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The audacity of the left — 73 Comments

  1. Note, the median vintage of the soldiers who fought the 2d World War and who began their working life attempting to navigate the Depression-era labor market was around about the 1918 birth cohort. An adult of median age as we speak is 42 years old, so born in 1979. The median vintage among his grandparents is likely to be about 1919. We live in a world where people take the accomplishments of their grandparents, pocket them, and then trash those grandparents. Nowhere is the phenomenon more undiluted than among the professional-managerial stratum.

  2. Subtle? You’re kidding, right? They’re in your face all day every day on multiple fronts whether you like it or not.
    Case in point:
    “Birthing people”.
    Are you f**king kidding me?
    Apparently & according to open congressional testimony from Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), OMB Dep Director Shalanda Young & Sec HHS Xavier Becerra, in the cause of “inclusivity” the term ‘Birthing People’ has replaced mother.
    What world is this they occupy?

  3. It seems that the Left, through social media no doubt, has succeeded in branding honest sources of news and commentary as right wing propaganda.

    I see it with my daughters. If I quote Neo, William Katz (Urgent Agenda) or the like to a daughter she is likely to tell me that I need to get perspective from sites other than “right wing”. They generally do not watch TV, so their sources are likely Huffington, or worse.

    I also have a theory that will not be popular with all. But, I can live with that. I believe that Trump exacerbated the situation by making the misinformation palatable to many. I loved his policies, but cringed at the self-inflicted damage to himself and his cause that resulted from some elements of his public persona.

  4. I think it is less the audacity of the Left and more the fecklessness and timidity of everyone else.

    I used to frequent a blog of a Bush Republican. He’s the sort who couldn’t bring himself to vote either for the first African-American to become President or for Donald Trump. He’s a mildly interesting case because you could just see he was disillusioned by the disastrous end of Bush the Younger’s administration and actually retreated from political discourse for a while.

    Well, he came back to blogging full time a while ago and usually does at least a couple of posts a day almost every day. Do you know how many posts he’s had about Joe Biden since May 1, 2021? One. He’s had more posts about Joe Manchin than Joe Biden. He’s had about six times as many posts about Donald Trump. When I just checked, he had NOTHING posted related to Biden’s European trip or meeting with Putin.

    In a month-and-a-half of blogging almost every day, publishing his thoughts roughly 75 to 90 times, he found exactly ONE thing he wanted to say about the new Presidient of the United States. And I think his behavior is pretty representative of the professional-managerial class to which he belongs.


  5. ” And unlike Winston they don’t even have to be tortured in order to do it.”

    Well, torture for them is the very thought of being outside your oft mentioned magic circle of “inclusion”, “acceptance”, and affirmation.

    These are disturbed, or at least severely dysfunctional humans in a moral sense.

    But then, as far as they are concerned they represent a new humanity; having no ambition to be the best of the old kind anyway.

    They are Valley ‘Gurls’ of both sexes melded with traditional scolds, marxist envy and entitlement, and sexual freakishness.

    Again, look at Andy Ngo’s Hillsdale speech where he exhibits images of four (I think) Antifa activists, three of whom are male to female transgender radicals.

    Or consider again that figure I cannot get past; that Pew research reports that 56% of young progressive white women admit to being clinically diagnosed as having a psychological disorder.

    We are dealing with shameless mentally and morally disturbed people who seek to use politics as a way addressing the problem … that they themselves are.

  6. “The whole thing has an air of unreality that many people have remarked on. The word “surreal” keeps popping up, as well as the idea that people have gone crazy.”

    The left knows one big thing, from chaos comes a demand for order and that demand can be cashed in for control, power. But only if they are not seen as the instigators of the chaos.

    Finding an other to blame is a problem. It is made easier once you have control of the sources of information beyond each individual’s own senses and have set the table by indoctrination of the young as to who is the devil that is causing the chaos.

  7. War has been declared on us.
    We are targeted.
    When there are so many instances of damage and death that the ChiVi shots are causing (while protocols exist that make harm from ChiVi almost immaterial), yet the media and government insist that you take these shots, you are being forced to acknowledge that 2+2 does indeed equal 5.

  8. so many people willing to say that two and two equals five

    I’ve been scammed a few times in my life, and the most painful part was admitting I was scammed.

  9. “I see it with my daughters. If I quote Neo, William Katz (Urgent Agenda) or the like to a daughter she is likely to tell me that I need to get perspective from sites other than “right wing”. They generally do not watch TV, so their sources are likely Huffington, or worse.”

    Two things.

    1. You are probably right to some extent about Trump. But the damage he did to himself – if quantifiable and real – was with sensitive conservative types and not with those like your daughters. No doubt you well know that already.

    2. You, or one, cannot really have a conversation about fundamental values or worldviews with family and not risk a blow-up and estrangement; and that is why when fundamental values are at issue people talk stats and cites with family.

    In order to really get down to brass tacks you have to be in a position where you can look a collectivist “peer” in the eye, and say “Fundamentally, on a moral level, I don’t owe you, personally Joe Doaks, a goddamned thing; and that, not your wants or needs is our starting point for this review.”

    If you cannot say that, then you cannot really get to the fundamental issue.

    And frankly, almost no conversation involving women can be constructed that way; as deep seated social presuppositions creep in undetected and condition the framing of all arguments.

    I have often posed the hypothetical to conservatives of what they would do if say, Lois Lerner (and they knew it was her) was being stomped in a parking lot by some fellow liberal types 20 feet away, and they, the conservative had the power to intervene.

    -Now she, Lerner, is a known calculating and demonstrated enemy.
    -She is not going to have a come to Jesus (or Jefferson) moment if you save her.
    -She rejects chivalry and its presumptive framework.
    -She in fact rejects every fundamental assumption you might have for saving her.
    -The one she does have, is that she is entitled to your sacrifice on some communitarian grounds which only reinforce her other presumptions and impertinences.

    What do you do?

    Most conservative sheeple, follow their programming rather than their reason.

    Because for them, being included informally, is ultimately the most important thing too … even if it kills you and those you really do care about.

  10. Morality is difficult for a philosopher. Reason and the worship of reason separated from a moral compass led to the Terror. Oopsie.

    Cute, labeling those who don’t worship reason without a moral compass as “sheeple.” Oh to be so wise, or not.

  11. Yes on the “Emperor’s New Clothes” comment. I have been feeling that a lot for the last couple of years. Never expected to live in that story. I have been able to avoid the direct lie since I am not in the part of my company that is doing the main lying but with the new Diversity Equity and Inclusivity/Critical Race Theory training coming. I expect that it will soon come to go along or be considered stupid and unfit for your job.

  12. I recently wrote that Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) is publishing a new book, “Facing Reality”. He is in deep dodo with the AMA. Now, here is what the AMA says.
    “Medical education has largely been based on such flawed meritocratic ideals, and it will take intentional focus and effort to recognize, review and revise this deeply flawed interpretation, which ignores, or purposively obscures, the underlying root causes of causes (of health and of other metrics of success) that are socio-structural in nature and, often, rely on discredited and racist ideas about biological differences between racial groups.”
    Can anybody translate that for me? I guess the AMA missed Harvard medical school that was turning out MD’s that couldn’t pass the state medical exam.

  13. I think it’s human nature to accept certain fictions if they meet certain criteria, like accepting the truth may be unpleasant.

    For example, let’s look at Biden and the mainstream media’s treatment of him and how people might react to that. Truthfully I don’t really have a great sense of what most people truly believe about the guy’s current cognitive state. Maybe most people are at least concerned? But maybe they choose to remain ignorant.

    When it comes to the middle-of-the-road, less overtly politically interested voters, perhaps they try not to concern themselves with Biden’s state of mind since them worrying about it won’t do any good in the near term anyway. People tend to concern themselves with what’s immediately going on in there own lives rather than the mental health of their president.

    That said, I have little doubt that if you showed such a person one of those Youtube compilation videos of Biden’s various mental lapses, stammers, gaffes, and strange outbursts it would greatly concern them. But they’re never going to seek such a thing out on their own. And of course the mainstream media will never serve something like that up for them either.

    So there’s an element of willful ignorance at play. Not unlike a person who knows that some sort of disease or condition runs in their family, but chooses not to do a test for it or modify their lifestyle to reduce their chances of developing it. Avoiding reality and choosing a fiction or self delusion is a very human thing to do.

  14. It should be no mystery now as to how and why ‘good’ Germans so willingly accepted Hitler’s socialist “truth”.

  15. My only dispute is with the characterization of the left as “subtle” when it’s not but, rather, has a clumsy but uncontested grasp on our institutions which allows terrible, obvious lies to be perpetrated and truths suppressed or deflected. There is absolutely nothing subtle about how they operate.

  16. when you have a vile person like Obama, whose mothers side were WASP slaveowners and fathers side were East African Nilo saharan people, whose bloodline is closer to Herman Goering than MLK fraudulently claiming to be african american and steals affirmative action slots from authentic african americans whose families were owned and raped by his being supported by vile Americans with similar values and getting elected we are screwed.

  17. “It should be no mystery now as to how and why ‘good’ Germans so willingly accepted Hitler’s socialist “truth”.
    Aval, given the Reichs propensity to commit genocide after genocide for a millennia , I think ” good ” Germans were unofficial partei members as opposed to people like Father Lichtenberg who were good people who happened to be German

  18. “It’s profoundly disturbing and disorienting to see so many people willing to say that two and two equals five, and to pat themselves on the back for doing so and to revile anyone who doesn’t agree.” neo

    Can a bigger bet be made? That they won’t be held to account in an afterlife by a just God… As in rejecting the reality that God has created, they directly reject God’s creation.

    “What world is this they occupy?” Bill Serra

    A world entirely within their minds. But external reality always has the final say.

    “I believe that Trump exacerbated the situation” Old Flyer

    That’s both arguable and an understandable perception. Wherein I disagree is in evaluating the reality we face; reason, logic and fact being useless, “politics by other means” will once again have to settle the matter. I wish it were not so but they leave no other resolution of our differences.

    “Anyone who clings to the historically untrue-and thoroughly immoral-doctrine that, ‘violence never settles anything’ I would advise to conjure the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it.

    The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk and the Passenger Pigeon.

    Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedom.” Robert A. Heinlein


    “We are dealing with shameless mentally and morally disturbed people who seek to use politics as a way addressing the problem … that they themselves are.”

    That accurately describes the passionate, useful idiots. It does not the calculating Stalinists.

  19. [They] “have control of the sources of information beyond each individual’s own senses” geoffb

    Not entirely so. That is true of perhaps 45% of the American public. But a slim majority are on to their game and, as their radicalism increases, more people are withdrawing their support. Many of the parents now fiercely objecting to CRT are liberals.


    If Lois Lerner were on fire, I’d briefly consider a mercy killing.

    Forgiveness requires repentance.


    “Morality is difficult for a philosopher.”

    Really? Perhaps I missed it but I don’t remember reading of Socrates, Buddha or Jesus struggling with moral questions. Perhaps it’s not morality that is difficult but clarity of thinking based upon a true moral compass.

    Absent a moral compass, what lodestone other than reason exists? Absent both a moral compass and bereft of reason… what
    categories other than “sheeple” and criminal exist?

  20. Please forgive me, if this point has appeared on neo’s blog before, in the present context regarding audacity and ruthlessness.

    I agree with Oldflyer (1:06 pm) that “Trump exacerbated the situation by making the misinformation palatable to many. [Oldflyer] loved his policies, but cringed at the self-inflicted damage to himself and his cause that resulted from some elements of his public persona.”

    When he [Trump] carelessly referred to covid as a hoax, there were people who died as a result of that. (I very much acknowledge that he was thinking in terms of the Russia Russia Russia hoax, which *was* a hoax; I got and I get his point, but it was careless and probably self-centered. Many people really thought the disease was a hoax.)

    Anyway, enough criticizing of Trump. We all know where we can get plenty of that, if we really need it.

    I want to go back to the early days of covid and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Trump said it showed promise as a mitigating factor (no, he was *not* practicing medicine without a license, as the imbecile half of the country would bray). Virtually all of us neo residents, with the possible exceptions of the likes of Montage, acknowledge the utter insanity that that innocent remark engendered. I do not need to recount it here.

    HCQ had been used successfully for decades (albeit not for covid), and even though, early on, there was evidence from abroad that HCQ *was* successful in lowering the mortality rates of people inflicted by covid. Prohibiting its use was unhinged, total *insanity* — until just after the Electoral College had voted, and then (surprise!!) the medical establishment decided HCQ was eligible for approval after all.

    (And then there are the similarities to the lab leak hypothesis, but — never mind. My rant is already long.)

    Yes, HCQ had side effects. Yes, HCQ was less than 100 percent successful when treating covid patients. But HCQ was more than 0 percent successful, dammit. I saw early accounts estimating 25 percent success, and more recent accounts range up to 50 percent or more (I’m not keeping careful track).

    There were people who died as a result of the medical (and political) establishment’s refusal to even allow suffering, dying covid patients to try HCQ, even as a last resort. Trump was being careless (see above), but the medical (and political) establishment was being *ruthless* and contemptuous, consumed by its irrational hatred for Trump and for people who liked Trump or at least who liked Trumpian policies (not tweets).

    Here’s where I’m (finally) going with this:

    The left was and is perfectly happy to see people die needlessly, if those deaths serve the Holy Cause of discrediting the opposition to the swamp / the deep state / the ruling class / the new word order. They are indeed ruthless, and their contemptuous hatred for those of us who see clearly the Emperor’s nakedness knows no bounds. Their audacity lies in doing *whatever* it takes (barring — what??) to achieve their Holy Cause.

    I’m pretty old now [yeah, me an’ Oldflyer and a few more of us], but my goodness, we and especially the younger among us (who have the energy and the mobility) have got to at least be fully aware of the depth and breadth of that hatred. It’s only deepening with every capitulation to the demonic imbeciles (looking squarely at you, Romney, RINOs, and too many CEOs; even at you, many mainstream Democrats, too afraid of seeming like the hated other).

    I so want for things to go more smoothly and peacefully, but I know I’ve got to be 100 percent ready for the exact opposite. Civil War II is here, except for the all-out shooting [plenty of scattered shooting and looting already]. I so wish I could get to live out my remaining years in peace. FAT CHANCE.

  21. If Lois Lerner was on fire, the smart move would be to half-extinguish the fire.

    Avi the Atavist will get it immediately.

  22. DNW, on “when fundamental values are at issue people talk stats and cites with family”.
    By cites, you mean “of sources”?

    “Most conservative sheeple, follow their programming rather than their reason.
    Because for them, being *included informally*, is ultimately the most important thing too….”
    If that’s indeed true of most conservative sheeple, than they’re weaker than I’d have expected.
    At the very bottom of my priorities is, being included informally, with those whose terms are anywhere near this draconian.

  23. Geoffrey Britain:

    See the French Revolution and the Terror.

    One of the three “philosophers” you cite is not like the others. He is. But that’s just my belief. You be you.

    Any other wisdom to share, oh sage from on high? Some pithy RAH?


    Be sure to share some of your 0xycontin (all imaginary of course) with Lois, she will be needing it after your help.

  24. This is very interesting. Om can type type the O-pharma word in his comment and his post appears.

    I type it and my comment does NOT appear after I hit the post button.

    I cannot type the O-Word and I cannot type the S-Word (guys who, you guessed it, are not Presbyterians, who own the Pharma-firm in question) and have my comment appear here.

    In other words, there is silent censorship about a huge scandal of the ages which blighted lives of millions of ordinary Americans occurring here.

  25. Apparently this must not be discussed in blog comments. Posting a link to the Wikipedia page for the product in question also triggers comment not appearing here.

    I stumbled across this banning yesterday when commenting to a poster who was promoting a new Rah Rah Right Wing YouTube Truth to Power Channel that has 320K subscribers and was getting a traffic boost from Rogan (wouldn’t exist on YouTube in 2021 if it really upset Powers That Be, now, would it?) that they’d never address issues like one alluded to above and therefore aren’t really Brave — just Gatekeepers/Gamekeepers acting a bit Edgy.

  26. Zaphod:

    om tricked WordPress by typing Zero-xy….

    But sure, there are a lot of such algo tricks these days. I’ve heard that YouTube blocks videos when men say “feminist” too often. So some substitute “womanist” instead.

  27. @Huxley:

    Ah.. so he did. Thanks. Typography never my strong point.

    Why WordPress is carrying water for Purdue Pharma is rhetorically beyond me.

  28. “If Lois Lerner was on fire, the smart move would be to half-extinguish the fire.” Zaphod

    It’s always a mistake to let a mortal enemy, incapable of mercy… live.


    “See the French Revolution and the Terror.”

    Your point presumes no difference between murder and killing in self-defense.

    I have no doubt that you will be you and personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    “Any other wisdom to share, oh sage from on high? Some pithy RAH?”

    Don’t personalize disagreement.

  29. Today I left abruptly a cafe conversation when some of the prog faithful started going on about the horror of the Insurrection.

    Sadly these are the smart progs I know who sit *inside* the cafe. I already alienated the patio progs, who frankly are kinda dumb and no great loss except one and he’s agreed not to bring up politics anymore. We have good chemistry until he does his mini-Colbert thing.

    I’m human. I need a certain amount of social contact. I enjoy the blather give-and-take here, but it’s not quite like sitting across from someone. I don’t feel like I can alienate everyone.

    I fantasize telling them about the North Korean defector who now attends Columbia and says American academia is “crazier than North Korea.”


    Or telling my cafe friends that they sound like the Russians who bought “Pravda” hook, line and sinker. (From what I understand those in the satellite countries never did.)

    However, I suspect that might break rapport.

  30. Why WordPress is carrying water for Purdue Pharma is rhetorically beyond me.


    To be fair, it may not be nefarious but a measure against spam advertising oxy like all the viagra spam ads.

  31. @GeoffreyBritain:


    It’s always a mistake to let a mortal enemy, incapable of mercy… live. ”

    I was merely proposing to let her suffer a bit more before dying in agony.. Plus giving an appreciative, knowing, passing Parthian nod to Friend Avi who lusts to bring low the Germans (and likely not just them) because his turning the other cheek mechanism was never installed at the factory.

  32. Viagra… Let’s see if I can post about Viagra and Erectile Dysfunction here. Betcha I can.

  33. @Huxley:

    You could be right. Been so long since I’ve seen spam that one tends to forget about spam filtering.

    Will try the V-drug posting experiment again in a day or three and see what happens. Spam Filter might not trigger on an initial post mentioning iffy words from a given user.

  34. Zaphod:

    Get back to me on dropping 5# vs 1# weights. I’m pretty sure heavier objects fall faster.

    My buddy Aristotle swears by it and he’s one brainy dude.

  35. huxley:

    Yaay! You ciphered correctly, “o an O” are not 0 nor are “()” an O or o.

    To those who run imaginary scenarios involving the murder or immolation of specific individuals, well, you might wish to philophize or ruminate about the state of your soul.

    You be you, but “What would RAH do?”

  36. The Audacity of the Right (Bonus F-Word Included):


    “Foundationalism is the politics of future past; it is a new thing, for a new time, informed by the wisdom of the past. Foundationalism is not restorationism. There is no return; the way is shut. What is instead needed is a new thing, just as the Enlightenment was a new thing, and as the flourishing of Western medieval thought was a new thing. Erase the errors and begin again; Foundationalism ushers in the new dawn.”

    ¡Cara al Sol!

  37. It can be painstaking, but in key words, try substituting these characters for the English letters they resemble. They should cause the censorship algorithms to stumble a bit.

    á â ä å

    é ê ë è

    í î ï

    ó ô

    ú û ü ?


    You can copy ’em and paste ’em when needed.

    A friend of mine who composes very incendiary (and very politically incorrect) posts, and who is also an information technology and security professional, uses them lïbérållÿ.

  38. ^^^ But Seriously the Worthy House is a good blog to follow. He seems to be a kind of Gillaume Faye without all the Frenchified Mystical Word Salad BS. Made his FU Money in M&A, so has a good understanding of how the Sausage is Made in our present system and doesn’t like it at all.

  39. @MJR:

    Thanks. Will do.

    Giving it a try: Sáckler Family == ôxycontin scourge.


  40. Geoffrey Britain:

    Where’s the RAH quote about man being a rationalizing animal? Don’t hold back. 🙂

  41. aNanyMouse on June 17, 2021 at 8:33 pm said:

    DNW, on “when fundamental values are at issue people talk stats and cites with family”.
    By cites, you mean “of sources”?”

    Yes. I mean we cite information with family that strongly disagrees or is ideologically antagonistic “politely”. We go through a fictive ritual: as if we are all working off of the same predicates, and that the minor premisses which we trot out will then matter to the conclusion.

    So for example someone opposed to abortion may try and shock i.e., “wake -up” a relative who is pro-choice by citing the astounding statistics, or pointing to the supposedly racist origins of Planned Parenthood, or pointing out that the fetus does respond to pain inducing stimuli, and say things like all lives are worthy of protection and killing the innocent is wrong.

    Never realizing that your sister-in-law is the Canadian writer who boldly stated that yes, some lives are worth sacrificing for her benefit.

    “Most conservative sheeple, follow their programming rather than their reason.
    Because for them, being *included informally*, is ultimately the most important thing too….”

    If that’s indeed true of most conservative sheeple, than they’re weaker than I’d have expected.
    At the very bottom of my priorities is, being included informally, with those whose terms are anywhere near this draconian.

    Well, as we have seen many times here in the past with “sensitive conservatives”, they are willing to let the rule of law slip away in order to preserve …. something or other to do with a “we” … which they are sure will come back once the mythic pendulum has swung back and the 56% of the crazy white liberal young female cohort somehow regain their sanity. Or some crap like that.

  42. huxley on June 17, 2021 at 9:57 pm said:


    Get back to me on dropping 5# vs 1# weights. I’m pretty sure heavier objects fall faster.

    My buddy Aristotle swears by it and he’s one brainy dude.

    LOL Well, they do in “real life” where there air resistance counts, as certain wags finally pointed out.

    Your personal formulation leaves room for attempting to compensate for that effect by referring to weights, as if they might be plumb bobs or barbell plates.

    But you throw a pillow and a 6 inch diameter lead ball off a tower of the same height simultaneously, the pillow will probably land second. I threw lots of things off my parent’s roof when I was a kid. And my sister’s dolls usually crashed into the driveway after croquet balls thrown to the same height.

    Of course these scientific exercises were usually cut short when my folks heard the audience of neighborhood kids applauding and cheering.

    I’d bet the same would go for two 10 inch spheres too: one hollow and of .030 wall plastic and the other of solid iron dropped from identical altitude.

    And I’d bet that you would bet so too, not living in a vacuum as we do not.

  43. @DNW:

    Dolls were made for launching off roofs and being handy BB Gun targets.

    It’s the ants I worry about… If they ever invent the magnifying glass, I’m done for worse than a German crossing the road in front of Avi.

  44. 2+2=5
    Just like saying a girl can become a boy. And vice versa. And we had better all acknowledge it or else! To the degree now that “progressive” men are ok with their daughters sharing the locker and restrooms with boys. Thousands of years of civilizational instinct for men to protect their daughters out the window in just a few years!

    But hey, some people know some well adjusted transgenders so 2+2 must equal 5.

    I have said it multiple times here. The day even Fox News called Bruce Jenner a “she” was a watershed event. Or maybe the watershed just became obvious. The cultural rot started long before.

  45. @jon baker:

    “To the degree now that “progressive” men are ok with their daughters sharing the locker and restrooms with boys. Thousands of years of civilizational instinct for men to protect their daughters out the window in just a few years!”

    Most men were cucked a generation or so back, but with plausible deniability.

    Sending daughters off to college to carry on like hos… Worse than that, paying through the nose for the privilege of doing so.

    Unpaid Internships in NYC: Same Thing.

    Gap Years: Paying for them to go sample the delights of Exotic Foreign @#$%.

    And so it goes. Girls sharing locker rooms with boys, gelding their sons, and other examples of Point Deer Make Horse are just an End Zone Dance. Game was lost while everyone was asleep.


  46. Zaphod,

    Good points.

    Or as some might someday say, “Western feminism ended up killing the West…”

  47. “I believe that Trump exacerbated the situation by making the misinformation palatable to many. ” – Oldflyer

    We see in the Covid Lab Leak stories that multiple persons in different professions (science, medicine, journalism, politics) are now confessing that they pretty much (or flat-out) lied to the public because otherwise they would be “siding with Trump,” and so they found the misinformation they were passing around to each other was more palatable than the truth.

    That is on them, not on the President.

  48. “When there are so many instances of damage and death that the ChiVi shots are causing (while protocols exist that make harm from ChiVi almost immaterial), yet the media and government insist that you take these shots, you are being forced to acknowledge that 2+2 does indeed equal 5″ – Edward

    Or not.

    Sadly, his full answer is in the embedded Tweets, but you can get the drift from the commentary.
    I hate the Right Wing Press’s tendency to do the easy cut-and-paste of the social media we are supposed to be boycotting.

  49. In re the Audacity of Hope.
    No plan survives first contact with the enemy (or political opposition, until the shooting starts).
    Hope is not even a plan.
    Some conservatives (even Republicans!) are ginning up their own audaciousness.

    Rep. Glenn told the Free Beacon, “My heart goes out to any children who have the misfortune of attending the District of Columbia schools. Objective statistics show the District of Columbia having the second highest spending per student in the country, while having either the lowest or second lowest reading and math scores in the country. So while the kids can’t read and kids can’t add, they’ll sure be able to spout Marxist, America-hating rhetoric.”

  50. And I’d bet that you would bet so too, not living in a vacuum as we do not.


    Oxygen is for losers!

  51. Sadly I was unable to demonstrate the heavier effect. So I came up with the p0ker chip analogy. If I dropped one chip, it would fall in x time. If I dropped multiple chips, the same. So why would it make a difference, if I glued the multiple chips together… [light bulb flash]

    Then my brother and I invented a game of dropping single blocks on formations of blocks on the floor, which made noise and mess, so was more fun.

    (I was having trouble getting this comment in due to p0ker.)

  52. “passing Parthian nod to Friend Avi who lusts to bring low the Germans (and likely not just them) because his turning the other cheek mechanism was never installed at the factory.”
    It was one of my brethren who taught the world about the topic which after 3500 years has become part of our DNA. But as Heine wrote for other peoples it can only slightly mitigate your warlike tendencies.

  53. Alas.There.Just.Might.Not.Be.Enough.Time…

    …and so, “Biden” has decided “he” MUST take the USS America to WARP AUDACITY…

    …especially obvious if one throws in a few more “convergencies”…

    …and certainly not wishing to ignore the obligatory COVID reference…

    …as the first official Juneteenth in American history may well become, with near perfect chronological synchronicity, the Gettysburg of our times…

    (How do you spell irony?)

  54. Not sure if I’m really convinced by all this “cheekier-than-thou”, “kingdom-of-heaven” stuff. I mean, it sounds great; but if the Holy One Blessed Be He/She/Xhe/Etc. really wanted us to turn the other cheek, then why provide us with only four of them?

    Might as well sing “Imagine” (with feeling) while we’re at it.

    …and in other news, Sharyl Attkisson smokes out another malicious goofball:
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed.

  55. It’s a different kind of ruthlessness. People who could be described as very nice church ladies, or mush heads without an ounce of meanness take it as a necessary and unlamented given that terrible things must be done.

  56. @avi:

    Schubert Lieder wouldn’t be the same without Heine. Bit like trying to imagine the Luftwaffe without Erhard Milch.


    Out of idle curiosity, I wonder if any of the more hard core Haredi sects have ever advanced the theory that there might be more German Jews, and Jews in General around today if it were not for what Moses Mendelssohn, Buonaparte, Heine, and friends set in motion? Jews being A People Apart copped a pogrom or an expulsion from time to time for sure, but what if Jews + X for some values of X constitute a binary explosive when promiscuously mixed together?

    For the rest, suggest you invest in an old beater if you need plausible deniability. Cars today log way too much data.

  57. Calculating Wokists run NASA now; didn’t take a rocket scientist to blow up that agency.

    But it started (in public anyway) with BHO’s NASA head (case). Who can forget the BHO NASA head case vowing to make NASA muslim-friendly IIRC?

  58. “…constitute a binary explosive…”

    Now THAT is THE most cogent explanation I’ve heard yet as to why so many Jews have—disproportionately!—been awarded Nobel Prizes.

    (This “disproportionate” thang seems to be in the genes, doesn’t it?)

    As for the “hard core Haredi sects” (are there any other kind?) you can rest be assured that they’re not overly thrilled by the Enlightenment (should I add, “either”?) and gladly would have gone without. (Not sure how much they obsess about this, mind you.)

  59. MJR,

    Thanks. I like it.


    What we imagine to be true of others is, as is so often the case, a reflection of our own misapprehensions. Nearly always so when emotions are determining our ‘perception’ of another.

    Apparently you equate intellectual arrogance with forthrightly speaking one’s mind. So Im arrogant and you’re ‘firm’ in your opinions?

    Yet I know this to be untrue of myself, as I can’t recall anyone on this blog admitting to having been wrong or offering an apology to another more often than myself. Arrogance does not allow for such.

    I’ve never thought of myself as the “smartest man in the room” nor do I feel myself to be in intellectual competition with others. Some things I get right and, “my feet of clay” ensure that I get some things wrong.

    IMO, pursuit of truth, however much we stumble is the only honest metric to measure oneself by. I combine that with Shakespeare’s admonition;

    “This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day. Thou canst not then be false to any man…”

    So you can count on me to be me, regardless of how much it “sticks in your craw”.

  60. Geoffrey Britain:

    Another tome. “You mistake,” whatever Geoffrey. A whole lot of “I’ s” here almost as if there is a big ego involved?

    Sticks in my craw? No, just noticing the pattern of you trying too hard to be profound IMO.

    There are many many very intelligent and gifted thinkers and writers on this blog, top tier folks, starting of course with neo. She allows folks with much lesser gifts to comment, if that weren’t the case I wouldn’t be vexing you with my observations.

  61. Geoffrey Britain:

    My mistake in quoting you, should have been “you equate” but still a tome, and still “whatever.” 😉

  62. DNW, on
    “which they are sure will come back once the mythic pendulum has swung back…”

    Yeah, this “pendulum” reeks of (willful?) ignorance.
    Did the pendulum swing back in 30’s Germany or Russia?
    Were they really so different from us, that we couldn’t end up like them?
    Did Orwell write 1984 in vain, with these righties ignoring its clear message?

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