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Questions for this evening and beyond — 82 Comments

  1. Interesting questions, but how much do they really matter? Let’s assume we could get to the bottom of all of them and every other thing that has happened in the last several years and draw organisation charts and write memoranda… WHO WOULD KNOW OR CARE?

    The Enemy won’t let the people know and the Enemy sure as hell doesn’t care. There is no brave Norman Rockwellian bunch of stolid New England Town Meeting Types who if only we could show them the Big Picture would stand up and be counted and bring balance to the Force. Forgeddaboudit.

    What remains on our side are rough, uncouth (sometimes deliberately) men.

    Here is one:


    Read what he has to say then compare and contrast with our hand-wringing here.

    The only chance the Right has now is with the Hard Men. Don’t worry, our great-grandchildren can Shane them and start the cycle all over again 😛

  2. Wow! What a lot of speculation Neo.

    I’m on the train from DC to NYC right now. And I was at the rally as well As the capitol protest and actually at the wall, but did not go over.

    First, the rally at the Ellipse was a TOTAL love fest. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. Even the Naked Cowboy from Times Square was there. Coming from NYC, I couldn’t get over how NICE everybody was. Super friendly, lots of Evangelicals spreading the gospel, people in costumes and patriots with flags everywhere you looked. It was a windy morning and watching a sea of flags waving in the wind was a sight to behold. There was even an enormous American flag that was being passed over people’s heads like at a rave.

    Trump’s speech was practically the same speech he has been giving at all his rallies with the addition of problematic ballots and vote counts specified in the swing states (I believe it was pretty much what he mentioned in his Georgia rally two days previous). There was nothing provocative at all.

    Nobody I saw or spoke with took anything he said as incendiary. That just did not happen.

    Immediately after the speech we all walked to the capital. Nobody was worked up, they were positively strolling at a leisurely pace singing God Bless America, the Star Spangled Banner etc. People were so laid back in their “marching” that more than once I was asked where I came from that I was walking so fast. I responded that this was our normal pace in nyc and people nodded and laughed and waved bye to me.

    It’s hard to explain how friendly my American brothers and sisters were. And they really felt that way. It didn’t matter where in the country they came from (and They were from all over the country,) young and old, rich and poor, Rural and city folks, we were all like-minded patriots who wanted transparency from our elected officials.

    Really was that too much to expect from them? Apparently so.

    As for what happened at the capital, I’ll write more later as I’m nearing exhaustion. But I will say that over 99% of the Trump supporters there were peaceful, concerned, determined, helpful and just an amazing, amazing group of Americans that I was very proud to be with.

  3. One thing that everyone in politics and media is going to regret, even as most of them probably don’t understand why it’s happening, is that every future President or Presidential contender is going to have to start acting as though what happened to Trump could happen to them. The betrayals. The leaking. The internal sabotage.

    It’s not necessarily that those things will happen. It’s that they can happen, which means someone is always going to bring them up when decisions are made. For starters, no matter how sniveling and supportive the media is, the Biden Administration is going to be, by a long shot, the least transparent and most antagonistic toward journalists we’ve seen in the modern era.


  4. The rally Wednesday really was, as leftists have claimed, often less truthfully for theirs, “mostly peaceful.” See Irene’s post of 8:34 p.m.

    As to Antifa infiltrating the group that broke in, it wouldn’t surprise me, and unfortunately in a group that large there are going to be some people who will be fooled and will follow.

  5. When was the last time we saw violent mobs storm and occupy and capitol building and destroy stuff? Oh, that was the late winter of 2011 when the left took over the capitol in Wisconsin. IIRC, there were large stone elements of the building that were cracked and shattered.

    I agree with Zaphod and Neo’s closing comments. Trump’s first inauguration speech was a short but surprisingly abrasive speech. So it was perhaps predictable that Trump’s rally and speech would be comparably aggressive, and Trump unwisely stepped in it. In my opinion, the left planned for this and the plan is now in motion. But as Zaphod states, the true details of what really happened is now irrelevant, and no one will mount a meaningful investigation.

    And the argument that there were at least a few Antifa people there egging the others on doesn’t wash, either, because – as parents of old used to say – “if they told you to jump off a cliff, would you follow them?” — Neo

    Very logical. But mobs are not rational. Given a pumped up angry mob, how many planned and organized inciters would it take to trigger riots?

    I watched some of the videos carefully, and while there were very few Antifa types, those I noticed were unmistakable (the tight small backpack, full face coverings and industrial goggles, and helmets) and they were located at the front, antagonizing the police and helping to tear down barricades.

    I noticed a interesting news item this morning from American Airlines. They will no longer be serving alcohol on flights into DC. Apparently, too many attendants have been harassed and needlessly stressed by drunken passengers getting into political arguments en route to DC protests. How boozed up was the rally?

  6. Great comment by Irene. Thanks. I wish you had a big megaphone, like the Left does.

    Neo, your questions are my questions. I know that you are savvy enough to know that most will never be answered. The narrative is established, and will not be compromised.

    I see that the Capital Police Poobah is now claiming 60 officers were injured. I am inclined to call BS. I see videos of CP who look like kids, in full combat gear waving “assault rifles” at everyone in their vicinity. Reminds me of the picture of the Elian Gonzales raid.

    Security forces all over the country should be well versed by now in how to contain a mob since there has been plenty of experience; and by accounts the mob inside the building was relatively small. Ineptitude.

    Almost humorous to look at the photo the FBI is distributing of the clown who stole the podium. Walking down a near empty hallway with a big grin and a wave. Huh?

    Starting this evening, the signature line on my emails, in which I express my thoughts to all recipients, for better or worse, now reads: “RIP Ashlie Babbitt. I am sorry that your life didn’t matter enough”.

    Well, glad I got that off my chest. Sad, but I have declined to talk to my beloved Progressive daughter the last two night mainly because she might say something that would trigger an explosive reaction. Get a grip old fellow. In reality it will all be her problem more than yours.

  7. It appears that Viking Man and some of the others, Hammer & Sickle tattoo man in the yellow shirt are indeed professional paid protestors and from what I have see the real MAGA people were actually protecting the windows and trying to keep things peaceful while the ANTIFA creeps were running berserk.

    Of course it brought all discussions to a close and mortified the nation when they saw that much destruction and rioting going on the the Capitol and they have a short memory about the antics of the left. This was a lot more street theater brought inside to serve a purpose and I have doubt the actors were well compensated and they had their cameras ready to show them doing their dirty deeds.

    In the meantime we have a lot of work to do at the local levels and we need to keep our chins up and avoid being dragged into stupid stuff. It ain’t over till it’s over and it certainly is not over nor is it the beginning of the end. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country.

  8. Irene:

    I don’t for a moment doubt that over 99% of the crowd was peaceful. Problem is, the other less than 1% is the part everyone is paying attention to, for obvious reasons. Glad you are safe.

  9. Zaphod:

    I agree that the answers will make no difference in the larger sense. Propaganda will almost certainly set the narrative, as usual. The answers matter to me, though.

  10. “It’s hard to explain how friendly my American brothers and sisters were.” Irene

    Thank you Irene. This was exactly the experience my son and I had when we were there for the rallys on December 12th. I described it as “John Q. Public” in attendance. The sole negative was at the end when we made our way to the Supreme Court for a 4 p.m. final prayer. Apparently Alex Jones wasn’t allowed to say some final words and the people that made that trek in anticipation of his remarks made an about-face and marched off, while a woman with the microphone from the Let the Church Roar rally started to challenge their “We want Alex” chant with “We want God”. It was an unfortunate end to an otherwise excellent day and served as an example to my son and me as to how division in the ranks manifests. I had already pointed out to him that afternoon that the Democrats never disavow each other amongst themselves. And here we are.

  11. Neo on January 7, 2021 at 9:11 pm said:


    I agree that the answers will make no difference in the larger sense. Propaganda will almost certainly set the narrative, as usual. The answers matter to me, though.”

    Knowing the truth, whatever it is, lends you confidence.

    It sometimes takes a little extra time to draw out, but it leaves you with a certainty which those shooting from the hip or the lip, don’t have.

    It’s about integrity if that is important to one; and it ought to be because it imparts accuracy of result, and strength of determination. And you don’t have to split the difference because you are unsure; you don’t have to wonder about the moral high ground.

    Shooting a deer is of course much different than shooting a man; and, while I have known many men who have done both repeatedly, I consider myself fortunate in having not ever been forced to kill a man. Whereas some number of the older commenters here undoubtedly have had to live with this.

    But no matter what you are confronted with, man or beast, most informed and experienced parties will agree that it is best practice not to start blasting away at noises before you can securely identify them.

  12. Neo, your comments about Trump are very appropriate.

    I have mentioned that early on I could not stand Trump. As time went on and I came to appreciate what he was actually doing, I became more tolerant. Eventually, I became an admirer.

    More recently, I have lamented that he is not perfect. He has flaws; and they are writ large and evident as fits his larger than life personae. On the other hand, as a people we have excused worse flaws in Presidents who produced much less for the country.

    On various forums, and in correspondence, I challenge people to reflect on what he has endured and honestly answer whether they could react better.

    This could be a 21st century version of a Greek Tragedy.

  13. Francesca I saw Ashlie in several postings, but bow to your superior knowledge. Thanks for correcting me.

  14. @DNW:

    I maintain that our side is going to need both types of individual: the Reasoner and the Brawler.

    Make no mistake, *they* have both: The Machinery of the State may be slow, but it grinds exceeding fine, and of course they have Antifa and most of the Blacks and Browns.

    If you look at successful insurgencies, the victorious leaders seem to come from the ranks of people willing to get hands dirty and do morally reprehensible things. More genteel folks end up in the cellars or pits.

    I freely admit to being a reprehensible specimen of humanity. Doesn’t mean that I’m a nihilist or a (total) savage. Just a realist.

    I think one big problem is that the history of the American Revolution has been santitized a lot, plus it was also a rare historical anomaly. It’s one thing for the native elite (literally) to rebel against a distant overlord with the assistance of England’s then existential enemy France… it’s another thing entirely to take down the Romanovs. The winners of *that* nasty little scrap cut their teeth robbing banks and lobbing bombs into barouches and landaus.

  15. PS: Despite my drive-by commentaries, I respect and appreciate Neo’s attention to forensic details and the hard work she puts into researching and cataloging.

    These things must be documented.

    And backed up offline. Nothing online is permanent or safe.

  16. Irene and others. God bless. I was present and had much the same experience. I was with speaking with my new best friends when the barricades were breached and our hearts were sinking. There were singers on a small stage singing for peace. 99+ percent did not want to see that happen. IMO, dC mayor was part of the cause. People could not go into a restaurant or any other business to get warm (I was cold and I live in Vermont) or sit down for a bite. Portolets were scarce — easily half an hour wait, and trash receptacles were few and far between. These things can make anyone ornery.

  17. I’ve heard on social media that the Buffalo Horn Man, who looks like he is wearing more of a faux Native American headdress than a Viking helmet, though he is definitely a white guy — is called the “Q Shaman” and is a Q Anon Trump supporter. OK, I was about to write “Q Anon nut” but yeah, that too. He’s an unusual Trump supporter but he’s one. ANTIFA do not show their faces and wear all black. I agree with you Neo that there it is unlikely that there were ANTIFA in the Capitol incursion crowd. It is completely believable to me that a relatively small group of Trump supporters could pull this off. I’ve also seen on Tucker, as of tonight the 8th, that there were plans online from Trump supporters planning to break into the capitol on the 6th for a demo/show of force. They weren’t apparently going to seriously vandalize or burn the place, just make themselves known. No, I don’t support it but it is not a shock that it happened and that a very tiny minority of Trump supporters were responsible. Many Trump supporters are very angry (I am) and feel disenfranchised. It’s not really surprising this happened. But yes, it’s the right — and not the left.

    However, it was not a good idea and of course, now all Trump supporters and Trump – are being painted with the brush of sedition.

  18. @Zaphod

    “I maintain that our side is going to need both types of individual: the Reasoner and the Brawler.

    Make no mistake, *they* have both:”

    They really don’t. They have soi boys who think they’re tough guys when they aren’t (see any video of them getting stomped by the Proud Boys) and they’ve been living in such a bubble for so long, their ability to make an argument, least of all that can persuade john q public, has atrophied to nothing. The left’s debate go to is some nonsensical academic paper about the duality of gender. Their only real advantage is the media who most people are tuning out, for the most part.

    I’ll claim to be both. I guarantee we’ll find out

  19. From all of the footage I’ve seen, it looked pretty peaceable – and as some point out, Trump was apparently still in the middle of his speech when Congress was breached.

    I would like to know why the Capitol Police were armed with live rounds instead of crowd control projectiles. I can see there is pepper spray debris in the building, but also note that some of the crowd were arrested for carrying pepper spray.

    At the various riots//shopping opportunities in the past Summer of Love, as windows were broken and office furniture piled up to feed the bonfires, police were using bean bags and rubber or plastic crowd-control projectiles – if they weren’t already retreating.

    So: Why live rounds, inside the Capitol Building, with elected officials and other police scurrying around in the line of fire? Something is badly awry, and now an otherwise peaceful, unarmed, taxpaying, Veteran Business-owner Mom is dead from a neck shot.

  20. I have some of the same questions, Neo. Still, I do not consider what happened at the Capitol worse than what happened on Election Day and from then to now. So, is this more political kabuki theater with smoke and distraction? The left is giving the best shot to prevent President Trump from running again. I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t, but I think our fighter will come back.

  21. As far as the WHO goes, I’ve read at least one account that the “breaching of security”, such as it is when they basically did nothing to stop the crowd, was done while Trump’s speech was still going on. People left the speech area to march to the Capitol, but by the time they got there, nobody was left to stop them. They could waltz right in with no security in sight.

    This was all about the Democrat outrage. Let the protesters in, claim they committed terrible, violent insurrection and proceed from there.

    There is video of a black clad Antifa goon trying to smash a window and when someone stopped him, the crowd cheered.

    I honestly can’t believe my own wife cited the guy sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s chair with his feet up as some kind of unholy act.

    He’s sitting in a chair! He didn’t even break anything! And this is somehow orders of magnitude worse than rioting, looting, and burning in cities all across the country for 6 months ? What the actual f*ck alternative reality am I living in ?!!?!!?!

  22. Oldflyer:

    Greek or Shakespearean, or some combo of the two. Greek in that he was up against so much that the outcome was, if not pre-ordained, then almost inevitable. Shakespearean in that he also has tragic flaws. I maintain that his flaws are inextricably tied to his strengths however.

  23. I’ve read studies of mob behavior, where the first person to chuck a brick has to be really really motivated to do so, but the second person, seeing the first, only needs to be moderately motivated, and the third seeing the first two less so, until everyone is chucking bricks and thinking nothing of it.

    If Antifa was involved in the building invasion, I would expect them to be in the First and Second Brick Chucker positions. I’ve read reports/rumors that various people saw other people starting breakins at different locations and shouted them down.

    I watched all 40+ minutes of the Infowars video (https://theresistance.video/watch?id=5ff6857e00bac0328da8e888) that ends with the shooting, and we don’t see the entry doors being opened or who opened them. In the first few seconds of the film, we see one doorway being guarded by three cops in riot gear but another door wide open with no cops, and a line of people walking through it into the building. It’s pretty clear that none of the people in camera range were Antifa, in that until the very end only a few tried to break down doors and were called out, there were frequent calls not to damage anything, and I saw no graffiti and only one altercation with a cop, of whom we only saw about a dozen the entire time.

    I don’t know that the door the cameraman entered through was the only opened door. Its windows were damaged and crazed but not broken out, so it must have been unlocked or opened from the inside.

  24. Everything I know I learned reading the internet, so I’m not direct-source-knowledgeable nor in the least objective.

    I think we was robbed.

    On the other protest threads, I’ve posted comments* from a lot of people either frankly speculating (they pretend to be informed opinionators) or introducing what they consider credible answers, but I am personally extending the 3-day rule to at least 2 weeks.

    We’ve been disputing what happened in the November 3 election for 2 months and still can’t get a consensus on what happened.
    That’s a “consensus on the Right” — the Left is totally agreed that They Won Fair and Square — for the first time in a century.

    *I will add to those, because Ace is really on a roll, and I haven’t even looked at American Thinker, Red State, or Gateway Pundit yet.
    Adding some more posts from Larry Correia to the Facebook entry Bryan Lovely linked.

    A possible support for the “false flag” notion in that new Representative Cori Bush had a draft in her desk Tuesday of a resolution “to have the Republican members of Congress who “incited this domestic terror attack through their attempts to overturn the election” expelled from Congress.”
    * * *
    “My guess is that Trump rally crowds have been so peaceful in the past that it was expected that they’d be peaceful once again, although in the heat of the current political crisis this would have been a stupid calculation on the part of the police.” – Neo

    I agree about the reason the Capitol Police were so unprepared – although they should not have been – and threw that idea onto the board late last night. Great minds etc etc etc. 😉

    Despite the media hype, DC & Capitol LEOs have dealt with conservative “protesters” for decades, and KNOW that they don’t cause trouble and violence.
    So does Congress. If they had really been worried, they would have insisted on more protection from the Evil Right Wing Mob.

  25. Does “Reason” count as objective or knowledgeable?

    Another PowerLine headline Pick, from the Libertarians, debunking (or at least claiming to) the It Was Antifa! believers.

    I have not attempted to verify his sources, but am putting all of that in the “3 day rule” quarantine until reputable reports sort out who did what.


  26. I think your final three sentences could well be true, if only because Patrick Byrne who spent 4.5 hours with Trump and Flynn and Powell in the West Wing and Cabinet Room and Residence area reported similarly about Trump’s frame of mind (if also more empathically).

    About your main query, Joanne Nova has a roundup https://joannenova.com.au/2021/01/peaceful-trump-supporters-booed-violent-antifa-poseurs-tried-to-stop-them-breaking-windows/

    And the first reply by Wendy shares closer video via Twitter of Antifa breaking Cap Hill windows, dressed in MAGA caps.

    No. This is how Antifa acts. They get Big funds to train for this, and their officer corps is hardcore, unlike many soy boy fans and followers.

    Few perhaps recall the G7 meeting in Hamburg some years ago. Lauren Southern attended and covered it via Periscope.

    Violent Thugs are actually paid by the German government hunted her down as a Right Wing fascist needing to be killed, and media member covering up for their arson and violent attacks ratter out her location to the jackals of evil multiple times.

    The US Antifa learned from these types. And Southern ended her Any Ngo style journalism career afterwards because her terror was too great to sustain this constant life or death dodging of violent Thugs on her.

    Worse is coming than this fascist intimidation against the Truth, killed on the 6th.

    The CommieCrats are going to neuter the Second Amendment if we start defending ourselves with arms. And then China will seize and blockade Taiwan.

    I’m in a hostel in NZ. I’m the only American here. And the Kiwi, East Indians, Japanese, Argentines, Sri Lankan are either all too polite to me and my Trump persecuted “voice of Truth” tales, or else they genuinely FEAR facing China’s growing threats and intimidation without him taking the heat first.

    Somehow we all find the future ahead fearful.

    We are getting the information based totalitarianism taught by China inflicted by SWJ crazed Big Tech to take and neuter all dissidence out of their enemy.

    What did Obama’s spokesmen like David pflouf say, as quoted on Seb Gorka’s Thursday radio show? Trumpists and their like must be eliminated, completely destroyed, removed from ever rising again!

    It is the voice of Nazism coming from the he Left, my friends.

    This is who they are.

  27. (2) Why was Ashli Babbit killed? Don’t know. I think it was BS. Here’s my contemporaneous notes from the video above:

    00:00 – 35:56 large boisterous crowd enters Capitol building through doors with cracked but not broken out windows. they walk through various corridors until coming to a sparse line of cops where they stop. one guy tries to start a fight with a cop but nobody joins and he is pulled off camera. after a bit a crowd surge from behind pushes everyone forward and through the cops without any violence other than jostling. then more wandering through corridors until they reach the Rotunda. then more wandering. no property damage or graffiti at all, no broken windows or doors other than the entrance door until the end.

    35:56 we see doors that look like the other side of the House Chamber doors. people chant “break it down” but we don’t see that happen.

    37:23 the camera gets to the Speakers Lobby. the left window and door windows are cracked, three uniformed cops stand in front and a plainclothes cop to the side. more chants of “break it down”. seems to be one protestor trying to calm it down

    38:17 we see a glimpse of Ashli Babbit on the far right side of the entranceway next to the plainclothes cop

    38:27 riot police with helmets and rifles start coming up the adjacent stairs

    38:51 people are trying to break the door windows. original three cops head down the stairs away from the doorway, plainclothes cop stays behind.

    39:03 a man with glasses pushes in the right sidelight window with a helmet. camera turns away towards the staircase and the cops.

    39:10 camera turns back to the doorway. Ashli Babbit is seen standing up climbing through the right sidelight window. she appears to have cleared the frame and is leaning forward with both hands not visible from the rear

    39:11 shot fired, Babbit falls backwards into the entranceway. the plainclothes cop (who seems to be in charge) and a protestor pick her up and move her back a little bit

    39:26 one of the riot cops can be seen in “guard” position with rifle pointed toward the doorway and the lobby beyond

    39:37 all the riot cops are shouting “back up”

    39:53 a protestor is beginning to administer first aid but then doesn’t

    40:14 a uniformed cop in a baseball cap comes to the right sidelight window and appears to talk to the plainclothes cop on this side

    40:25 cop on other side goes back to a different position to the left. various cops and others can be seen down the hall.

    rest of video: lots of cops yelling “back up” etc., rumors that Ashli Babbit may already be dead, etc.


    In the seven seconds that the camera wasn’t pointed toward the doors, Babbit climbed up into the broken-out window frame and looked like her center of gravity was past it. From the position of her arms, I would say she was about to jump down. From another video on RedState (https://redstate.com/streiff/2021/01/07/305949-n305949), that was when a plainclothes officer steps out from a position to the left of the doors, aims, takes a step forward, shoots from approximately six feet away, and retires.

    When we saw Babbit fall back into the entranceway she was unarmed, as likewise she appeared to be unarmed when we saw her in the crowd before. Nobody else was beating on the doors, breaking other windows, etc. Several uniformed police officers were intermingled with the crowd and were not taking any actions to speak of at the time.

    If the shooter tries to claim that he was in fear of his life he’s lying or so inexperienced and undisciplined he never should have been issued a pistol. If he tries to claim it was an accidental discharge he’s lying. He made no attempt to grab her, detain her, etc. If we had a rational justice system he should get 1st degree murder.

  28. Deadrody: “…sitting in a chair! …worse than rioting, looting, … burning?”
    Crazy! It sickens me how many are acting like damage to DC capitol is appalling yet destruction of citizens’ property, life’s work, etc. (– Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore, Austin, Kenosha, Ferguson, etc al) was barely worth honest & complete coverage — especially to the leftist MSM.
    DC is NOT more important!! Elitism be damned.

  29. “I think one big problem is that the history of the American Revolution has been santitized a lot, plus it was also a rare historical anomaly. It’s one thing for the native elite (literally) to rebel against a distant overlord with the assistance of England’s then existential enemy France… it’s another thing entirely to take down the Romanovs. The winners of *that* nasty little scrap cut their teeth robbing banks and lobbing bombs into barouches and landaus.”

    You might be right. But the sanitizing seems in my opinion to have gone mostly in one direction. Bathing the British in a soft pink light …

    Some others of course, who are moderately well informed about American history may have some vague recollection that the deep scars Andrew Jackson carried on his head and hand in adulthood were the result of a British officer slashing Jackson the youth for refusing to polish his officer boots. That should have a certain ironic resonance when we consider what the present day institution dwellers and media types seem to expect from the members of the productive classes whom they despise …

    But whereas we hear much about the poor expelled Loyalists and the admittedly unsavory – and to my mind unconscionable and barbaric – practice of tarring and feathering the King’s functionaries, we hear much less of the many tens of thousands of patriots who died while chained in rotting prison hulk ships; or the crowing of British officers over the hearty if challenging sport of ravishing unusually resistant American women, or the despoiling and ruin of the patriot sections of Philadelphia.

    And of course there was also the quaint threat of the infamous if inventive Major Ferguson who threatened to destroy the farms, families, and lives of the Over-mountain men.

    So no, when it comes to the fact that some of my ancestors may have been heading up King’s Mountain, and then tomahawked the defeated and surrendering loyalist son-of-bitches who had shortly before arrived to despoil and destroy them; well, I don’t give a damn. And if it was done by other Campbells, than my own from the same counties, then I am just too damn sorry that it was.

    But, you have to be sure of what you are doing first.

    On a more lighthearted note, one encouraging lesson we can take away from all this, is how easily the temples of the simpering “elite” can be brought down. A few hundred stormed the citadel without weapons, and caused the chattering class to go crazy.

    It is obvious now, that the temple of the harpies and the buggers can be torn down fairly easily, if the real Americans do decide to do it.

    That said, for now, Irene and Sheldon and Sharon deserve the honors and our gratitude.

  30. @DNW:

    I like your sentiments.

    The temple of the puppets can be taken down pretty easily, yes.

    How does one get a hold of the very well-armed and determined three letter folks with server farms in Northern Virginia and Utah + the tech and banking oligarchs with private armies and private jets and bug out bunkers in NZ South Island?

    Capitol Schmapitol… Same goes for the Whited (Sepulchure) House. These are nothing but symbols of power. But down in the tunnels and dark places where the Securitate burrow…

    I’m no Umberto Eco, but I get that signs and symbols matter. Just that it’s not signs and symbols that SWAT one’s front door at 3am.

    Agreed. All honor to Irene and Sheldon. But to both please be careful next time you go out. Early days.

  31. I have no firsthand knowledge, just the viewing of some select videos as I have no stomach to watch hours of the stuff. Reason says that it was not Aunty Fay that went into the Capitol Building. Those people firebomb federal courthouses. They do not pose snarkily in Nancy Pelosi’s chair with their feet on the desk. No more disgraceful than the Speaker of the House theatrically tearing up a protected federal document in front of a joint session of Congress–a felony–for which she suffered no consequences. These people can be easily identified with police or federal resources.

    One person was shot and killed, but it’s not clear yet if it ever will be, who did that, and clearly the political rhetoric about an “armed and dangerous mob egged on by the President,” is a ridiculous lie. In fact, I also saw a video of several people attempting to charge and taunt the police and others from the crowd attempting to form a protective line in front of the police to push the inciters back.

    As a reminder to the senators who cry “Peace! Peace!”, the rest of the quote is, “but there is no peace!” Those who decry “mob violence” only now but who not only tolerated, but posted bail (when the local district attorneys bothered to even refer charges) for those who caused wanton destruction all summer, well, welcome to the party!

  32. Re: timing of the breach. Trump was scheduled to begin speaking at 11 am but there was a delay and he actually began at noon, pretty much on the nose. He spoke for approximately one hour and five minutes.

    My first photo at the wall was taken at 2:02pm. At that point, only a small number of people had gone over the wall and some minutes later exactly one person had actually gotten up to the top of the Capital steps and he received a huge cheer from the crowd. Nobody had gotten into the Capital at that point that I saw or tried to break into the building itself.

    So there was no connection that I know of between Trump’s speech and breaking into the Capital building time wise.

  33. RE: the Capitol and those who occupy it for their so-called “work”…they are EMPLOYEES. They work for US.

    It’s just another office building, really. It should NOT be broken into, or mobbed, but really—they are people, just like the rest of us, not mandarins. They need to remember that.

  34. “This could be a 21st century version of a Greek Tragedy.” – Oldflyer

    The 20th century one was “Nixon Agonistes.”

    Neo is right about the combo of Greek and Shakespearean elements.
    “I maintain that his flaws are inextricably tied to his strengths however.” – Neo

    The ties are what make it a tragedy rather than just bad luck.
    Might make a great opera someday.

  35. Okay – I’ve looked at Soave’s story at Reason, and his post from yesterday.
    Yes, Ashli Babbitt was a genuine Trump supporter.

    Everything else he claims as “debunking” is his own assertions that the actions were by Trump supporters, without supporting evidence (which is kind of what we are discussing here, isn’t it?).
    The only possible independent “proof” he gives, of two known alt-Righters in Pelosi’s office, is a photo that only “proves” that they may have followed the crowd inside, and one of them says it’s a fake.

    Fact check: Mostly false.

  36. In a couple of places I have read of *four* people being killed, not just one. But the only one I have heard anything about is Ashli Babbit. Does anyone know if this is true, insofar as we know anything is true about Wednesday’s events?

  37. Neo linked one report from New York Magazine questioning the inadequate security.
    Here’s another post from NYM with a map and description of the protesters’ movements into and inside the building.


    It leaves me with a lot more unanswered questions.
    Look at the photo (2) of the West Side blocked by rows of police in riot gear.
    At the main entrance (4) the protesters are gassed, but the doors are wide open: how did that happen, if police were massed like they were at the West? And if they weren’t, why not?

    Here’s the caption for photo (5):

    5. The rioters, who seem to have first entered the building from the east, cross the interior and open the doors on the west front, breaking a window in the process.

    “Seem”? Does anyone know?

    Then tell me why the East entrance was not blocked just like the West, and how the protesters moved unimpeded inside, and how they then opened the doors, if like the main ones they open OUTWARD, into the massed police?

    Stinks on ice.

    *Lest you wonder about the objectivity of New York Magazine, here are some paragraphs Neo did not quote — and the beginning of that excerpt is disproved by their own photo (2) in the other story – look at the police who supposedly were “not armed in riot gear at the beginning” – you don’t throw that stuff on in a couple of minutes while the crowd is already approaching.


    The National Guard, which had been on standby for days, was absent toward the beginning. The FBI’s SWAT team took some time to get there. The Department of Homeland Security, which had been on a crusade to protect federal buildings during the George Floyd protests, had a similarly delayed, meek reaction.

    Political reporters and protest organizers have remarked at this lack of preparedness and intervention — and what it signifies.
    I have seen Capitol Police shut down pretty much everything within a few square blocks of the Capitol because a mentally ill woman drove her car into a barricade. Why are people just able to mill around on the Capitol grounds today?

    — Abby D. Phillip (@abbydphillip) January 6, 2021
    I’m thankful to be safe, but it’s actually unfathomable to me that Capitol Police were this unprepared.

    We knew there were going to be mass protests. We knew some people would try to storm the building. There have apparently only been 13 arrests. How did this happen?

    — Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) January 6, 2021
    As someone who had been at the Capitol from 9 AM until just now, I’d have to push back against the claims that the Capitol Police are being permissive with this crowd. From what I witnessed, they were vastly undermanned today. (1/x)

    — Tina Nguyen (@tina_nguyen) January 6, 2021

    But it was not about a lack of barricades or of boots on the ground. None of this will go away if more public spaces are further fenced off and boarded up. As long as disproportionate force is used against the people who want to declare their humanity, and those who want to deny that humanity are escorted gently out the doors they have just destroyed, the fundamental institutions of American society will continue to replicate the violent myth that only certain lives matter.

    I agree that the defensive forces appear to have been inadequate (I can’t speak to her 3 specific charges), but that could signify something other than what is implied in the Tweets embedded in her post (did she even notice that the last one undermines her narrative?).

    The clear implication, for her, is that the Left is met with disproportionate force (presumably in the “mostly peaceful protests” where they were “declaring their humanity” by burning buildings and throwing bricks at the Feds) and the Right is not.

    To others, it signifies that the Feds were suckering the protesters into a set-up to use against Trump.

    On the third hand, it looks like some of the police, at least, were not particularly afraid of the MAGA crowd.

    Regardless, Ashli Babbitt was not “escorted gently out.”

  38. “This is how Antifa acts. They get Big funds to train for this, and their officer corps is hardcore, unlike many soy boy fans and followers.” – T J

    I have seen some otherwise serious pundits, and a commenter here, saying essentially, “It couldn’t have been Antifa. They always dress in black and wear head coverings so they can’t be identified.”

    Excuse me?
    Is the Black bloc clothing superglued to their epidermis?

    They wear the uniform when they want people to KNOW they are there.

  39. On the JoNova post, there is this Tweet:

    Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump https://t.co/0EIewoCwxb’s not. pic.twitter.com/eYLD3FlKiG

    — Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021

    On the New York Magazine post about lack of security, there is a link to this TikTok:

    The police did remove a barricade, and a man is shown clearly waving Trump supporters to come along the walkway.
    Nobody looked threatening (protesters) or afraid (police).
    They looked like they were going exactly where the cops wanted them to go.
    Could these be related?

    The frame is too tight to tell exactly where they are, unless you know the Capitol grounds much better than I do, but there is nothing that proves they are headed for the actual building (remember that allegations and inferences are no longer proof of anything, no matter how many sworn affidavits you have).

    What we do know is that the leftist media has a habit of somehow forgetting to put their narrative illustrations into proper context.


  40. FOAF on January 8, 2021 at 2:00 am said:
    In a couple of places I have read of *four* people being killed, not just one. But the only one I have heard anything about is Ashli Babbit. Does anyone know if this is true, insofar as we know anything is true about Wednesday’s events?”

    Three medical emergencies of some kind. Heart attacks or something. Exactly who, or where, or in what context was not stated. Per Fox

  41. On the other hand, Snopes may actually have done a factual fact check.

    Was Capitol Rioter in Horns and Furs an Antifa Instigator Who Took Part in BLM Protests?

    What’s True
    Angeli was photographed at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Arizona in June 2020.

    What’s False
    Angeli did not join in the message of the BLM protest but rather went there to recruit followers of U.S. President Donald Trump and the QAnon conspiracy theories, both of which he has a long record of supporting.

    The photograph shown on the left of the widely shared screenshot did show Angeli at a BLM demonstration in the summer of 2020, but it was cropped to occlude the fact that he was carrying a pro-QAnon sign, and failed to mention that Angeli had reportedly gone there not to take part in the main event, but to recruit others to his causes.

    Sounds good IF you believe Snopes anymore.
    Their photo does show a man dressed like the one seen on Jan 6 with a “Q sent me sign,” but their “witness” only asserts that this is Angeli and that he came there to “recruit others” — in other words, by the standard set for proving election fraud exists, they fail.

  42. “I’m no Umberto Eco, but I get that signs and symbols matter. Just that it’s not signs and symbols that SWAT one’s front door at 3am.” – Zaphod

    It was bad enough just thinking we were playing out a real-life politico-suspense-spy-thriller.
    Citing Eco throws this enterprise into an entirely different plane of irreality.

  43. Sarah Hoyt say you on the Right are being spun like a top by a psy-op…AGAIN.

    my friends on the right: you are falling for the same king of bullshit diversion. You are being spun like a top. And you’re falling for it and falling in line.

    I blame you and I don’t. You didn’t grow up with the constant-pretend-reality of communist psi-ops, and you haven’t learned to smell it.

    Over and over again, you condemn Trump and the “rioters.”

    NO ONE RIOTED. Not compared to this summer. THERE WERE NO RIOTS. And the protesters were treated with an iron fist and live ammo, btw.

    There are videos. I don’t know which ones are still live. They keep removing them. There was no riot. There was a protest. You know, those things that are vital for public health?

    Did they go into the Capitol? Yes they did. You know what? It’s a public building. WE PAY FOR THE F*CKING CAPITOL’S UPKEEP.

    But, but but…. the congress critters ran. They were scared!

    Were they now? WHY? No, seriously, why were they scared, if the people they work for want to watch the deliberations. They’re in our presence all the time. You know the worst thing we do — or used to do — we called them traitors. That was it.

    But they vandalized Nancy Pelosi’s office! Oh, my stars and garters? Evil people. Was that before or after she vandalized our constitution and sank a knife in the heart of the republic? Is the evil bitch dangling from a lamppost this morning? No? They were civilized beyond all hope.

    But Sarah, you’ll say, this will give them the excuse to avenge themselves on us.

    Dear idiots, you’re like the wife with her arm in a sling and both eyes blackened telling her husband “Please don’t say anything to Joe. He’ll be mad.”

    In other words, are you out of your ever loving little minds? These people STOLE two elections — it’s now absolutely obvious the nominal right is fine with this. They hope for crumbs from their masters’ tables. The left is more likely to kill them, but never mind — in a row, in full view, and refused to let us have our day in court to show the evidence. Because the American people are now peons with NO STANDING and can be disenfranchised with no punishment. But you’re afraid that largely (truly) peaceful protesters “made them mad?”


    RELATEDLY, ABOUT THOSE STOLEN ELECTIONS, quant analyst Zoe Phin lives in Georgia.

    And she asks how the Republican candidate for an almost obscure and never advertised state office (electric power commissioner) got more votes than either US Senate candidates after two months of maybe a thousand advertisements?!?! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCEPT AS FAIR.

    Your speakers box meets censorship. Your votes meet defeat by fraud and zero accountability or even transparency.

    Use that last box. Just do it. We deserve it. Prepare.

  44. }}} Rumors on the right that a lot of them were Antifa, are just that – rumors. At the moment, I’m not buying it, unless a lot more evidence emerges to back those rumors up.


    Even a minor consideration of this makes it clear: If it WAS antifa, or similar-minded individuals, what would you EXPECT? If it were, in fact, a deliberate false-flag operation, what the heck would make you think them so utterly inept as to leave serious EVIDENCE around?

    Instead, you need to be not looking for “proof”, but sufficient questions as to make the “proof” needed to say it WAS NOT antifa:

    1 — it’s CLEARLY the kind of thing they DO.

    2 — Violence… let’s see. which group, conservatives, or antifa, has spent the entire SUMMER demonstrating a considerable willingness to be unbound by civilized norms?

    3 — Take a look at this piece:

    Now, ASK YOURSELF: “Does this look like a group of conservatives? Does it have the kind of DIVERSITY I would expect of a group of conservatives?” Yes, DIVERSITY. These all look like disaffected white twenty-somethings. Where are the 40yos? The 50yos? And yes, why is there not a single black person in there? Because we both know, if you take a random crowd of Trump supporters, you’re going to have one or two blacks or hispanics in the lot.

    4 — One of the ones right in the front in many pix has a fucking Hammer and Sickle tat on his hand. Yeah, check around, there’s all kinds of excuses for how it’s “not REAAAAALY a hammer and sickle”… I have LAND for sale, if you want to buy that one, I’m sure you’d like my real-estate deal.

    Note that I’m not saying conservatives would never rush into the capitol if given a good reason to, but being VIOLENT about it is the question, here.

    Go back to question #2, there, and ask which makes MORE sense?

    That this was a Reichstag Fire moment is beyond ridiculously likely.

    Proof? No. Once more, as with the Fraudulection, there’s no smoking gun, no trout in the milk… just empty shell casings all over the damned place… just a bucket so full of minnows that there’s no room for milk.


  45. @AesopFan:

    Re Eco: Are our heads not being massively #@$^ed with?

    Must re-read The Name of the Rose one of these days. Chuck Schumer head down ass up in a vat of the nasty stuff is an image that sticks from my autoethnographic deconstruction and re-imagining of said Text (Yo Progs… Bubba done read his Derrida and Foucault — the latter suggesting that yer’d best not be praying for Deliverance).

  46. My brother in-law was at the protest. He said at least 250,000 people were there. Everyone was calm and nice. However, there were people, who were not Trump supporters, that were planted within the crowd that he could tell were there to disrupt, and they were placed there in an organised fashion.

    The Dems/left are playing a dangerous, scripted game. They are exhaustible stupid. But their prayers have not been answered.

  47. Every right wing outlet on the web is split six ways from Sunday on how to handle this situation.
    Praise Trump BUT
    Condemn Trump BUT
    Democrats OWN this BUT

    You can find any opinion you want, so go with the one you like best.
    I think I’ll plant my flag with Sarah Hoyt (& Sarah Palin was rational yesterday too).

    However, on the question of answering questions, PJM had a couple of useful posts.

    The photo of the crowd gathered on the steps of the Capitol looked more like a staged photo-op than a mob rioting.
    Why did the police let so many of them just come in and stand there if they were afraid of violence?

    The first was in 1814, the last was a mental case, and the other 4 were leftists.
    You do the math.

    Snopes is vindicated after all.
    But he didn’t act very violent, now, did he?

    As for the ‘tat guy: “That’s not a hammer and sickle. It’s most likely a symbol from the video game, Dishonored.”
    I think he’s right.

    BUT “As for who actually broke windows to get into the Capitol, this video suggests at least some of that was carried out by antifa and was stopped by Trump supporters.

    One more person of interest: “He’s been identified with anti-Trump politics during 2020 and was spotted inside the Capitol Wednesday. He says he was there but did not break in, he was there to document it. He was near the scene where Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed after she climbed through a window. Babbitt is a confirmed Trump supporter. Sullivan isn’t.”


    A witness to Wednesday’s event told me, as it was going on, that some in the crowd were urging others to go forward into the building, but most Trump supporters did not do so. They stayed out and went back to their transportation to leave the city. It’s unknown who was urging people forward.

    It’s going to take time to sort out who did what at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. It appears people from multiple factions were involved. After a year of mass hysteria moments, we have the mother of all of them on our hands.

  48. More from PJM (I’m still making the rounds).

    One of the most pervasive story lines following the Capitol protest that turned violent is that the Capitol Police let in protesters.

    Though some still doubt it, it’s beginning to appear that some of the protesters were, in fact, allowed onto the grounds and into the building, which explains why there were those who entered and stayed within the velvet guide ropes, taking selfies, and staying peaceful. And those who were not peaceful.

    There are several people who talked to The Washington Examiner’s congressional reporter, Susan Ferrechio, who claimed that police let them into the Capitol Building.
    … [peacefully]

    The Federalist’s Sean Davis says he spoke with multiple people who said that police let them in.

    But clearly things went south in a hurry. Windows were bashed in and cops were pushed around.

    Video by Elijah Schaffer – “this is exact moment the siege of the Capitol building began as the two men in front ripped down a preliminary barrier & rushed officers who were behind a 2nd barrier

    They then encouraged others to follow their lead. Officers appeared to be taken completely off guard”
    …[because everyone else had been so peaceful?]

    Others posted video to show that police let in the protesters onto the Capitol building grounds.

    (Democrat Congressman) Cooper said he did not see these actions by Capitol Police himself, but said he’s “never seen a crowd less afraid of the police than this one.”
    …[because they were being peaceful?]

    If police did let them in, it’s understandable. Trump supporters have been peaceful in the country. To the extent there has been violence, the Leftist mob started it with few, if any, exceptions.

    How soon we forget that Washington, D.C. was on fire last summer by antifa and BLM rioters.

    The same scene was played out in several cities throughout the country.

    It’s also understandable that these protesters would believe that nothing would happen to them even if they got inside the Capitol. After all, nothing much has happened to BLM and antifa for burning churches, looting stores, trying to kill cops, and attempting to burn them alive at police stations all over the country and inside the nation’s capital.

    I’m going with the mixed bag of peaceful Trump supporters and “mostly peaceful” antifa elements who had to egg them on to get the “riot” started.

  49. Tyler O’Neil at PJM is the most waffly of their writers today – just one example, all his posts sound the same theme:

    Trump may have inspired some of his supporters to break into the people’s house, and he coddled the rioters afterward, but Trump’s horrific statements do not make the far-left’s agenda any less radical or dangerous. When Trump is no longer president, Republicans will still need to stand up for conservative values.

    Democrats like Joe Biden have tried to use the Capitol riots to delegitimize all of Trump’s policies, and this push will likely intensify in the coming days. Yet conservatives must defend originalism, the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, the tax cuts, and the other positive aspects of Trump’s legacy, even while we condemn Trump’s recent dangerous statements.

    Conservatives must also stand firm on demanding election reform to promote integrity after Democrats sent mail-in voting into overdrive.

    Cruz’s demand for a commission may not have been the right move, but he was not responsible for the Capitol riots and he unequivocally condemned them afterward. AOC’s call for his resignation was despicable.

    Yeah, good luck with all that, now that you threw Trump under the bus.
    However, the first part proves that Ted is still The Man.

    AOC acted as though Cruz had encouraged the violent attack on the Capitol.

    “Sen. Cruz, you must accept responsibility for how your craven, self-serving actions contributed to the deaths of four people yesterday,” AOC tweeted. “And how you fundraised off this riot. Both you and Senator Hawley must resign. If you do not, the Senate should move for your expulsion.”

    While Trump’s claims that he really won the election by a “landslide” did exacerbate the crowd on Wednesday, Cruz did not claim any certainty about the true election results, he merely echoed concerns about the irregularities and potential for fraud in the election. He arguably should not have blocked the certification of Electoral College votes after the Capitol riots, but it is absurd to blame Cruz for the violence.

    [NOTE- I’m not arguing. Are you arguing?]

    “You are a liar,” Cruz responded. “Leading a debate in the Senate on ensuring election integrity is doing our jobs, and it’s in no way responsible for the despicable terrorists who attacked the Capitol yesterday.”

    “And sorry, I ain’t going anywhere,” the senator added. “When you and your socialist buddies…try to massively raise taxes, when you try to pass the green new deal & destroy millions of jobs, when you push for amnesty, when you try to pack the Supreme Court w/ activists to undermine our Constitutional rights… I will fight that every step & stand with the People.”

  50. I have seen some otherwise serious pundits, and a commenter here, saying essentially, “It couldn’t have been Antifa. They always dress in black and wear head coverings so they can’t be identified.”

    Excuse me?
    Is the Black bloc clothing superglued to their epidermis?

    They wear the uniform when they want people to KNOW they are there.

    Exactly. That is one of THE most imbecilic comments anyone makes about this.

    There’s plenty of evidence that the Reichstag fire was a setup by the Nazis.

    And all the evidence suggests this was the Reichstag Fire event in American History.

    Mind you, there’s no question there WERE conservatives “present”. But this does not mean in any regard that they were being overtly violent. “Trespassing” is hardly a violent crime.

    Anyone present at this thing who was an actual conservative was an idiot. But gee, that’s kind of the definition of “a member of a mob”, isn’t it?

  51. These stories aren’t getting much play – I saw them at Just the News Wednesday, but the Post has more details on the bombs.


    Two realistic-looking homemade bombs were found Wednesday in Washington, DC — one just outside the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and the other near the Democratic National Committee’s offices, authorities said.

    NBC News additionally reported that at least one other device was found on the grounds of the US Capitol.

    The FBI is investigating to determine if there is a link between the explosive devices and the truck found nearby, the Washington Post said.

    So realistic looking, the cops detonated them successfully.


    The first indication of the chaos that would ensue was a bomb scare at the Cannon Office Building, in which House members have their congressional offices. The second bomb threat was made for the Library of Congress Madison Building. Both are on Independence Avenue, within a couple hundreds yards from the Capitol Building.

    Seems to me someone ought to be asking questions about this, because it definitely fits the Antifa M.O., not Q or PB or anyone else in Trump’s distant orbit.
    It sure as shootin’ don’t fit the MAGA profile.

  52. Larry Correa shares a long winded and forever necessary rant as a non Trump supporter who nonetheless sees basic facts in play like this one: The Deplorables class of his, like me, as heinously abused by every “respected” quarter of society, and the relentless media far left dividing and conquering us with absolute distrust.

    After recounting the Trump years and last year, he ends by saying that vanilla normies — not Trumpkins, not prepared, not conspiracy nuts, but ordinary folk — are talking casually about violence and Revolution now.

    So, yeah, he concludes: “We are fucked” as a people, as a nation.

    There are several stand out comments. But this is the one to be acted upon by EVERYONE who reads his epic rant: “ Mad Max • 13 minutes ago
    Larry’s rant should be nailed to the door of Congress and every state house along with the Declaration of Independence.”

    Essential, epic, short and sharply observed. Best of all, it’s all True.

  53. AesopFan — “ As for the ‘tat guy: “That’s not a hammer and sickle. It’s most likely a symbol from the video game, Dishonored.”
    I think he’s right.”

    No, it’s deliberately both. In order for Antifa to ID to others AND create plausible deniability when arrested. That’s how ‘forward strategic thinking’ they are trained to be.

  54. Back to Larry’s rant and “Yeah, we are fucked.”

    People WILL NOT HEAR US. As much as I want to believe that idiot Pubbies and zealous Sillycon Commies will hear Larry’s plaint, I cannot believe that the maroons who need to hear and open their minds can or will.

    We know that. Neo and our Tribe or online fam or whatever we are here KNOW IT. THEY. Will. Not. Listen.

    Don’t waste your time: prepare for Le deluge.

  55. Rumors on the right that a lot of them were Antifa, are just that – rumors. ???

    No, they aren’t. Specific Antifa actors from other protests have been identified. And they were indeed involved in the more violent aspect of what happened at the Capital.

  56. Oldflyer writes “This could be a 21st century version of a Greek Tragedy.”
    Or Shakespeare as neo adds at length.

    I have listened to Victor Davis Hanson make the same point in his interviews over his ‘empathetic from a distance’ book, “The Case For Trump.”

    He makes it again in his one year later appearance on YT with Jan Jakielik of Epoch Times “American Thought Leaders” interview series.

    I have watched or listened to these multiple times like lockdowns this pat year.
    And maybe again.

    VDH says that Trump is like a Western hero, like The Man Who shot Liberty Valence” by John Ford, and several others.

    People long for a hero to save them and do the needed dirty work. But they hate having to thank such a man who does it afterwards. They fear sullying themselves (cf, GOPe).

    This is all comforting. But if Larry Correia is correct, such a literary ending is now out of our reach. Events to come won’t permit it.

    AesopFan adds astutely: “The 20th century one was ‘Nixon Agonistes.’
    Neo is right about the combo of Greek and Shakespearean elements.
    ‘I maintain that his flaws are inextricably tied to his strengths however.’ – Neo
    The ties are what make it a tragedy rather than just bad luck.”

    But what if what comes next sees those [social] ties destroyed, unbundled, shredded?

    (I know: I’m shifting context from Trump the individual to the social body politic. Yes. I know.)

  57. This morning the Epoch Times reports that the head of the Capitol Police is resigning, and that a Capitol Police officer has died from injuries sustained in the riot.

  58. It’s very early or late this Saturday morning in the Southeast corner of the world map (Mercator projection), and I’m reading the 348 comments on Larry’s piece, which was posted at Facebook. Crazy violent talk in SW Idaho’s reported. We cannot go back.

    Then there’s this Hot Mess gem of Truth:
    “Gene Britton Yeah, we have been denied our boxes.
    Our soap box has been denied, Big Tech has deplatformed us.
    Our jury box has been denied, the courts have refused to hear our cases.
    Our ballot box has been denied, the Democrats and the Deep State have trashed our electoral system.
    That only leaves us one remaining box.”

    Like I’ve been saying. And a few more like it:

    Sean Golden [to] Bill Hockensmith, the complete quote is “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” If it’s just patriots’ blood, the liberty will not bloom. The blood of tyrants is also required.
    Grace Schosser
    Grace Schosser Well stated. This is where we are, and it’s not pretty.
    Shannon Lembas
    Shannon Lembas The TEA party didn’t work, because it was all peaceful, up through the ranks, working the system type stuff. Then anyone who was elected off of that ended up becoming a doormat for the entrenched elites. The people with backbone never made it past state positions. I saw it happen.
    So for everyone now scolding me about how I’m shrugging my shoulders at these protestors and saying it’s all screwed anyway, I say you did it your way and got us right back in the same mess, if not worse. And the rulers and the courts have made it clear they have no intention of allowing any radical changes.
    So what now?

    Darleen Click Listening to Prager this morning and he says while he condemns the violence because it was stupid – and gives everything to the Left they wanted because now it will suck all the air out of the room because Republicans are “traitors” engaged in “insurrection” – at the same time when you make civil opposition impossible (media lies, big tech censorship, cancel culture/losing one’s job for WrongThink, encouraged & enabled violence against “deplorables”) all you have left is to make room for uncivil behavior.

    If you take away people’s option to express themselves via opinion and votes, this is the kind of crap that happens.

    And the CCP is trolling us over it.

  59. MORE

    Bob Poole The left will use yesterday’s circus to punish Trump supporters because they are ” untermenchen” to the left and the left already hate us for disagreeing with them. And I can see neighbors denouncing neighbors and the feud will get worse. The people on the right until yesterday’s kerfuffle were very orderly and mild, but the anger was there because they see nobody will believe them, the GOP went full squishy so they could keep their spot on the trough and ignored 74 million people.

    Theresa Maureen When I think about what has been done to this country in the last year from both an economic and psychological standpoint, I have to concede that whoever engineered this is an evil genius.
    They wore us down in stages. First, the virus that shut us down economically. Then rioting that unsettled us emotionally and added to the economic toll. Finally, they stole an election so brazenly and basically thumbed their nose at us to once again drill down on the fact that we’re powerless to stop the machine.
    People are so beat down now that any promise to open up the economy will motivate even the most angry of us to capitulate just to get back to our normal life.
    The gaslighting media was just the cherry on top.
    Evil, psychotic genius.
    Holly Peterson
    Holly Peterson Right you are. They took the pandemic ball and ran with it. It was perfect for their agenda.
    Joel Hamby
    Joel Hamby I remember reading the history of World War 2 and the Civil War and wondering why they could not be avoided. And now I’m living through it.


    Mike Kupari There’s a path back from the brink but I don’t think we’ll take it.
    After the Civil War, great accommodations were made to the losing side, which continues to irk people to this day: statues of Robert E. Lee, bases named for Confederate generals, etc. It was done because it was understood that putting the screws to the former rebel states would breed generations of resentment, uprisings, and conflict. America chose to be magnanimous in victory and made attempts, however flawed, to reunite.
    Obviously there were problems with it: the shadow of slavery and all the evils that followed it, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, the rise of the KKK.
    Nonetheless, it was the best choice the country had in 1865.
    One of the problems of the modern era isn’t a lack of compromise- no matter what the issue, there are scores of politicians willing to “compromise” on your behalf. That isn’t the issue. The issue is that the electorate is divided into two approximate halves, and there are many who think the slimmest possible technical majority in Congress (say, a 50/50 senate with the Vice President casting tie-breaking votes) gives them a “mandate”.
    There are no national political mandates in modern America. It’s a divided country. We need to accept this. There is a lot on which people will not agree and little that on which they will.
    The way back from the brink is to not try and push through controversial legislation when your party barely controls a chamber of Congress. It means restoring the filibuster in the Senate and leaving it there. The way back is to not try and punish your political opponents after you defeat them, or to hurt their constituents and voters.
    Also? It would be best if there was an agreement for the federal government to not touch certain hot-button, divisive issues, like gun control and abortion. These are issues which cannot be addressed without enflaming the electorate. Leave it to the states. If we can leave the measures for combating COVID-19 to the states, we can certainly leave other issues to them.
    It means politicians need to cool their own rhetoric.
    It means that Americans should have a meaningful way to petition their government for redress of grievances, which we emphatically do not have.
    It also requires election transparency, security, and reform. It doesn’t matter whether or not you believe there are any problems with the voting system: tens of millions of people do, and as long as they think the system is rigged, they will never invest in it.
    The rules have to be enforced fairly across the board. There can’t be multiple sets of rules for different groups. We either have equal protection under the law or we don’t have a country.
    The first thing that needs to happen is that people need to let go of their fantasies of political revenge.
    We can have peace or we can have vengeance for injustices real and imagined. We can let the fire die out or we can pour gasoline on it.
    I think this could work, but I also think we won’t try this path. There’s too much anger, too much hate, too much lust for power. There’s too much desire to “remake America”. There’s too much joy in hurting the other side.
    I think things may get worse, maybe a lot worse, before they get better.

  60. Great questions Neo, I have similar.

    However, I think the argument over who started things is pointless. Everything I’ve seen suggests Ashli Babbitt was a solid Trump supporter. While I think Capitol police overreacted and should be punished and held accountable; it is clear that Ashli was leading others and was nearly first across that particular threshold which was when the officer discharged their weapon. If people want to honor Ashli in anyway, then respect who she was and what she represented, which was support for Trump and a leader.

    That said, it seemed clear that many were pushing for events like this to happen. We saw the release of information that supposedly John Roberts feared mobs. We’ve read the press saying how effective the violent peaceful protests were all summer. Everyone know a truly peaceful conservative march that went home with streets cleaner than when they came would have resulted in the same decisions made in Congress overnight. If any here truly wanted a different result, then the reality is the protesters at the Capitol didn’t get rough enough.

    For me, I’m not that invested in any politician or ideology to march and protest. Both sides claim the other is the next destruction of the country and the world. Yet two President Bush’s have let me down just as much as Clinton and Obama, and I’m starting to think none of those 4 were as bad as McCain and Romney. I think Trump was a remarkable President that accomplished incredible things despite the barriers placed in front of him. The thing now is to protect him and his family.

    We’ve all discussed how the best Republican is a dead one or at least one out of office, as far as the left is concerned. I expect that behavior to continue, and things to ramp down in regards to Trump. Biden hasn’t shown much desire for retribution, and I don’t think an AG Garland would be any different than AG Barr, lots of words and no action. If Biden doesn’t calm the left down, then we have a problem. The establishment decided to let go prosecuting the Obama Administration for spying on an opposition campaign. The establishment ought to do the same for whatever perceived slights by Trump.

    What we need now is a better slate of candidates for the primary. I get to vote for Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw. But the Texas governor is looking weak, and unfortunately Sen. Cornyn just got 6 more years. It will be hard for Republicans to hold the Texas governor position with Abbott, and personally, I’d like to see Cornyn recalled and replaced.

  61. Trump, despite his idiosyncrasies, kept his campaign promises like no other president in the last 100 years. He was hounded and abused by the Democrats by means fair and foul, mostly foul.
    I fear for his physical safety. He needs to make Pence the president, with Pence giving him a pardon for all putative Federal crimes. Trump still has the Dem NY DA to worry about.
    No man has sacrificed more for his country in a political office than Trump. Now he is at great physical and financial risk.

    There have been many mass rallies in DC over the years, advocating many causes, from civil rights to vaginas, and there cannot be assigned any blame to Trump for addressing a huge gathering of supporters of America. That a tiny militant fraction of demonstrators, Antifa or not, were given access to the Capitol by its police, is no basis for condemning Trump.

    Many many affidavits and other evidence exist to show fraudulent voting and vote counting, yet not one court of many has allowed a hearing; “standing” has been denied, even to the state of Texas by the Supreme Court.

    In the next two years, Dems will improve their “vote-counting” abilities via Dominion Systems and mail-in ballots, all the while proclaiming this is done to help the underprivileged vote weeks before Election Day (which has become a pointless Day). They will trample the Constitution while swearing to preserve and protect it. The American Republic is now in its death throes. We will hear “death rattles” from time to time. It is now a one-party state, like the Soviets lived under. Facebook and Instagram and Twitter block Trump posts. There is no free press.
    After a century of indoctrination and compromise, America has largely turned into a nation of sheep. Eventually we will have our own Xi or Putin as shepherd.

    I am not sorry that I am elderly.

  62. However, I think the argument over who started things is pointless. —
    But the Texas governor is looking weak, …
    — Leland

    I do think it is important to know who started things, though I believe a good investigation is very unlikely.

    The Gov. of Texas is weak? Physically? Popularity? In political actions? I’m just curious since you know more than I do.

    I agree with Brian Lovely. It is very easy to incite an angry mob to violence, and rational decision making has little to do with it.

    From the videos I’ve seen, I think it is likely that a very tiny percentage of the protestors were Antifa agitators. In spite of their small numbers they were at the front antagonizing the police and pulling at the barricades.

    These possible Antifa members were:
    Wearing full face coverings, either with industrial goggles or full face gas masks.
    Wearing helmets. Skateboarding or rolling blading helmets?
    Wearing medium small backpacks, very tightly strapped and full.
    They were not wearing black.

    One was wearing an American flag jacket. One was wearing a bright blue vest and a high contrast black and white camo shirt. A third was wearing a bright blue jacket with a American flag scarf wrapped around his neck.

    We should at least consider the possibility that the left and the Dems have far outstripped the GOP and the right in terms of big picture Machiavellian deviousness and planning. Occam’s Razor isn’t cutting it for me anymore in this environment.

  63. TJ, that is a great analogy to “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” with Trump as John Wayne’s tragic Tom Doniphon. One of my favorite movies.

    Also in regard to what you say is needed to bring us “back from the brink”, namely the Dems not pushing their razor-thin “majority”. Of course you are right, but they will not take that path. I think you know that.

  64. TJ – counting down the minutes until YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter shut down Larry Correia’s accounts.
    Maybe even Neo’s, PowerLine’s etc.

    They have shown that they are no respecter of persons: famous, insignificant, and everyone in the middle.
    They will leave National Review and that ilk alone.
    For now.

    In the meantime a commenter at Instapundit gave this advice:
    Peter Porcupine • 12 hours ago • edited
    Here are two tools to download videos from Youtube and Twitter – they will let you keep your own copy of any video of interest:
    TWsaver.com (download videos from Twitter to avoid deletion)
    Youtube-mp4.download (download videos from Youtube to avoid deletion)

    Youtube alternatives (I haven’t tested them all and can’t vouch for them):
    BitChute.com (YouTube alternative)
    Lbry.tv (YouTube alternative)
    Odysee.com (YouTube alternative)
    Peer.tube (YouTube alternative)
    Rumble.com (YouTube alternative; pro-Trump headlines)
    Unauthorized.tv (YouTube alternative)

  65. Anyone getting fired for going to DC on the Sixth could have a cause of action. They won’t ever win, but maybe enough could tie up the Department of Labor Serfs to at least inconvenience the overlords.

    If there are enough Conservative Persons of Color in the mix, a good class action suit could be mounted.
    Cue the Spacemanperson’s Button meme.

  66. I agree with Cicero at 12:13.

    The Democrats will not be satisfied until they have feasted on President Trump’s heart and the hearts of all his children, grandchildren and their pets have put the President in jail and ruined him financially.

    And yes, I think he has shown the stress of the election in the last few weeks. It definitely showed in his statement after the breach of the Capitol building. He seemed to be almost in shock at the events.

    I listened to his speech and found nothing that could remotely be considered inciting. During the middle of the speech he asked the crowd to march down Independence Ave? “peacefully”.

    Whether or not the instigators of the Capitol breach were antifa, it stinks to high heaven. The President was still appealing to Pence to do the right thing and use his position to send the contested electors back to the states during the speech What followed worked against the President to the extent it destroyed any momentum for a fair hearing about the election abuses. It couldn’t have done any more damage had it been planned by the enemies of the President, whether Democrat or Republican.

    This morning I heard Graham calling the protesters/rioters “terrorists”. That’s certainly escalating the narrative. I can’t believe I fell for his schtick and sent him money during the election.

  67. “Whatever the details, Trump lost the public relations battle. That won’t be undone.” – Mac Siccar

    The Left makes sure that Conservatives always lose the public relations battle. The squish-Right goes along by opting into the leftist narrative even while complaining about it or presenting the correct facts. I used to think that was just mindless parroting by clueless journalists who don’t understand the fine points of partisan spin.
    Now, I’m not so sure that all of them are fools rather than knaves.

    It’s basically a no-win situation for the Right.

    (Trump’s call to Raffensperger)

    Much as I admire the President, he does give the Left a lot of ammunition to work with.

  68. It seems clear that the majority of the (relatively) small number of people who entered the Capitol Bldg were Trump supporters.

    But I have seen Andy Ngo’s reporting on Antifa for years now and he is a very reliable reporter, plus he knows Antifa better than anyone outside of the actual organization. Ngo just tweeted a screen shot of one hard-core Antifa man who was definitely in among the people inside the Capitol. Such a person would only be there to commit and promote mayhem as a Moby/false flag.

  69. TJ on January 8, 2021 at 8:45 am said:
    It’s very early or late this Saturday morning in the Southeast corner of the world map (Mercator projection), and I’m reading the 348 comments on Larry’s piece, which was posted at Facebook. Crazy violent talk in SW Idaho’s reported. We cannot go back.
    * * *
    The last commenter you quoted here said this:
    “…when you make civil opposition impossible (media lies, big tech censorship, cancel culture/losing one’s job for WrongThink, encouraged & enabled violence against “deplorables”) all you have left is to make room for uncivil behavior.
    If you take away people’s option to express themselves via opinion and votes, this is the kind of crap that happens.”

    She is channeling a couple of people with better name recognition, who said the same thing many years ago.

    “If the political culture forbids respectable politicians from raising certain issues, then the electorate will turn to unrespectable ones.” – Mark Steyn

    “Those who make peaceful resolution of disagreement impossible will make violent resolution of disagreement inevitable.” – John F. Kennedy

    Rational people (mostly conservatives) learn from this and try to do better.
    Leftists double down, because squashing dissention is a feature, not a bug.

    I’m actually not surprised to hear rumblings from Idaho.
    Latter-day Saint doctrine has predicted since 1830 that things in America would come to this pass eventually, despite valiant and good-faith efforts to stave it off as long as possible.
    It’s an Apocalyptic thing.


  70. TommyJay, about Gov. Abbott.

    Abbott sought the middle ground on COVID lockdown. In doing so, he was better than any Democrat governor, but he still created policies that make no sense (a bar is dangerous for contracting the virus, but not if it has a food truck parked outside). It still goes on to this day, and small businesses suffer. Sure, big business prefers Texas to California, but that’s small comfort if your small business is shutdown while nobody has a case of COVID in a 20 mi radius.

    This has caused donors to revolt. Meanwhile, more money pours in from out of state to bolster crap trust fund politicos like Beto. Except, now it’s Matthew McConaughey thinking of running for governor. McConaughey is very popular in Austin. He certainly has more name recognition than Abbott. And Abbott is out there inviting more blue staters to relocate to Texas as soon as they can. Harris County flipped blue last gubernatorial election, and now Democrats run elections in every major Texas county.

    I’m not saying Texas is flipping blue. But Gov. Abbott should be more like Gov. DeSantis if he hopes to win re-election.

  71. AesopFan @ 3:21.

    This die is cast: if you thought the past four years were dangerously polarised, you ain’t seen nothing until you’ve seen the Armed Right radicalized.

    Fed crap sandwiches and fake elections and humiliated for simple disagreement — they have ZERO authority to us. Nothing.

    Resist. All. Everything. If they threaten us, then it will get real, real fast. ONLY If they leave us alone, will reality be any different.

    What going on right now in Rightsphere debates is to vote or never to vote again. The Right is becoming a radicalized FORCE to reckon with. SEE comments here, for example

  72. “I listened to his speech and found nothing that could remotely be considered inciting. During the middle of the speech he asked the crowd to march down Independence Ave? “peacefully”.” – Brian E

    I am not faulting Trump too much for this, since his crowds have never been violent and I’m sure it seemed like an “icing on the cake” moment to impress the Congress.

    A peaceful march accords with some of the videos I’ve seen and commented on, but given the almost sure possibility that there would be Antifa agitators among the MAGA crowd, he should not have sent anyone marching to the Capitol.
    The rally was just fine were it was.


  73. Now there are many voices from congressmen/congresswomen holding the responsibility what happened at Capital Hill saga on Pre. Trump.

    Especially Nancy Pelosi calls for Pence to use 25th Amendment to remove Trump from power.

    Is she forgot he held his presidency for the last four years? where she was to say he is not fit for Presidency?

    In her speech she calls Capital Hill as ” A temple of US Democracy” is she forgot she confiscated the paper for Pres. Trump’s speech inside “A temple of US Democracy”?

    Was it an Insult to democracy? were impropriate behaviour by someone holding the position of a congresswoman?

    So she should be removed first from her position?

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