Home » The sins of the father: January 6th and the Reffitt case


The sins of the father: January 6th and the Reffitt case — 48 Comments

  1. “ Prosecutors claimed that because Reffitt was armed with a firearm, chose to go to trial and was a primary instigator in the riots, he deserved the longest sentence to date.”

    Wait, you deserve a longer sentence, i.e., more punishment, for executing your constitutional right to a trial by jury?

  2. Wow. A long post and a nice one. Seems like Guy had a bit of a Munchausen syndrome. Very sad.

    I noticed that the charges sort of fit the deeds except for the obstruction of justice charge. Then I read the part where Guy threatens his son to keep silent. Was that the source of that charge?

  3. So what I want to know is, if all of the reports about these denials of basic Constitutional rights, extremely long pretrial detentions, apparently deliberately miserable jail conditions, attacks on these detainees, and prosecutorial and judicial overreach are correct, what can be done–in a practical sense–to right these wrongs, and to “make whole” those who have been under threat of prosecution, detained, and sentenced if Republicans take both the House and Senate?

    Impeach the judge handling these cases? Severely discipline and/or fire all the Federal officials involved?

    Private legislation to compensate each and every one of these individuals?

    P.S.–This travesty is certainly a good advertisement for a Republican President–a la Trump–to get every possible Federal judge he can confirmed.

    P.S.S.–Other than being a chance to grandstand, Hearings don’t do a damn thing, if these Hearings are not followed thereafter by draconian punishments handed out to those who are demonstrated to have been guilty.

  4. The behavior of the Stasi-like FBI/DOJ in the relentless persecution and prosecution (at the cost of no-one knows how many millions of dollars)of defendants from the “Fed-surrection” is reason enough that, should Republicans prevail in two weeks (how long will it take to count the votes this time, and how much chicanery from the Democrats will there be?), one of their priorities should be to begin the process of impeachment against the odious Garland, indirectly responsible as well for the inhumane conditions in DC’s Guantanamo, nor should one forget the sad tale of Matthew Perna, hounded to the point of suicide by the Department of (In)Justice.

  5. What a sad story! Gross over-charging and over-sentencing. He didn’t even go in the Capitol!

    This man got himself in trouble for being a loud-mouthed big talker. Come to think of it, Trump has the same problem.

  6. @rbj 1

    Didn’t you know? That’s one of the reasons for the ‘throw every charge you can think of at the defendant’ school of prosecution, because it gives you something to bargain with in exchange for a plea deal.

    Mind, I’d thought it was illegal to come right out and say that you’re doing this, and for the exact reason you mentioned: it’s an admission of an attempt to punish the defendant for exercising their constitutional rights.

    Which makes this another example of the corruption of the justice system, as if it weren’t already, because lawyers (and, apparently, judges) no longer feel the need to even keep up the pretense of constitutional rule. Or at least as damning, are entirely unaware of the implication.

  7. This man got himself in trouble for being a loud-mouthed big talker. Come to think of it, Trump has the same problem.

    So does Biden.

  8. Everything about the Jan 6th circus disgusts me, but this maybe worst of all. I have long since accepted DC is a sewer and maybe the British should have be a better job burning it. I have long since accepted this jurisdiction cannot give honest or unbiased verdicts in politically tinged cases. And of course the Swamp can be trusted to pursue its agenda ruthlessly. All of that is wretched and even evil, but it is at least fairly rational.

    But Jackson Reffitt apparently heard that there was an opening for Pavlik Morozov figures and decided to step in. Especially given whatever beefs he had with the family. Unfortunately he is very much the model of the “New Man” the Progs want to create, “The Ones we have been waiting for.”

    He will not be the last of his kind, unfortunately.

  9. That son is as much a reckless loud-mouth as his father. The image of the father in court putting his face in his hands, with his son on the stand, implies that he recognizes what he has raised, and has realized, as only a parent can, that his son can’t see it yet.

    The son: What can anyone say? He’s a proper little progressive hero of the State, isn’t he. He’s signed himself up for a miserable existence, once the impact of what he has wrought sinks in. Just wait ’till he slowly comes to realize how much like his father he is. There won’t be anywhere left for him to hide, then.

  10. no he wasn’t, others left their guns, in the hotel in virginia, what insurrectionists,

  11. It seems that the only one in his family with any sense is his wife.

    Don, the story says he was wearing the gun in DC but didn’t enter the Capitol.

  12. “So does Biden.” Indeed he does have big talk and lying problems, worse than Trump, and now combined with not having any very clear idea of where he is.

  13. do these prosecutors ever stop lying rhetorical, did they present any video evidence of Reffitt, that would tell you if he was packing or not, and the circumstances of his actions,

  14. The kid hates his dad enough to request a fifteen year sentence.
    He has helped destroy the family. Even those who would praise him would never trust him.

  15. Child set up a gofund me, has 187,00.00 in it today.
    And his photo wearing a pink pussy hat.

  16. In Koba the Dread a account of a son who turned in his father who then was murdered by Stalinists was in turn killed by his grandfather and a uncle.

    Very good book as we are rhyming the Russian Revolution

  17. The longhaired punk thinks he gets to live on Elysium or in The Capitol of Panem when it’s all said & done.
    He needs to understand though, that his dad may have mental health issues, but he was spot on about traitors. Revolution always turns on its own.

  18. Back in 1987 my surfer buddy who went KKK was indicted on three weapons charges then sentenced to 10 years.

    He was the real White Supremacist Deal on his holy mission to overthrow ZOG, our Zionist Occupied Government. He was batsh&t at that point and as I recall he was so deluded he defended himself in court.

    Still — 10 years!

    Yet Refitt got 7 1/2 years.

    It’s like a variation of Gresham’s Law: “Bad money drives out good money.”

    Silly white supremacism drives out sensible white supremacism.

  19. Any totalitarian regime can measure it’s success by it’s ability to turn children against their parent.
    I assume the boy attends government school.

    “Adolf Hitler, in inimitable and terrifying fashion, developed this maxim, stating baldly, He alone who owns the youth, gains the future, thereby demonstrating not just the importance of early education, but providing an object lesson in the attempts, through it, to manipulate and impose control. It is this same spirit that we are seeing at work today…”


  20. Now in retrosoect they killed unarmed protesters at least two maybe as many as five they tried to make them unpersons of worse they put hundreds of persons in the capitol gulag including a decorated navy lt commandet with security clearances (who they locked up for 40 days)

  21. There isn’t any possible way for Democrats to justify this. Of course, there aren’t any Democrats, politicians or voters, who care. Nasty, vicious, disgusting people do and support nasty, vicious, disgusting actions.

  22. This is the sentiment behind a bloc commitee they are called cdrs in nicaragua they were called turbas in venezuela they operate as colectivos

  23. So he spoke these words to his own family inside his own home and goes to prison because of those words.

    What next? Go to jail for telling your 12 year old he or she can’t have a sex change?

    One mistake we made was giving self-rule and voting rights to residents of the capital district. The Founders saw the problems with that and they’ve come true.

  24. “What next? Go to jail for telling your 12 year old he or she can’t have a sex change?”

    Isn’t that—more or less—already the case?
    IOW, isn’t that what the November election is, in large part, about?
    Put another way, isn’t that why Youngkin is Governor of Virginia?
    (Among many, many other things, certainly)…
    – – – – – – – – –
    “Any totalitarian regime can measure it’s success by it’s ability to turn children against their parent.”

    Exactly right.
    “Tomorrow belongs to us” could well be the Democratic Party’s slogan.
    (Well, delusional—one hopes—slogan.)

    Alas, “Biden” ‘s thought processes (such as they are) no doubt run along the lines of “Totalitarian governments have failed in the past but that’s only because they weren’t ‘done right’ “.
    “We” aim to DO IT RIGHT!
    “We” ‘re gonna invoke DEMOCRACY (even as we trample that out-date Constitution rag) and put a monument in honor of George Orwell in every public square, in every village, town and city. Gonna hang a huge banner with his funny mug on it from every tall building and tree.
    Yep, Orwell’ll be our Founding Ideologue.
    Get it?! Anyone who opposes “US” is an enemy of Democracy (heh)…
    And anyone who’s against “US” is defying Orwell (heh, heh)…

    We’ve thought it all out.
    We’ve thought it all through.
    We’re gonna do this thing RIGHT…
    We’re gonna PROVE to everyone—to history, to the world—that OUR KIND OF TOTALITARIANISM WILL WORK.
    Just watch us. You’ll see…

    File under: The Thousand Year Democracy….

  25. Guys who run their mouths like the elder Reffit annoy me no end. Fortunately, I can usually arrange to be someplece else.
    As to the son…is incurable leprosy painful enough? And it does without saying, the same should happen to the DoJ Stasi

  26. this is another part of destroying men. loud talk is not a threat (tell the chick on the view). when you have destroyed all the men who will run to the sound of the guns?

  27. “Prosecutors claimed that because Reffitt was armed with a firearm, chose to go to trial and was a primary instigator in the riots, he deserved the longest sentence to date.

    So, insist on your constitutional rights, and you’ll be slammed harder.

    Got it.

    Prosecutors are not your friends.

    Neither are windbags in blog comment sections who think they are the starring role of a movie.

  28. Has anyone mentioned that the speech and comments by the president and attorney general should be fodder for an appeal?

    History should regard the MAGA witch hunt and persecutions as a far worse abuse of power and shredding of constitutional rights than the Red Scares/McCarthyism.

  29. Problem here is he was participating in a coup de ta or trying to violently overthrow our LEGALLY elected government. Tough shit BUCK!

  30. Tom, so a demonstration that got out of hand, perhaps due to some agents provocateur, is a coup ? Our “Legally elected government?”

    Thanks for letting us know what a Democrat thinks of this case.

  31. Thanks for letting us know what a Democrat thinks of this case.

    The Democratic electorate has been self-sorting into categories of ‘feckless’ and ‘vicious’. Category three (Glenn Greenwald, Bari Weiss, Alan Dershowitz) just lost one of its more prominent members in Tulsi Gabbard.

  32. Tom Harper illustrates what I stated in another thread, that people on the Left actually believe that the J6 riot would overthrow the government. Once again I would like to see how. All I can think of is that it’s part of Trump derangement syndrome.

  33. JFM
    TDS requires the afflicted to actually believe.
    The other cohort know better and are lying, hoping we might be convinced against reality,

  34. We face the costanza effecf how do you rectify a high crime that has put us a road to world war 3 famine rolling blackouts

  35. Tom Harper:

    Coup from a distance, is that a quantum insurrection, the entanglement of prosecutorial particles, or the “law for we and not for thee” principle?

    Black holes of leftist justice.

  36. @ Tom Harper > “coup de ta”

    Try to get your accusations correct.
    Coup d’état.
    French for ‘stroke of state’

    FWIW, by the authority of Wikipedia, the alleged coup was not a success.

    Many scholars consider a coup successful when the usurpers seize and hold power for at least seven days.

    Particularly since it had absolutely none of the characteristics of an actual coup.

  37. @ Joseph Somsel > “What next? Go to jail for telling your 12 year old he or she can’t have a sex change?”

    Since child abuse can be a criminal offense: yes.

    However, since the Wokerati are always on about how much better national health care is than our private (heh) system, maybe they will follow the lead of the British.


    You can expect this breaking news to quickly be banned on all social media platforms and be labeled as “misinformation,” despite the fact that it’s coming directly from the government of Great Britain. The National Health Service of England, in a rare demonstration of common sense, has released an advisory saying that most children who believe they are transgender are simply “going through a phase” as they mature. They are further recommending that doctors stop encouraging such children to change their names and/or pronouns. Going even further, they plan to announce a ban on the administration of puberty-blocking drugs for pediatric patients except in “strict clinical trials.” In a rather sterile fashion, the NHS declared that the changes are needed because there is currently “scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making”.

  38. In every (J6) case, the defendant’s real crime was not aborting an election. No, the real crime – and the DOJ says it right in the filings – is denying the outcome of the election. It was believing the wrong thing. It was not believing that a senile man who refused to leave his basement during the campaign somehow got more votes than any president in American history. If you refuse to believe that, you are now a felon.

    Tucker Carlson: Are the wrong thoughts now illegal?

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