Home » How the left is further taking over public schools in Minnesota


How the left is further taking over public schools in Minnesota — 25 Comments

  1. This has been a long process starting with Bill Ayers. It shows how determined and patient the left is. First step, take over all the Education debts in higher education. I didn’t notice the change until about 2005 when the older members of the Ed department at my college retired. They were a great group who I worked with regularly. All of a sudden there 3 out of the closet communists running the show. The Ed curriculum became a model of indoctrination where like many Ed debts, they filtered out any students who didn’t have “correct attitude”. They been cranking out K-12 indoctrinators ever since. Ingenious and insidious. There’s been now almost a generation of woke teachers implanted in K-12 and school boards.

  2. Whenever I read about this stuff I remember an acquaintance from the early 1980s. A left-wing activist, she was quite open about her intentions to propagandize the young by getting between them and their parents, who were “hopeless.” I recall my wife and me being mildly shocked by her absolute certainty that she had the right to do this. Last I heard of her she had divorced her decent, intelligent, hard-working husband and was studying for some sort of “ministry” in a progressive Christian denomination.

  3. I read Bloom’s book in 1987. I had been in college in 1956 to 61. I saw none of this although I was an English major for a while. I am convinced much of this was caused by the Vietnam War and student deferments. Leftist students were anti-war and sought deferments. Normal and conservative students tended to allow themselves to be drafted or, like I did, join the military reserves. The result was that the leftists students stayed on, got PhDs and became the next generation professors. Some, growing up with too much money like Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn, became radicals and have been rewarded.

  4. Nothing about this story surprises me. Such is the state of public K-12 education, particularly is blue environs (but depressingly, many red ones as well).

    Mac’s example is quite common I would say. Who goes into K-12 education as a career? Disproportionately, people who are above average in intelligence, but not geniuses or anywhere close. Majority female, they likely have a strong desire to help and uplift. Some are radicalized into leftism in their own K-12 years. But many others go into university largely a blank slate. Oh the mischief the Ayers of the education departments do to them (and at this point I am guessing no more than 10% of all education departments in the country are even liberal dominated…none are conservative…they’re virtually all controlled by cultural Marxists.

    More than any other civil institution, K-12 education shapes and formulates our social and cultural norms…in monumental ways. And more than almost any other institution (except for universities), it is utterly and completely in the grip of the left.

    What is the solution? I don’t know.

  5. John Heyward aka Doc Zero has posted two recent Calls to Arms for the parents of America, mostly for Republicans / conservatives, but also pertinent to Democrats who have not yet gone over to the Dark Side.

    April 21, 2022

    The pushback from groomers and their powerful, media-dominant, filthy rich enablers should convince America’s parents that the battle for their children will not end with voting Dems out of office in November. That’s just the BEGINNING. That’s Step One.

    Do you understand now that these people are absolutely, fanatically committed to the belief that your children belong to THEM – that you middle- and lower-class Deplorable bitter clingers are not wise, intelligent, or moral enough to teach your own kids about sex, racism, etc.?

    Do you understand that while it’s certainly not every teacher or school district that’s a problem, public education is riddled with these fanatics – and they hold positions of great power throughout the education bureaucracy? It’s not just a couple of kooks here and there.

    You angry, activated parents haven’t done much yet except speak up at a few school board meetings and discuss the problem online – but you’ve already been banned, shamed, treated like terrorists, and threatened with reprisals by left-wing corporate ideologues.

    You cannot possibly believe the problem will be solved by electing some different legislators, even if November is a tidal wave such has never seen before. Do not imagine the groomer complex will interpret electoral ruin as a “defeat” and back down. They do NOT think that way.

    For one thing, to get the drearily obvious out of the way, GOP politicians require constant chiropractic care from motivated constituents to keep their spines straight. They have a dismal track record of backing down from the titanic left-wing establishment after they reach D.C.

    Is that really so surprising, especially today, after decades of relentless Washington movement to the Left, and the unimaginable accumulation of power and wealth by the Leviathan State and its unionized permanent bureaucracy? You send a few Davids to fight a legion of Goliaths.

    This prospective Great Red Wave of 2022 will crash into the mighty fortifications of our zillion-dollar government and its media establishment. A few reformers will climb the battlements to find themselves facing down a vast, implacably hostile bureaucratic army.

    The whole point of the CRT and groomer controversies is that the vast public education establishment, the mighty ocean of money surging behind it, and its powerful corporate and media friends really, truly, fanatically believe you are not fit to raise your own children.

    Their key argument all along – and the core principle of Great Reset authoritarianism – is that you don’t DESERVE “representation” on these issues of “settled expert consensus.” You weren’t even supposed to know what your kids were being indoctrinated with in school.

    The only reason this huge political battle is taking shape right now is that the dumbass arrogant “experts” forgot that when they locked you in your house with the kids for a year or more, you were inevitably going to notice what they were getting via “remote learning.”

    So no, the indoctrinators will not look at an epic electoral drubbing in the next election and think: “Gee, the public is really opposed to our agenda, and they just proved they’re serious. I guess we should heed the will of the people and go back to teaching math and stuff.”

    They will think they have a pretty good chance of beating your new elected representatives into submission. They’re already redoubling their efforts to make you feel isolated and overwhelmed with their media domination, nicely setting the stage for Republican Failure Theater.

    And even if the GOP surprises you and rallies wholeheartedly for this fight, you’re talking about taking on a deeply corrupt and politicized education establishment with endless billions in funding and support that has been developing its power for DECADES.

    You can’t reform that sort of bureaucratic beast in one election, especially when its political wing controls the White House. (But don’t let the GOP Congress tell you they’re absolutely powerless and nothing can be done until they have the presidency too!)

    You’re talking about promoting reforms that would put thousands of jobs on the line, many of them overpaid administrators who donate huge amounts of money to the Democrats. They will fight back, and unlike you, they know for a fact they own their political representatives.

    American parents, it is my grim duty to inform you that you’re fighting a political agenda with fanatical adherents and a trillion-dollar war chest. You discovered the problem during the pandemic, but the agenda and its implementation techniques were developed over decades.

    The people you’re about to engage in political battle are convinced their ideology requires the indoctrination of your children to survive. This is “fatal terrain” for them. It’s must-win. They don’t think they stand a chance if they have to persuade adults to vote for them.

    And if you haven’t noticed by now, they absolutely HATE and despise you with every fiber of their beings. If you’re quietly obedient, they view you with condescension and contempt at best. Now that you’re pushing back, they really DO think of you as terrorists. Expect their fury.

    You need to buckle up for a long, difficult struggle that merely BEGINS with a big win in November – and if you don’t hand the Dems a scorched-earth defeat, it might never get off the ground. The election should give you the tools you need – then it’s time to get to work. /end

    April 22, 2022

    You want to talk about disinformation*, let’s talk about Big Media working at the behest of small but influential activist groups to make simple issues, like “parents don’t want their five-year-olds being sexually indoctrinated in school,” seem hopelessly complex and sinister.

    What worse brand of disinformation could there be than this relentless 24/7/365 effort to make normal people feel abnormal, destroy the very notion of common sense, and portray everyone who opposes even the wildest fancies of the Left look like an insincere monster?

    One of my arguments with the “groomer” pushback is that passive conservatives insist we must never impute sinister motives to the Left – we must always assume they’re benevolent and high-minded but simply mistaken in a few of their conclusions…
    … while the Left relentlessly, remorselessly insists real conservatives are all monsters. The parents who want to protect their kids REALLY just want to murder trans children; people who want border security are REALLY xenophobes; on and on, without exception.

    Even the “fiscally conservative but socially liberal” types, who bought the bogus argument that the Left would consider them reasonable if they stayed away from social issues, were routinely described as monsters who wanted poor people to die, or tools of the selfish Evil Rich.

    There’s nothing complex or malevolent about parents who want some control over how and when their kids are introduced to sexual issues, or people who want border security, or economic freedom, or a smaller and more responsible government.

    But Lefty media routinely refuses to give them a shred of credit for sincerity. It never, for a single moment, assumes they mean what they say, or tries to understand where they’re coming from. No, they’re all hypocrites, stooges, racists, homophobes, greedy, selfish, on and on.

    That’s the biggest, longest-running media disinformation campaign, and it never lets up for an instant. If a DNC Media outlet slips up and gives normal people an ounce of credit for sincerity, activists instantly pounce and force them to change their tune.

    The flaming dumpster of CNN+ tumbled into the abyss of obscurity with its hosts chanting “Don’t Say Gay… Don’t Say Gay” like robots. They can’t even IMAGINE giving normal people a shred of credit for honesty or valid concerns. Pure disinformation. /end

    *”Talk about disinformation” refers to a recent conference on that topic, in which Democrat speakers (there were no bona fide conservatives) discuss all the alleged instances perpetrated by the Right while studiously omitting any of the actual hoaxes of the Left.

    Every major conservative pundit has covered it, generally with the focus of praising the few genuine reporters left in the country — students at the University of Chicago.


  6. I am convinced much of this was caused by the Vietnam War and student deferments. Leftist students were anti-war and sought deferments. Normal and conservative students tended to allow themselves to be drafted or, like I did, join the military reserves. The result was that the leftists students stayed on, got PhDs and became the next generation professors.

    Graduate school deferments were discontinued at the end of 1967. Student deferments were replaced with the draft lottery at the end of 1969. Not seeing how this could have such a profound effect.

  7. They were a great group who I worked with regularly. All of a sudden there 3 out of the closet communists running the show. The Ed curriculum became a model of indoctrination where like many Ed debts, they filtered out any students who didn’t have “correct attitude”. They been cranking out K-12 indoctrinators ever since. Ingenious and insidious. There’s been now almost a generation of woke teachers implanted in K-12 and school boards.

    This happened at my old employer. Again, the problem is trustee nonfeasance. They should have noticed what was happening and shut the education department down. Faculty do not have a right to continued employment in those circumstances.

  8. I don’t have much sympathy for Russia. They were mostly responsible for WW1 and they were co conspirators in WW2. Hitler and Stalin deserved each other. Too bad they both couldn’t lose.

  9. Graduate school deferments were discontinued at the end of 1967. Student deferments were replaced with the draft lottery at the end of 1969. Not seeing how this could have such a profound effect.

    By 1967 I was finished with medical school and was an intern. I saw this effect early in the 60s. Maybe you are not old enough to have seen this. I went to basic training in 1959.

  10. Whatever degree it’s taken hold, it is far too much. I’ve spilt a lot of ink here on other matters and I stand by what I said, but part of what I said is that the US’s problems are of far greater urgency and threat for American patriots (and frankly most of the world) than almost anything else that happens elsewhere. Some may call it rash, but I fear Vladimir Putin and all of his however many nukes less than I do the DNC and the corrosive radicalization going on here.

    The present is a covenant between past and future, and the Left has worked so very hard to destroy that now. Our inheritors will suffer for it, as will the wider world. But some would rather rule over the ashes…

  11. @Robert Shotzberger I agree except for “mostly responsible for WW1.” That, I think, quite firmly belongs to the Central Powers of Imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary, with honorable mention being to the Serbian terrorist network(s) that actually committed the Sarajevo Murders.

    Germany and Austria-Hungary on some level realized that the Triple Entente powers (and some of their other hates like-strangely enough- America) had more functional economies than they did and could to some degree simply wait them out. So they started making a lot of very aggressive and brinkman type courting of war in stuff like the Agadir Crisis, while the head of the Austro-Hungarian Military ( a truly deranged lunatic named Conrad von Hoetzendorff) proposed “Preemptive War” every year, for more than a decade.

    The Sarajevo Murders just seemed like the right opportunity to try and force a decision by- among other things- obliterating Serbia.

    What I also note is that the German government outright lied to its people and the Reichstag about what the Russians told them and were responsible for widening the war (indeed, the Germans declared war on Russia, France, and Belgium before Russia had declared war on Austria-Hungary).

  12. “The complete dominance of the radical professors as far as numbers go are a more recent manifestation,” Subject-verb agreement failure.

  13. The only reason this huge political battle is taking shape right now is that the dumbass arrogant “experts” forgot that when they locked you in your house with the kids for a year or more, you were inevitably going to notice what they were getting via “remote learning.”
    So no, the indoctrinators will not look at an epic electoral drubbing in the next election and think: “Gee, the public is really opposed to our agenda, and they just proved they’re serious. I guess we should heed the will of the people and go back to teaching math and stuff.”
    They will think they have a pretty good chance of beating your new elected representatives into submission. They’re already redoubling their efforts to make you feel isolated and overwhelmed with their media domination, nicely setting the stage for Republican Failure Theater.

    This. Many of the people upset about this situation refuse to grasp how long it has been going on. Most of them went through similar brainwashing, it just wasn’t as extreme in their day. In order to admit to themselves the depth of the problem in the current reality they will need to call into question many concerns that go to the very fiber of their being. It’s like changing both a religion AND a culture. Very, very few have the stomach for it.

  14. There are multiple avenues that are available to fight the radical influence over K-12. Number one, and seldom thought of, don’t hire anyone with an Ed degree as a teacher. Only hire prospective teachers with Math, Physics, Biology, History, etc. degrees. Then provide them with six weeks training on how to set up a teaching plan, how to run a class, and the other nuts and bolts of dealing with children.

    Second, and much harder, nuke the book publishers. I have no idea of how to do this. A possible strategy, which requires taking over the school board, is to select books that are more aligned with the community.

    There are probably other ideas out there, but the important part is very local control forcing the radicals to work on many fronts.

    And finally, every high school in America should teach “The Gulag Archipelago” and the “Black book of Communism”. It should also be made clear that Communism, Fascism, and National Socialism were all brothers under the covers. The greatest evils by far of the 20th century were all committed by the left. Much as people hate Putin, he had the good sense to make the GA required reading for all Russian students.

  15. After reading this article, I went to AceOfSpades and scrolled down a few screens to the heading “Standardized English is Racist.” While it may prove painful to do so, read the article following that heading and be sure you get all the way down to the three videos of college students participating in “debate” tournaments. While the first is bizarre, and perhaps can be dismissed because it’s so ethnic-focused, do view the other two, one of which is a debate pitting Berkeley v Harvard.

    Words fail me.

  16. After the above, I went to AceOfSpades and scrolled down to the goose picture, kept scrolling down to “Racism is Everywhere . . .” scrolled a little bit more and clicked on “continue reading” and then scrolled down to the heading “Standardized English is Racist.”

    I wish Ace had permalinks to the contents.

    While it may prove painful to do so, read the article following that heading and be sure you get all the way down to the three videos of college students participating in “debate” tournaments. While the first is bizarre, and perhaps can be dismissed because it’s so ethnic-focused, do view the other two, one of which is a debate pitting Berkeley v Harvard.

    Words fail me.

  17. A Necessary but not sufficient solution is school vouchers where the funding follows the student does not go to the government schools. Unfortunately, many private school teachers are also leftist bent on indoctrinating children so parents really have to investigate what is being taught.

    An alternative is homeschooling and although that has increased dramatically in the last year or two it’s still only a small fraction of students. I’ve always been surprised how highly educated people do not feel competent to educate their children.

    If you want to support homeschooling consider donating to the homeschooling legal defense association hslda.org.

  18. @ Cap’n Rusty – AceHQ is hard to navigate sometimes.
    The direct link to the post you mentioned is what you get when you right-click “continue reading” and open it in a new tab.


    There is no easy way that I know of to link to an internal segment of a post.

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