Home » Meanwhile, Catholic University slaps down speech that criticizes self-described “victims”…


Meanwhile, Catholic University slaps down speech that criticizes self-described “victims”… — 27 Comments

  1. Downright disgusting. So tired of these clueless administrators. I wish the professor’s courage had held up. All part of the reckoning to come, I suppose.

  2. There seems to be no end to the insanity surrounding this controversy. In my experience, when society loses its sense of balance and perspective this badly, the only thing an ordinary sane person can do is keep their head down and wait for the storm to pass.

  3. It seems to me this smacks of any regime – cultural or political – desperately trying to sustain its narrative by any means possible not caring, or in my opinion even noticing, that its attempts at suppression grow increasingly obvious and artificial. One of our great emeritus politicians here in Australia, Graham Richardson, still writes a weekly column in the Australian. He was the numbers man for the Labor party who knew were the votes were – like the Democrat’s James Carvel or the Republican’s Carl Rove – and whenever one of our politicians of either party gets out of touch with reality he points out: “Sooner or later the mob works you out.” They may manage to impeach Trump and put him in a glass mausoleum on the Mall with a stake through his heart, but sooner or later the American people will come to see them for what they are – latter day Stalinists.

  4. “I wish the professor’s courage had held up.”

    I also wish that but I’m not going to condemn him. I don’t know his situation, he may have a family to support or some other reason why not toeing the line would be damaging not only to him but to his loved ones. It just points up how outrageous and frightening this is. It is not much of an exaggeration to call his employer’s posture “Stalinist”.

  5. So, we really are back in the USSR.
    Tell me again who won the Cold War?


    Posted: Oct 02, 2018 6:10 AM
    “Apparently, Twitter decided that she crossed the line because her account has been suspended. She’ll probably be reinstated in the near future.”

    Apparently Twitter took some flak and retrenched for a strategic interval.
    By their rules, it’s not hate speech if it’s directed against the people you have an obligation to hate.

    Catholics-in-name-only are bending over backwards to disassociate themselves with the all-but-convicted reprobate they used to preen themselves on producing.


    September 29, 2018
    “Here we have it: Brett Kavanaugh, product of a Jesuit education, academic overachiever, fine young man, Supreme Court nominee – and suddenly bad stuff to the Jesuits’ main magazine based on a single unsubstantiated accusation from a leftist. So that’s why America magazine is now disavowing him. Take a look at the pious overload:”

    They are probably using one of those new-fangled Bibles that have been abridged for modern readers, because theirs is missing a few passages:

    Luke 7:34,36-37
    34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!

    Matthew 9:10-11,13-14
    13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

    John 8:7
    7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

    1 Corinthians 13:1-4,8,13
    1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

  6. Where is the Catholic University’s board of trustees? Are there NO adults anywhere? They should order President Garvey to be put in the stocks and pelted with tomatoes until he comes back through the looking-glass world into the world of principle.

  7. The one good thing about the inanities of the academics is that a college education is becoming a bad signal to an employer. Who will want to hire those who went through this antisocial coaching? Some employers must already be thinking it would be better to start with a fresh candidate who hasn’t been taught all the gibberish. Sure, plenty of young people have the intestinal fortitude to come through four years of silliness unscathed, but a college degree now seems to be a testament primarily to foolishness, bad judgment and the tinkering of knaves. So the President Garveys of this world are destroying their product and, eventually, themselves. It’s just too bad that eventually takes so long. C’mon, internet, get rid of these cruddy schools.

  8. This is what happens when humans call good evil, and evil good. It is also due to believing that their super power national power will save them. It won’t, but it feels good to have faith in that larger than life entity.

    Pride in one’s nation blinds the people to all the corruptions that goes on daily. They don’t do anything about it but they will feel offended if their nationality and national power is challenged.

    So the President Garveys of this world are destroying their product and, eventually, themselves. It’s just too bad that eventually takes so long. C’mon, internet, get rid of these cruddy schools.

    We can get rid of the schools as soon as the citizens and serfs get their government, control of the mind, to remove all the licensing requirements that authorize certain school authorities.

    If Brett was part of the Old Guard lavender mafia in the Jesuit and Vatican social circles, his sexual predation would have been covered up and provided for by the Authorities. Since the universities apparently don’t know this or are shooting off at the hip inaccurately, K’s reputation doesn’t take any hit from my pov.

    Just because someone is a product of Jesuit education doesn’t mean they end up like the Church of Rome or the P of Rome. Jesuit education is way too ‘smart’ for that.

  9. “[S]tudents discovered that pompous teachers who catechized them about academic freedom could, with a little shove, be made into dancing bears.”

    Of course the slaves would think they were free. Why would anyone want to believe they were oppressed and take pride in that… other than for black natives in the US that is.

    Humans obey their Authorities above all else. They are too weak to resist or fight the world, so they will go along with what the Consensus decrees, or Else. They do what they are told. They believe what they are told. They merely self rationalize that they are in control of things and have decided.

    They decided pretty much nearly nothing. They were made to accept the control of the mind as freedom by the government: the governing mind.

  10. So many groups and institutions are exposing themselves in this mess. The MSM is openly cheerleading for the Democrats, and covering for them (or trying to). And “Catholic” schools like Georgetown and Catholic University are disclosing that they are anything but traditionally Catholic. That’s been true for years, but now it’s out in the open.

  11. There is no place at any college or university for a white male heterosexual, regardless of political persuasion. Rainford should have followed Vox Day’s advice and doubled down. His apology will not save him or his job. He is finished at Catholic University. They will ostracize him and likely fire him anyway.

  12. I’ve typed and deleted multiple comments. The situation is so unbelievable that it wouldn’t pass as fiction.

    The mid-terms are going to be interesting.

    If ever you were tempted to shake your head and stay home, resist that temptation next month. One of the ways to be heard that still counts is at the ballot box.

  13. Kolnai;

    Thanks for that link!

    Both hilarious and scary, all at the same time….

  14. That’s the rabid left (and there is no other left) for you: anything we say or do it by definition good.
    Anything others say or do is by definition wrong even if it’s the exact same thing we say or do.

    Now bend over for your anal probing, there’s a good little serf.

  15. “. . . “Catholic” schools like Georgetown and Catholic University are disclosing that they are anything but traditionally Catholic.” [Kate @ 7:47 am}

    IMO this all started with the so-called modernization of the Catholic Church in the mid 1960s (Vatican II). In 1968 I refused to even apply to a Catholic university after 12 years of Catholic schooling (and almost constant argumentation with religion teachers for the last four of those years). 50 years later my choice is still being confirmed as correct.

  16. The meaning of the word “victim” has not been merely watered down, it has been changed. It no longer refers only to your individual circumstances (which might be tied to your group status), but to whatever groups you belong to. If you can claim membership in a victim group, you can now claim victimhood on the basis of that, and that alone. I am not merely grousing hyperbolically – though I do that sometimes – I am putting this forward as an actual new meaning that has been added to the word, recognized as legitimate in some circles.

    When people use the word with you, it might be wise to have them clarify “What does the word victim mean to you?”

  17. > In my experience, when society loses its sense of balance and perspective this badly, the only thing an ordinary sane person can do is keep their head down and wait for the storm to pass.

    Except in my experience, I get angry enough to call people out on their nonsense. My wife is a middle-school librarian, and we both believe that I wouldn’t last a week in the public schools, even though I love kids and I love teaching.

    Apparently, I wouldn’t last a week at a university either. What is particularly galling is that these so-called Catholic institutions have no problems with their staff openly supporting things like abortion or homosexuality. Apparently the only things they have a problem with are common sense and traditional Catholic teachings. If I were to join such an institution, the first thing I would want to do is get a T-shirt that says, “Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus” and see how long it would take me to get censured. But I’m a particularly obnoxious person.

  18. This is nothing new. I started college in 1960 and remember the student demonstrations. We joked that there was nothing more craven, cowardly and hypocritical than a college president. They all talked a good game but they all collapsed like a wet paper sack and gave in to the students.

  19. Ah, remembering the days before the revolution corrupted everything we held dear by labeling it patriarchy, and throwing everything out, religion being a big no no, morals, ethics…

    we all wanted to be the 1968 liberated woman..

    Ray on October 3, 2018 at 12:13 pm at 12:13 pm said:
    This is nothing new. I started college in 1960 and remember the student demonstrations.

    When I was in graduate school, I learned a lot about the left. One lesson was that while most liberals and conservatives abide by society’s rules of order and decency, most leftists do not feel bound to live by these same rules.

    I watched the way leftist Vietnam War protesters treated fellow students and professors. I watched left-wing students make “non-negotiable demands” of college administrations. I saw the Black Panthers engage in violence — including torture and murder — and be financially rewarded by leftists.

    Dennis Prager

    well. yeah..
    you watched the slow soviet revolution which never stopped
    who stopped it?

    IF women of a society want to be in a totalitarian place, thats where we will go
    UNLESS the men oppress them and take them away from that.
    since they cant do that in the west
    Post hoc ergo propter hoc
    a Totalitarian state of more oppression than any of these western women ever experienced is being created by them… and the fun part… by them, and for the men who are helping them, and will take it

    without the men, they wont be able to hold the power that they are putting together

    but note…
    some women know that, but women are too afraid to stand up to women
    they would rather become state slaves and live horrid lives than die on their feet free!!!

    for them, given history, this is normal… they have always survived this way if not genocides

    In August 2017, University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax wrote a column for the Philadelphia Inquirer in defense of middle-class values. She and her co-author cited a list of behavioral norms that, as Wax, put it, “was almost universally endorsed between the end of World War II and the mid-1960s.”

    They were: “Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. Go the extra mile for your employer or client. Be a patriot, ready to serve the country. Be neighborly, civic-minded, and charitable. Avoid coarse language in public. Be respectful of authority. Eschew substance abuse and crime.”

    She later wrote in the Wall Street Journal, “The fact that the ‘bourgeois culture’ these norms embodied has broken down since the 1960s largely explains today’s social pathologies — and re-embracing that culture would go a long way toward addressing those pathologies.”

    For her left-wing colleagues at Penn Law School, this list was beyond the pale. About half of her fellow professors of law — 33 of them — condemned her in an open letter. And Wax wrote in the Journal, “My law school dean recently asked me to take a leave of absence next year and to cease teaching a mandatory first-year course.”

    The Pennsylvania chapter of the left-wing National Lawyers Guild condemned her for espousing bourgeois values and questioned “whether it is appropriate for her to continue to teach a required first-year course.”

    Dennis Prager…


    you aint seen nothing yet, cause you aint paid attention to the right things given distractions
    purposeful distractions, canned answers, repeated untruths, etc.
    It would be much easier to know and to avoid IF one ever read the papers on how to implement such things, but why do that… its so much more fun to find out whats in the totalitarian grab bag without study!!!

    when the demographics switch
    ovens will become fashionable again…
    not like the pacific theater has any probations about erasing problems

  20. > In my experience, when society loses its sense of balance and perspective this badly, the only thing an ordinary sane person can do is keep their head down and wait for the storm to pass.

    only took 95 years if your head was down cause of the soviets
    but it did pass…
    sort of… if you think whats there now is different sans the ideological bloviating…

  21. Again, the scandal here is that the country’s Catholic bishops are, as a corporate body, proprietors of Catholic University. Quite a number of foundationally Catholic institutions have been relinquished by their orders and are under self-regenerating boards of the familiar type, but that’s not the case with Catholic University. Given the options, their delegates selected John Garvey, who was never a prominent legal scholar and whose record at Boston College should have disqualified him.

    What Robert Conquest said: bureaucratic behavior can best be explained by assuming the organization is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.

    As for faithful Catholics, select a parish carefully and give to that parish and give as little as you can to funds which can be assessed by the bishop. Select apostolates with care – be they Catholic or non-Catholic. Do not give to Catholic colleges unless they’re from one of the small corps like Christendom founded or renewed in reaction to the ruin set off by the 2d Vatican Council. Do not give anything to your bishop unless he is one of the odd minority who is sound.

    One thing the Church has been doing for nearly 50 years now has been making the case for Orthodoxy. For the last 5 years, they’ve been making the case for the SSPX as well.

  22. We joked that there was nothing more craven, cowardly and hypocritical than a college president.

    They’re caving in because the students are agents of the worst elements of the faculty and administration. If it were the local chapter of Young Americans for Freedom making all this noise, the kids would be dealt with by campus security and the local police, and would receive no concessions.

  23. “As for faithful Catholics, select a parish carefully and give to that parish and give as little as you can to funds which can be assessed by the bishop. Select apostolates with care – be they Catholic or non-Catholic. Do not give to Catholic colleges unless they’re from one of the small corps like Christendom founded or renewed in reaction to the ruin set off by the 2d Vatican Council. Do not give anything to your bishop unless he is one of the odd minority who is sound.”–Art Deco

    Sound advice.

  24. Phillipa Crawford on October 3, 2018 at 9:28 am at 9:28 am said:
    I’ve typed and deleted multiple comments. The situation is so unbelievable that it wouldn’t pass as fiction.
    * * *
    But it can be illuminated by fiction – The Book of Job comes to mind.

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