Home » More on the MAL raid and the affidavit: the persistent influence of propaganda


More on the MAL raid and the affidavit: the persistent influence of propaganda — 62 Comments

  1. Well, as Conrad Black says, the FBI has their man and now all they have to do is find the crime. Since there are over 4000 federal felonies, they can surely find something.

  2. The goal of the raid is to find some thing that gets the left a mugshot of trump and the hand cuff shot. CNN will be alerted ahead of the arrest. The second goal is to find out what trump has on the deep state. Trump knew they were coming after the boxes so he keep the bait out there. He has the thumb drive buried on the 5th green in New Jersey. I think he has the October surprise.

  3. 4000 Federal felonies that cover everything essentially delegates to prosecutors and police the power to pick targets they think they should get rather than offenses that need to be prosecuted.

  4. Alicia Powe (writing at GatewayPundit) has just posted a moving piece about the mother of poor murdered Ashli, and she correctly points out that the Capitol Police were also responsible for the death of Rosanne Boyland. Very few Americans (certainly not “Meathead”) seem to be aware of the truly unspeakable conditions being endured at DC’s Gitmo by numerous J6 defendants, while delusional leftists convinced that the almost entirely self-inflicted death of Saint George of Minneapolis was perhaps the single worst tragedy in human history consider that the murder of a small and unarmed female veteran by an utterly incompetent black Capitol officer was fully justified.

  5. Reiner is an idiot and insane. Klobuchar is a liar. They’ve got the liberal basics covered pretty well. Both of them are happy two innocent women were killed and thrilled that the constitution is being ripped to shreds in their jihad against their enemies.

  6. If any example shows the true character of the American left, this is it. A very prominent politician and a very prominent entertainer / writer / director both look into the camera and lie through their teeth. I am not aware of anything that can more clearly demonstrate that the Dem party and the entertainment industry think it is perfectly acceptable to engage in censorship when it is in the service of their political positions.

  7. BTW — Jim Geraghty completely fumbles his point and demonstrates serious incompetence. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/which-side-is-itching-for-a-civil-war-again/

    He’s right about the horrible comments made by Democrat leaders. Then he soils his shorts with a statement that makes absolutely no sense at all. Is it possible to be this misinformed?”

    “Some of us have lived through Waco and Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City, and the elders among us remember the Weather Underground and “Days of Rage.” There have always been some yahoos calling for a revolution.

    I am stunned. What the heck is he using? Waco was the most horrific abuse of the military by a president ever. The victims weren’t calling for revolution. Ruby Ridge was simply FBI murder. Revolution? And Okla City was a terrorist act by people influenced by Islamic terrorists and assisted by an Iraqi agent. Anyone recall any comments by the perps about revolution?

  8. FWIW, the Fibbie who opened the investigation into Trump was reportedly given the bum’s rush from FBI headquarters last Friday: “Former Washington Field Office Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault was reportedly escorted out of the Bureau’s headquarters on Friday, amid whistleblower allegations that he showed political bias in his handling of politically sensitive investigations. The Washington Times reported eyewitness accounts that ‘Mr. Thibault was seen exiting the bureau’s elevator last Friday escorted by two or three “headquarters-looking types.”‘

    Whistleblowers alleged that Thibault concealed the partisan nature of evidence from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to secure their approval to open an investigation into former President Donald Trump. That investigation culminated in the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate earlier this month.”


  9. 100 cities burned, portland was mortared by 90 days straight, the prosecution of david dorn’s killer was so exceptional, because it was one of the few, almost everyone else was given a slap on the wrist, which means they are ready to rampage the next time, of course only andy ngo and maybe julio hernandez are the only ones that keep the records, this was an guerilla insurgency against law abiding people like the weathermen and the may 19th collective, planned,

    of course, this whole maralago was high piracy, from a corrupt apparat which is only good at covering up the crimes of dauphin cronies, and manufacturing terrorist plots out of thin air, that even then don’t actually happen,

  10. The trouble with fishing trips is that the fisherman goes to the store to buy lures. However, 99% of lures are designed to catch fisherman and not fish.

  11. PA Cat:

    If they indeed were fooled by him – and I tend to doubt that they were – it was because they wanted so much to believe.

  12. its like the commercials that don’t actually promote the product,

    thibault was involved in covering up the voter fraud, back in 2000

  13. The Psychology of Totalitarianism
    Dr. Mattias Desmet

    “A narrative that ignores the psychological, spiritual, and ethical dimensions of human beings and thereby has a devastating effect at the level of human relationships. Something in this narrative causes man to become isolated from his fellow man, and from nature. Something in it causes man to stop resonating with the world around him. Something in it turns human beings into atomized subjects. It is precisely this atomized subject that, according to Hannah Arendt, is the elementary building block of the totalitarian state.”
    “We have to consider the current fear and psychological discomfort to be a problem in itself, a problem that cannot be reduced to a virus or any other “object of threat.” Our fear originates on a completely different level—that of the failure of the Grand Narrative of our society. This is the narrative of mechanistic science, in which man is reduced to a biological organism. At the level of the population, the mechanist ideology created the conditions that make people vulnerable for mass formation. It disconnected people from their God natural and social environment, created experiences of radical absence of meaning and purpose in life, and it led to extremely high levels of so-called “free-floating” anxiety, frustration, and aggression, meaning anxiety, frustration, and aggression that is not connected with a mental representation; anxiety, frustration, and aggression in which people don’t know what they feel anxious, frustrated, and aggressive about. It is in this state that people become vulnerable to mass formation.”

    Dr. Desmet considers the Enlightenment the seminal event that began the change in human relationships leading to our current condition, when we cast off the authority of nobility and religion. What we were left with is a system where authority had to seek its power. Since power couldn’t force compliance, people had to be manipulated.
    A society that establishes a hierarchy of authority as God at the head by its nature is stable as their is no higher authority to seek. That doesn’t mean that everyone believes God is the ultimate authority, but conforms to the standards since there is no higher appeal.

  14. “the majority of Trump haters don’t care what the law is, as long as the feds finally get the Great Orange Whale.” neo

    Sure but he’s just in the way, it’s us they’re after… remember?

    The corollary to believing that “the end unjustifies the means” is that achieving the end desired, requires employing the means necessary to that end.

    Once Trump is dealt with who’s next for whom the bell will toll?

    It will toll for whomever resists, it will toll for thee and me.

  15. I know this is a somewhat heretical view, and I may be a victim of confirmation bias in seeing Thibault escorted out, but I’m starting to think this is largely, though not maybe entirely, a pissing match between Trump and the NARA that got out of hand. I’m pretty firmly convinced that the (likely) Democrats running the NARA want to bury Trump’s Presidential records in that “Raiders of The Lost Ark” warehouse. If they couldn’t cancel his Presidency between 2017 and 2021 they will give their best effort to cancel any memorialization of it, and especially anything that would document positive results or allow him to tell his side of the controversies. The problem is they have little statutory authority or court precedent to establish that they can unilaterally take physical possession of everything that was in the WH and other offices on 20 January 2021. At least portions of the FBI certainly have an interest in this objective as well since anything that Trump has which details their Crossfire Hurricane malfeasance could be damaging. I’m thinking these two entities, along with some WH political folks, probably cooked up the NARA referral primarily as a way to grab the remaining documents in Mar-A-Lago. Maybe this guy is just the scapegoat for the fallout from the raid but why would you need a scapegoat today if you were actually going to produce an indictment of Trump at some point in the future? While Garland may make noises about continuing the J6 investigation, and various other things, I think he’s already decided that he can’t make it happen, to the never-ending frustration of the wild-eyed Trump haters in the swamp.

  16. this came from the archevist, ferriero, who was fine with hillary, keeping her data on a private unsecured server, see the federalist, and then stahl who is his successor, see the surber piece from last week, but they got in contact with the Ministry of Love, and the Epstein lawyer was the rubber stamp, maggie ‘rizzotto trey’ haberman, was the tipoff this was a trial balloon with the coverup, so was the suppression of paul sperry’s diagramming of the network that brought this to being

  17. PA Cat:

    Before they gave the go-ahead for a raid on a the home of a former president – and possible future presidential candidate of the opposing party – it behooved them to be virtually certain that an enormously major crime was being committed or was about to be committed. So far, this isn’t even close, and they can’t blame their approval on someone else although they may try.

  18. Who will escort Garland out of the DOJ and Wray out of the FBI?

    Can the Archivist learn to make commemerative license plates?

    Seemed like a good idea at the time?

    Three blind perps, didn’t see nothin. Will the fall guy take the fall for Brandon?

  19. “…Whistleblowers alleged that Thibault concealed the partisan nature of evidence from FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland to secure their approval to open an investigation into former President Donald Trump….”

    Wowsers! So the scumbags got their fall guy!
    (How convenient….)
    What are the odds Tybalt gets the Kevin Clinesmith “treatment” (minus 11-and-a-half months)…in this modern-day “But-even-the-president-of-the-United-States-sometimes-must-have-to-stand-naked” tragi-comic disaster flick?

  20. What has Senator Amy done for Minneapolis in the last two years?
    I am so disappointed in Amy who use to be a smart, sensible woman. It is amazing what Washington DC does to people. They become parrots without critical thinking skills. It was NOT an armed insurrection on January 6th. However, 700 buildings burned in Minneapolis in May of 2020. Senator Amy lives in Minneapolis.

  21. “So far, this isn’t even close, and they can’t blame their approval on someone else although they may try.”

    Nah. They’ll do the Andrew McCarthy two-step of “confessing” to having too much faith in the honor and honesty of an FBI agent, then move without any serious reflection or readjustment.


  22. Richard Aubrey– You should have warned readers about the photo of Hunter at the link! Some things cannot be unseen . . .

  23. I don’t know about a majority – but a critical mass of the Trump haters recognize that keeping Trump in the news drives down Republican poll numbers and improves Democrats’ position for the fall.

    There’s your explanation of the MAL raid. It’s Obama’s old “stray voltage” theory. They did something outrageous in order to goad Republicans into rallying behind Trump so they can run against Trump in the fall. So far, it seems to be working.

  24. Hey, let’s destroy the friggin’ country so that the electorate rallies around Trump!!

    Better yet, let’s cancel elections altogether!!

    I tell ya, those Democrats are strategic geniuses!!!

    (Wouldn’t worry overly, though—that is, if anyone’s really all that worried: they’ll just steal the election again…and the one after that…and the one after that…and the…)

    OTOH, maybe the REAL reason for the MAL RAID was that they actually DO WANT TO tie him up in knots (AKA litigation), whether in OR out of prison…
    IOW, they’re playing with DJT. Toying with him. Ever see a cat “play” with a mouse…before the final act?

  25. Most of those who pipeup are utterly worthless layabouts like mcconnell blunt and sununu, who dont want the majority except to disarm the citizens and send more weapons to ukraine (thats exactly what the people want, sarc)

  26. They are driving us to famine and brownouts (how about a bug lunch) their reconciliation left us at the mercy of that skunk manchin and the other one.

  27. No matter how insane the demand schumer eventually does his bases bidding no matter how many people suffer. Theres no camdidate they find too craven insane or barely functional to support. They stand by aa supreme court justices face assasinations as cities burn as chlidren are remdered dumb or mutilated that is the bloody heart of the modern progressive.

  28. Hallelujah now can you get the whole circuit to commit like with what was the illegal thing daca.

  29. What mcconnell should havs said is we stand by walker and oz and masters and whoever else on our slate we have seen what even split control of the lesson leads to.

  30. But he always gives the devil their due odonnell angle in 2010, murdoch and aiken in 2012, running down roy moore has he no shame (rhetorical question)

  31. I remember how delay and mcdonnell and conrad black and ted stevens got slimed and they never rregained their office (in stevens case you know) but thats totes fine because well reasons,

  32. Reiner is probably lying that he watches Fox. He just said that to let everyone know that he is an unbiased consumer of news, which he’s not. His response to Mayer about Hunter Biden – I’ve heard very similar from people I know. It always leaves me just shaking my head, thinking where have you been? TDS is a real thing.

  33. Miguel:

    Consider that every piece of ordnance that Brandon sends to Ukraine to smite your pal Vlad is one that can’t be used on the “semi-fascists” here. Win win.

  34. Barry Meislin – They won’t destroy the friggin’ country, they’ll just cement Democratic and progressive control. Their best case scenario would be to provoke Lindsey Graham’s riots. Then they will count on a few unhinged Trump supporters to do something truly stupid, which is not a bad bet, especially when you consider the embedded FBI “informants.” It will be January 6th all over again. After January 6th, Democrats tried to yank civil liberties from dissenters. They (largely) failed. Don’t doubt that they’ll try again, and the forces resisting them will be weaker after the second Republican riot in as many years.

  35. Dont get me started on graham he was happy to see unarmed protesters shot down, he still hasnt apologized for that 19 months later
    Were sending every gun we can find to ukraine given them a license to disarm us showed not even a pretense to our concerns people start to wonder whar is the point.

  36. Had mcconnell and graham had closed ranks and dismissed the panjandrum ut they gave license to the worsrt senators to pick the worst nominees

  37. None of these people barr mccarthy esper kelly mattis give a damn about this country they have made it crystal clear they dont care if it crumbles and were not far from that point as every foundation is being strained to breaking point.

  38. Count on an unhinged Bauxite to write a concerned post here and there and “tut, tut” about those misguided low brow conservatives falling prey to the dreaded ‘semi-fascism” as he sidles up to his progressive betters.

  39. Im just saying if they even pretended to care the pressure levels would be 50% less, but they dont even go that far.

  40. Rush called them drive by media because they would strike and move on to the next victim case in point miss hutchinson made things out of whole cloth and monthes later the agent she libeled retires

  41. Coincidence or reincarnation or just channeling Shakespeare?

    “Romeo is the teenage son of the head of the Montague family and Juliet is the fourteen year-old daughter of the head of the Capulet family. Tybalt [Thibault] is his nephew. Tybalt is the only member of either family to show any real anger against the opposing family. He has no reason to be angry, given that there is no fire left in the feud.

    Well, there is some fire in the Trump vs DC feud, but apparently none in the Democrat vs Republican-establishment.

  42. @ miguel > “one man leaves”
    Thibault out, Bash in.

    Bash has interesting credentials.

    Jeremy Bash, a former chief of staff at the CIA and Pentagon, was picked by Biden to be part of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board on Friday. Bash, along with roughly 50 other ex-intelligence officials, signed a letter in October 2020 claiming the Hunter Biden laptop saga had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” while Bash himself suggested on TV that the laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”

    The biography of Bash provided by the White House noted he was the chief of staff under Leon Panetta when he [Panetta] was CIA director and then secretary of defense. Panetta also signed the Hunter Biden letter. Other signatories included Obama CIA Director John Brennan, Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Obama acting CIA Director Mike Morell, and former George W. Bush CIA Director Michael Hayden.

    Bash’s LinkedIn lists him as the founder and managing director at Beacon Global Strategies and a national security analyst at NBC News and MSNBC. He is also on the board of directors for the International Spy Museum.

    Whistleblower disclosures released by Senate Republicans have claimed the bureau improperly labeled evidence on Hunter Biden “disinformation” in 2020.

    Bash was also picked to be part of the Afghanistan War Commission earlier this year.

    Happy anniversary.

  43. And Okla City was a terrorist act by people influenced by Islamic terrorists and assisted by an Iraqi agent.

    It was a couple of Army veterans influenced by The Turner Diaries.

  44. om hasn’t figured out yet that the Trump’s interests and Democrats’ interests have aligned.

    That’s the funny part to me. I still hope that November goes well for Republicans. If it doesn’t, though, I’ve already seen commenters here preemptively blaming it on McConnell. So – we have a bunch of non-traditional candidates that won close primaries because of Trump endorsements, McConnell points that out, but also funnels tens of millions of dollars to those candidates to help them compete with the Democrats’ money machine – yet if those Trump candidates fail, it will be McConnell’s fault.

    A lot of Trump supporters have reach the stage where their beliefs are unfalsifiable. If team Trump wins, it’s because Trump is great. If team Trump loses, it’s because of some sort of treachery or conspiracy.

  45. Own goal Bauxite.

    But you persist. It isn’t a good thing to give up your game in the first sentence. Terminal OMB is never funny.

    Is being a “deplorable” or a “semi-fascist” a funny thing? Sorry, how would you know?

  46. I mentioned a dozen years of treachery from mcconnell from his lieutenant cornyn from rove et al and thr collaboration of the ministry of love and truth

  47. Bauxite:

    There have been some very unfunny things happening in the political establishment since before 2016 that you seen not to have noticed and certainly a few unfunny things after 2016. Here is one of the non-jokes:


    McConnel and the checked pants patrol are all over it (over it, aka not at all fighting).

    Tell us more tales of the OMB,

  48. Reiner is probably lying that he watches Fox.

    Reiner has produced some engaging work (Stand By Me), but in many respects, he’s an obtuse man. Steve Sailer has some fun at his expense contrasting his housing arrangements in Malibu with his blather about immigration and diversity. The man has no idea he lives in a very pricy glass house. See also his commentary on the social element Archie Bunker represented. Norman Lear, his scriptwriters, and Carroll O’Connor created a character who had bad manners and said rude things to people and about people, but had also done his military service when it mattered, earned a living doing the sort of work you put up with rather than like, bought a home for his wife and daughter to live in with his earnings, cleaved only to his wife, and put up with his repulsive son-in-law year in and year out in deference to his daughter’s wishes. Reiner’s on the record as saying the Archie type is the sort ‘who should be marginalized’.

  49. That was the ’70s and early ’80. Reiner has learned nothing over the years, truly a “meathead.”

  50. Rob Reiner earned the moniker “Meathead” well outside of All in the Family.

    His political speakings have demonstrated abject ignorance and sheer parrotry of The Agenda for literal decades.

    When you are talking about movie direction — yeah, he’s pretty good at that.

    When you are talking about anything else? He’s a poster boy for Dunning-Kruger.

  51. And Klobchar? She’s just a mindless parrot — whether an ignorant quack or a flat-out charlatan, no idea.

    “…I don’t know that they’ve all said this…”

    This is nothing but a shuck and jive. It does not matter that they have ALL said this, enough have admitted it that it no longer matters.

    “…who tried to lean an armed insurrection…”

    Really? Really? WHERE WERE THESE ‘Arms’???

    Seriously — who went there armed with more than a pocketknife. Other than possibly grabbing “found objects” on the capital grounds, what “ARMS” were used?

    This is bloody effing O-B-V-I-O-U-S, and **moron** can see it, but no one challenges them on it. They just clap and nod their heads. Because Orange Man Bad.

    WTF? Even Mahar does not appear to say anything against it…

    Because you simply can’t lead an “armed insurrection” if there are no arms involved. No guns, no bows, no crossbows, no machetes, not even a pitchfork, FFS!! ZIP. ZILCH. NADA.

    Add to this the fact that it’s a clear re-direct “whataboutism”, and Mahar is accepting it.

    Pay NO attention to that scandal, HEY, look, a **PUPPY**!!!

    It’s bovine excreta on every level. They don’t want to talk about the HB Laptop, they want to redirect everyone to playing defense on the “insurrection” LIE.


    And Mahar is apparently falling for it. He needs an actual smart conservative/libertarian on that panel to make sure they can’t pull this crap. Someone like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson. Or Candice Owens. Or Tucker Carlson. Or Colion Noir. Or **someone** who will see what they are attempting and short-circuit it.

  52. }}} Barry Meislin – They won’t destroy the friggin’ country, they’ll just cement Democratic and progressive control.

    Oh, please. They will utterly and completely destroy everything about this country.

    They will destroy its wealth, its freedom, its liberty, its unity, its culture, its social structure, its history, its power — everything — they are a fucking SOCIAL CANCER.

    Not “figuratively”. Literally. >:-/

    And no, that’s not “hyperbole” — not for effect, not of any kind. It is a precision usage of those words to describe something bleeding obvious.

    Look what their ideas *already* did to Sri Lanka.

    Look what they are doing to Canada.

    Look what Dutch farmers are fighting.

    You DO realize that Germans are now cutting down their own forests in record quantities over the last CENTURY so they can BURN THE WOOD, they’re so short on energy. Gas prices in Europe are up like 100%.

    France has been a net energy exporter for DECADES, but now they are telling people they won’t have power reliably through the winter. Many restaurants are expected to close — permanently — because they can’t stay in business without electricity or heat.

    Figure it out. It’s freaking DUH. The Left — the Democrats — are the enemy of all humankind. MOST of them are just useless idiots. But they give power to the ones who really are pernicious and evil, and that is the big problem.

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