Home » Iran is executing its protesters


Iran is executing its protesters — 19 Comments

  1. The government of Iran has been roundly condemned by the usual human rights organizations and world leaders.

    Funny that the MSM aren’t included among those human rights orgs and world ‘leaders’. Aren’t MSM editorial boards the very last word on what media readers should know? Is it not true?

  2. Despite all that is happening in Iran , the joke of a president, joke bidet, and his unbelievably stupid advisers, are still trying to work out some deal with Iran re: their nuclear program (as if Iran will abide by any agreement with the USA).

    But hey, joke bidet and his bunch are demokrats so whatever will hopefully (in their minds) be detrimental to Israel is just fine.

    Speaking of demokrats, three dem members of the US House of Representatives just visited Cuba and were warmly received by the thugs that own that nation. No need to mention how the Cuban coast guard rams vessels of refugees trying to escape by boat, or simply mows down with machine guns.

    We have some truly reprehensible , disgusting POS in our govt.
    But then again, the people vote them in.

  3. I know a young woman here, an Iranian, who had tickets for a visit home and cancelled. Her sister is still there, caring for their elderly father. The sister is keeping her head down. The whole family are non-believers.

  4. [NOTE: Our own January 6th political prisoners come to mind, of course. They have been treated harshly by US standards, but of course by Iranian standards they have gotten mere slaps on the wrist.]

    Yes, but both reflect a lack of rule of law and a government willing to repress its people. Expect the US “standards” to decay towards those of Iran.

  5. Don:

    I believe that the US standards will remain much the same for the foreseeable future. They don’t need to get worse to do the trick of having a chilling effect. If they were worse they might arouse too much sympathy.

  6. A week ago, “Asia Times” reported that turban tossing is the latest form of protest against the mullahs in Iran (https://tinyurl.com/2577mdn8):

    “[T]his new protest campaign involves another form of headwear – the amameh, or turban, worn by Shi’a clergy. Protesters have been deliberately knocking amameh off the heads of passing clerics. The movement, known as amameh parani, has spread across Iran since early November. It has become particularly popular with young Iranians. Videos posted on twitter under #TurbanTossing and ?????_?????# show amameh being knocked off in streets, cars, buses, metro stations and almost everywhere clergy appear in public.”

    Unsurprisingly, in Iran, turban tossing is an act of great irreverence. Here’s a link to the kind of video that’s been posted to Twitter: https://tinyurl.com/4674tczf

    It’s funny, but very dangerous. I have to wonder whether Twitter, before Musk, would have shown this.

  7. Call me cynical, but I don’t think knocking turbans off fanatical Mullah’s heads is going to lead to a lessening of oppression. Fanatics double down when challenged and are enraged when humiliated. The Mullah’s are serious that they see any challenge to their authority and policies as a “War against Allah” because their ideology has appointed them as Allah’s agents, so whatever they do in Allah’s name is pre-approved.

  8. Wait. It is my understanding from all the cosplay Offreds in their red handmaids cloaks that it is American conservative Christians that are the real danger to women.

    I would say that there is one American Christian that holds quite a large amount of blame for the evil befalling the Iranians. Jimmy Carter’s administration abandoned an imperfect ally in the Shah and helped the Gandhi like Ayatollah Khomeini come to power there.

  9. Maybe a small thing, but I think that the campaign of knocking the turbans off of Mullahs heads is a good sign. Ridicule and humiliation can be an effective form of protest.

  10. I believe there are many Democrats that would be very happy to execute anyone who disagrees with them. I know for a fact that they would execute Mr. Trump, if they could.

  11. Trump launched his first campaign in June, 2015. Get back to me months after then, next year — then polls will matter.

  12. I would say that there is one American Christian that holds quite a large amount of blame for the evil befalling the Iranians. Jimmy Carter’s administration abandoned an imperfect ally in the Shah and helped the Gandhi like Ayatollah Khomeini come to power there.

    I think you’re mistaken there. One of the Shah’s prime ministers during the last six months of the regime told an American official ‘the Shah cannot make up his mind, and for that reason the country is lost’. Carter wasn’t a salutary addition to the situation, but it was quite a juggernaut barrelling down on the Shah. Trouble is, the seven digit populations demonstrating in the street had scant idea what a monster Khomeini was. His successor is evil, but his regime has been much less sanguinary.

  13. “…if they could.’

    What we have been witnessing since at least November 2016, is the attempted (and at least partially, of not mostly, successful) political/social defenestration—insofar as the US is STILL a “nation of laws”—of DJT.
    This has been followed by the defenestration of Trump supporters (and the right of center, generally—even non-supporters who demand adherence to the Constitution in such matters, e.g., Alan Dershowitz) since the election or 2020 (including, of course, the runup to the election).
    The Democrats and their supporters have been able to achieve this by running an intense and concerted campaign of virulent demonization.
    What this means, ultimately, is that anyone—of any part of the spectrum, right, center or left—may ultimately find themselves demonized as “enemies of the state” for WHATEVER reason du jour.
    (Because this is how these things work.)

  14. I wonder if PBS (TV) will still show- the “Rick Steves in Europe” episode, where Rick travels to Iran.

    That’s the episode where Rick’s message amounts to:

    “Iran is a [beautiful] country, with great cafes and friendly people. OK, OK, so their stern government needs some work, but it’s [still] a fun country.”

    I see.
    Do you like how the Iranian Government- treats Iran’s women, and Iran’s protesters, Mr. Steves?

  15. Our way of life is dying, quenched by tyrannical Democrats, PBS and its running dogs, dolts like Rick Steves, who would not p**s on his own shoe if it were on fire.
    But the federal dole to PBS continues yearly. We are all locked into an institute for the insane of our own making.

  16. Caroline Glick Show, “The Women’s Revolution in Iran”, with Banafseh Zand: https://youtu.be/cJ0vBxV5jw8

    Have a listen. Ms Zand asserts the Iranian regime is over. Its sole expectation can be its end, iys annihilation. The regime knows it and the Iranian people know it. Time, of course must pass (and with time, great still suffering to be endured), yet the outcome — she says — is already determined.

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