HomeHealthCOVID tests


COVID tests — 65 Comments

  1. My daughter mentioned the other day that the home tests are reportedly not as accurate as the PCR tests.

    Less than trustworthy ABC confirms;
    “At-home rapid COVID-19 tests may not be as accurate as PCR tests” https://abc7chicago.com/coronavirus-testing-at-home-covid-test-results-how-effective-are/11066219/

    A few days later I read “CDC Announces It Is Dropping PCR Testing For COVID-19”

    What good are testing procedures in which we have little certainty as to its accuracy?

  2. Yes, you are giving people too much credit. Some of these people would test themselves hourly if they could.

    I also said a bit earlier that don’t get tested unless you have to which would include if you are actually sick although I would qualify that by saying only if you are over 65 or have other comorbidities or are around someone who does.

    If you a 30 year old healthy person with a runny nose and scratchy throat why test?

    And getting the media to give up there love affair with ‘cases, cases, cases’ is going to be damn near impossible so it does matter because they will continue to whip up fear (with decreasing success but still) based on them no matter what the suddenly ‘team reality’ scaremongers say.

  3. If tests are going to be helpful, I would like to see antibody tests to see who is immune. I know the vaccine effect is fading but I don’t know the result with real immunity in those who have recovered from the virus. My wife had an illness in June 2020 that had all the signs of Covid and spent three days in hospital but she had 5 tests, PCR tests, that were all negative. It would be helpful to know what her antibody status is but we have an internist who is obviously a Democrat. He wears a whole face guard, not just a mask, and told my wife she had to keep her mask on when talking to him as he “has a 9 year old at home,” and feared for the child’s safety. He is uninterested in anything but vaccination. I told him that we were both taking HCQ when she was sick and he dismissed that. I was a physician when he was in high school but no matter. He knows better.

  4. What I don’t like and I have seen a lot the last week is the criticism of the administration from the right that goes something like:

    ‘With cases surging Biden promises more testing but it will take a month to get them’

    That is conceding something that should not be conceded.

    An earlier version of this was when critics on the right would say:

    ‘With cases surging Gov. Lefty McLeftist went out to eat without a mask on while mandating it for others’

    That is conceding that masks mandates should be followed. No, no, no!

    The way to attack that is by saying that even Gov. McLeftist knows these masks don’t work.

  5. I agree with Griffin. Home tests are not going to be even close in accuracy to even the infamous PCR, yet alone gene sequencing which seems to be needed for complete identification of omicron.

    Testing is the next phase in keeping the people in a state of hysteria, and it’s working. Note the continuing push for more and more jabs of an mRNA shot designed for the long past alpha.

    Neo, I know you don’t like listening or watching videos, but the Malone and McCullough interviews are worth the 5 hours. Take them in stages, browse other things while listening.

  6. As I’ve said before, do the what we physicists call the gedanken experiment: 1) there’s no easy, quick, good test for identifying a specific virus, yet alone a strain. ie it’s like, say, 1955. 2) the pandemic of the past 18 months seems to be fading away, cases down, hospitalizations and deaths way down, ie this past October, only its 1955 3) a lot of people seem to be getting a head/throat cold that lasts about 3 days and that’s it.

    Now the real question: how do we all react to this “cold”?????

  7. physicsguy,

    There has to be no social media in your experiment also.

    The answer is last winter would have been treated like a few others where a few local newspapers would print a page 7 article about the bad flu season and how local hospitals are overflowing and that would have been it.

    There are tons of compilations of doctors, hospitals, etc. talking about how overcrowded they were from winter 2018.

    One of the many eye openers from this is that people have no clue about statistics and risk assessment and two years later they are actually worse at it than before.

  8. @ Geoffrey addresses my major questions: what are the false-positive and false-negative rates of all of these tests? – no matter what their basis or methodology. Stories are rife on the internet about multiple tests on the same person giving both results, obviously wrong results based on symptoms, and so forth.

    I was also amused at this juxtaposition: from the “At-home rapid COVID-19 tests may not be as accurate as PCR tests” post, the doctor quoted says this (in October 2021): “They’re these so-called antigen tests. They detect the protein product of the virus much in the same way that a home pregnancy test works. They’re actually very good tests. Now, they’re not perfect. The gold standard is still the PCR test, that’s the laboratory-based test,”

    But the first link “CDC Announces It Is Dropping PCR Testing For COVID-19” was from the previous July.

    If the experts aren’t keeping up, what good is their advice?

    Three stories for consideration:

    Friend’s cousin went to Kings game: there were three lines to get in: vaccinated, rapid test, proof of negative test. He was vaccinated but figured he’d get a rapid test just to see. Tested positive, got out of that line into the vaccinated line, showed his passport, went in.


    Imagine attending a Christmas or New Year’s party, learning the next day that someone there had COVID, then waking up the day after that with a sore throat, sniffles, and achiness. It wouldn’t take a genius to piece together what happened. But you’d want to be sure, so you’d reach for that rapid test you wisely purchased last month after the news about Omicron first broke, knowing that the new variant would soon be on your doorstep.

    Result: Negative.

    Huh. At that point you’d wonder if you had caught the flu or a bad cold instead, but the coincidence would nag at you. Seemingly half the country has Omicron at the moment and all of your symptoms line up with the symptoms Omicron patients are reporting and yet … you don’t have Omicron? What are the odds of that?

    It’s happening to people across America, including a few whom I follow on Twitter.

    So to follow up on this: I most definitely have this from the person in question now, am plenty symptomatic, yet tested negative today. Apparently, a recurring anecdotal story right now,

    Epidemiologist Michael Mina anticipated that 10 days ago. It’s no surprise at this stage of the pandemic that people with some form of prior immunity would begin experiencing symptoms before they test positive, he argued. The point of the immune system is to mount a rapid response to an invading pathogen; if it’s seen that pathogen (or aspects of it) before, as those who’ve been vaccinated or had COVID previously have, it will react especially quickly. The sore throat and sniffles that accompany an immune response might even occur before there’s enough live virus in their noses to be detectable by a rapid antigen test. And so they’ll end up testing negative despite the fact that they clearly have the virus.

    At the start of the pandemic in March 2020, when no one had encountered the virus before, it would have taken longer for symptoms to develop as the body slowly identified and then began to react to the new germ. In December 2021, when most of us have already encountered the virus or its spike protein, it happens in no time because our systems have been primed to respond.

    There may be another reason for the negative tests, Mina went on to say. If it’s true that Omicron doesn’t replicate well in the lungs, as at least two studies have shown, it would stand to reason that some people who are infected might not have a high viral load in their nostrils. Which in turn might mean there’s not enough virus on the swab for the rapid test to pick it up, at least early in the course of the illness.

    And this: why do some people still test positive after they have recovered from the virus? (Neo featured this on a post 12/29)

    The newly updated CDC guidelines don’t require testing at the end of isolationbecause PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told “Good Morning America” Wednesday. “So we would have people in isolation for a very long time if we were relying on PCRs,” Walensky explained.

    Wait, what?

    So you mean that the tests aren’t accurate to tell if you still have the virus now? And that you’re just telling us that they might throw positives for up to 12 weeks, even after you might no longer be contagious? Why are we only hearing about this now from the CDC? How long have they known this? All kinds of people and businesses have been making decisions based on these tests. They’ve factored into restrictions and lockdowns, and now we hear that they may not be accurate? Why, then, was so much built around them?

    So they’re just eliminating the need for testing after isolation? How do you know then when you are no longer contagious if you’re now telling us the tests aren’t a good indicator? Then what you’re saying is that you’re just picking a random time to end isolation, after which you may or may not still be contagious?

    Can we say clown car administration? I can’t say it enough: Why are they only saying this now? Others have raised questions about their accuracy in the past for the same reasons and were attacked for doing so. So it’s not something dependent on “new” information that the CDC just discovered.

    Walensky also said that according to early data looked at by the FDA, rapid antigen tests may be less sensitive when it comes to the Omicron variant.

    “We do know that the most sensitive test you can do is a PCR test,” Walensky said. “So if you have symptoms and you have a negative antigen test, we do ask you to go and get a PCR to make sure those symptoms are not attributable to COVID.” Oh, goody, so the rapid tests might not be as accurate either for Omicron. She said they were still encouraging their use, though.

    Now refer back to that July 2021 post:

    The Centers for Disease Control this week announced that it is phasing out the Real Time PCR COVID-19 test immediately. PCR tests will no longer be a valid and recognized method for determining COVID-19 infection.

    So, maybe there are different kinds of PCR test; it’s not clear to me.
    In fact, a LOT is not clear.
    (to be continued)

  9. AesopFan,

    There was an NFL player that tested positive back in September and thus didn’t need to be tested for 12 weeks and that ended the other day and he immediately tested positive again.

    Did he have it then? Or now? Or ever?

  10. Unfortunately, yes.

    Griffin said: ” Yes, you are giving people too much credit. Some of these people would test themselves hourly if they could.”

    Some people just enjoy and/or are peculiarly susceptible to the frisson and self-importance of living in fear — and contemporary corporate media encourages and cultivates this susceptibility.

    I wonder sometimes whether the books, TV shows, movies about historical convulsions like WWII, the 1918 flu, and the like has grown a vast multitude of people who know they will never face a crisis and thus will never be seen as heroes by history — so they have manufactured their own heroism.

    The only way out of covid is to just stop focusing on it. Treat it like the annual flu, which it is more and more like with every wave. Wash your hands a lot, take your D/Zn/etc, stay home if you’re sick, go to the Dr. if you’re that sick. Otherwise, just stop. Everybody’s going to get it eventually, no way out but through.

  11. Early on in the “pandemic” I wondered aloud, “What’s the point of being tested? If you’re positive, they won’t treat you until you’re at the point of hospitalization, then they’ll they’ll take you and kill you with a ventilator set at too high pressure.”

    Now it’s more like they won’t allow you to be treated with the hyper-dangerous HCQ or the horse dewormer; instead they’ll give you Remdesivir to destroy your kidneys so more fluid can accumulate in your lungs.

    If I sound like I’ve lost all faith in the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex, that’s just not true; instead I’ve developed a great deal of faith that none of them have my best interests at heart.

  12. Plus One on the Rogan-Malone interview. My wife and I both listened and learned.
    And a lot I thought was confirmed correct, regardless of the media.
    I’m 68, sitting here with what he described as the Omicron symptoms.
    Yeah, the monoclonal was probably a waste of time.
    But listening to that interview was not.

    When I went for my test, I was asked, do I want the rapid or the PCR (by appointment, sit in your truck, they come out to your window).
    To me, the PCR tells you nothing when you don’t know how many cycles they will run it at. But they said the rapid was 80%.
    Who knows?

  13. At the risk of stating the obvious: clinical testing for a patient differs from population testing for public health officials and epidemiologists.

    Back in the spring of 2020, I was shocked that the CDC never implemented a rigorous testing program for random samples of people. I’ve read that random sampling has been done in the UK, but I don’t know the details.

    Rigorous random sample testing could have provided valuable data about spreading rates and treatment efficacy. Now, almost two years later, after all this testing, we have nothing but garbage data. Instead of random samples, we have convenience samples. Some people volunteer, some people show up at a hospital emergency room, some people take required tests for their job or university. Taken altogether, the biases in the data are so hard to interpret that “excess deaths” have become the best measure of the pandemic.

    Data sampling methods, data collection procedures, and data standards comprise the most fundamental mission of the CDC. They have failed miserably.

  14. Covid Test Quandaries continued:

    Question: are antibody tests the same as antigen tests, as mentioned in the post about at-home rapid tests?

    CDC Changes Its Tune About Antibody Testing

    The Center for Disease Control is now telling Americans to be cautious about believing antibody tests used to determine if a person was previously infected with the Wuhan coronavirus.

    Serologic tests – commonly referred to as antibody tests – detect whether or person previously had the Wuhan coronavirus but showed no symptoms “by measuring the host humoral immune response to the virus.” If an antibody test is given to someone in an area with a low number of infections, it is highly probable that “less than half of those testing positive will truly have antibodies,” Forbes reported.

    So, they are guessing, modeling, extrapolating, or whatever – not measuring.
    Sounds like the standard MO of the CDC all through this operation.
    Were the antibody tests showing too many recovered – and mild – cases to sustain the pandemic narrative?

    The NEJM isn’t usually in the hysteria business, but after what’s been printed and retracted and question in The Lancet, and the BJM, and other reputable (ahem) journals, who can tell anymore?

    The study’s authors examined 353,326 COVID cases in Qatar from February of 2020 through April of this year. The study left out around 87,500 who had been vaccinated with one or two shots.

    Of those third-of-a-million people who had been infected once but never been vaccinated, only 1,304 were identified as having been infected a second time.

    That’s a reinfection rate of about one-third of one percent, or fewer than four in a thousand.

    In the U.S., “Epic Health Research Network’s cumulative data show about 1.2% of fully vaccinated people had a breakthrough case,” according to the Wall Street Journal last week. That’s significantly larger than the share of those with natural immunity in Qatar but also doesn’t differentiate between those who had been sick before getting vaccinated and those who had not.

    That seems to me like a rather large hole in their methodology.
    I assume the studies each devised some reliable method of determining who actually had been sick before, whether then vaxxed or not, since the PCR tests and antibody / antigen tests are all suspect — or are the gold-standard, depending on the news cycle.
    BUT the CDC told us not to trust antibody tests, remember?

    And we can’t really trust the PCR tests either – which was known a long time ago.

    So the FDA and CDC have spent months hyping a test that involves amplifying tiny samples of viral remains until there’s enough to detect. But, according to the New York Times, there are no rules or even any guidelines for how much amplification the testing companies do.

    Even though obviously, the more positive test results they churn out, the more downstream business they’ll get from people who are worried because they had contact with someone that tested positive and the general increased concern over the virus.

    And, of course, the Times neglected to mention any of that but, instead, focused on pushing for continued mass-testing for COVID-19 by other means.

    As we saw in the previous entry, they also failed to mention that, since any test will have a false positive rate, mass testing will mean that an alarming number of bogus COVID-19 cases will continue to be reported every single day from now til eternity even after the virus has run its course, creating an illusory pandemic that never goes away.

    Convenient huh?

    Astute readers will remember that the Biden CDC abruptly recommended that the number of cycles be reduced before the PCR test could be counted as a real positive, because they needed to reduce the number of cases on Biden’s watch; didn’t help them much.
    From one of our resident Astute Readers:

    JimNorCal on May 22, 2021 at 12:13 pm said:
    Maybe there never WAS a pandemic. It was all due to faulty testing.

    Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d
    NOTE: ZH is quoting this post:

    Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:

    False-positive tests. The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)

    Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms.

    Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.

    We are just now seeing an admission that the CDC should only count hospitalizations FROM Covid rather than including (as before) everyone WITH Covid.
    Convenient huh?


    During the summer, just as schools were supposed to reimplement in-person learning and reopen for the fall semester, media outlets around the country reported children were being hospitalized for Wuhan coronavirus. Headlines blared about concerning spikes in hospitalizations for the disease and health officials cited in reports demanded new restrictions and unproven vaccinations for children.

    But it turns out those headlines were false, and the data doesn’t reflect a crisis.

    “One important thing. If you look at the children that are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with COVID as opposed to because of COVID. And what we mean by that, if a child goes in the hospital, they automatically get tested for COVID, and they get counted as a COVID hospitalized individual when they may, in fact, go in for a broken leg or appendicitis or something like that. So it’s over counting the number of children who are ‘hospitalized with COVID’ as opposed to because of COVID,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told MSNBC during an interview this week.

    With COVID as opposed to because of COVID. Precisely.

    Finally, Fauci admits what many have known to be true. Those who made this point before Fauci’s admission were called conspiracy theorists and banned for stating these facts on Twitter. Cases of the virus were and are being counted regardless of patient status and whether individuals were in the hospital for the disease or another issue. The over counting isn’t limited to children; it applies to every person admitted to the hospital since the pandemic began in early 2020. The tainted numbers have also made their way into death counts, not just hospital admissions.

    In December 2020, a Colorado coroner essentially blew the whistle on death counts from the disease by revealing that people who had died of gunshot wounds were counted as Wuhan coronavirus deaths.

  15. So, maybe this next one is a leetle on the side of conspiracy hysteria, but events since it was published didn’t lead to increased confidence.
    And I like the rhetorical device of Catte’s repeated refrain, although I can’t replicate her italicizing of it in the blockquote mode.

    The pandemic is only as real as the test, and test is a dice roll. – by Catte Black

    The PCR tests don’t work to diagnose active infection with covid19.

    We all keep saying that don’t we, but we don’t seem able to grasp what it means, because even though we know PCR tests don’t work to diagnose infection we keep accepting all the statistics that are produced as a result of assuming PCR tests diagnose infection.

    We say – “0h wow, covid numbers rising despite the lockdown”. Or “massive spike in people getting covid in THIS care home despite precautions”. Or “look the ‘vax’ doesn’t work because people who get it still catch covid”.

    No. Wrong. They’re not “covid numbers”, they’re positive-test numbers. It’s not a spike in people ‘getting Covid’ in the care home, it’s a spike of people testing positive. The people who get the vax don’t “still catch covid”, they still test positive.

    And the reason why these ‘anomalies’ happen, the reason why vaxxed people can still test positive, etc etc is the same reason a papaya can test positive – because the PCR tests don’t work.

    We know it but keep forgetting it. So let’s say it again.

    The PCR tests don’t work.

    The PCR tests. Don’t. Work.

    We all know the danger of false positives if too many cycles are run. This is admitted even by Fauci.

    If you run your tests at 30 cycles or more the results are very likely to be junk and any positives meaningless. And, incredibly, most labs performing these tests have been doing just that – running cycles of 30 or more, even up to 45.

    But this well known and important fact hides the even more important fact that even when the tests are done properly they still don’t work – in that they are not designed to do what they are being used for.

    They don’t diagnose infection or detect active infection. They aren’t, for the most part, even specific for SARSCOV2. They just look to see if you have some random fragments of RNA in your body that someone has identified as being similar to some types of assumed viral RNA.

    Even if the test truly finds this stuff inside you, and isn’t just spewing out nonsense from having its cycle threshold set too high, there is literally nothing to show this bit of junk has anything to do with your runny nose, sore throat, pneumonia or death. It might, but much more likely does not.*

    They weren’t even designed using real viral RNA from the (alleged) Sars-Cov-2 virus. They used “synthetic RNA” * or “contrived sources”, because there were no isolated samples of Sars-Cov-2 available.

    The CDC says that the 59 different PCR tests on the market can’t have their performance` compared…because they all used different “contrived samples” for their production.

    So, in terms of diagnosis or epidemiology, the information we get is little better than if we took a six-sided die, labeled one side ‘positive’ and five sides ‘negative’ and started rolling.

    Looked at like that, the mystery of post-vaccine “breakthrough infections” or “repeat infections” or “lockdown spikes” etc is not so mysterious is it? Turns out there’s one simple answer to all of them.

    Why can you test positive and then negative and then positive again on the same day?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why do ‘breakthrough cases’ turn up?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why do ‘spikes’ sometimes happen during lockdowns?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why can you ‘catch covid’ more than once?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why can you ‘have covid’ without symptoms?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why does covid only ‘kill’ people already dying of something else?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why can you test positive after getting vaxxed?

    Because the tests don’t work.

    Why can a piece of fruit have covid?

    Because the tests DON’T WORK.

    Why does all-cause mortality not show any sign of a real pandemic?

    Because theres isn’t one, because the killer bug is an illusion created by tests – that don’t work.

    Absorb this fact. Internalize it. Stop talking about ‘cases’, stop buying the fundamental lie which sells all the other lies.

    The pandemic is as real as the tests. And the tests don’t work.

    The powers that be have even basically admitted it. Over and over again.

    Why did the WHO start warning about false positives and high CT values after the vaccines were “approved”?

    Because they know the tests don’t work.

    Why is the CDC testing vaccinated people at lower CT values than unvaccinated people?

    Because they know the tests don’t work.

    Why are vaccinated people told to “skip routine testing”?

    Because they know the tests don’t work.

    Why has the NHS been told to disregard “incidental covid”?

    Because they know the tests don’t work.

    Do you get it yet?

    You can die in a traffic accident, fall down the stairs, get bacterial pneumonia, have a coronary thrombosis, die of old age, or shoot yourself in the head – and a PCR test can make you a ‘Covid death’.

    You could be vaxxed every other Tuesday or develop “natural immunity” a million times…but that scientifically meaningless PCR can still turn you into a case any time that chance (or the approved cycle threshold) decide.

    That’s why no one will ever reliably ‘have immunity’ and this pandemic can last forever.

    The pandemic will never end because it never really began.

    It’s a scam, a pea and thimble game of phony stats designed to keep you locked down, afraid and isolated while an insane new cult moves its agenda into play.

    That agenda is being clearly stated and has been from day one, and we have spent the last 16 months talking about it. It involves the biggest wealth and power transfer ever envisaged, the mass destruction of small businesses, home ownership, personal autonomy.

    It involves apartheid and the demonization of anyone questioning the prevailing narrative – especially those refusing the experimental ‘vaccine’.

    That the pandemic has been invented in part to sell the various potentially toxic non-vaccines is undeniable. Profit is part of the motive. Never underestimate the ruling psycho-archy’s eagerness to make a quick buck.

    But is that really all it is? Any rational person has to ask why they are pushing these experimental chemical brews on people like an evangelical preacher selling salvation. Do these lunatics really want global depopulation as some are suggesting?

    I don’t know. Frankly, back in 2019 even considering the PTB might have such an agenda seemed hysterical. But after 16 months of the New Insanity, it doesn’t seem like something to rule out unconditionally.

    Why did the vax manufacturers get permission to sell these protocols without any previous testing?

    Why are these brews still being sold despite unprecedented numbers of adverse reaction reports?

    What exactly will the much-discussed spike proteins end up doing to their hosts?

    Depopulation or just cynical exploitation of an opportunity to shift those damn mRNA “vaccines” never previously approved for human use (because the animal trials were a disaster)?

    Who knows right now in this new Matrix of madness.

    All we know for sure is the ‘pandemic’ is a lie being used to promote the interests of the most brutal, crazed, fanatical, reality-denying sector of the uber-wealthy – and your safety is NOT their priority.

    Oh, and – in case it slipped your mind again already – the tests don’t work.

    *About the Sars-Cov-2 RNA: Catte Black links these references:

    CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus
    by Jon Rappoport
    July 29, 2021

  16. The CDCs apparent incompetence is entirely intentional. When given constantly changing information that contradicts previous information, confusion results. Which creates fertile ground for fear among the trusting.

  17. 49,000 ‘cases’ reported today in New York City alone. A month or two ago Fauci said until the US is regularly below 10,000 cases a day this will still be an emergency.

    That’s 10,000 in the entire US not one city.

    Test, test, test, test!

  18. Griffin:

    I’ve already acknowledged that some people would test themselves hourly. The point is: how many? I think it’s a rather small percentage.

    Also, I doubt they’d get enough tests from the government to test themselves hourly, anyway. So it’s rather moot.

  19. neo,

    That was an exaggeration. But there were some tweets by a couple of CNN people showing their boxes of tests. One of them was that Cizzilla guy who I think just had it.

    Even if it’s not hourly they will just go the sites and do it multiple times.

    Point is if you have no symptoms there is NEVER a need to test and if youngish and healthy even with mild symptoms it’s debatable.

  20. BTW, that last post brings us full-cycle to Geoffrey’s comment, the one where the “CDC Announces It Is Dropping PCR Testing For COVID-19” —

    CDC/FDA confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus by Jon Rappoport July 29, 2021 [footnotes indicate sources]

    The CDC has issued a document that bulges with interesting and devastating admissions.

    The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” [1] It begins explosively:

    “After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

    Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” I don’t think the CDC is saying that at all.

    They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly derived from SARS-CoV-2.

    CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

    In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect.

    To confirm this, the CDC document links to an FDA release titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data.” [2] [2a] Here is a killer quote:

    “During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

    Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, it’s unbelievable, right? And that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of the virus. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.

    This amazing FDA document goes to say the Agency has granted emergency approval to 59 different PCR tests since the beginning of the (fake) pandemic. 59. And, “…it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

    Translation: Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results.

    BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests.

    In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

    If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan.

    Someone better qualified than I am may be able to evaluate these claims:

    Here, once again, I report virology’s version of “we isolated the virus”: [[3] thru [3i] – mostly quoting himself]

    They have a soup they make in their labs.

    This soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and all sorts of other random genetic material. Because the cells start to die, the researchers ASSUME a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup is doing the killing, and THE VIRUS must be the killer agent in the mucus.

    This assumption is entirely unwarranted. The drugs and chemicals could be doing the cell-killing, and the researchers are also starving the cells of vital nutrients.

    There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup, or that it is doing the cell-killing, or that it exists.*

    Yet the researchers call cell-death “isolation of the virus.”

    To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”

    Virology equals “how to spread bullshit for a living and scare the world.” Other than that, it’s perfect.

    *That may have been true at the time; perhaps some proofs (of the scientific kind, not of the Science-c’est-moi Kind) have since been presented?

  21. Tests are how this goes on forever

    It isn’t. This dissipates when there’s a general realization that you’re not having appreciable waves of people landing in the hospital and dying. In re Omicron, the Netherlands went from zero to peak in about seven weeks. It appears the mortality rate among their tested population has been just shy of 0.3% to date.

  22. Forever doesn’t have to mean at this level. It will drop and then in the spring some other surge will come and they will test test test again and then when the seasonal wave comes to the south again next summer they will test test test again and then next year when fall/winter comes and cases rise there will be cries to test test test.

  23. neo,

    Sorry to hear you were ill and glad you’re on the mend.

    I think home tests can be helpful, but in the vast majority of instances they’ll be used I think they’ll be unnecessary at best, and often detrimental. I don’t really understand how the two tests you mention taking helped you. You were sick. Even when you learned it was not COVID I assume you did your best to not infect others. Which is what one should do if one is ill and symptomatic. Try not to spread the illness. How did the test results change your behavior?

    I helped someone do a home test today. The test was made in China, of course! I felt the instructions were actually good. Succinct, explicit wording and helpful images. It worked as claimed and the results were negative for the person who took it. But I can see many people getting confused. And, the test we used uses a line to indicate a positive result and stresses any indication, no matter how faint, should be treated as positive. I can see many people imagining a faint line when there is none.

    But even if the tests always worked perfectly, are never misused and people use them judiciously; I don’t understand the point. If you have symptoms and feel sick stay away from others. It’s common sense. Why would it be any different if it’s COVID-19 or the Chicken Pox?

  24. Griffin:

    If even a young and healthy and asymptomatic person has been in a room with a group of people and many came down with COVID shortly after that, I would suggest a test in order to know if the person is positive and should stay away from other people for a while – particularly if they have elderly relatives or elderly people they might otherwise be visiting.

  25. Rufus T. Firefly:

    It changed my behavior and also changed my attitude.

    I was really quite sick. If I knew I’d had COVID, I would have also been FAR more anxious about my breathing, etc., than I already was. It was definitely a plus to have that extra anxiety allayed.

    In terms of my behavior, it’s really quite simple. The entire time I was sick, I was mostly visiting my son and his family – that is, my grandkids. They all had been sick before I was and were tested for COVID which they did not have, although not nearly as sick as I was and with slightly different symptoms. I thought I might have caught whatever they had, but as I said my symptoms were much worse and slightly different, so I thought it possible I actually had contracted COVID elsewhere (I’d been in restaurants and supermarkets without them, and I had been traveling on planes, etc. too). I did not want to give them COVID and would not have visited them if I’d had it, even though I had traveled thousands of miles to see them. Knowing I didn’t have COVID meant I had almost certainly contracted a cold/flu from them, and I was free to see them unmasked as long as I wasn’t feeling too sick. It was extremely important to me to be able to do that.

  26. Well, the ‘rona has finally breached the last continental holdout: Antarctica. “Researchers working at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station in Antarctica have contracted Covid-19, even though all personnel have been inoculated and any new arrival has to follow rigorous safety protocols. Two-thirds of the station’s staff of 25 have been infected with the coronavirus, Belgium’s polar secretariat confirmed to local media earlier this week. But how the virus could have reached the remote station, located some 220km (137 miles) from the Antarctic coast, remains a mystery.”


    The Belgian station relies on the results of PCR testing: “Those en route there take one PCR test in Belgium before leaving for South Africa and another five days after their arrival. They self-isolate for 10 days in Cape Town, then undergo two further tests: one before leaving for Antarctica and another five days after arriving at the station.”

    Meanwhile, y’all will be pleased to know that the ever-vigilant CDC is warning us-folks against traveling to Antarctica, “COVID Level Unknown.”

    The page has not been updated since May 19, not that that’s a surprise.

  27. A comprehensive survey of the COVID morass:
    “Omicron Offers An Off-Ramp From Our Failed Pandemic Policy”—

    …together with an optimistic look to the future—something along the lines of “What can’t continue won’t” (though I wish I could be as optimistic…):
    “Reflections On Another Year Of Covidian Lies & How The Truth Will Ultimately Prevail”—

  28. “…remains a mystery.”

    Gotta be the penguins.
    Go wherever they want, whenever they want.
    Refuse to be vaccinated.
    Don’t wear masks.
    Totally undisciplined.
    Utterly deplorable. Racist. Supremacist. Look and walk suspicious-like.
    They should all be put away, deported to South Georgia or wherever.

    Justin Trudeau (AKA “Obama Light”) has the right idea….

  29. Justin Trudeau (AKA “Obama Light”) has the right idea….

    Both Trudeau and Obama are indicators of the degree to which peer review has broken down in their respective political parties and the degree to which the voting public in each country is content with that. Trudeau is not ‘Obama light’, he is parody Obama.

  30. Well OK, though perhaps more like parotting Obama…
    (Also wouldn’t agree that the voting public in the US is “content with that”…. Canada has a different problem because its parliamentary system gives the left-of-center a practically permanent majority, even if the result is almost automatically a minority government

    Speaking of parody, though, here’s Peter Berkowitz trying to inject a little reality back into the mix of Leftist and center-Right (so-called) delusion, senseless rage and bizarre invective.

    Not an easy task, mind you (if possible at all), and most likely thankless.
    Alas, he’s trying to be so even-handed—trying to construct his argument so carefully—that he leaves a very effective take-down of Liberal insanity to the very end, which (together with at least one odd claims—pertaining to Irving Kristol) may cause the impatient reader to simply stop reading in the middle.

    Nonetheless, a well-wrought column.
    H/T Powerline blog.

  31. Forever doesn’t have to mean at this level. It will drop and then in the spring some other surge will come and they will test test test again and then when the seasonal wave comes to the south again next summer they will test test test again and then next year when fall/winter comes and cases rise there will be cries to test test test.

    So what? Look at the British data and compare it to ours. There’s been record-breaking numbers of ‘cases’ for the last seven months, but there hasn’t been even one seven day period where the mean daily death toll was not below the 25th percentile of the mean daily death toll in the U.S. as measured over the last 21 months. Eventually you get politicians like Jared Poleis who begin to say ‘fu*k it, I’m not putting my career on the line for nuisance problems or for a statistical artifact’.

    Everything we’ve seen so far suggests (1) omicron will come and go over a period of about 3 months and (2) the death toll will be only the weakest reflection of the case counts. Omicron is about 70% over in the Netherlands and in South Africa. From the third week of October to the end of the year, death counts in the Netherlands were > 40% below last year’s and those in South Africa 75% below last year’s.

    Different countries are emerging on the other side at different rates. In the U.S., the death toll from the 3d week of October to the end of the year has been about 1/3 below last year’s. In Britain, it’s been about 2/3 below last year’s. In Sweden, it’s been > 90% below. In let her rip Brazil, it’s been 60% below. Eventually this ends.

  32. Canada has a different problem because its parliamentary system gives the left-of-center a practically permanent majority, even if the result is almost automatically a minority government

    No, their electorate does that. Canada would benefit from a velvet divorce. Each side could go its own way and bicker intamurally over policy questions, without identity questions giving the Liberal Party a leg up.

    Note, they’re electorate does that even though the Liberal Party is, like the Democratic Party in the U.S., attempting to augment their electoral base by importing a lot of immigrants. Anglophone Canadians haven’t much of a sense of self-preservation and in the civic realm they’re generally craven.

  33. neo,

    I don’t want to criticize your behavior; it’s the norm these days. But my point is, take a step back and imagine it wasn’t 2020 or 2021 and the same thing happened. Let’s say it happened during a visit to your son and his family in 2018. You would have paid close attention to your symptoms. You would have avoided others to not spread the illness. You would have sought additional medical treatment if any symptoms increased to a compromising level. You would have “babied” yourself; rest, fluids, bubbe’s chicken soup, so your body could fight the infection…

    This is how we get back to normalcy. Yes, COVID-19 is out there. So is influenza, rhino-virus, chicken pox, athlete’s foot. As I’ve mentioned before, I have a first cousin and a second cousin who both died of influenza (years apart). Both in their early 30s. Both in decent shape. They caught flus that escalated to pneumonia quickly and by the time they were hospitalized the infections were too severe to be reversed.

    We are living in a disease vector and COVID-19 is now part of that mix. In 2018 or 2016 if I ran a fever, had congestion and felt nauseous I would be a bit curious about the name of what I had, but as long as my body seemed to be successfully fighting whatever it was I didn’t spend money or time going to a Dr. or clinic or doing a home test. I rested and tried not to infect others.

    Let’s say someone is feeling a bit under the weather and has an invitation to a New Year’s Eve party. She takes one of Joe Biden’s at home COVID tests and the results are negative. So she goes to the party and infects 1/3 of the revelers with a bad flu? What do the tests change?

  34. I should add, I don’t judge neo for her curiosity. That’s why I ended up assisting someone taking a home test yesterday. She had some mild symptoms, a home test was available, so why not?

    But this is why I think mailing millions of home kits to Americans will cause more harm than good. In my example, turns out the person yesterday just awoke with a headache and congestion that does not appear to be illness. Likely caused by a change in air pressure, temperature, and breathing more air from a forced heat furnace. Multiply that by 300 million Americans every morning and you’ll have thousands self-quarantining due to falsely administered tests or misinterpretations of test results.

    If you have noticeable symptoms (whether from COVID, the common cold or dengue fever) do what you can to avoid infecting others, rest, drink fluids and monitor your symptoms. If they escalate or you don’t recover in a reasonable time period seek medical attention. Just like Mom taught us all those decades ago.

  35. Art Deco,

    Yes, I agree with everything you said about how the actual virus will play out but my concerns are not about the actual virus but about the governmental response to it.

    With each one of these waves it becomes more ingrained in the governmental culture that it is acceptable to deprive the citizenry of their liberties and ensure that they will always be an option in the future when in actuality they should never be done again.

    So to me forever doesn’t mean it will always be like exactly right now but instead we will be living in a forever limbo where every winter we could be having mask mandates and business closures at the whim of some leftist politician or bureaucrat.

  36. About 5-6 years ago my then mid 80s mother got some sort of virus and it advanced to pnuemonia and she was in the hospital for about a week. What was it? No idea I don’t even know if they did any analysis of it or if they just treated her and moved on. I can only imagine what would have happened if she presented the same way from March 2020 onward.

    My point is that at some level ‘sick is sick’ and putting a precise scary name on it doesn’t always change anything.

    I have mentioned here before that there have been several instances of college basketball/football teams playing through large flu outbreaks in the last few months. They tested them for COVID and they were all negative but ‘sick is sick’ except when it comes to this time period.

  37. my concerns are not about the actual virus but about the governmental response to it.

    They’ll get too much Irish resistance to be able to do much but bay at the moon. The CDC and the FDA don’t have much in the way of boots on the ground, and, see university scientists who’ve worked with CDC, they’re often pre-occupied with busywork even in emergencies. They rely on state and local government. Well, the red state governors aren’t co-operating and a vanguard of the blue state governors are getting PR conscious and responding with selective resistance. Even with some mediocrity like Kathy Hochul in charge, you’ll have work-to-rule responses by local police and inspectors.

    In my part of the country, the masks are still evident, but you see old people lunching in my local bakery (I still keep it to take-out), the runs on hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol are long gone, the 6 foot stickers in stores have been rubbed off and not replaced. The place where you see neuralgic responses are the places most under the thumb of other-directed people for whom social signaling is a reflex – i.e. in higher education.

  38. This just in from my former hometown in CT. I read it and just can’t believe it. Mass psychosis.

    “We have received our first test kit distribution from the state! These test kits will be distributed TODAY January 2nd at the Lebanon Senior Center as a drive-through distribution from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM while supplies last.
    Due to the limited quantity of tests, the distribution may end early. We will share an update when kits run out. We have not yet received masks from the state so this distribution is for test kits only.
    Due to the limited supplies, we are asking residents to help us prioritize people who have symptoms or have been exposed within the last week. One test kit will be given to each vehicle at the drive-through. There are two tests per kits.
    Proof of residency required. You MUST wear a mask to help us protect the individuals assisting with the distribution.”

  39. If a person has the same symptoms as COVID but continually tests negative are they less sick?

  40. Check out Canadian Covid Care dot Org and read the piece they have up about the dangers of the jab…..FROM the Pfizer study data!!

  41. When my mother started showing symptoms of Covid back in August, I drove her to a small satellite branch of one of the large local hospitals for drive up testing, about two days after symptoms began. They took two nasal samples , one for the “ quick test” and one for a longer test. The understanding was that if the quick test was positive, they would let her know, but if the quick test was negative, they would run the longer test. Both test came up negative. Her symptoms continued to develop and she became quiet ill. A full week after the first test, she tested positive at the emergency room.
    At the ER we were told this was common when testing someone who only recently began showing symptoms. Whether the test show positive or negative, there seems to be a lot of false results with these test.

  42. Rufus T. Firefly:

    Your point doesn’t make sense to me.

    If I was quite sick pre-COVID with a nasty long-lasting bug while visiting another family, I would STILL have loved to have had some sort of test to learn whether I had the same bug as they or a different, potentially much more serious one. No such tests were available, but now they are, at least for COVID. So I was glad to have it available for my use. And I would have been similarly glad prior to COVID. Same for the opportunity to decrease anxiety. There was no downside to taking such a test. I was able to visit my grandkids as long as I felt well enough, even while sick. Otherwise I would not have done so. In fact, pre-COVID I did get sick for a while when I was visiting them, and I had to stay away for many precious days of my visit because I didn’t want to give them whatever I had. Bummer.

  43. She-it! To H with tests. We need treatments, treatments with drugs long ago approved by FDA for other ills, like lupus.
    Our society is upside down when it worries about tests, vaccine passports as if this were 1930s Germany. Just release these meds!

  44. @AD:

    “Trudeau is not ‘Obama light’, he is parody Obama.”

    That explains the blackface, at least.

  45. I knew this whole covid thing was a method to scare the hell out of people when the media’s focus was on case numbers; not deaths or hospitalizations. And the age and other medical conditions of these sick and dead are never discussed.

    The Left scares people by headlines.

  46. jon baker:

    False negatives are more common than false positives. That’s why people often repeat the test later.

    That’s not all that unusual and not just with COVID. Screening tests are rarely perfect or anywhere near perfect in that sense.

  47. Hilariously in Australia the Sheeple have been so traumatised by fearmongering over the past two years that they’re currently panicking and overloading the testing centres now that Omicron is well and truly on the loose there (If you blinked you might have missed it — the numbers — excluding deaths to date — have really spiked since mid-December). The federal and state governments are having to walk the hype back a bit to take the pressure off their good and faithful servants who man the barricades.

  48. Is Omicron driving out the Delta version of COVID-19? And generating natural immunities that will help us all get back to normal?

    Dr John Campbell uses new medical research papers to argue that it is, indeed — as he’s expected. SEE Here
    “Omicron is displacing Delta [Covid 19] science.”

    The SA researchers claim that those infected by Omicron and recovered gain 4.4 times greater resistance to Delta than the previously uninfected. (And this is likely to be longer lasting resistance than gained from vaccination.)

    In the AGW thread, neo rightly argues the seriousness of Delta infections: “I also agree that Omicron is relatively innocuous. But there’s still plenty of Delta around, and it’s not innocuous, particularly for the unvaccinated. I say this as a person who has known a previously healthy man in his fifties who died of COVID, and I also have known healthy people in their thirties who became extremely ill and were hospitalized….”

    Amazingly, people have been tested and found to have both this year’s seasonal flu and Covid. And even Omicron and Delta versions of Covid.

    But the infection data on pushing out Delta seems highly germain to finishing off the pandemic and ending our long insufferable crisis torpor. And therefore possibly key to extirpating the Karen’s and power mad exploiters of the pandemic.

    Finally, this week, I hope Neo will ask her audience “What (if anything) are you doing to see you through the Omicron blizzard?”

    Most will deign “Nothing,” I think. But since this version is the weakest yet, and still most likely to infect the uninfected, this is not the wisest course.

    I hope we’ll share notes in an amiable and productive fashion, instead.

  49. physicsguy–

    You’ve probably seen news items about the COVID testing panic in your former state– but in case you missed the frenzy in Stamford, here it is: “STAMFORD — For a handful of hours, Stamford was stuck in gridlock.

    Long lines streamed down city streets across Shippan, Downtown and the South End as volunteers, civil servants and Stamford employees geared up to give out thousands of free antigen COVID tests amid the nation’s unprecedented groundswell of new cases. . . . Cars jammed the streets surrounding distribution centers at Scalzi, Cummings and Kocziusko parks as residents rushed to get a hold of the 20,000 tests from California-based company ACON Labs across the city. . . . Along with the lines of cars circling all the parks, each site also distributed tests through a walk-up line, and steadily, packs of residents trudged through the cold and mist to secure their boxes. But even the pedestrian effort caused hiccups for the distributors, as residents started hopping out of their cars to join the faster push.”


    Photo essay of the gridlock at the link.

    Here’s a link to the ACON Labs home test kit mentioned in the article (“can be used on children as young as 2 years old!”). I notice that the test has only an FDA EUA approval:

    In your opinion, what is likely to happen next?

  50. In mid-April 2020 when my husband was fighting for his life due to cytokine storm ensuing because he was 3 times turned away from getting help (the normal protocols for assisting those in respiratory distress–in this case low oxygen saturation–not being administered) I asked one of the doctors (during a phone call), shouldn’t I be tested? How can the numbers be right if I’m not tested? His response–“the numbers are never right.” And there you have it. I have never been tested and never will be short of needing to do so for assistance to a person to whom I am connected (i.e. to gain admittance to a hospital to be with a family member/friend and the like.) It’s a scam. I’ve watched the testing center next to my bank for going on 2 years now. Lines of cars when the scare meter has been set high, a desert when things have settled down. Rufus T Firefly has the right of it, apply the same measures of wisdom regarding infection that we always have. I have the IGG antibodies (seriologically tested in May 2020) and have lived as normal a life as possible. This last 2 weeks I’ve been present to assist my son’s family while they have wrestled with the current flu/covid, whatever. I’m 100% fine. I’ve been gargling with 10 drops of iodine in 4 oz of water since last May, when I get that first indication (sore throat/ear always on left side) and have had no flare up. Quashed. After listening to the McCoullough interview, I’ve added using 1 drop of iodine on a damp Q tip and cleansing my nasal cavity after coming home from the infection scene. So far so good. No fear, just measured response.

  51. PA+cat, yeah…as I posted above the fear in my old hometown, Lebanon, CT, is amazing. What’s even more amazing is that it’s a farming community where the chickens and cows out number the people by a large amount. It’s always been a bit more blue than red, but more balance than the rest of the state. A place where there generally is some common sense.

    I really can’t believe it’s changed so much in 4 months since I left. Even this morning more FB posts on people upset that the town’s allotment of N95s and test kits ran out after an hour and half. I just can’t believe the panic level. If the mass psychosis has hit a place like Lebanon, who knows where it will spread.

    Here in the Fernandina Beach area, life seems pretty normal. I suspect it may be different in Miami area as about 60% of all the state cases are in Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach counties.

  52. PA+Cat and physicsguy,

    That’s a great, real-world example of how at home test kits will cause more harm than good. Many people will want to test themselves daily. There will be no way to meet the demand and a lot of the results will be inaccurate. GIGO.

  53. So, one of my kids is triple-vac’ced. Just got her booster in Europe a month ago. Guess who tested positive for COVID yesterday? She’s healthy, thin, runs and works out regularly, eats tons of fruits and vegetables… She’s fairly ill. Seems like she’ll recover just fine, but she’s more than half my age and seems as sick as I was when I got it back in the Alpha variant, pre-vaccine days.

    No idea how or where she got it. Of my kids she is by far the most COVID-cautious. Always wears a mask in public. Has been tied at the hip to her double-vac’ced boyfriend for the past two weeks. He is fine, no COVID.

    In the past 2 – 3 weeks many of our most COVID cautious friends and family have had it hit their homes.

  54. To Sharon W.’s point, in my personal experience it seems important to many people (perhaps most all of us) to be very binary regarding a COVID-19 infection.

    I know many people who seem to want to be able to state that they have had it. So much so that I’ve heard people state things like, “Well, I tested negative, but based on my symptoms I’m SURE I had it,” or, “I felt sick but didn’t bother to get tested but I’m sure it was COVID.”

    I also know many people who are nearly pious about the disease not having hit any member of their household and ask very personal, probing questions when we relate tales of anyone we know who has gotten it. It’s very much like an “unclean” vibe.

    This is why, if given the opportunity to test from home, at will, I think many will be manic about testing regardless of severity of symptoms. I used to joke that I should have invested in one of the companies that makes home pregnancy kits when I got married. Seemed like every time she brushed her teeth my wife would also do a pregnancy test! 🙂

  55. FWIW, it’s getting weird out there:
    “Life Insurance CEO Says Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64”—

    Who knows if it’s true? Who knows if it has anything to do with the Covid virus or (and/or?) with the vaccination? But it seems strangely high.

    In any event, whatever your personal situation, it might be wise to continue to take quercetin (or equivalent, e.g., ivermectin, HCQ—quercetin, I believe, should be more accessible and also cheaper) + zinc and vitamins D3, K, C, B’s and selenium…and perhaps a recommended nasal spray).
    (Note, though, that one shouldn’t take too much zinc or selenium; I’m not sure about the zinc dosage; but for selenium, one—but no more than two—Brazil nuts per day is recommended.)

  56. Barry Meislin,

    Not sure about that stat, but there is no question there are many suicides and drug overdoses related to public policy around the COVID-19 virus. And the average amount of weight gain in the past two years among Americans, especially the young, cannot bode well for future health outcomes.

    My former employer was financially devastated by the pandemic, putting me on the streets. The ensuing 14 months of stress in looking, interviewing, scrambling to adjust the budget… has definitely impacted my and my wife’s health and there are millions of Americans who have gone through similar, lockdown induced struggles.

    Everyone I know who have elderly family members in care facilities has seen a huge decline in their loved ones’ cognitive and physical function (and many have simply died in the past 20 months). My parents still live independently, but they feel the lockdowns and lack of human interaction and activity have taken years off their lives.

    We won’t have hard numbers for several years, but it seems definite the overall impact of public policy and the lack of emphasis on good health and preventative measures will prove to show more harm than the virus itself.

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