videos–lately about violence at various fast food outlets, and at relatively low end chain eateries.
Pretty soon people who don’t want to take the chance of being assaulted, being in the joint when a brawl breaks out, or the place gets shot up, will just avoid this kind of place altogether.
Not a good advertisement for fast food joints or these chains.
Many simply do not like Trump and that’s why he polls so low. Which can be the only reason because we are at peace and the economy is strong.
My 52 year old daughter was visiting this past weekend. She is an attorney and a federal employee. I know her politics are leftist but in September 2016 she told me she would NOT vote for Hillary. I took this as a sign of political sanity. Last Sunday she was ranting about how “incompetent ” Trump is. I asked her if 3% unemployment and Dow Jones at 28,000 meant anything to her. He answer was NO !
I did not inquire further.
We are currently at 3% unemployment, which means that 2% of the current workforce are a major liability to their employers.
If they actually were a ‘major liability’, they wouldn’t have been hired.
Snow on Pine says (in my estimation, perfectly correctly) that, “The Gramscian conquest was accomplished through informational, psychological, cultural, linguistic, moral, and spiritual warfare….”
I wonder, though: Shouldn’t we also add “philosophical?”
Forgive me, everyone, for briefly rehearsing Alasdair MacIntyre’s argument from After Virtue (I’ve done it before here). But one very important root, but a widely-unacknowledged root, of our current predicament is the fact that for four hundred years, no one in public life has been able to provide a widely-acknowledged rational basis for ethical calculations. For a long while, no one has been able to derive an “ought” from an “is.”
That situation didn’t obtain throughout the prior period, on account of the merger of Aristotelian and Judeo-Christian ethics: The view of man as a rational animal with a knowable telos, discoverable simultaneously from right reasoning and from divine revelation. The awareness of what a man is for, of what constitutes his proper flourishing in view of his nature, allowed ethicists to objectively reason to moral conclusions in ways able to achieve broad consensus, in just the same way that knowing what a wristwatch is for allows us today to achieve broad consensus about the difference between a good watch, a crappy watch, and a completely broken watch.
Now that way of reasoning was condemned by the more-radical (proto-lefty) enlightenment thinkers as outmoded, dusty, cramped, exasperating, stodgy, et cetera: Anything, you see, other than false. Nobody made any serious effort to refute Scholasticism, but they did exactly what leftists still do to the present day: Propagandize it into unpopularity. A handful of modern Thomists, nearly all serious Christians, remain the only persons still keeping the light on.
As a replacement for that, we’ve had a few centuries of thinkers trying to replace the A-T/Scholastic approach to morality with something (anything!) else, and all of them have failed. What Kant said has holes in it, pointed out to them by everyone other than Kantians. What Nietzsche said has holes in it, too; they were pointed out by everyone other than Nietzscheans. For four hundred years, nobody’s has a consistent scheme, everybody’s had a favorite but incomplete and partly self-contradictory system. Work has stalled.
The societal evidence of this is simple: Everyone still talks in moral terms about all kinds of things, but all their language reduces to something like, “I feel that I like XYZ, but I dislike ABC.” Moral relativism reigns because we’ve given up reasoning about right and wrong and have nothing left to replace it other than distaste for certain notions and our self-sorting into tribes of persons with similar moral sentiments.
Does it seem the left are always winning the propaganda war?
Well of course they are! After all, propaganda is about manipulating others through their sentiments, and it is only their right reason that can save them back to knowledge of truth. But you can’t “fight something with nothing,” can you? If you have no basis for right reasoning about the things the left proposes (notice the adjectives) as “compassionate” and “fair” and “progressive,” how on earth can you remain anchored to truth in a flood of sentimental propaganda?
I don’t know how to do it, but if every schoolkid in America — even all the homeschooled and private schooled ones, if such things don’t become outlawed — were to become young Thomists for the next 20 years, in 25 years the left would stop winning elections and find themselves cast out of public influence.
Roy Nathanson, you left out the diversity mandate which allows them to ignore EEOC rules and laws…
however, I do not think that these are unemployable, i think they need training in this case… they have been given a license where there is a reward for outrage and a reward for joining in, and a system that does not punish, under the idea that others are doing the same, and not getting punished.
There is also the problem that the new feminist system is ignoring those boys and hurting them, and not helping them, so they are coming out completely unprepared to take the college courses or work without issues based on how they were actually educated!
currently they are playing games to give proper lip service to EEOC, but in truth, their suggestions and such are really about skirting that… things like we want to win the diversity award… we want to be seen as X because to be seen as Y is a problem.
1933 – Germany
We want to be seen as a company that will not hire the Jews who have too much privilege and too much power and are responsible for the ills in our society
2019 – USA/UK/ etc.
We want to be seen as a company that will not hire the white males who have too much privilege and too much power and are responsible for the ills in our society
below is an example where they make suggestions that imply an illegal action without actually telling them the illegal action to take to meet that!!!!!!
IF you dont ignore the applications of qualified people waiting for the people you want to appear, how do you accomplish the goal and not be in violation? easy, you waste time on empty interviews where the subject doesn’t know that they could literally be god, and have zero chance to be hired as they are being used to establish a cover story for reaching the above goal…
So right there they are saying, if your getting too many unprotected class members who are applying, which will increase as people dont hire them, you have to what? not hire them, and adjust so that you can find more of the people with the right sex, gender, or race qualities you want… after all, they are protected classes, and the ones your avoiding are by definition, a negative to all diversity scores
Enjoy the TOOL..
look… all you have to do is look at the postings and images at the locations, they are full of what they want, and what they dont want is either absent, or blurred in the back.. IF you havent noticed, jews have started to wear the kippa more, to insure they are seen as a protected class…
the SBA 8A program gives so much to one side, that the other side cant get loans, or any help
this has been in place putting forth half a trillion, guaranteed loans, mentorships, abatements, free office equipment, discounts on electricity, an extra database that only they can be in (5×5). and if you talk about it, as i tried years ago, you got pish toshed…
so in a way, even neo helped make this happen by not believing this was ALREADY happening and treating the subject as valid.. its on her old site and i dont think it transferred..
8(a) Business Development program
Program benefits
Compete for set-aside and sole-source contracts in the program [no set aside for the unprotected]
Get a Business Opportunity Specialist to help navigate federal contracting [no specialists to help for the unprotected]
Form joint ventures with established businesses through the SBA’s mentor-protégé program [not allowed to be a front for larger companies if your unprotected]
Receive management and technical assistance, including business training, counseling, marketing assistance, and high-level executive development [none of this available for the unprotected]
Non-disadvantaged individual means any individual who does not claim disadvantaged status, does not qualify as disadvantaged, or upon whose disadvantaged status an applicant or Participant does not rely in qualifying for 8(a) BD program participation.
hows that for a circular argument… they do not let me use that i grew up in a very bad neighborhood but would for my neighbor… and we all know women are disadvantaged as they make 71% compared to men (an erroneous figure that has not changed in 35 years)..
You can also get a preliminary assessment of whether you qualify at the SBA’s Certify website.
The Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contract Program allows set-asides for WOSBs in industries where firms are underrepresented. WOSBs must be at least 51% owned and controlled by women.
IF you answer the first 8 questions YES..
Are the qualifying individual(s) of the firm women who own at least 51% of the firm?
back to how to hire diversity
which is why i said look at the website of a company… they are telling you what they dont want this way
been doing this for years till enough side with them that no one could bring an EEOC court case, even if valid!
put the referrals of others into the round filing cabinet.. or actually, save them to show you accept the referral
this one below is very illegal… except that there is one unprotected class..
So if your a person who was homeless to go to school without a scholarship or loan available, did well, all that you did and worked for has no bearing any more… so you dont get to be the “better qualified hire”
soooooo treat the wrong person the same as the glasses used to drink harveys bristol creame
throw away those tiny little glasses!!! dont put them in the pool.. regardless of experience and skills
they will just blow the numbers, and force your diversity rating down
blame it on the computer that is never wrong…
How To Alter Your Hiring Practices To Increase Diversity FORBES
Tweet This
We know this is a problem, but there just isn’t enough pipeline to find other good people now.
right there his comment about himself tells you the truth about this…
its hire by gender, race, or such… outright EEOC violation as a NORM
but remember, once the left allowed selective prosecution
fire or dissolve jobs of the people you dont want, and make those you dont want feel uncomfortable
dont give them raises for 15 years, give others raises… after all, no one gets to see you do that
there is so much out there..
so i guess i will be homeless a third time..
and my indonesian wife will lose all she came to america to have BECAUSE she married a jew, i mean white heterosexual male she wanted to have mixed children with..
I asked her if 3% unemployment and Dow Jones at 28,000 meant anything to her. He answer was NO !
you should have asked if she planned to work till she dropped or till she was forced to live in public housing… as not caring would mean she didnt care if her retirement account had anything in it to keep her eating…
does she really like roaches and rats that much?
or does she have a complete disconnect on where the money for her 401k, roth ira, etc. grow from..
tell her to look at NYCHA housing as an example of where she will end up if she dont have enough money and has one accident..
or maybe a little pink house…
or maybe just not being able to go outside cause its just too violent in the place she is at because she didnt care about such..
really short sighted… sorry
Mike K
No offense intended but I’m curious. Is your daughter married? Does she have sons?
Geoffrey Britain on November 11, 2019 at 7:30 pm said:
PRAGER: The Left-Right Divide Is About Reality Itself
Well it is about the Left hand path vs the Right hand path, but not in the sense Prager sees it as.
The collective Left does not break ranks. In that sense they are fascists, as in fasces (Latin!), tightly bound together with an ax at their center.
Conservatives are philosophically devoutly conscious of individual rights, and are thus by definition easily defeated by that united, ever-united collectivist foe.
If that was true, why do conservatives maintain the power of a government that uses the fasces (tight bundle of sticks) on their Greek columns of authority and various other seals?
That’s a bit… inconsistent or contradictory, don’t you think.
The truth is that all American citizens are slaves of the Deep State. Has been for decades if not centuries. Trum is the first President since JFK got killed by the DS (for reasons like Epstein killing himself was a reason) that was NOT selected by the Cabal DS.
This is an excerpt from a much longer article.
The US Election: The Schoolyard Bully Saves The Day (With Some Help From The SBA)
It might seem to you that Donald Trump would obviously be part of the Cabal. He comes across as rich, conceited, braggadocious, a womanizer, and a racist elitist, so he fits the profile, but appearances can be deceiving.
Hillary Clinton, who is a pedophile, satanist, and high-ranking member of the Cabal (same with Bill), was actually the Cabal’s choice for US President.
As the date of the election approached and it appeared, contrary to the disinformation put out by Hillary’s campaign, that Trump actually had a very good chance of winning, the Cabal stepped up it’s plans and began to put into motion their long-planned false flag alien attack. The plan was to stage the invasion shortly before the election which would trigger marshal law and cancel the election.
After the “victory” over the pretend invaders was accomplished, Obama (also a Cabal collaborator, though I have heard conflicting stories about his level; in one version he was, at one point, making moves to expose the Deep State, but then caved to pressure when they threatened the life of his family, in the other version he is a top Lieutenant) would then hand power over to Hillary while marshal law was still in effect, avoiding the election altogether. Then the Cabal could reveal themselves as I’ve previously described — as a benevolent secret society that has been working behind the scenes to prepare humanity for this event.
Thankfully, the intelligence community within the SBA and their allies in the FBI got wind of the plan. The FBI and the US military (most of whom are actually part of the Alliance, though they have often unwittingly done the Cabal’s bidding) made it clear to the Clintons that they would tolerate no monkey business whatsoever in this campaign, and that any future attempt on their part to stage a false flag attack or rig the election in any way would result in marshal law being declared, the US military taking power from the government, and an aggressive attack on all known Cabal bases.
The Cabal had only one shot left at this point and that was to feed as much disinformation to the public as possible about Hillary’s “inevitable victory” in a hope to sway voter turnout. And yes, there haven’t really been free elections in this country since Kennedy anyway, but that was always because the Cabal was pulling strings which they couldn’t do this time. Their only hope was to actually win for real in such a landslide that the SBA would be hard pressed to maneuver Trump into the office.
Had she won, the plan was for her to start world war three as quickly as possible, most likely through a confrontation with North Korea or China, in a last-ditch effort to destroy much of the population, destroy the advancements being gained in human consciousness by reducing the world back to a survival-of-the-fittest state (which had worked well for them in the past) and take the wind out of the SBA’s sails once and for all.
Thanks to the efforts of the SBA and those aligned with them we got our first democratically elected President since Kennedy and narrowly avoided a pretend alien invasion followed by continued Cabal control, and/or a holocaust.
And Trump, blowhard that he is, serves an important function.
America has been living with cultural trauma since before it’s inception. The very foundations of America were built on trauma, oppression, and genocide. And the Cabal has used these methods to ensure that trauma and survival energy rules the consciousness not just in America, but in most of the world’s population.
In any trauma system the sign that something is starting to shift out of its habitual bracing and management is change. Even painful change.
Hillary represented business as usual. A continuation of the status quo. A nice presentation that is fundamentally a lie.
Trump’s victory was a painful, ugly change for many people, but it is definitely a radical change in the collective system, and not at all what the Cabal wanted to occur.
It is a sign that the collective disorganization and trauma in the American system, and in the world at large, can no longer be contained and managed and covered up. Its bursting out at the seams. It’s right there for all to see.
For everyone worried about his apparent lewdness, racism, sexism, etc… those traits greatly inform the American collective consciousness already. In terms of karma, in terms of actions, that is the energy that America, and the Cabal, were built on. The energy that is on display from Trump is exactly the energy that has been running the show from behind the curtain this whole time. His election is a big part of that curtain being ripped down.
Also, his seemingly infantile bullheadedness was a big part of why he was approached by the Alliance in the first place!
The military elements of the Alliance had gotten to the point where they felt that only through a violent coup could they regain control of America and eventually the rest of the world. Other factions talked them into giving a lawful, in-the-light-of-day-take-down one more shot, and Trump was proposed as the best candidate for the job of President during that effort precisely because of a lot of the qualities that make him repugnant to many; what better choice than someone who not only had a bullish nature and over-inflated perception of their own awesomeness, but also a childlike enthusiasm for the next great thing and a will strong enough to try and see it through?
Plus, he was rich enough to finance his own campaign, he was aware of the Cabal but not part of them, and he had already gotten inklings of secret technologies through his uncle’s access to Tesla’s research back in the day; all of these factors helped him willingly shoulder a task that, quite frankly, has been one hell of a long shot.
In other words, most of the war has been won. it’s not over over, but the beginning is over.
Assuming America can prevent Trum from getting JFKed/Epsteined… or another holocaust WW3 post apoc scenario.
Can you all?
This explains why many of us strongly intuited that Emergency Martial law would be declared in 2016. But then it didn’t happen and many of us were left with that old Biblical prophet issue. What are false prophets?
If you tell someone “If you repent and change yourself, you won’t be annihilated”. So they are “true” prophets if people refuse to change and they get annihilated? Or are they false prophets if people change and they don’t get annihilated?
It’s a rather strange situation although if you believe in free will, one knows that destiny can be changed, and so can the future. The Cabal and Leftist alliance is powerful but… they are weaklings compared to Our Host of the Divine, or even the Deep State.