Home » Open thread 9/22/21


Open thread 9/22/21 — 15 Comments

  1. Today’s moment of hope:


    Gallup has Biden’s approval rating at 43%. That’s with the least critical media coverage since George W. Bush after 9/11. Yeah, that’s still too high but it’s propped up by overwhelming support from Democrats. Independents have turned on Biden big time and it’s not because the media is telling them to.


  2. One Ozzy Man video deserves another: here’s one on kookaburras– with a bad pun on “koala” in the first few seconds of the video:


    Ozzy Man’s reference to the “king of the bush” reminded me of a song about kookaburras that kids used to learn at summer camp– yes, I learned it too back in the day: here’s “Kookaburra Song” in a cartoon format:


  3. Am I being paranoid? This site never sticks around long in the “Frequently Visited” sites on my phone, despite the fact I visit at least once a day. I check a sports score once in the Chicago Tribune it sticks around for a month. This one always disappears.

  4. I don’t think this has been linked here. With Neo’s psychology background I think it’s worth a look:

    Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy…on a societal scale?

    Regarding Fauci and AIDS/AZT:

    Maybe, for Fauci, there’s something extremely satisfying — even addictive — in presiding over an international response to deadly pandemics.

    And maybe the payoff is higher when he works everyone into a panic.

    And maybe the payoff is also higher if the best available treatment causes infected people to suffer.

    Maybe if infected people have to undergo horrendous side effects during treatment, it “proves” how horrible a disease is — which makes Fauci-the-caregiver come across as that much more important.

    Sound far-fetched?

    [emphasis in original]

    Not the first time someone has brought up MSbP re Covid, either. From last October:

    The Real Pandemic: Mass Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy

    Cue C.S. Lewis quote about the worst tyrants doing it for our own good.

  5. It would be real interesting to have Ozzy man do a play-by-play of a Joke Bidet speech or that of Joke’s english speaking version of Goebbels, Jen Psucki.

  6. Bryan Lovely:

    Munchausen’s by proxy doesn’t fit. The hallmark of that syndrome is inducing symptoms in another person by interventions, where no symptoms or illness exists, in order to get attention from medical professionals. I didn’t read the article, but I just don’t see how mbps could be made to fit unless the definition of the syndrome is stretched too far.

  7. Now THAT’s funny! I often find Ozzy Man’s voice overs to be annoying; but, for some reason I still watch them.

    I do recall seeing the original clip without the Ozzy Man voice over on this video – and Ozzy Man adds so much to this clip that is genuinely funny!

    put that f’ing wanker of a dog in the back and let’s go had me in stitches!

  8. Excellent Unz Thread Comment:


    –when Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc. took down former U.S. President Donald Trump’s accounts, Mr. Xi saw yet another sign America’s economic system was flawed—it let big business dictate what a political leader should do or say–

    “He’s not wrong. There are actually two problems: Monopoly power and the power of the Permanent Government. When the interests of monopoly capitalism align with those of the Permanent Government they outweigh the power of the elected government.

    First monopoly capitalism: Let’s say back in the day the New York Herald decided it would not longer print Calvin Coolidge’s speeches because in their view they were filled with lies. That was fine – the Tribune would print them, the World-Telegram would print them, the Times would print them and so on. Even in the days of TV networks, CBS won’t carry your speeches – no problem, everyone will flip over to NBC or ABC. Anyway, they wouldn’t dare try that because the next time their license was up for renewal the FCC would punish them for unfairness.

    But Twitter has a monopoly on what it does. There aren’t 3 different Twitter broadcasters that you choose from. Twitter needs to be split into at least 3 Twitters and you could choose which of the 3 you wanted to follow in your Twitter app, or all 3 so unless they ALL boycotted Trump (which they probably wouldn’t want to do for competitive reasons) you would still get your Trump feed. And if ever came to the point where all 3 decided to boycott Trump, that would be the sign that you needed 6 Twitters. The fear that the anti-trust people would go after them for colluding like this would keep them honest. But Twitter now operates without fear and (so long as it is aligned with the Permanent Government) feels free to spit in the face of POTUS. You can’t have a single business that is more powerful than the elected president. This is like something out of Star Wars where the Banking Clan was a rival force to the Republic.

    Bbbut you say, Twitter is a private business with free speech (suppression) rights and doesn’t use the airwaves. Like hell they don’t. The government has the power to regulate and antitrust the hell out of them if they want to. Let’s see Twitter ban Biden and we’ll find out if the government has the power to come down on them like a ton of bricks.

    The second is that the President of the United States is no longer the highest office. There is an unelected Permanent Government (without a head no less) that is more powerful than he is, just as in Iran the Revolutionary Guards and the Ayatollahs and not the elected government really control what the elected President can and can’t do. If the Generals of the US Permanent Government want to open their own diplomatic channels with China, they can. If they want to overrule Trump on the use of nuclear force, they can. The POTUS is no longer the Commander in Chief.

    In Communist countries the office of President of the State is usually the #2 office or a figurehead office. The real ruler of the country is the General or First Secretary of the Communist Party. The President reports to him. Sometimes (but not always) the President IS him. Generally speaking, when we have a Democrat POTUS, we have the later situation – the President is both the head of the Elected Government AND the head of the Permanent Government.

    But, when you have an elected President who is not backed by the Permanent Government (Trump) he is only elected to the President of the State job. Even worse, the job of General Secretary of the Permanent Government lies vacant. This creates a power vacuum and various forces (generals, monopoly businesses, etc.) rush in and try to grab pieces of power for themselves. Meanwhile the country is essentially rudderless – the rudder no longer responds to the man at the helm and there is no other single person who is steering either.

    That’s extremely dangerous. Imagine if China had chosen to invade Taiwan right on Jan. 6…”

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