Home » January 6th anniversary: the invented coup lives on…


January 6th anniversary: the invented coup lives on… — 56 Comments

  1. Last year, I read an account of people planning to attend the Trump speech who rode the train from wherever they started. They noticed a lot of oddly dressed people on the train. The odd ones looked like antifa. Since then, we have more evidence on video, well shown on Tucker Carlson’s “Patriot Purge.” The treatment of those arrested has been abysmal and I hope when the GOP takes Congress that treatment will be investigated and exposed. I am not naive enough to think Democrats will be punished.

  2. What the truly brilliant Roger Kimball has called the “Fedsurrection” (see also his fine essay posted at Hillsdale’s Imprimis) will never cease to have its usefulness as malign manipulation and pure propaganda until the Democrats have achieved their malicious goal of permanent one-party (mis)rule. Pravda-on-the-Hudson recently wrote that “every day is January 6” (Twitchy had great fun with this insanity); what is not amusing is that the narrative of the absurd “Groundhog Day” of the delusional “progressive” ruling elite will continue its work in the unravelling of the fabric of what was once, not so very long ago, a functioning and sane republic.

  3. Once again; those responsible and involved are courting a terrible reckoning.

  4. As someone said, as the Ds look at a defeat in November they will become more desperate and thus more dangerous. This Jan. 6 farce, and now Schumer making the voter rights bill a plan to save the country from the existential threat of the GOP, their tactics are clear.

  5. As I saw elsewhere, Jan. 6th 2021 was CNN’s biggest viewership day. So it is just media peddling what they can.

  6. “But how many people other than the leftist core care anymore? One of the problems for the left caused by the fast news turnover is that a year ago can seem like ancient history.”

    Right… Whereas real Ancient History like World War II and specific unpleasantnesses connected with Mid-Century Germans inhere to every aspect of our daily political lives and therefore there must be a permanent state of war against ‘Fascist Whites’.

  7. They don’t call it the Fourth Estate just for kicks.

    The upper reaches of it are an arm of the Government. The real one. Not the nonsense org chart civics class fairy tale story government.

  8. @Om:

    So you *have* read Shakespeare.

    Anyway I still think you don’t get it. Not Shakespeare; it.

    Go play some Castle Wolfenstein or something. You’ll feel much better after you’ve shot up some Vampire Nazis.

    Could just be me, but if I were more of a Jew, I’d despair of my self-appointed defenders and make sure to nuke up even more.

  9. Zaphod:

    Dragging your favorite subject Jews, into it, I see, despite it being WAY off-topic.

    Zaphod the predictable.

  10. Z is stuck in the early 90’s or is it the late 30’s. Who knows.

    I know a piece of work by what he writes.

  11. @Neo:

    Do you or do you not agree that the war cry of AntiFa and the ruling class is ‘Stop the Fascists’?

    And do you think they are talking about Guernica or the March on Rome when they do so?

    An army of Tattooed Black-clad Body Pierced AntiFa Oms convinced that they are are Saving Ann Frank from Big Bad Nazi Man can psyche themselves up to do anything imaginable to anyone they perceive as being in their way.

    Like it or not, to save America from Progressive Tyranny, it’s going to be necessary to put WWII to bed. With a double dose of knockout drops.

    And then mock and scorn anyone who tries to drag its corpse back on stage and wave the bloody shirt.

    Sorry. In the long run, better for all concerned.

    You ought to know. The Left pull the mirror reversal trick on Israel = Nazis.

  12. @Neo:

    We *are* living in your world, you know:


    Know then thyself, presume not God to scan;
    The proper study of Mankind is Man.
    Plac’d on this isthmus of a middle state,
    A being darkly wise, and rudely great:
    With too much knowledge for the Sceptic side,
    With too much weakness for the Stoic’s pride,
    He hangs between; in doubt to act, or rest,
    In doubt to deem himself a God, or Beast;
    In doubt his Mind or Body to prefer,
    Born but to die, and reas’ning but to err;
    Alike in ignorance, his reason such,
    Whether he thinks too little, or too much:
    Chaos of Thought and Passion, all confus’d;
    Still by himself, abus’d, or disabus’d;
    Created half to rise, and half to fall;
    Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
    Sole judge of Truth, in endless Error hurl’d:
    The glory, jest, and riddle of the world!

    Indeed 😀

    A book review might be in order.

  13. Z doesn’t grasp that Antifa and the left are profoundly anti-Semetic and anarchic/marxist,their hate and fixation on Nazis stems from simple fact that the Nazis targeted German communists.
    And who would defend the Nazis ?

  14. What does Adam Schiff know and when did he know it. LOL. The treatment of those detained is criminal, and those responsible must be called to account. Why so much evidence being withheld from the public? And who is this Ray Ebbs (or whatever his name is) and his cohorts? Who are their associates? Is anyone with authority asking these and other pertinent questions? Much more transparency is needed.

  15. Z:

    Not your country, nor your history. nor your politics, Hong Kong is a long way from Portland or Seattle. Tool.

  16. The irony of the whole thing is that Democrats obsessing over January 6th are empowering Trump. If they actually try to indict him on some sort of half-baked criminal charge over the Capitol riots, it will be even worse. What a mess.

  17. The Dezis are perfectly ethical, a modern model, a liberal religion. All’s fair in lust and abortion, I suppose.

  18. You have to love the irony of the democrats and their voluntary media supporters implying that “American Democracy is under threat” by Republicans when it is the D’s who are the ones tearing down our Republic.

    All they got is projecting their own views on others.

  19. Nazis were authoritarian. Nazis backed redistributive change. Nazis promoted the concept of Jew privilege. Nazis classified Jews as deplorables. Nazis elected to abort the Jewish and lesser “burdens”. Mugabeists exercised liberal license to indulge diversity [dogma] (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry). Maoists subscribed to the nominally “secular” Pro-Choice religion. Dezis need to lose their religion.

    That said, the governing spectrum ranges from least on the right, to most on the left, where the left-right nexus is leftist.

    Pro-Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Sempre fidelis.

  20. “American Democracy is under threat”

    The democratic/dictatorial duality is at risk, maybe. Hopefully, our constitutional republic, for “the People” and “our Posterity” (i.e. ideally from conception, six weeks from the first heart beat to the last, a coherent nervous system until our entropic conclusion), will prevail.

  21. @Om: You’d be calling me worse than that if you were an amateur Joyce scholar 😀

    Probably a bit of Hiernonymus Bosch in there too.

  22. physicsguy,

    “now Schumer making the voter rights bill a plan to save the country from the existential threat of the GOP, their tactics are clear.”

    As long as Manchin remains opposed, Schumer’s got nothin. Not a certainty but I imagine that the flak Manchin has been taking isn’t inclining him toward cooperation. Sinema’s another obstacle.


    That’s true of the media but propagandists aren’t the decision makers. Nothin they do is without purpose.


    If you wish to be taken seriously, less wordiness please and greater clarity. If not, you’re wasting your time… and ours.

    “The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.” George Orwell, Politics and the English Language

  23. And means don’t always stoop to explain yourself to your enemies the way I just did to you as a courtesy I’d never show the Progressives. When you explain and elaborate to the Left they see it an admission that you feel weak and guilty.

    Think of it like explaining why you did something you did that wasn’t rescuing a kitten from a tree to a woman. She’ll almost always have you feeling vaguely guilty by the time you’ve finished. That’s the Left. Don’t explain. Don’t excuse. Act.

    The correct response to the Jan 6 Propaganda Onslaught is to laugh and then spit in their faces. And then moon them.

  24. I keep expecting Z to start offering up wordy vieled excuses for those excerable Germans and their toadies and followers in many parts of Europe from long long ago. The time before the boomers.

    How low can he go after all?

  25. What a tool you are Z.

    Never was a leftist. Do you still beat your house servant? My oldest brother, he was a leftist and remains so. I’ve just read your homage to Franco and praise of Xi and their trains running on time. One thing can lead to another after all.

    But not all tools serve the same function. Some are for fine work and some are just not as sharp as they imagine. Some are plainly obvious what they are used for.

  26. Gee whiz, I came here hoping for a serious conversation, but it’s a free-fire zone. Sad.

  27. @ Edward+R+Bonderenka > “This was encouraging.”

    I started somewhat skeptical of MTG, mostly due to media reactions on the Right, but she is taking the fight to the Democrats, along with only a very few other Republican Congress-critters, and I have grown rather fond of her.

  28. The RCP post by Frank Miele that Neo linked has this conclusion, which I think is sound:

    One last point: In general, the liberal elites [AF: I would include most Democrats, per the anecdotes here at Neo’s] appear to be incapable of recognizing that every argument has two sides. They honestly believe that whatever the Democratic leadership says is true, and whatever Donald Trump or his supporters say is false. Although this condition existed prior to the 2020 election, it was exaggerated afterwards to the point where we no longer have the expectation of honest debate. And that, contrary to the claims of politicians like Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney, is the real danger to democracy.

    When half the people are considered by the other half to be malignant, prevaricating miscreants, there is no hope for true democracy — rule by the people. The best you can expect is demi-democracy, rule of the people by half of the people. That may be the hope of the liberals, but they should be careful what they wish for. Despite their frantic attacks on the Deplorables, it is not yet certain who will prevail in the war they have unleashed. Not a war of weapons, but a war of words and a war of ideas.

    On the Democrat side, there are threats and intimidation, warning American citizens not to step out of line. Wear your mask. Get your shot. Turn in your gun. Do what we tell you, and keep your head down. You’ll be fine if you obey.

    On the other side, there is a rising chorus of voices, moms and dads, black and white, free-thinkers all, who ask for the right to raise their children as they see fit, insist on medical autonomy, expect elections to be fair, and don’t bow before authority unless it is legitimately wielded.

    The choice of two diametrically opposed futures has not been so clear since the Civil War, and Democrats — just as they did in that great conflict — seem intent once again on proving the truth of Lincoln’s dictum that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

  29. One point to keep in mind:
    Dershowitz, whose raison d’etre is to protect and defend the Constitution, has been shamed, vilified and canceled by those whom he’s regarded for decades—scores actually—as decent, reasonable, basically moral and on the same page (and for all I know he may still regard them as such—he’s a bit weird that way…)

    Yep, Dershowitz… Just another “malignant, prevaricating miscreant”, as quoted by AF above.
    (And I can’t imagine that Turley’s far behind.)

    The problem is, as described above, is that it’s a looking-glass world, where the Democratic Party and its fanatical, blind, single-minded cohorts, “filled with passionate intensity”, have transformed themselves into precisely that “rough beast” (made rougher by its unceasing, revarication and projection).

    The Democratic Party has become precisely the “thing” against which it so vociferously rail with such hysterically righteous indignation, inverting and perverting—while cloaking itself with—the concepts and values of decency morality, ethics, patriotism and law to attack relentlessly and dishonestly those political opponents whom it so dearly wishes—and intends—to destroy…(if only to cover up its own malfeasance and criminality; if only to protect itself, while attempting to achieve total political power).

    File under: The hell with the country…. We have a job to do.

  30. Barry — Zerohedge reposted the Frank Miele piece Neo links to, above (“see this”)?

    RealClearPolitics appears to be the original outlet

  31. Democrats are children living in a cartoon world. They wear the white hats. They are the good guys. Everything they do is “good” by definition. Anyone who disagrees is a bad guy in all possible ways.

    Like children, they resort to name calling.

    Their rules are as silly and malleable as cartoon Calvinball Rules except with fewer limits.

    They are all about make believe. Spending trillions is the cure for inflation. Burning, looting and beatings are peaceful protest. Words are violence. Science is whatever they pretend it is.

  32. Hello all. It has been a long interlude since I have posted. I have been busy working to reclaim this country. January 6th is a subject near and dear to my heart since I was there (but never entered the capital). There is no doubt that the FBI and the Deep State engineered the capital break in as REVOLVER NEWS has shown. Do you think it is a coincidence that the head of FBI SE Michigan office, Steven M. D’Antuono, who headed the effort to entrap low IQ people to kidnap Whitmer was transferred to DC in October 2019? Remember that name. The fact there was not violent outburst despite capital police provocations on that day shows that we patriots were addressing our grievances and not engaged in “insurrectionist” activity. The long term unconstitutional imprisonment without charge for my compatriots angers me. The good part of all of this is that is shows who really believes in the constitution. Dan Crenshaw ain’t one of them to my great disappointment. We are having a gathering on Jan 6th to remember what happened one year ago. Regarding that day and the fallout, I will follow the Jewish mantra on the Holocaust. “Never forget, never forgive.” That drives me.

    This year has been spent on organizing the inchoate anger/angst to fight the deep state as embodied by fan girl Liz Cheney. From Moms for Liberty fighting CRT, voter education, organizing groups for election integrity I have worked hard. My question and challenge to all is what are you doing? If you are sitting at a keyboard pounding out your frustrations then you aren’t in the right arena. Get out in your local area and be part of groups that are trying to bring back constitutional rule to the US. That is what I am doing and I hope all of you will do the same. Be the “Man in the Arena” as told by TR Roosevelt. I am happy and energized with what I am doing. All it takes is that first step.

  33. @ I am Spartacus,

    You are right. This is not situation that can be rectified through purely informal social activities and Internet activism; though they may contribute to a political result … Given, of course the provisio of an honest ballot.

    But aside from the/your call to daily real life involvement – which is unimpeachably valid, there is a critical issue mixed in here; one hanging from the election. It is the separation of conjecture, modeled inferences, suspicions, rumors, and dubious inside information, from undeniable, authoritative, fact.

    And who, one might ask, would be the ostensible authority here? By default and by weight of institutional authority, it must be the Republican Party itself.

    Do you know of any official Republican Party working group chartered to sort through and “curate”, and yes, to eventually provide at least an irreduceable minimum take on the many conflicting stories and assertions and investigations that have been floating these many months?

    In other words who is the doubtful man to trust? We have seen how even the well-known names who took up the cause and did some good work initially, were simultaneously promoting insufficiently sourced and eventually debunked, or dubious, information.

    Again, before taking to the streets, one would like to have some list of irrefutable – and I mean by any rational party whomsoever – and empirical proofs of Demo party-organized and systematic vote fraud.

    Certainly the Republican establishment could come up with a blue book of proven crimes that would at least provide the core demonstrations necessary for moral certainty, rather than an agitated, if justified, suspicion.

    As we all have seen, although everyone is convinced that the indications are there, and that the inferences are nearly certain, and that the standard Demo fraud and chicanery practices are nearly enough alone to convince that we have a moral cause this time regardless – nonetheless, the hyperbolic and grandiose proclamations of some of our most ardent and confident “warriors” turned out to be either self aggrandizing or at least insupportable bluster and supposition.

    Add to that the neverending supply of never apologizing never contrite, surplus fat white boy conservative internet attention whores who are chasing clicks rather than truth, and we still, 12 months in, have a situation wherein there are No Definitive Smoking Gun Proofs presented by the Goddamned National Republican Party organization itself.

    Where is their working group?

    Does anyone, anywhere, have even one incontrovertible fact with which to call with absolute moral certitude and confidence, people out into the streets?

    I admire your activism. Your labors in the area of rousing a general level of awareness and involvement are invaluableand patriotic.

    But where is – and this question is not really directed at you, the damned and incontrovertible spike to drive through their heads?

    If there is not one, then the matter becomes more prosaic, and a matter of the kind of shoe leather expending, roll up the sleeves daily grind which you seem to have fully embraced as well.

    But where is the national party leadership and investment?

    They can certainly put together call campaigns asking for my money.

    One would think that on a issue which is leading down the road to a social war, they could produce some imprimatured document.

  34. Pingback:If All You See… » Pirate's Cove

  35. Was the January 6th demonstration that involved a very small group of rioters without guns comparable to the insurrection at Fort Sumpter in 1861 that caused close to a million lives? Any person that cannot see the difference has a cerebral/rectal inversion.

  36. Temped Thursday to put on a Democrats Propaganda channel to see what they have, good chance the TV will be in pieces.
    Remember only two murdered that day were Ashlii Babitt and Rosanne Boyland

  37. Apologies for the 12:51 comment sloppiness. As so often, recently, I was using a small hand-held device, and cannot even see full lines to make corrections properly.

    Well, you all are a forgiving bunch, I reckon.

  38. DNW @ 121:51 – believe it or not there has been a national effort towards election integrity. I can’t say too much at this time. The RNC has deployed people to organize and work the elections. Up until 2016 the RNC was barred from doing any election day challenges due to settlement of a lawsuit in New Jersey back in the 70’s. The judge kept renewing it. He finally died and the ban was lifted in 2018 but the RNC had lost institutional memory of how to conduct Election Day Operations.

    As far as laws that is the State Legislature prerogative. I will say that I have discovered to my great disappointment that many legislators are sheep and remarkably uninformed. For a full time legislature that Michigan has it has been an eye opener on how disjointed things are. Candidate selection is so critical. We are working citizen initiatives to make voting rights stronger. Michigan has a twist where if a citizen initiative gets enough signatures and the legislatures passes it then the governor can’t veto it. Trouble is that so many groups with different agendas get at cross purposes. The past two years has seen activist groups starting to talk and coordinate their efforts. Obama would be so proud of us.

    So working within the party and the activist groups we are getting results. For example we just had a pornographic book pulled from the Troy School District shelves. It is called “Jack of Hearts”. If you read any part of it you would be sickened by its graphic description of sex and degradation. It is a start of an avalanche. A lot of training and coaching and organizing has to happen and that is what I am doing.

    So I am working the process and the people. It is a small step that I do but like a pebble in a pond it causes a ripple. With other pebbles there are more ripples until we create a wave.

    Be of good cheer. Get out there and work. Get involved. You will find yourself being happy even if frustrated at times. But it is worth it.

    Periodically I will drop in and post some of the going on’s.

  39. “The judge kept renewing it. He finally died and the ban was lifted in 2018 but the RNC had lost institutional memory of how to conduct Election Day Operations.”

    Well that had the antennae twitching:


    Goddamn Episcopalians.

    Actually, yes.


    Unfair and Unbalanced is my motto, but still have to make the occasional polite nod toward impartiality.

  40. DNW, your strong comment and question at 12:51 overrides any need to apologize at 3:23. I agree that if you wanted to “slap” the GOP upside the head to get their attention, it appears your hand would pass through them as with a ghost. Hardly any “there” there. That is of course why we have/had Trump besting 16 other candidates in 2016.

    I think your charge should also be lodged against each swing state’s legislature, as to how and why “their” laws were side stepped, and thus they should institute a set of bipartisan investigations to clean up their respective houses. Or at least bring the contending “evidence” into the light for citizens to examine and decide for themselves. We of course believe the Dems don’t really want this. Arizona’s attempt seems to be a disappointment, along with PA and WI. Not quite sure about GA. Or MI?
    [sent before seeing Spartacus @ 11:23.]

  41. Spartacus and Zaphod, thank you for your comments, clarifying the GOP having their hands tied, somewhat, regarding the investigation of potential election fraud. Still, they could have been more open about how they were restrained by that legal decree, but then they would have been open to charges of continued racism. They couldn’t win? And racism is the gift that keeps on giving.

    How does that play in regard to the 2000 Bush-Gore squabble? The Bush campaign could bring suit but the RNC could not?

    The 1982 judge was a Carter nominee – maybe Carter’s most effective political impact? Imagine, a politicized judiciary back in 1982? Adds meaning to Trump’s judicial selections — and for some form of term limits on the judiciary.

  42. The REAL issue here is that the people on Jan 6 were doing nothing more than exercising their **FIRST** Amendment rights —

    US Constitution’s First Amendment: Right to Petition for Redress of Grievances

    The 1st Amendment is actually a collection of five rights. This last is the fifth and final right delineated.

    Problem? Only 1% of Americans even know that it exists.

    You don’t have to believe that there was fraud. You don’t have to prove there was fraud. You only needed to believe that there **might have been** fraud to wish to petition Congress for a more thorough investigation. Which is what the people were doing on Jan 6 — it is blatantly evident that there was no effort to take power — these people had no weapons, and, in fact, the few that were actually armed deliberately left their weapons behind. What were they going to do to “take over the government”? Scold Congress very very sternly?


  43. “The REAL issue here is that the people on Jan 6 were doing nothing more than exercising their **FIRST** Amendment rights —”

    That’s not remotely the issue.

    The real issue is the power to Define and then Manufacture and Mandate Truth.

    The System has deemed the participants to be Insurrectionists. Because it has the power to make Black become White. Sowhaddayagonnadoaboudit?

    Everything else is downstream.

  44. It’s a Woodstock for paranoid leftists.

    Normal people will go about their lives normally.

    The treatment of many of those incarcerated for January 6th is a scandal.

  45. “…rock bottom…”

    From the “Lead-Balloon” files:
    (Funny, I thought that as far as the Democrats were concerned, patriotism was very much a no-no….)—
    Well, I guess it depends on WHO is being patriotic…and/or how the term is defined. (Obviously, “patriotism”, for “Biden” means the speed at which one can destroy one’s country.)
    And so without further ado, we present:
    ‘Biden Accuses Trump Of Spinning “Web Of Lies” While Promising To “Defend Democracy” In Jan. 6 Speech’—

    Seriously though, for a party that stole an election, engages in criminal behavior as though it’s the national pastime, tramples at will on the Constitution, lies lubriciously, and aims to destroy the country they purportedly love, they’re pretty amusing when it comes to playing the “righteous indignation” card….

    Anyway, “Biden” should have spent a bit more time rehearsing the “earnestness” part of the performance, which is still rather on the weak side and is less than convincing. OTOH, the corrupt media will sing “his” act and give “him” glowing reviews.

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