Home » Fire and ice: on the enthusiasm gap


Fire and ice: on the enthusiasm gap — 116 Comments

  1. Your wrong about the fraud not being the number one problem
    Check out the cities that went for biden.
    Use Benford’s law.
    It’s more than an outrage.

  2. If Biden does actually become President – and – Mitch McConnell holds the Senate – I think Joe and Kamala will have a very disappointing honeymoon.

    Gridlock City.

  3. Trump won in a landslide and fraud gives biden 270 e votes. Are you still in trauma shock neo?

  4. jake:

    Who said fraud isn’t the number one problem? I think it’s a huge problem. The only thing I’m saying in the post is that if Trump had won in an enormous landslide, it’s very hard to overcome that with enough fraud to matter. It only matters when the real vote is at least somewhat close in enough states to matter, and those states must have big cities in Democrat hands.

    At least, that’s the way it is in the US now. For completely totalitarian states, they can manipulate the vote as much as they want. The left is trying for that, of course.

  5. Trump was up nearly 15 pts in penn.

    What is this enormous landslide, winning by 30 pts?

  6. The media completely suppresed any bad info about Biden. Who knows about his plagerism, his lies about his first wife deadly auto accident, his wanting not to go after Bin Laden, his pro-China positions, or Hunter’s coke addiction and money grubbing using his father’s name. We do, but people who read NYT, WaPo and watch Cnn sure don’t. I hope Hunter goes to jail.

  7. To be sure, they hate Trump.

    But why do they hate Trump?

    For many of them, they were only able to work up and sustain such an intense hatred, for such a long duration, because of the false narratives presented to them by mainstream media personalities and Twitter influencers: False narratives that were refreshed daily, which were replaced by new outrage-stimuli every time an earlier stimulus began to fade.

    In the meantime, censorship by the Big Tech Leftist Oligarchy ensured that counter-narratives would never see the light of day.

    This election went as badly as it did for a variety of reasons, and the vote-fraud in PA, MI, WI, and various other spots was part of that. But the single greatest influence — it was easily worth a 10% swing in the vote for most districts — was the epistemic closure of the low-information voter, which made him susceptible to the propaganda narratives of the left.

    They’d have shrugged and gotten accustomed to Trump two years ago, were it not for that. I’m not saying they’d like him. I’m saying they’d have started laughing and shrugging and enjoying the show, in spite of themselves: A whole electorate watching Jerry Springer, a little ruefully, with a constant rolling-of-eyes, counterbalancing prurient curiosity and feelings of superiority. And by the time November 2020 rolled around, they’d be much more willing to feel concern about the obvious deficiencies of Joe Biden.

    That didn’t happen, because it was engineered not to happen.

    Now, they’re engineering it against Trump voters. Goebbels, if his seat in hell affords him any view of earth, is bitter and covetous about how he didn’t have such a sophisticated and powerful propaganda machine.

  8. The Legacy Mainstream Media has woken up this morning and decided to call it for Joe. Even (unsurprisingly) Fox is on board the Biden Bus now. They’ve been broadcasting Kamala’s ‘delighted’ phone call to Joe: “Joe (cackle) We did it!”.

    And it’s a full court press to Get The Message Out, all the airwaves, all the newsprint, all the websites, all the time – until the hoi polloi acquiesces and takes what’s coming to them. Before the data starts to assert itself, like voter turnout and demographics, or absentee ballot scrutiny, or Benford’s Law, or timelines, or how many people have been Twitter-Facebook-Google de-platformed in the last week, and their political affiliation.

    I can accept that a substantial portion of the US population hates Trump and has bought into the crafted stories of the past 4 years. But I do not accept that near as many of them were motivated to vote for more riots, more illegal immigration, more uber-leftism, or higher taxes. It won’t fly; Trump’s base is substantially bigger than it was 4 years ago, and nobody believes that Joe Biden could ever be capable of outperforming Hillary or Obama – take your pick – at the polls. The few Democrats that I know are dismayed at the obvious fraud, and are saying so openly.

  9. The Dems were counting on voter fraud. Unless the Electoral College stands up, this election was stolen. We’ll never have a fair election in the future.

  10. The FBI sat on Hunter’s laptop for months. Hunter should have been indicted long ago. Hunter paid Joe with bitcoin or sent cash to Swiss banks. I’m sure the evidence is there. Fire Wray on Monday.

  11. What’s weird to me is that so many people I know seem to think we are now back to a version of the Democratic Party of JFK that resembles the golden years of 1960’s America— but with a modern twist on racism.

    Many are saying things like the riots, COVID-19, calls to ‘defund the police,’ gun confiscation, socialism, rise in crime, sex and gender stuff, post birth abortion, the exodus from NYC, etc etc don’t exist, that it is Trump ‘disinformation.’ So I guess the silver lining is they don’t like all that either. Though it means they don’t know what they voted for, what’s going on or the cause of the problems.

    I never wanted to live in a Kafka novel.

  12. ” I never heard a single one of those people say a single good thing about Joe Biden. Or really, say anything at all about him. They simply did not care about Biden. He was a means to an end, and the end was getting rid of Trump.”

    Which is exactly what I was hearing and was saying to everyone here for the last 4 months.

    “What’s weird to me is that so many people I know seem to think we are now back to a version of the Democratic Party of JFK that resembles the golden years of 1960’s America— but with a modern twist on racism.

    Many are saying things like the riots, COVID-19, calls to ‘defund the police,’ gun confiscation, socialism, rise in crime, sex and gender stuff, post birth abortion, the exodus from NYC, etc etc don’t exist, that it is Trump ‘disinformation.’ So I guess the silver lining is they don’t like all that either. Though it means they don’t know what they voted for, what’s going on or the cause of the problems.”

    Esther has it exactly right when describing those D voters who just wanted to get rid of Trump

    “I never wanted to live in a Kafka novel.”

    To quote Captain Barbosa, “‘You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner… you’re in one!’ … Miss Turner… you’re in one!”

  13. “There’s also no question in my mind that Biden has almost no supporters at all, and that a great many of those who voted for him did so with ether relative distaste or indifference.”

    Celebrations are about a “new dawn” are more about Trump not being re-elected than Biden’s ascension and the possibilities he brings. Currently, the parades and gatherings I’ve seen were just people happy that Trump will no longer be the president. There weren’t many Biden/Harris flags being waved. In comparison, if Trump was re-elected no doubt that a sea of red flags and hats would be seen. Instead we just get people hugging each other out of relief.

    I have read people say that they can now start to heal psychologically after “four years of abuse.” One listed all the things Don Jr. did that made him so angry that I thought he’d probably cry.

    I never used this insult before but these people are snowflakes. An insult that, after the litany of insults flung towards non-leftists, is both accurate and timely. I give credit to the Deplorables who created it. They were right.

    #MAGA 2024

  14. MAGA 2024 ? Hilarious. If they pull off this heist, no election in the future will ever matter again

  15. Ymarskar:

    15 points ahead in PA would of course be a landslide. But that’s not the number I saw when they froze things and then it began to reverse in that state. Trump was ahead but it wasn’t of that magnitude at all. If you have evidence to the contrary, I’d be curious to see it.

  16. Aggie: “But I do not accept that near as many of them were motivated to vote for more riots, more illegal immigration, more uber-leftism, or higher taxes.”

    Yep. The issue was Trump, not what the Dems plan to do. Sadly!

    But the deed is apparently done. (Although I’m still hoping the recounts and audits will show up the “irregularities.”)

    At this point, I’m hoping that Trump will remain engaged in the movement he has begun. Sell all his U.S. properties and reinvest the money in a new media empire. A TV station – “All American News.” A newspaper – “Real News.” And a new social media channel to compete with Twitter and Facebook – “Free Speech.” He has at least 70 million customers out there who are looking for a way to stay connected and keep this movement alive.

    I can see it now. Fox News is leaning further left. Hire Tucker, Hannity, and Laura away from them. Hire some really good investigative journalists for the newspaper – John Solomon, Sarah Carter, Lee Smith, Kimberly Strassel, etc. Link several conservative blogs to the newspaper. Hire bloggers like Neo, Insty, Ace, and others to write editorials for the paper. Keep it upbeat and inspirational.

    Allow all ideas and opinions on the Free Speech network. Become an oasis for those seeking to escape the censorship of Facebook and Twitter.

    Well, I can dream can’t I? 🙂

  17. There’s also the question of whether a different, less abrasive candidate could have fostered less hatred and therefore won.

    I doubt it would make that much difference. Look at the hatred directed at Scott Walker, who was as easygoing as you could ask. And the same Whine Moms who believed what they were told about Trump would swallow what they were told about any Republican.

    It’s been like this for a long time. What is new now is the volume, and the fact that it is more blatant. They don’t care anymore. And, from their point of view, why should they?

  18. the winning margins of biden all ended up around 20,000 – 30000, no matter how many percentage trump was up at any point at these states before the counting halt, like the mail in ballots had an intelligence on their own knowing how many votes biden needed to erase trump’s lead and give biden a 25000 lead. When something looks engineered, it usually is.

    ballot counting halt is the number one sign of voter fraud, everywhere in the world, and biden’s astonishing reversals ironically all came after the halt with ballots that start coming 9 to 1 10 to 1 in his favor, completely against trends everywhere else, only Penn has biden winning 60% in mail in ballots, most other states is less than 10%. just enjoy your victory if you hate trump but stop lying to me or yourself biden won fair and square, he didn’t. the media can suppress the truth, the truth lives on people’s hearts.

  19. “the strength of their hatred for Trump”
    And it’s not the hate of Trump in the end. It’s their hate of us. Never forget that.

    Am I wrong–I believe the ONLY reason Trump won in 2016 was that he had been in the news or on TV for so long that the media could not blacken his name like they did with less well know figures like Mitt, McCain and W Bush. It’s been the same M.O. each time but with Trump in ’16 people just shook their heads “I’ve seen him on TV, I know for a fact that he’s not evil.”

    Aggie: “I can accept that a substantial portion of the US population hates Trump and has bought into the crafted stories of the past 4 years. But I do not accept that near as many of them were motivated to vote for more riots, more illegal immigration, more uber-leftism, or higher taxes.”
    I think that’s right.
    Tens of millions voted for Trump, enough to give him a win without the fraud in my estimation. If a good portion of them stand up and speak out, it would make a difference. Otherwise WBF till at least 2024 … maybe longer. Who will want to vote for RINOs who stood by when Trump was under attack? Any 3rd Party who wants could slice off large sections of conservative voters.

  20. The media/DNC’s premature (and thus illegitimate) gyrations of joy should be understood as a haka, a ceremonial dance performed with the intention of intimidating the enemy (that is, half the country).

  21. The AP “call” decides the outcome?
    We are insane to listen to the AP and their, as usual, unnamed “experts.”

    Experts are the Progressives’ stock in trade. Like Socrates’ philosopher-kings.
    And none of you-all is an expert in anything, because the Experts have so declared.

  22. at this time of difficulty it takes a certain kind of strong commitment to vote for trump this cycle, after covid he has been the underdog through the whole race, people have an abnormal strong emotional attachment to an underdog they support, as a lifelong AZ cardinals, suns and newcastle united fan, I know. i have no doubt these Stalinists will commit whatever atrocities they can the next four years to destroy trump and ruin his name and legacy, that is expected, but don’t think half of the country will change their minds easily, the 18% of black votes will not go back to democrats, the hispanics who voted for trump will never go back to democrats, the Jews, Muslims, Asians, lgbt who voted for trump will never go back to democrats…

  23. Like neo said, the left absolutely hated Romney, McCain, and especially Palin with a passion. They were all called idiots too.

    The difference in the intensity of hate for Trump was less about his “character” and more about that he actually won–they ramped up their hatred for him in the run-up to the 2016 election, and instead of having that hatred dissipate (like it did for McCain and Romney), it only skyrocketed from there, especially with each weekly manufactured atrocity the media attributed to him during his presidency. Had Trump lost in 2016, he would be an afterthought to them by now, generating little to no emotion in them.

  24. J. J., you can indeed dream. 🙂 I think it would be a logical thing for the President to do. This is also part of the succession planning to which I alluded earlier in the week. Except that if he hires Ace, he’s going to need a proofreader – that guy’s spelling has gotten horribly sloppy. It really reduces my enjoyment of Ace’s work (if one can call it ‘enjoyment’, seeing as Ace has really been on a hot rampage these last several months – I wonder how many keyboards he’s gone through lately, having presumably crushed a few to bits with the anger of his typing this year).

  25. Fabulous piece. I thought I understood the hatred for Trump but I didn’t understood that it would cause people to vote for Biden in immense numbers. They really do seem to think that “life will go back to the way it was,” and not understand (or, in the case of many wealthy people, not care) that “the way it was” was largely in their fantasies, and half the country was in desperate straits. You are right, the media made people hate mild-mannered Mitt Romney. It’s a menace. We really live in a country where half the people believe a made-up world with little connection to reality, a world where ‘the Democrats are good.’ I had people on twitter today tell me to educate myself on how great Biden and Harris are and how evil trump and his “grifter children” are, and “join The rest of the world in rejoicing!” But I’m ver familiar with the careers of B and H, and know who needs to educate herself… it’s not me.

  26. We really live in a country where half the people believe a made-up world with little connection to reality, a world where ‘the Democrats are good.’

    I have three children that qualify. None has explained it to me. Fortunately, I still have a couple more who agree with me.

  27. Swing and a miss, Neo. Might be the first time I’ve thought that about one of your posts.

    deadrody @ 4:34pm
    MAGA 2024? Hilarious. If they pull off this heist, no election in the future will ever matter again.

    Trump did win this in, if not a landslide, then something very near it. I stayed up watching the numbers from WI, MI and PA (and doing the math on outstanding votes and margins) waiting for the inevitable win announcement and then.
    They. Stopped. Counting.! When has that ever happened before?
    The scale of this fraud is breathtaking. I hope Trump is able to force an audit or recount in at least one state that will bring this out in the open. It’s one thing for a county or even state election to be manipulated by a few big city machines but to have them disenfranchising the national electorate is unacceptable. Those who say this this would be the end of conservative wins at the national level are right. This is the hill to die on.
    As far as another candidate being less ‘abrasive’ than Trump and possibly not ‘inspiring’ the same hatred, Ha, Ha, Ha. The demons have been on a drive to destroy every Republican candidate or President since Nixon, ’60. If they had had the same control of the media they have now they would have succeeded in this even with Reagan. For the left there is no ‘acceptable’ conservative candidate – because their goal is total control and the elimination of conservatives.
    If the demons do succeed in ousting Trump we may very well see a new media outlet created. There was talk near the end of the ’16 campaign that Kushner, et al, were already interviewing for positions in such an undertaking. Get Tucker on side and Fox would collapse overnight. Would love to see that happen. It’s not like the Donald doesn’t know how to do TV! If he goes, it won’t be quietly. And for once I would approve wholeheartedly of a former president breaking the informal ‘code of silence’.
    And while he’s at it he can start a new political party – let’s call it the ‘Patriot Party’ – a party that is explicitly Constitutional and America First. Trump has formed a coalition strong enough to do this. He can peel off all the disaffected conservatives from the R party and consolidate that with his former dem and indie supporters. With Trump’s record of ending American military interventions he could even pick up a significant number of voters who would generally never vote R – Tulsi types. In the beginning this party could support R candidates that are genuine America firsters and anti globalist and gradually supplant it. We may be looking not at the defeat of ‘old America’ but the beginning of a new paradigm.
    Trump unleashed! One way or another, let’s hope the demons live to regret it.

  28. Molly Brown:

    I’m not sure what your disagreement with me is, except that perhaps it’s the definition of “landslide” or “striking distance.” To me, to put it out of striking distance for fraud, it had to be something overwhelming such as 15 to 20 points in the lead, an unequivocal landslide. Even something like 5-8 points (which to me is not a landslide) put the margin in the realm of being vulnerable to fraud.

    And the last paragraph of my post clearly says that, if they could destroy the affable Romney with lies and slurs in 2012 as they in fact did, then no, a less abrasive candidate would not matter.

  29. R. C.:

    I agree that the Trump-hatred was almost entirely driven by the media. Most of today’s politics, at least on the left, are driven by the media. However, I do know people who would have hated Trump anyway – they just hate the type.

  30. Molly+Brown,
    You wrote this is the hill to die on. If so there will be no Trump TV or Patriot Party. It is either with your shield or on it time.

    If we win the jack-ass party will be destroyed and the eGop will split off to become the opposition. ABC, NBC, Google et al will be seized as criminal enterprises.

    If we lose, Trump is going to prison and Red China here we come.

    ‘…What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.”’

    Winston Churchill
    June 18, 1940
    House of Commons

  31. “Look at the hatred directed at Scott Walker….”
    Quite, because he stood firm vs. teachers’ unions, like Trump did when they whined about his ripping into PC.
    So, as JimNor says, it’s *their hate* of us. Never forget that.
    S.C. is right, in his/her words about “False narratives that were refreshed daily”, and which built upon a pseudo-educated mentality.
    And, as fantan says, it’s less about his “character”, and more about that he actually won power, esp. to stop/ probe their rampages.

  32. “”This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics. Boy, y’all want power. God, I hope you never get it.” Sen. Lindsey Graham

    If Biden is inaugurated, Americans that voted for Trump are not going to react well to having their faces repeatedly shoved in the dirt by those on the left. Make no mistake, those who today celebrate the end of their national “nightmare”… fully intend to impose a real nightmare upon all of us.

    Those who voted for Biden simply out of hate for Trump are courting a terrible reckoning for they are unknowingly summoning a whirlwind that will sweep all before it. Which will arise in an equal but opposite reaction to the implementation of the hard core left’s agenda.

    And while many liberals in the next year or two will protest that they never wanted things to get so crazy, that will neither excuse nor cancel their responsibility from having enabled the massive injustice that a Harris administration will bring.

    If the Left does manage to steal this election, they and their liberal “useful idiots” are going to learn what happens when you take away consent of the governed; “Freedom is just another word for having nothing left to lose”.

  33. Chases Eagles is so so right. The entire Trump family will be persecuted and prosecuted by DA’s who can get an indictment of a ham sandwich for a crime.

    The door to Red China will be thrown open; the Bidens, Harris, Obama and others will get their rich, tax-free cash rewards.

  34. There is a strong core of alert Trump voters now.
    There were enough to solidly win the election, I believe.
    That being so, you would expect strong results in 2022 and 2024. After all, Repubs won seats in the House and did well in state assemblies.

    But two things can go wrong. If the 2 Senate seats in GA are stolen, that would be pretty bad. We already have wavering Repubs to worry about in the Senate.
    Secondly, who will want to to vote for the GOPe “leaders” who stood by without supporting Trump? If the GOP becomes a “Lincoln Project” party, there will be a gap of time in which a third party will form, I’d wager. During that time, Dems will make hay.

  35. @JimNorCal:

    There’s this thing called Demographics on Line 3 for you.

    Every year, there are more of the Brown Horde and fewer of Us (whoever we are). And no, the Magic Dirt does not turn them into Heritage Foundation (it is to laugh) Americans after n years residence on top of said Magic Dirt.

    Still, even when they’ve been sleeping *under* the Magic Dirt for a thousand years they’ll *still* be voting Democrat…. so there is that.

    Do you think that the Ruling Class (including many Republicuck Traitors) doesn’t intend to grant citizenship to all the illegally resident fellaheen? They will. Game over.

    Demographics is Destiny. The future is inherited by those who show up (by breeding more and/or by illegally immigrating more).

    ^^^ Famous quotes from that notorious Right Wing Anti Semite David Goldman.

  36. One thing we can all do: abandon your subscription to MSM outlets. All of them. Newspapers, TV, magazines, social media — all those outlets and representatives who started out on November 9, 2016, trying to destroy Trump and sow hatred between parties. Just give them up. All of them. Do we learn anything from them? I don’t think so.

  37. Democrats: I’d cut down every law in America to get rid of Trump!
    Patriots: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the people of this country turned ’round on you, where would you hide, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast – and if you cut them down—and you’re just the people to do it—do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?

  38. Cornhead wrote “The FBI sat on Hunter’s laptop for months”

    The “smoking gun” email on his laptop was digitally verified to be authentic. Its “Domain Key Identifier” is intact and the original 2015 send date is encoded into that. It is an authentic cryptographic hash. It could not have been forged by “Russians” unless a) they have a back-door to the NSA-approved 256-bit encryption that drives all commerce on the Internet, b) the broke into Google cloud and exfiltrated the signing key, c) they have developed and deployed a 256-bit quantum computing decrypt machine many decades before the rest of the world.

    It is manifestly NOT “Russian disinformation

  39. jake on November 7, 2020 at 2:32 pm said

    “Your wrong about the fraud not being the number one problem … Use Benford’s law.”

    I do agree about the fraud part (I personally repro-ed queries on MI state sites proving the a dead person voted and the ballot was collected).

    However, l’m not so sure Benford’s law comes to the rescue here. See


  40. @F:

    That’s right.

    If one honestly looks for large corporations whose pronouncements and actions don’t suggest that they want Legacy Americans replaced (viz. Dead and Gone), the list is going to be very short.

    Short term, not giving them your money is a good beginning. Longer term, they will need their behaviour modified in other ways.

  41. Neo said: “15 points ahead in PA would of course be a landslide. But that’s not the number I saw when they froze things and then it began to reverse in that state. Trump was ahead but it wasn’t of that magnitude at all. If you have evidence to the contrary, I’d be curious to see it.”

    If I might suggest: The Democrats wanted to win immediately on election night. They did the same kind of internal mechanics that the R’s did, and they knew that Trump was going to win by a large number of votes. So—and here is the major point—they did the cheating they thought necessary BEFORE Election Day. Using mail-in votes, they sent in mega-numbers of dead person, harvested, illegal, etc., votes in what is the easiest way possible to cheat—before Nov 3rd, mail-in voting. They did the cheating in the swing states that they are used to doing in states like CA, except that, in CA, they are used to doing it AFTER the vote. (Kamala Harris took something like 10 days after the vote to beat the Republican that actually won on election night.)

    This time, they thought they had it in the bag with all the early cheating they did. They even made sure that CJ John Roberts let them get away with their backstop state, PA, being allowed to count late ballots.

    Everything was cool until, counting the vote that night, they realized with absolute horror that they had seriously underestimated Trump’s landslide and had actually not cheated enough. That’s when the counting stopped. That’s why they had to cheat so openly. (Even Archbishop Vigano, in a second letter, wrote about the OBVIOUS cheating.)

    It has taken them hard work, including desperate votes with only Biden and no down-votes at all in hundreds of thousands of votes in each of several states. That’s why the House and Senate went the way they did. They would normally not have been that sloppy.

    Locking people out of watching, blocking windows, other desperate measures, came about because, I believe, Trump DID win by a huge landslide.

    Please believe me—they are usually really slick with their cheating. They usually change the rules, like letting illegals get licenses without birth certificates, and at the same time check the box asking for absentee ballots for life, they have ballot harvesting down to an art, and so forth. They thought they had changed enough rules in the necessary states.

    They must have been totally blind-sided by the number of Trump votes they were counting on election night. Votes that had the down-votes to carry the House and Senate situation that has so maddened the Dem leadership.

    I DID hear that they are trying to help the House now. Didn’t one losing Dem candidate suddenly receive a thumb drive with, like, 14,000 votes with just her name ticked off, so now she won? How Californian!!

  42. Minta – I was there in Detroit when they blocked all the Republican poll watchers. You are correct. The Democrats panicked and had to manufacture 100+ fraudulent votes. That was the dump at 4:25 am Wednesday with 137K. It drained their entire fraud pile. That is why on Wednesday they had to harrass all Republican watchers to avoid having the fraud found out. It was straight from the Jim Crow south playbook. By the way they made sure that John James lost. The Democrats sure know how to keep a black man in his place. Leave the plantation and they will send the dogs to bring you back.

    Here is a podcast of what happened from someone who was there. All you need to hear is the first 12 minutes then the three minutes starting at 34:56 mark.


  43. Trump honestly won.

    The Dems don’t want an honest election.
    No Court can create honestly out of a dishonest election.

    The only hope is to redo the election. We need protests to push the (mostly Dem?) decision makers to redo the election.

    The protests need to be peaceful. But also painful. Like massive traffic jam car gridlock. (As said on prior thread)

  44. JimNorCal- 6 of us who had signed up with the Where is my Ballot? app never received a 3rd text stating our ballot was counted. Any thoughts.

  45. Even without fraud, Biden received several 10s of millions of votes. In my opinion he would not have received even 80% of the votes that he did get but for states’ turning to mail-in ballots. In earlier elections, when one had to actually make an effort to get to a polling place on the designated Election Day (or on one of the expanded election days) enthusiasm for a first candidate, as opposed to antipathy for the opposing candidate, was required to generate voter turnout for the first candidate. With mail-in ballots, even the most unenthusiastic of couch potatoes could on any day he or she happened to be going out to replenish potato chips, with no extra effort, drop his or her ballot off at a mailbox or a vote-collection box. By the way, I pointed this out to friends as soon as expanded mail-in voting was announced.

  46. I woke up at 3 30 am ish, nov 4th. I checked realclearpolitics data chart. Trump was up 500k votes or 10% plus.

    Wis and mich were trump leading by narrow margins.

    In a few hours, pa was 700k up for trump. Aftee a few days, the story was that they will claw back those votes.

  47. This would not be so strange except for the obvious vote stopping panic reactions in other states. People might have attributed it to more B votes being counted later on, but it does not address why it took so long or so many “days”.

    Sparta and Minta are correct. That midnight ballot allocation was a panic reaction. Normally they should have defrauded the election legitimately, via pre cast votes. They shouldn’t be counting the votes and then have to stop because Trump is up too much. There are all kinds of intel rumors going around about why they stopped, one including a Q centered movement.

  48. Excellent posts and comments – it’s good to read a civil and informed discussion.
    Some articles not yet mentioned, that I found interesting over the last few days.

    The Bolsheviks are already after the Mensheviks btw.
    (h/t PowerLine)

    According to Steyn, The Alphabet Soup media called the election strategically, to get in front of Trump’s press conference, which presented some of that “missing” evidence.

    Unfortunately for the President, in five counties, four of which are Philly suburbs, there was strikingly high turnout that gave Biden 124,000 votes over Hillary in 2016.
    Whether or not you buy that, it requires a sharper argument than Trump’s lawyers are currently making on the TV. These joints have been running dirty elections for a century and a half, so in a certain sense stolen votes are what a court might be inclined to look on as “settled law”.

    To avoid the pit of hell he and seventy million American voters are now being lowered into, Trump needed to win (in my coinage of sixteen years ago) “beyond the margin of lawyer”. As a near-decade-long defendant in the toilet of the DC Superior Court, I would not wish to bet the fate of the nation on the caprices of judges.

    FWIW, I am dropping every “conservative” pundit who felt it necessary this week to introduce into his or her posts the phrases “baseless fraud claims” or “without evidence” (all of which were de rigeur on left-wing sites) while advising us to just go with the Democrats for the next 4 or 2 years, and then, by golly! we’ll show them! — seems to me I’ve heard it said before.
    Mark Steyn, correctly, says “The alleged President-elect .”

    Fox News is high on my list, along with National Review.

    Some tips for #TheRealResistance (as opposed to the left’s fake one):


    One way or another, we need to fight them. We. Us. Right now. On the ground. And not with bullets.

    I confess until this morning I was in flat despair over how to do it, until Larry Correia, bless him, threw off an off-hand comment:

    “Yet while I watched this, Twitter kept deleting the accounts sharing the file list. They’d block somebody, and then ten minutes later someone else would share it and get blocked too. In the half an hour or so I scrolled through dead voters the people sharing the list kept vanishing. It was kind of amazing to watch real time. But one would get blocked and somebody else would take their place.If the thing that saves America from turning into a cyberpunk dystopia run by ruthless tech oligarchs… is 4chan… I’m gonna laugh because I truly did not see that coming. : )”

    Larry Correia

    I’m not sure about the history of 4chan BUT it is an American thing. Sure, it’s all over the world, but it works like America only crossed with where the devil goes potty, of course.
    Like them we’re autistic, we’re broken, we’re irreverent, we’re unique among the nations of the world. And that’s what we need to play to.

    Have you ever seen a two year old who doesn’t want to go somewhere being carried by a parent? The parent is almost ten times that kid’s size, but if the kid is determined, the carrying can become living hell.

    That’s what I want you to do. They want power so badly, and they think we’ll be compliant sheep?

    Borrow a motto from Hong Kong and be like water. Be funny, be fluid, move from thing to thing, frustrate their attempts at tracking and controlling us.

    It isn’t working so well in HK, because it’s very small and China is very large, but Red America is very, very large and Blue America is — stuck in dysfunctional cities.

    By Frank Miele, very cogent analysis and suggestions.

  49. Some notes of optimism from William Voegeli:

    The most important question in politics is Henny Youngman’s: compared to what? If progressives were given to rigorous self-examination, they might think hard about the possibility that Trump and Republicans in general surpass electoral expectations because the alternative to the GOP is . . . progressivism. Standing next to a twenty-first-century progressive turns out to be a good way for conservatives to get asked out onto the dance floor. Strange to relate, many voters do not respond gratefully to being execrated as bigots, fascists, and idiots.

    We’ve read a lot from Taibbi recently, who seems to be one of the few remaining sane Democrats (well, he’s wrong about policies and ideology, but he isn’t crazy).

    I’ve been wondering if this “election” (scare quotes deliberate) will finally red-pill him, Turley, Dershowitz and maybe a few more: not that they will ever become Republicans, but they might realize that the Democrat Party has finally left them.

    Michael Anton, always a must-read author.

    The MSM Inc. lies about Trump and Republicans and conservatives to their public, but they also seem to believe their own propaganda, because they no longer have any contact with reality.


    Call it a battle of inches, but there it is. The New York Times tallies the lawsuits the President’s side has launched as something like a dozen, in four key states alone (Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia). The Times suggests the campaign “has been abetted by a robust pro-Trump media ecosystem.” The idea that there’s a pro-Trump media ecosystem has got to be the biggest fantasy since Godzilla.

    They propose that Trump go Full Citizen Kane:

    Or is it Citizen Trump? It might turn out that all this sturm und drang turns up evidence sufficient to affect the outcome of the election. It’s a long shot for sure, but Donald Trump was born a long shot. Or it could turn out that Mr. Trump will return to private life and pursue the creation of a vast new press empire that seems to be his own personal Rosebud.

    ..and they don’t seem to be alone in dreaming bigly.


    First and foremost: #StopTheSteal. We do not deserve to have the Left piss down our back and tell us it’s raining.

    In the alternative case, we’re in better shape than 2008. The leadership vacuum that crippled the Tea Parties is filled by Trump.

    A fully weaponized, free range Trump is going to destroy the Left. Watch him:

    -barnstorm the country for two years
    -rally Tea Parties and local Republican Parties to staff the elections with plenty of observers
    -run for the House in his Florida district
    -become Speaker of the House
    -with a veto-override majority
    -and then proceed to un-jack our election laws

  50. A commenter at PowerLine made a very interesting observation, which a lawyerly type could enhance into a convincing argument about circumstantial evidence of “intent to commit fraud.”

    A link to PLB won’t get you there, because of their blog’s commenting system, so I copy it herewith, after this teaser and a link the referenced graph: “For some really odd reason, in the middle of last month search popularity for “election fraud punishment” trended in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania. ”


    The comment:

    BradChan12 BradChan12 • 2 hours ago
    A fair number of people might not actually know what this is.
    This is the business intelligence Google provides advertisers.
    Google generates all their money selling clicks against particular search terms, for which if you advertise you need to know how many times they’re requested, their popularity.
    This used to hold true for the US as a national market, but as technology has become more granular and geolocation possible (on phones, for example), Google can now pinpoint activity quite specifically.
    For some really odd reason, in the middle of last month search popularity for “election fraud punishment” trended in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania. This is not a casual occurrence, it’s simply data entry – multiple people in those locations searched for the terms specifically. It’s not in response to any national news story, which would have a broader footprint. The individuals searching were located in these states. Oct 17th or 18th, Oct 23rd, etc. What is the punishment for electoral fraud?
    The most likely source is following some event, local or zoom, on the topic of election fraud in these states, the participants then thereafter doing their own research.
    These signals don’t just appear casually.

  51. A BBC post on spotting fraud in African elections has been tossed around the web; I don’t recall if someone here has posted the link, so better twice than not at all.


    Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs
    Published 2 September 2016
    Gabon’s opposition says it was cheated of victory, after official results showed a turnout of 99.93% in President Ali Bongo’s home region, with 95% of votes in his favour. Elizabeth Blunt has witnessed many elections across Africa, as both a BBC journalist and election observer and looks at six signs of possible election rigging.

    You can use it as a checklist for this election.
    If the Beeb knew conservatives were someday going to read it, maybe they wouldn’t have published it. The Democrats took it as a how-to manual, of course.

  52. The grass-roots that delivered so many spontaneous rallies for President Trump are not shriveling away. I missed the Capitol rally in Denver today because (a) I didn’t see the posts and (b) we were doing family things.
    However, they look to be ongoing.


    Excuse me, “Capitol protest” – since we all know Covid germs don’t prevail at protests, but are rampant in rallies.

    Since I am spurning some sites-formerly-known-as-conservative, here are some replacements. I already read some of them, but there were a few new names on the list.

    BTW, ICYMI — Glenn Reynolds has left USA Today for the NY post; censoring his last op-ed was a bridge too far.

    His current article –

    (NYP is on probation with me; too many of their stories mention “President-elect Biden” without the alleged.)

    Glenn Greenwald, as you all recall, left The Intercept – which he founded – for the same reason.

    Truly, 2020 is having some strange effects on the space-time continuum.

  53. What’s really starting to chap my ass is the gaslighting from every corner about the “change in tone” and “won’t it be great to be respected again”. Like acknowledging the potential for fraud in this election is beyond the pale, despite the fact that nobody can explain why Trump would cruise to victory in Ohio and lose in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, besides the fact that Ohio actually requires ID to vote. And calls for Trump to concede gracefully

    Somehow we just up and forgot that the entire left lost their collective shit for over 3 years claiming Russia helped Trump steal the 2016 election with ZERO actual evidence of any such thing. And here we are in 2020 with clear evidence of shenanigans, at best, and a criminal conspiracy at worst and we’re all supposed to just shut up ? GFY

  54. R.C. I disagree about the hate ginned up by the media and the dems, to the extent there’s a difference.
    I know people who were and are disgusted by Bill Clinton, to pick one. But the flaming, incandescent hate, hate which generates wild accusations, was not apparent.
    I suppose one might characterize it as “Wouldn’t want him in my house, don’t want him as president, don’t want to think about him, he disgusts me, why doesn’t he just go away”.

    I have some college friends, which is to say in their seventies as I am. Rational–I thought–solid, experienced.
    One referred to Trump as “pure evil”. He had a year fighting on the ground in Viet Nam. Should know evil. Another said roughly the same. From that came lies, obviously bogus accusations. I would point out that the lies were so obvious that nobody could believe these guys were so ill-informed as to believe themselves. They lied and they knew they lied and they knew the people they lied to knew they lied. But they never ceased. I explained, in a manner of speaking, that I knew they knew better (based on things i knew about them and their experiences) but they continued to lie with wild accusations, including about things from golf to the pandemic to the Russian collusion…..
    Another way of describing the phenomenon would be they applied a vile adjective to Trump and pretended that it was a validly objective noun.
    And these are people I’ve known for half a century. I never expected this. It cannot be a creation of the media because the media is about information–true of false–and if the media created the hate with false information, valid information would have at least moderated the hate and the lies and the irrational beliefs. But it never mattered.
    I have spoken before about one of them who spent his entire working life in big pharma lying about the safety of HCQ. I reminded him of what he knew–stuff’s been used for sixty years, shipped by his industry by the tanker load, he took it along with a number of others, in the millions in SEA and it’s used in treating lupus and RA. Not that that it was just Aubrey insisting that was the case. I was telling him I knew he knew better. He never relented. Just dropped it when the subject faded.
    No matter how lame the Russian collusion issue was, they believed it, or at least claimed to believe it. Point out that energy independence takes money out of Putin’s pocket….whooshes over head.
    I submit this is a different kind of feeling from what we’re used to in politics.

    This is different from the mush heads and their MEAN TWEETS! understanding of the political situation.

  55. “At this point, I’m hoping that Trump will remain engaged in the movement he has begun. Sell all his U.S. properties and reinvest the money in a new media empire. A TV station – “All American News.” A newspaper – “Real News.” And a new social media channel to compete with Twitter and Facebook – “Free Speech.” He has at least 70 million customers out there who are looking for a way to stay connected and keep this movement alive.” J.J. @ 5:07 p.m.

    Fingers crossed and more importantly, prayers up.

  56. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1325432465415163904

    In order for fraud to be successful this year, the actual vote for each candidate had to be within striking distance of each other, particularly in swing states. That was only possible because of the driving force of hatred of Trump.

    This is of course written by ignoring evidence of the millions of vote frauds.

    In previous years, it had to be in striking distance because otherwise they would get caught and it would be too obvious. Like 2016. The fix was in. Trying to be subtle, can end up with them losing however if the actual votes are too much. 2020, they Deployed All Assets.

    Now that there is even more evidence of millions if not 70 million fake votes, the Neo response is to ignore all the evidence and ignore that Trump is disclosing the evidence in court?

    Why do Americans keep making excuses for being in this abusive, wife beating, sociopathic, psychopath of a relationship? The psychopath is never cheating on them. ANd if they are cheating, then the fault is because of the “unkindness” of the victim. Sound familiar, psychiatrists?

    Satan has hacked/cracked the human psyche at a root level. This does not only affect Leftists, it affects all Americans.

  57. .If the thing that saves America from turning into a cyberpunk dystopia run by ruthless tech oligarchs… is 4chan… I’m gonna laugh because I truly did not see that coming. : )”

    8 Kun, Larry, 8kun. And it is on the DOD server, so that would be military intelligence.

    Another good bit of news I have for GB is that the negative military aren’t all for B, Kama, and Hussein Deep State traitors. There are patriots, and they have been doing their due diligence. Invisible, of course.

    Q is military intelligence, a pscyhological warfare operation, based on Q level classification material, being run on a DoD server, hosting 8kun, which imported in 4chan when Deep State shut down or hijacked 4chan.

    Why would a military operation be run on an anon board like 4chan, in the beginning?

    Similar reason as why spies use “classified” ad listings for tradecraft.

    What is the punishment for electoral fraud?

    Facing Ymarsakar for all of eternity. Judging by some of the responses here, they are already feeling the “yammering” in their heads, which is a kind of telepathic noise or wall flash back. Imagine being like that…. for all of eternity, or worse.

    There are ways to block people online… but when did you get a way to block psionics? Psychotronics? Remote Viewing? Divine Will?

  58. “Truly, 2020 is having some strange effects on the space-time continuum.”

    *flexes Divine reality bending muscles*

    How did you think prophets in the past were so accurate? Free will should amke the future chaotic and less predictable, at least some of the time. They don’t predict the future, they made the future happen via manifestation and Willpower.

  59. From SDA, a Victor Davis Hanson interview and review of the election to date. Very Good! About an hour.


    I think there is some truth in what Ymar says, belief systems have a purpose in our reality framework. I am disheartened at the extent of the cheating, but the necessities of scale has made the quality of cheating extremely sloppy and easy to identify.

    More importantly – with the Full Court Press being on with Social Media, pollsters, legacy mainstream media, Democrats, and more importantly, Vichy-Republicans – there is a strong motivational effort, using the same mass-outreach techniques that were being applied during the runup to Election Day, to get people to buy in. Don’t Accept Them! They want you to give in and accept what they are telling you is inevitable.

    Dr. Robert Epstein (Democrat) cautioned on the nefarious/insidious workings of Google, and this has been proven by our Congress: Read the letter from Senators Lee, Cruz, and Johnson that is embedded here:


    “Ephemeral Experiences” were rife and skewed in one direction. Don’t accept what they are handing you. Adopt the Russian model of creative disruption from within. Continue to be disagreeable. Insist on vote re-counts, ballot audits, district canvassing, where they are indicated by the statistical anomalies. They cannot handle implacable opposition that aggregates small acts of individual disobedience.

  60. It’s not Trump who’s hated, it has been every Republican President since Nixon, complete with comparisons to Hitler. Democrat Presidents, OTOH, are treated as godlike philosopher kings, unless and until they somehow screw up, like Carter in the 1970s or Lyndon Johnson after his 1964 landslide win (You want hatred? Try “Hey, hey/LBJ/How many kids did you kill today?”). The Left used to say the Personal Is the Political. Politics these days is personal, real personal.

  61. How they did it:
    H/T Sidney Powell twitter feed

    And to defend their perfidy they will accuse Trump of starting the civil war that Hillary and Obama inaugurated in 2016 and which they now hope to cement with these elections.

    Except that after so artfully planting those dragon’s teeth four years ago—and having learned absolutely nothing in the interim, power-hungry psychopaths that they are—they have now unleashed the whirlwind.

  62. “The Dems were counting on voter fraud. Unless the Electoral College stands up, this election was stolen. We’ll never have a fair election in the future.” [Cornhead yesterday @ 3:57 pm]

    I follow Chris Muir’s Day By Day cartoon. In today’s (Sunday’s) edition, he offers the premise that this fixed election was meant to make us despair. He points out that it “took 125 years for them to reach peak commie in the USA” and yet communist rule is simultaneously collapsing worldwide.


    Muir’s statements bring a certain perspective that is currently overwhelmed by the angst of this stolen election attempt (see Benford’s Law, in the first post of these comments by Jake above). also a Link to the discussion fo Benford’s Law:


    In the past four years I have described to friends my belief that Trump is exactly the right person, in exactly the right position, in exactly the right point in time. Now, there is some thought that his unwillingness to give-up and relent and his willingness to takes the fight to his opponents may be his finest hour.


    I am no pollyanna here, but in such times it is easy to forget that “It ain’t over ’till it’s over.” Keep the faith, pray for his efforts, if one is a praying sort, and remember Otto von Bismarck’s observation that “God protects children, drunks, and the United States of America.

  63. Since my early adulthood it has been known and accepted that fraud was routinely performed in Chicago, Philadelphia etc. Yet never successfully prosecuted and has not stopped. We all know Kennedy beat Nixon due to fraud (and my how history may have changed had Nixon challenged this). Ultimately, there is no one else I would trust to fight this fraud with hope of success then Trump. No one else like Trump. But over the last few days I’ve seen so much swirling around to give false hope–especially the water marked ballot information. Friday there were a few commentators saying it was true and people would start getting indicted. But nada-so seems fake. Sydney Powell is a serious woman-but does she and others have solid proof and will it change things. What can we definitively prove-and will Trump not just prosecute this in the courts, but come out to the American people and make his case with proof? We need this soon.

  64. What if the false trumpet mentioned in Nostradamus prophecy is Biden not trump? It was never convincing to me that false trumpet could be interpreted as trump since trump is trump, what does the ‘false’ referring to? What if false trumpet refers to a person who stole an election from the “real trumpet”.

  65. What is Barr’s DOJ doing about all this? Nothing.

    Harmeet Dhillon reports:

    DOJ election personnel aren’t doing anything about [massive problems in this election]. [Trump] campaign is filing suits in several states to ensure that all & only legal ballots are counted. There is another department of DOJ where election problems are addressed — criminal division …and guess who is in charge of the Election Crimes Branch of the DOJ Criminal Division? A career guy named Richard Pilger: and if the name seems vaguely familiar at all, it’s because Pilger was deeply involved in the Lois Lerner IRS scandal…


  66. Angelo Codevilla foresaw all this in 2010 and has been one of the most prescient and clear-sighted observers of the processes that gave us last week’s election. His take on things is extremely bleak, but–alas–it has been mostly accurate so far. If you haven’t already done so, please read his essay “Revolution 2020” in The American Mind from late September:


    It’s a long read, so if you’re pressed for time, scroll down to the section entitled “What If the Rulers Win?”. Read the first sentence–“Victory for the Democratic Party is a recipe for violent strife”–and then read the rest of it.

    I hope Trump and the RNC proceed with legal challenges to election malfeasance in the swing states and Democrat-run cities. I hope they take their cases to the Supreme Court and that they take a long time to resolve. I have no great hopes of their prevailing, however, regardless of how solid the evidence may be. Increasingly, Trump stands alone in Washington. Even Netanyahu has sent congratulations to Biden, invoking their 40-year friendship. I’m afraid that what we are facing is not a Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer administration, bad as that would be. I’m afraid that what we are facing is a shadow Obama administration with knobs on.

    The question now for us seventy-something million is, How best to resist and make clear that we are withholding our consent? Trump is an obvious rallying point for the resistance, so we can expect multiple indictments to be filed against him and key members of his entourage at 12:01 PM Eastern Time on January 20, 2021. With a few honorable exceptions (e.g. Nunes, Hawley, Cotton, possibly Crenshaw, possibly Cruz), the D.C. GOPe is either useless or toothless. That leaves the states. Governors of Red states–especially states with critical energy and manufacturing sectors (e.g. Kristi Noem, Greg Abbott, and Doug Burgum)–who are not already having serious conversations with the National Guard and state law enforcement about worst-case scenarios are being derelict their duty. In fact, they should be having those conversations with their counterparts in neighboring states. And they should make it known that they are having those conversations. They can frame them as purely precautionary and just-in-case, but they should have them.

    Terribly sad that it has come to this, but I’m afraid that’s where we are. We have just endured a massively tainted election that has left this country even more bitterly divided than before. We shall soon have a tainted administration that intends to get back to its interrupted work of “fundamentally transforming” the country and has had four years to sharpen its game. Those of us who care about preserving the United States as a constitutional republic based on individual rights and freedoms–and the good news is that there are a lot of us and that some new people have joined us–must hang together or hang separately. Above all, we must think clearly, anticipate the opposition’s moves, and use whatever leverage we have to counter them. As in 1946-1947 vis-a-vis the Soviet Union, containment is now the name of the game.

  67. I have been voting in elections since 1956. I don’t ever recall a presidential candidate who won on a platform of higher taxes for individuals and businesses, amnesty for 21 million illegal immigrants, free medical care for illegal immigrants, open borders, raising the price of gasoline and energy, defunding the police in cities nationwide, transitioning from private medical insurance to Medicare for all, reparations to the black community, and many other anti-growth, pro-globalist policies. In that way, this was an historical election, in which citizens voted against their best interests for the first time I can recall.

    How many people who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket actually knew that those were the policies they were voting to implement? Or were many of the votes cast against Trump’s personality, not realizing what was really on the ballot?

    I recall Walter Mondale running on a platform of increasing taxes being beaten in an avalanche. What has changed? IMO, the propaganda of the MSM has become much more sustained and powerful.

  68. The whole thing is so amazingly bogus.

    All the way up to Biden’s “unity” rhetoric.

    While his “I feel deeply humbled” is a tour de force of “bulls**t”.

    (Remember, this is the guy who claims he knows nothing of his son’s, um, predilections toward criminality, as well as, of course, nothing of his own.)

    And the nutso claims of Biden’s extraordinary—historical—garnering of the popular vote….

    Well he did, he did…by flipping a lot of Trump votes—well he didn’t do it himself, I guess; just the software hacks on the voting machines… Oh, and the hundreds of thousands, if not more, of bogus mail-in ballots.

    But that couldn’t possibly be his fault? How, after all, could he be responsible for that. (Everyone else colluded, but not him, I guess.)

    Gotta hand it to ’em, if they get away with this. It’s like a game. Charades. Let’s play dress up!

    Not sure they actually thought it out to the very end.

    If the electorate must learn only one thing from this exquisite debacle is that the Democrats will insist to the very end that they stole this election fair and square; and they’ll fight to the last elector to prevent the Republicans from being declared the rightful victors.

    Still, it would have been nice had they actually thought things through a bit more deeply—you know, CONSEQUENCES. But I guess that’s far too much to ask of Democrats.

    (Perhaps the only positive outcome of this nauseating joke is at least Biden didn’t send himself an email stating that they all have to make sure they do all of this “by the book”. At least.)

    File under: How to steal an election and destroy the country.


    –this came out of the Middle East. It came out of a Middle East in which you had malignancies of a freedom deficit, of dictators, of wars. This was a volatile region. Now we didn’t go to Iraq to bring democracy to the Iraqis. And I try in the book to really explain that that wasn’t the purpose.

    George Stephanopoulos and Condoleezza Rice

    Condoleezza Rice, @CondoleezzaRice

    Please join me this evening for #EveryVoteCounts, a special broadcast honoring and celebrating American democracy. Learn more??


  70. A pleasant surprise, as George W. Bush actually comes through:

    (Could it be that Biden was right? That he really was running against “George”? Remarkably prescient for a dementia-addled gangster.)

    Anyway, hope against hope that Bush’s unexpected broadside is the start of a trend if not a deluge—that might be too much to ask—from the Party’s Old Guard. (Even Romney had some “kind” words, though it’s probably only because he believes that Trump is history….)

    I must say, though, that Trump hitting the links at a time like this is a nice touch. (This together with what I assume—and hope—can only be desperately false reports disseminated from the “cunning”, “crafty” and malevolent MSCM that both Trump’s son-in-law and his wife are urging him to call it a day might be hopeful signs—for those of us trying to divine what the hell is going on and how it might play out.)

    Time to slay dragons.

  71. FB: A celebration of voting?

    Wonderful! I would very much like to celebrate voting.

    Until that becomes possible again, would you kindly point us to a YouTube video that features a celebration of brazen election theft? Because that is the celebration I’m seeing all around me.

  72. On the other hand, there’s this no-time-to-go-wobbly post from Sarah Hoyt:


    And Gov. Kristi Noem reminding George Stephanopoulos how we do things in this country:


    Money quote: “When you break the process on which we elect our leaders, you will break America forever.”

    Of course that’s a feature for the Left, not a bug. It’s a mistake to assume they want the same things we do. They don’t. But it’s heartening to see evidence of backbone from a Republican politician. More, please, and louder.

    Never would I be happier to be wrong about a prediction. Resistance may be solidifying, God willing. Let’s see what happens this coming week.

  73. Regardless of the outcome, the legal challenges to apparently illicit election procedures need to be worked through. Even if Biden ends up with a narrow win, public confidence in the process needs to be, if not restored, at least bolstered somewhat.

  74. Conservatives are waking up from their fugue state, post rape.

    I was unleashing the inner divine since nov 4.

    It takes people days to catch up by reading fighting rhetoric. 3% rule.

    Also, those that claimed they do not believe fake news…. then dont say you think main sewer can call this.

  75. Things are getting complicated. So as per law of confusion, i will merely state this. They tried to steal GA My state. Divine Justice is incoming. They won’t know what hits them

  76. Another great and inciteful column Neo. Yes the election was all about getting rid of Trump. Biden was a mere cypher.

  77. I would add that the hate Trump propaganda is the successful inducement of a scapegoat projection. Just like Hitler did with the Jews and Stalin did with the Kulaks or more broadly the bourgeoisie. Rene Giraud took on the task of understanding the totalitarian tragedy of the 20th century by examining the historic role of scapegoating. Ironically, Wikipedia hasn’t gotten around to ‘sanitising’ his article. The key ‘triggering’ part: “All conflict, competition and rivalry therefore originate in mimetic desire (mimetic rivalry), which eventually reaches destructive stages of conflict both between individuals and social groups that requires them to blame someone or something in order to defuse conflict through the scapegoat mechanism. Unable to assume responsibility or engage in self-reflection to recognize their own part in the conflict, humans individually and cross-tribally unite, to defuse conflict, by murdering the king or whoever appears to have the least support in the conflict, and then recognizing when the person has died how much less stress they have, and the unification leads to them eventually thinking of the deposed dead king as a god, i.e. deification or sanctification. Or, guilt is ascribed to an innocent third-party, whose murder permits the creation of a common unifying mythological underlay necessary for the foundation of human culture.”

    So I will not be surprised if Trump goes to jail, and I think we can now see more clearly the fate Judge Sullivan has in mind for General Flynn. But the real lesson Giraud teaches us is that once we see our own projection of evil intent on our adversaries we can’t go on blaming anyone but ourselves without noticing that there is enough evil in everyone to go around. After his experience of human depravity in the Gulag Solzhenitsyn famously said “the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart – and through all human hearts.” All human hearts. Me, you, Trump, AOC. Everyone.

  78. I sent this blind copy to the Christians in my email address book this morning. Does anyone have a link to the Defend the Vote Fund that allows a one-time donation and doesn’t require a successive charge to the credit card?

    I received this with a request to send it on to 10 people. I have signed the petition. Note: I needed to uncheck the box about receiving more updates from the White House in order to submit my signature. And then I confirmed my signature upon receiving an email to verify.

    Should we be surprised that a number of our fellow citizens (including family members and friends) who turn a blind eye to the destruction of life in the womb are perfectly fine with blatant election fraud?

    “I support all life and my support for the Democrat candidate is for all the programs that help ‘fill in the blank.'” Equivocation, thy name is Biden/Harris-voter. Sorry. We have a considerable history that the well-meaning programs enacted in the name of social justice have paved the way to hell. One example: What slavery could not do to the black family, “The Great Society” did. If you disagree with this and want to reason with me as to why, I would welcome the discussion so please text me and we can make time for a phone call to discuss it. No social media face-offs please.

    In the meantime prayer above all, speaking in love to people face-to-face if given the opportunity, financially giving to the Defense of the Election Fund, even if it is a tiny amount (where your treasure is your heart is also). Do you want to save what is left of our Republic that the Founders said was constructed for a moral people? If so, be a hearer and a doer.

  79. Sharon W:

    DuckDuckGo search on “Defend the Vote Fund” results in a link to a left wing social justice web site that is raising money. Content includes description as “Defend the Vote Fund – Movement Voter Project” and bios of the key operatives, all SJWs of various affinities. I won’t provide the link, it is a leftist/progressive cabal IMO.

    The “Defend the Election” web site is pro-President Trump but I saw nothing on it for donations.

    “Defend the Vote Fund” is

  80. hux, big guy gets more votes.

    Satan is a title. So yes, it may be due to satans, although not the one most people think of. And it is not something all that strange, like magical rituals or child sacrifice. It’s a software program. Dominion, Scorecard. Digital Daemons from ALphabet Silicon Valley, one could think.

    After all, what is to say that the demons Yeshua of Nazareth fought, were NOT digital?

  81. Richard Aubrey on November 8, 2020 at 7:52 am said:

    I would chalk it up to demonic possession. In other words, as per Zaphod, these are npcs, not with a normal human soul. Remember Agent Smith in the Matrix? Your lover or family would your ally, unless the Matrix red flagged you as a threat, then Smith would TakeOver one and use them to fight you.

    This is how the actual dark matrix works too. So long as Americans were distracted by sports and other junk, the dark matrix doesn’t care what or who you vote for. But the moment you awaken and begin fighting back, like Trump, then the gloves come off.

    Again, there is a stunning similarity between the ancient term “demonic possession” and digital cracking/hacking. You humans have called it smurfing, trolling, and using farm accounts.

    If satans are millenia old vampires and master hackers/crackers, able to access your memories and thoughts, why wouldn’t your life long friends be turned so easily, Richard? In their mind, they are the righteous. Because they were hacked.

    it is a leftist/progressive cabal IMO.

    What do you know about the cabal, om?

  82. ymar: My Satan comment was a (perhaps weak) reference to the old Church Lady skits on Saturday Night Live.

  83. Saturday Night Live is in a different reality from me. I tend to watch Outer Limits now.

  84. In the “Madison” thread, AesopFan responded to a comment I made on seeking alternate venues and exchange systems to the mainstream, with a link to S. Hoyt’s ruminations.

    One very good conditioning point Hoyt makes is how the much greater the role which sociability and the need for acceptance in progressive’s lives plays, and then sets the stage for ( somewhat ironically) their success in “controlling the narrative”. Their emotional neediness, their greater neuroticism, and suspicion of their own mental health ( See Gallup 2007 on self analysis of mental health by liberals and conservatives) and no doubt personal judgment, adds impetus to an already strong herd instinct and a flexible “evolving standard” of morality.

    Conservatives with their lesser to non-existent interest in “circle dancing” as a rule, ( I said ” lesser” and as a rule) and their religious inhibitions against engaging in a ” by any means necessary” plan of social action, start the race off ten yards behind.

    I have been viewing various YouTube videos of conservatives bemoaning both the election irregularities and the social media censorship. And the chorus of those announcing a willingness to fight over censorship, is inversely proportionate to the minuscule number even aware of alternatives such as Gab or Parler. I spent hours just dropping links to those sites in just those kinds of YT comment boxes. But then I dont even use Twitter ( or an alternative) personally, and my untended 7 year old Facebook page has nothing but a short video of a loping whitetail on it.

    Whether Gab or Parler can actually attain critical mass, is I suspect, doubtful. Twitter, is like Facebook, a frivolous vanity platform constructed for social display for morally frivolous people, and not for the conveyance of serious political information. People go there to satisfy a social itch, and gossip and vent, not to read displeasing information. If that information subverts the social aims of the platform designers, it will be censored, and the junkies will still go there for their gossip and vitriol fixes.

    I do however think there ought to be room somewhere for a successful news model based on the old just the facts approach abandoned by most media outlets a generation ago, when they began making news entertaining. No fat hysteric “conservative” recycling Fox news tidbits larded with his predictions and opinions, is doing news.

    And no more mainstream-like “conservative” outlet has broken away from the newer and vicious “entertainment” model as near as I can tell; and the more famous ones I have visited on the Web are advertisement laden design cluster-f@#ks, intended primarilly, near as I can figure, as profit generating perpetual outrage machines, produced by people almost as emotional and unbalanced as are progressives.

    This, is going to take some work.

    In the meantime, keep up with the workouts. After a couple months back at it regularly, I think I am on the verge of being able to punch through a brick wall again. Well, not quite … or really near it, but you catch my drift. If you have not already, you can do the same.

  85. This is always an interesting podcast, and this week is especially interesting. Robert Barnes is a pretty well-known lawyer, I think he’s argued in front of the Supreme Court. He’s also a political operative who really relishes politics in an inside-baseball kind of way.


    A discussion of the recent election and way forward in some detail and granularity. This guy Frei isn’t my cup of tea but he’s a good foil for Barnes to work with. Barnes comes on about 8 minutes in. It’s long but worth listening to. The Certified Fraud Examiners are often used in these types of court cases, and as Barnes says, statistical evidence of anomalies in sufficient degree – maybe not as high as you think – are sufficient to trigger things like re-elections – just as the Democrats did in 2019, in the Carolinas.

  86. The best way to prove election fraud is to have the perps admit it. Now we know they used fraud in 2012 cuz Dementia Joe said so and probably 2016 (incompetently, thus Hill’s continuing melt down) and 2018 because if have a tool you use it. What if Pelosi is speaker because of election fraud? What if Trump has already been cheated by these F@#$% out of two years of his presidency?

  87. om on November 9, 2020 at 2:42 pm said:

    You don’t know any yammering about the cabal, is that your answer? What’s your answer to the question? Repeating the same line over and over, like Big Jo B, may be problematic.

    Chases Eagles on November 9, 2020 at 2:46 pm said:
    What if one of the reasons it is so hard to primary certain people is they cheat.

    Yes, of course.

    Psychopaths cheat. What did people expect, liberty and freedom, equality or some such?

  88. Yammer:

    Comedy gold from the Yammer. It’s a “struggle session,” look it up. Now you’re using the “y” word that describes your own posts. 🙂

  89. “…still puzzling…”

    Some of those automatic balloting machine—e.g., Dominion, which happens to be a Canadian firm with an “interesting” history as well as some “interesting” stockholders—were apparently flipping (electronically, algorithmically) significant numbers of votes from Trump to Biden.

    So if one were to add all those flipped votes and all those manufactured write-in votes to Biden’s total, then there’s absolutely no reason to be puzzled by the Big Guy’s “popularity”.

    Regarding the other direction, it will be most difficult to discover how many votes for Trump were either thrown out or never reached their destination…. Some (of military origin) have already been found, according to reports. (Wonder why it so often seems to be “military” ballots….)

  90. John G links to The American Thinker. Short version: Given that the cheating Dem vote resulted in too many narrow “wins,” Biden is vulnerable.

    So, if Pennsylvania is flipped, then it is only 270EV for Biden. Any more loss, he looses.

    So today, I started to dig into the numbers, and as I did, I fought my confirmation bias at every step.

    I realized that I, like millions of others, had been numbed into despondency by the overwhelming press, media, social media push to certify President-Elect Biden. (I put that in there so you can see how repellent it is.)

    Hey guys, this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden. I mean really scary, and most of all, the media know it. Thus, the rush to get everyone in line with the narrative that a 78-year-old, early-dementia former V.P., who could not draw a crowd larger than a dozen, just beat D.J. in a fair election.

    Process that for a moment.

    Start with Pennsylvania. Biden, as of this writing, is at 290 electoral votes. Pennsylvania is 20.

    I read the Justice Alito opinion, and it is pretty clear that he wants the after election night at 8:00 P.M. votes separated for a reason. Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it. Four justices already said the Pennsylvania Supreme Court cannot adjust voting rules. A new arrival, Justice Barrett, says she is there to apply the rules in the Constitution. OK, wanna bet she does?

    Remove the after 8:00 P.M. ballots, and Biden loses Pennsylvania. Biden 270.

    Flip Penn plus one and President elect-by-Fraud is over.

    Anyone else see that someone in the UK flew an airplane dragged banner reading “WORLD KNOWS TRUMP WON #MAGA”? (A photo appeared in The Independent. Elsewhere too)

    Before the Manchester United soccer game?

  91. TJ — I hope SCOTUS has the fortitude to declare the PA election invalid if their order was defied and the ballots were commingled.

    Also, that banner is awesome! The Sunday before the election someone flew a “Trump” banner over downtown Seattle and many snowflakes were triggered.

  92. Sharon W. and Om,

    Since you have posted about contributing to the legal challenge effort, here’s what I was able to find. Please read to the end for some pretty large caveats.

    It appears that you can donate to the “Donald J. Trump Official Election Defense Fund” through the Donald J. Trump website at:


    In order to ensure that it’s a one-time contribution, be very sure to UN-CHECK the boxes authorizing weekly recurring contributions through December 14 AND an additional automatic $1,000 donation (!) on November 11 before providing your credit card information.

    You can also mail a check to “Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.” in NYC; or the “Trump Make America Great Again Committee” in D.C. The mailing addresses for both are provided.

    This appears to be a joint DJT-RNC initiative, and the RNC’s (probably necessary, unfortunately) involvement means that there is an odor of swamp about it. For example: the online defaults authorizing automatic recurring credit card payments are a tacky touch and may hurt people who can ill afford it. Also, be sure to read the fine print at the bottom of the online donation page about how your contribution will be allocated. Basically, it looks like the RNC is trying to make sure that it gets its cut. You may be OK with that. Personally, I’d rather donate exclusively to Trump’s legal fund or to the Republican candidates in upcoming senate races (e.g. Georgia) and leave the RNC completely out of it.

    Bottom line: there may be better, more-focused ways to support Trump and his legal team in this effort. I’d be interested in hearing from others on this blog on that point.

  93. “I’d rather donate exclusively to Trump’s legal fund or to the Republican candidates in upcoming senate races (e.g. Georgia) and leave the RNC completely out of it.” Hubert.

    Me too. Also not sure if this actually will have legs, but I was texted today with the directive to close your Facebook (if you have one) on 11/13, open a Parler account, not watch any of the MSM news sites and take a break from Amazon, 11/13-12/1 (mind you this includes Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale days) and instead support small businesses. I intend to do so.

  94. I agree that Biden is essentially a zero to most of these voters. What drove them is extreme Trump hatred. It drove some former GOP people also, and that I will never understand. Even if you don’t like the man’s personality or tweets, any conservative should see his accomplishments in appointing judges, ordering the goverment to sto pusing CRT –Critical Race Theory training, derregulating the economy and helping to make the US energy independent. Then, there’s the Iran deal being debunked and Iran being muzzled. There’s so much really. So I don’t get how some like conservative writer Claire Berlinski can go off the rails about how horrible Trump is, when really he’s been so very effective. But Trump has had people foaming at the mouth since he was elected. It’s not really rational. So yes, Biden was just a convenience. Kamala is someone the left doesn’t trust, at least the far left, since she has an authoritarian streak. She’s also reliably voted left however in the Senate. But she’s not a real likable person. She makes Hillary Clinton look like a charm queen. At any rate, TDS drove these folks to vote for Biden and many did.

    However, I do think there was fraud, not sure how much, but it may have made a difference. I honestly don’t know. I hope we can find out.

  95. “It’s not really rational….”

    If one is so inclined, there may be some or quite a bit or even quite a lot to object to or to dislike about Trump.
    However, the role of the “24/7 HATE” media CANNOT be exaggerated in elevating this dislike to extreme level of hatred for him and his supporters (who are projected as being cut from the same cloth).

    Thus the MSCM has been steadily, consistently generating Trump-hatred and raising to feverish, hysterical levels; while also using this strategy to protect the gangsters in the Democratic Party mafia, who likewise promote the strategy to fulfil their grandiose, often criminal, ambitions and to cover up their malevolence and crimes.

    (Jus’ sayin’….)

  96. Hubert: The odor of the GOP swamp in that automatic $1000 check off is strong indeed. I’m convinced people within the Trump campaign were working against him. My husband, in the flush of some Dem outrage or other contributed a not-huge, but recordable, amount of money to the campaign. The attempts to raise further money from him were unbelievably ghastly — seemingly (and I almost think deliberately) designed to both piss off and demoralize his supporters. At all hours of the day and night, texts arrived, often ten at a time, usually in the form of dunning letters “THIS IS YOUR FINAL NOTICE,” when they weren’t whining: “We Have Missed Our Goal,” or cheezy: “Contribute and enter our sweepstakes to win!” Not a single positive, straight, message.

    My speculation (and it’s only that) is that Trump, as a condition of non-impeachment, was all along under the RNC thumb. After the inauguration, my husband tried to volunteer to work at the WH. At the meeting for volunteers, he was told that any vocal support of Trump was forbidden on the job. They also wanted a non-disclosure agreement. He left.

  97. Nancy B.,

    Many thanks for sharing your and your husband’s experience and confirming my suspicions. Depressing, but not surprising.

    D.C. and environs–Panem on the Potomac–may be a lost cause for now, although I’m hoping the House, Senate, and SCOTUS will be able to hold the line for the next few years should Biden/Harris & Co. survive legal challenges in the swing states. Whatever happens, we should be focusing our efforts on building unity among the Red states and especially on cultivating governors like Kristi Noem. More traction there, probably, and without the swamp taint. And, of course, on building alternative media channels.

  98. Om, your comments dont make any sense. Are you trying to duplicate this ymar yammer thing you are stuck on? Because when you end up with the cabal for another 26k years, you can only get ymar with pyschotronics. Struggle sessions will be insufficient.

    The comedy is not very good from your yammering the same line.

  99. Sharon W. on November 9 at 8:34 PM,

    Apologies for the late response. I’ve never been on social media and don’t have cable or watch TV, so am already not doing that. I am a big user of Amazon Prime, however. Like you, I have started shopping locally.

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