Home » Why is an angry mob attacking CNN in Atlanta?


Why is an angry mob attacking CNN in Atlanta? — 68 Comments

  1. At least we get a break from CNN blaming Trump for the virus. Instead we can get CNN blaming Trump for the riots.

  2. “These people are fighting for their liberty!” – Don Lemon, CNN. That was Thursday, in reference to Minneapolis. Wonder if he feels the same way tonight?

  3. “Why is an angry mob attacking CNN in Atlanta?”

    1. Would any “reason” really be THE reason? or reason enough?
    2. Do black rioters really need a reason to tear stuff up?
    3. Soros has let the genie out of the bottle & thinks he’s going to profit no matter how bad it gets.
    4. They want Potato Stelter to be their take home prize…like a kewpie doll.

    I got a ton of others…but…nah…nothing really.

  4. The “protesters” want Trump to win?

    If you have a law-and-order guy up against a let-them-be guy, then riots bring a whole bunch of things into new focus.

  5. What kind of “change” was that guy looking for? Sounds more like Antifa or BLM than a common street rioter.

    And would that it had been CNN that burned down. They’d have done America a public service.

  6. “Why is an angry mob attacking CNN in Atlanta?”

    Because it turns out Cosmic Justice, does exist after all.

    It will be amusing to see Don Lemon reprising Robespierre on the social justice pimp tumbril.

  7. “Because it turns out Cosmic Justice, does exist after all.”

    I first read that as “Comic Justice.” But I like yours better.

  8. I’m watching Minnesota Governor Tim Walz talking about the continuing riots and he’s essentially admitting they have no control. He’s talking about the rioters like they’re an invading army.

    What’s going on is a lot of pent up frustration over living in lockdown for months is mixing with racial grievances indulged by white liberals and getting sprinkled with Antifa agitators who just want the world to burn. And they’re not getting any resistance from political leaders who are, frankly, wussies.


  9. Seriously. Walz sounds like a middle-aged man who just learned there are bad people in the world.


  10. “a middle-aged man who just learned there are bad people in the world.”

    Liberals in a nutshell. Or “nut’s hell”.

  11. “Note the use of “protestor” for a man in the act of breaking into the building.”

    Like Palestinian protestors throwing Molotov cocktails. The MFM has had this worked out for a long time.

  12. Soros has put $8 billion to fund street theater of BLM. Antifa, other groups.

    During the last financial crisis, Obama squeezed only many hundreds of millions out from tax payers in bills and from banks as race war bakshesh for Acorn, et al.

    The price of Virtue for Marxists ever rising!

    In Democrat cities, police come out to prevent peaceful business under virus lockdowns, they won’t come out to prevent looting. Truly messed up.

  13. Sympathy for CNN? Not here. Not after the live comment by a CNN reporter who said, roughly, “We tell the truth everyday, why are they attacking us?”

  14. Did the Agents of Change happen to singe the goatee of the Viennese proctologist Wolf Blitzer ?

  15. Yes, they’re not leftists, many of them.
    They’re action freeks.
    Not deep, careful thinkers

  16. A local confirmation of outside, monied protesters in Minneapolis area comes
    via Freerepublic.com bulletin board at 8:59PM [Pacific Time, I think?], a tweet from Don, Jr, himself retweeting a local MSP black woman, apparently:

    “Don Trump Jr. retweeted this last night, so he knows…. Maybe he gets Trump to RICO investigate Antifa – 4-D Chess, all the way
    ‘Angela Stanton King ?? @theangiestanton · 3h

    ‘The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. I keep telling y’all these white liberals are not our friends. #Democrats #GeorgeFloyd #minneapolis’ “

  17. Watching these various video on the riots; there are a lot of diabetic white kids, especially in Denver. It is unbelievable how incredibly stupid and destructive these riots are. They are destroying their own communities. Dogs do not mess up their kennels. America has raised a generation of ungrateful, dumb, spoiled, and unemployable children.
    Our leaders are pathetic. Obama had an opportunity to be statesman and blew it with flowery words that said nothing. Biden is the senile old man in the basement. Pelosi is so clueless it is embarrassing. Mayors and Governors are useless. Our hostile media are pathological liars. And we cannot have order in America. It is chaos.
    Down Under is calm. As an American and reading what is happening in the States right now is outrageous. However, we have been here before; the early 1900’s and 1968 come to mind.
    History has shown that when things get this crazy, the law and order person wins.

  18. “What’s going on is a lot of pent up frustration over living in lockdown for months is mixing with racial grievances indulged by white liberals and getting sprinkled with Antifa agitators who just want the world to burn. And they’re not getting any resistance from political leaders who are, frankly, wussies.”

    I second this comment. I also think that the mental health state of the entire country is very fragile at the moment. It’s sad that this racial act sparked the chaos. As we’ve seen in the past (Newark, LA, Baltimore, etc), race riots are the most destructive. However, as I’ve talked to friends, etc, and evaluated my own condition, it’s obvious our mental state is not good. And these are people who are not suffering from unemployment, or seeing their savings evaporate due to the lockdown. The pressure cooker relief valve will have to blow at some point.

  19. Once again, Trump was right, as he often is, when he called the rioters “thugs.”

  20. The world is going to be burned by the Solar Flash, which includes antifa more than any other astro turf group.

    They are destroying their own communities.

    Someone who fell for the main sewer fake news, I see. Those were paid any shipped by Soros, free of charge of course.

    Because it turns out Cosmic Justice, does exist after all.

    Humans used to call it Divine Justice before they had to stop using the term due to hunting down and killing too many sons and daughters of god, the Most High.

    But now they don’t even understand what the Cosmos is, except to consult white lab coat authorities and SMEs.

  21. It was a pleasure to burn.

    It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. With the brass nozzle in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history.

    –Ray Bradbury, “Fahrenheit 451”

  22. I’m sure there are hourly employees and salaried support staff at CNN who are just there for a paycheck and aren’t responsible for the filth that the rest of them have injected into public discourse. Any sympathy one might have goes to these people.

  23. I watched the mayor of Atlanta give an angry and incoherent speech suggesting that the rioters “register and vote” in November “if they want change”, presumably better policemen in Minneapolis who don’t manage to have counterfeiting suspects die in their custody while the cops sit on them.

    Let’s see: Atlanta is run by Dems. Minneapolis is run by Dems. Chicago is run by Dems. NYC is run by Dems. LA is run by Dems. Detroit is run by Dems. Houston is run by Dems. CNN is run by Dems.

    I detect a pattern. I don’t think Ms. Mayor really is talking about voting for change. I think she is talking about voting for more of the same.

    In the 90s we tried tough on crime. It worked. Crime plummeted.

    Today we are trying soft on crime (“give the protesters/rioters space to destroy”, in the words of a former mayor of Baltimore). I don’t think that is going to work, although it does depend on what one is trying to accomplish.

    Another thing: 2020 has proved that we can lock up law-abiding people in their homes by hyping up an emergency and telling them to stay home, while we let rioters run rampant. That is knowledge that I wish our “leaders” did not have. We have subjugated personal responsibility to the wishes of people who want power over us. Ugh!

  24. **** Breaking News ****

    In Louisville Ky police open fire with pepper spray at news crews..


    Regardless of blaming the source who established the new education and the new posture and the racialist and protest society… the NEWS is stuck in the middle with no friends… as it always is

    No one seems to know.
    Is CNN not far enough to the left?
    Did someone at CNN call them “rioters” instead of “protestors”?
    Or is just the urge to destroy whatever’s handy?

    IF this is true, then you dont pay attention when you study history!!!
    Especially the history of Anarchism and Communism…
    Regardless of the position of the press, the press is the enemy of the cause (always)
    Unless in the hands of the anarchists, the press is an enemy
    The police shooting at press see them as enemy now too…

    [and you can see that the news people who been doing this and helping this are confused that they are not considered neutral and left alone but are being attacked by both sides]

    Take a look at the videos… these are NOT residents of the areas

    The people setting up garbage cans and setting fires and ginning up the crowd are white bearded hipsters… PAY ATTENTION… these are ANARCHO-COMMUNISTS..

    Insurrectionary anarchists put value in attack, permanent class conflict and a refusal to negotiate or compromise with class enemies

    Revolution and insurrection must not be looked upon as synonymous. The former consists in an overturning of conditions, of the established condition or status, the State or society, and is accordingly a political or social act; the latter has indeed for its unavoidable consequence a transformation of circumstances, yet does not start from it but from men’s discontent with themselves, is not an armed rising, but a rising of individuals, a getting up, without regard to the arrangements that spring from it. The Revolution aimed at new arrangements; insurrection leads us no longer to let ourselves be arranged, but to arrange ourselves, and sets no glittering hopes on ‘institutions’. It is not a fight against the established, since, if it prospers, the established collapses of itself; it is only a working forth of me out of the established. If I leave the established, it is dead and passes into decay. Now, as my object is not the overthrow of an established order but my elevation above it, my purpose and deed are not a political or social but (as directed toward myself and my ownness alone) an egoistic purpose and deed

    Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own from 1844

    You all missed how the films and things dotted their works with homages to communist luminaries in front of you!!!!!!!!!!!! [and also chose to refuse to discuss it!!!!!!!!!!!!]

    Meet Joe Black

    who was Joe Black? The point was not what the movie was about, it was that those who knew saw a hidden message from the media and those who didnt, saw nothing… forget the movie plot… the movie plot also, as i pointed out years ago, helped hide the information if you searched without knowing, you never found things… [and there is so much of this i cant begin to inform people who decided not to know]

    For Joe Black “That insurrectionalism should emerge as a more distinct trend in English language anarchism at this point in time should be no surprise. The massive boost anarchism received from the summit protest movement was in part due to the high visibility of black bloc style tactics.”

    Anarchism, insurrections and insurrectionalism [by Joe Black]

    Anarchist communists have no principled objection to insurrections, our movement has been built out of the tradition of insurrections within anarchism and we draw inspiration from many of those involved in such insurrections. In the present, we continue to defy the limitations the state seeks to put on protest where ever doing so carries the struggle forward. Again that is not just a judgement for us to make – in cases where we claim to be acting in solidarity with a group (eg of striking workers) then it must be that group that dictates the limits of the tactics that can be used in their struggle.

    Insurrectionalism offers a useful critique of much that is standard left practise. But it falsely tries to extend that critique to all forms of anarchist organisation. And in some cases the solutions it advocates to overcome real problems of organisation are worse than the problems it set out to address. Anarchist communists can certainly learn from insurrectionalist writings but solutions to the problems of revolutionary organisation will not be found there.

    these people are not there to protest the death of a black man
    they are there to turn the death and protests and areas into insurrection
    and they do this at the cost of the residents and others who are not smart enough to pay atttention to who the actual players are, and a news that makes no distinction and wants to follow a narrative of protest which blinds them to the ability to see insurrection in front of them

    “Insurrectionary anarchism has been developing in the English language anarchist movement since the 1980s, thanks to translations and writings by Jean Weir in her “Elephant Editions” and her magazine “Insurrection”. .. In Vancouver, Canada, local comrades involved in the Anarchist Black Cross, the local anarchist social center, and the magazines “No Picnic” and “Endless Struggle” were influenced by Jean’s projects, and this carried over into the always developing practice of insurrectionary anarchists in this region today … The anarchist magazine “Demolition Derby” in Montreal also covered some insurrectionary anarchist news back in the day”

    Riots and class struggle

    Insurrectionalists often recognize class struggle where the reformist left refuse to, so writing of Britain in the early 1980’s Jean Weir observed that “The struggles taking place in the inner city ghettos are often misunderstood as mindless violence. The young struggling against exclusion and boredom are advanced elements of the class clash. The ghetto walls must be broken down, not enclosed.”(13)

    The idea that such actions need to be taken up across the working class is also seen by insurrectionalists as an important answer to the argument that the state can simply repress small groups. It is pointed out that “It is materially impossible for the state and capital to police the whole social terrain”(14).

    As might be imagined, individual desires are central to insurrectionalism but not as with the rugged individualism of the ‘libertarian right’. Rather “The desire for individual self-determination and self-realization leads to the necessity of a class analysis and class struggle”(15).

    Much of the insurrectionalist theory we have looked at so far presents no real problems in principle for anarchist communists. On the theoretical level, the problems arise with the organisational ideology that insurrectionists have constructed alongside this. Much of this has been constructed as an ideological critique of the rest of the anarchist movement.

    The media and popular opinion

    This leads onto the insurrectionalist description of the media. “An opinion is not something first found among the public in general and then, afterwards, replayed through the media, as a simple reporting of the public opinion.

    An opinion exists in the media first. Secondly, the media then reproduces the opinion a million times over linking the opinion to a certain type of person (conservatives think x, liberals think y). Public opinion is produced as a series of simple choices or solutions (‘I’m for globalization and free trade,’ or ‘I’m for more national control and protectionism’).

    We are all supposed to choose – as we choose our leaders or our burgers – instead of thinking for ourselves.”

    This all sounds pretty good – and there is considerable truth in it. But this blanket analysis again prevents a discussion about how these problems can be overcome. Until the time we have our own alternative media – and in that case some of the problems above would still apply – we would be crazy not to use those sections of the media through which we might be able to reach the millions of people that lack of resources otherwise cut us off from .

    And while the media likes to simplify the story by reducing it to binary choices, this does not mean that everyone who gets information from the media accepts this division. Many if not all people have an understanding that the media is flawed and so tend not to accept its binary divisions.

    Waiting for the revolution?

    The media is the enemy, despite its leftism for profit, it does not serve the left
    because of its leftism for profit (like Apple), it does not serve the police
    it is now an enemy of both, and i dont think the young people who decided to get into the media to report their opionion as news are going to get it. even if reporters get hurt, arrested or killed, they will stand there confused as their gears grind and they cant wrap their mind around what is a very old and very well established set of ideas and behaviors.

    but then again… this is what happens when we only pay attention to the parts of history that we are allowed to pay attention to, and in so doing, erase and hide the key history that would clue us in on what is actually going over time..

    The revolution will be televised, and you will be shocked as to how many people will see insurrection as protest, and how they will ignore the white bearded hipsters setting fires, and willing to throw stones at the police to get them to shoot at other innocents.

    remember kent state? remember they found out who shot off a gun and scared the soldiers?
    to this day most people dont know they figured it out, and that their was such a shot (neo covered it)

  25. @ Huxley,

    Ha! We were just talking about that the other day in another thread, before you arrived back.

    And, one of the themes in the novel (which I find more interesting, than good) is the nihilism of the youth of that society. Like the mechanical hound that sniffs out the reactionary and socially noncompliant, and the pending atomic war, it is generally left out of short descriptions of the world Montag lives in.

    But wild youth deliberately running down pedestrians for thrills, and shooting each other at school, while an enervated, dully hedonistic adult world stands by helpless, is an important feature of that world. Bradbury was more prescient than anyone could have known in 1952 in linking a comfortable yet physically and morally stupefied and shallow adult population to resultant violence and chaos.

    I don’t think Bradbury fully and consciously comprehended his own book, as he partially admitted in an interview accompanying the DVD release. As others have noted, it’s not really all about the ill effects that ensue from burning books or the disappearance of the ability to read (they can) as many lazily posit. Cart before the horse, and all that.

    As it relates to the present situation: watching lunatic left arsonist politicians immolated by the actions of their disciples, promises to be one of the few moments of comic relief we are likely to witness if things continue down their present course.

  26. The poor guy who was killed by the cop in Minnesota for passing a counterfeit note and it turns out the cop worked off duty at the same place as his victim had worked makes this incident real smelly. Speculation, could it be the dead guy knew stuff about the cop being involved with counterfeit and other dirty stuff and if the dead guy was not dead he could have done some information trading to get out of jail? I read things on the internet and have no idea if there are any facts behind this murder by cop that was the fuse that set all of this chaos off.

    When protesters turn into mobs and riot there is no longer logic and reasoning
    people run wild and for the moment enjoy the destruction and mayhem with adrenalin flowing through their veins, that can be useful in a battle if there is a war being fought with spears and swords but it sure is hard on 21st century neighborhoods. The comments above touch on the frustration and boredom that can lead to this illogical burning down of large cities that have been run by liberals for decades and I fear it will get much worse before it is over.

    Some of this pressure has been building for decades and there are a lot of people living with frustration and no hope of their situations improving so, what the hell, nobody really cares, just burn it down. I sure hope I am wrong.

  27. “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants.”
    “The revolution like Saturn devours its own children.”
    – Jacques Mallet du Pan (1793)


    Revolution for the Hell of it
    – Abbie Hoffman


    Dig up Trotsky and ask him.

  28. A leftist acquaintance of mine sees those young white guys among the rioters and concludes that they are agents provocateur dispatched by the police or some other arm of the state.

  29. A leftist acquaintance of mine sees those young white guys among the rioters and concludes that they are agents provocateur dispatched by the police or some other arm of the state.

    More likely sorosphere rent-a-crowd.

  30. Why is an angry mob attacking CNN in Atlanta?

    Because it is there, I don’t think the mobs are targeting for any particular political stances, they are just burning targets of opportunity which is why they were destroying the public housing construction in Minnesota even though the local community was to benefit from it. One does not want to be in the path of a mindless mob when the burning and looting begin.

  31. even though the local community was to benefit from it.

    1. Benefit from it for an interim period of time before it turned into a Hobbesian landscape; or

    2. Benefit from it if it maintained agreeable standards – and they were proximate relatives or clients of local Democratic pols. Awardable housing!

  32. Someone observed the crowd as 50/50 white and black. I saw some photos of white rioters in Bernie tee shirts. I am glad I will be 1000 miles from Milwaukee during that DNC convention.

  33. Rioters gotta riot. They also spray painted f*** Kemp [Republican governor] and f*** 12 [referring to police]. When riots start and there are cameras and media around it gives those who are rioting a reason to go nuts. The same with looting. People who frequent a store and even like the staff who work in the store will still loot the store given the chance. I’d also guess many of these rioters are not news watchers. They wouldn’t tune into CNN anymore than they would to FOX News. They just want to cause destruction.

  34. I think it’s pretty simple why CNN was attacked.

    CNN is seen as an authority figure and thus deserving of attack, regardless of their inherent bias, which the average “protester” is unaware of or doesn’t believe.

    More importantly, if one attacks the news, one gets on the news. (Further underscoring the “protesters” ignorance of CNN’s prime directive–they would greedily cover these riots no matter where they occurred. They didn’t need to attack CNN to get wall-to-wall coverage.)

  35. The rioters – black and white – do not watch “news”.

    They play violently themed video games. Lockdown maximizes gaming time.

    Now the kids have the opportunity to realize their darkest fantasies.

    CNN is just one more target.

  36. “They wouldn’t tune into CNN anymore than they would to FOX News. ”

    True dat. CNN and MSNBC have very small audiences. Audiences made up mostly of middle aged or older libs. The anarchists don’t watch TV. They get their news from their phones. To them CNN is part of the hated capitalistic system. CNN’s Atlanta headquarters is a symbol of the system to them.

    Antifa and BLM are the main anarcho-communist organizations. They get their marching orders on social media. Social media that is so widely used it is easy to mount a nationwide effort to promote riots, arson, looting, and property destruction. IMO, these events are not accidental. Antifa and BLM have been waiting for a spark to light the tinder. George Floyd’s wrongful death was the spark. However, the resulting riots have little to do with George Floyd’s death and much to do with the desire to destroy the system.

  37. Why did they do CNN?

    To quote Network:
    Howard Beale: Why me?

    Arthur Jensen: Because you’re on television, dummy. Sixty million people watch you every night of the week, Monday through Friday.

  38. J.J,

    Not that progressive mayors and governors might have something to do with a permissive attitude towards energetic and kinetic expressions of the right to burn and steal, oops, I meant to protest peacefully. These mayors and governors are well represented in CA, OR, and WA, and of course MN.

  39. Artfldgr:

    I have said from the start that “the left” is a major mover here. I mean, among other things, the professional, organized, funded left.

  40. If these protesters lives are so awful here in the United States they need to leave this country and find a better one more to their liking.

    No, that won’t happen. They’ve been taught they can expect others to provide for them. These rioters are scum. They have same mentality as the plantation owners of the Antebellum South, demanding other people work so they can eat- and they deserve the same fate.

    I have no sympathy for these people, none at all.

  41. And, one of the themes in the novel [“Fahrenheit 451”] (which I find more interesting, than good)…

    DNW: I gobbled up all the Bradbury I could find as a kid and over the years reread most of it, but I couldn’t get through “Fahrenheit 451” a second time. It seems a better idea for a short story than a novel. Indeed, looking it up on wiki I see that it started as a short story then a publisher asked Bradbury to double its length for publication as a novel. Bradbury did so — in nine days!

    In 1979 Bradbury wrote an afterword to F451 in which one line is justly famous and often quoted.

    There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.

    The full context of the quote, however, might surprise Bradbury’s liberal audience. Bradbury points the finger square at minorities:

    There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority, be it Baptist/Unitarian, Irish/Italian/Octogenarian/Zen Buddhist, Zionist/Seventh-day Adventist, Women’s Lib/Republican, Mattachine/Four Square Gospel feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse. […]

    Fire-Captain Beatty, in my novel Fahrenheit 451, described how the books were burned first by minorities, each ripping a page or a paragraph from this book, then that, until the day came when the books were empty and the minds shut and the libraries closed forever.

  42. Oh, gee, CNN and other leftists have been egging on angry mobs for years. Are they really that stupid that they think the angry, unruly, mob won’t attack anything in sight, including them?

  43. In 2016 I read a report which investigated the “deep values” of Black Lives Matter activists by interviewing them then sifting the results using some methodology (not well described) into conclusions. Attacking white straight Americans as a privileged class oppressing everyone else is the core belief which holds BLM together.

    Furthermore the usual old leftists, called “Operatives,” are the spiders weaving the BLM web:

    Importantly, [the Operatives] revealed that their goal was not to help Black America, but rather to “create an engine that moves into larger social upheaval.” To achieve this goal, the Operatives are undertaking a concerted effort to take the undergirding philosophy of Marxism, where society is divided into the “Haves and the Have-Nots,” and reinvent it in the era of Black Lives Matter through the term “Privileged.”

    The study reads well. Here’s an overview from National Review;


    The NR link to the study is dead but you can find it at Scribd, if you are willing to sign up:


  44. Many are frustrated… the arrests that were made were ALL people who did not live in the areas that they were arrested in… IE. they imported themselves to “work the riot”… agent provocateurs, though we do not know who they work for, or how many different groups are paying, or anything like that.

    but one thing i noticed watching the tapes and paying close attention, is that the main trouble people are NOT BLACK. By far, whites with beards, and very much the college crowd are the ones acting out, some smart enough to completely cover, others not realizing that they will be found through facial recognition and more later.

    in one protest Molotov Cocktails were thrown… Thats not something the black community uses. Sorry, but look back across time, and the riots of the 60s, and other times, and you did not find them heaving molotov cocktails. breaking, entering, looting, smashing things near them if opportune… there is a video of a woman being shoved real hard, and flying through the air, the man shoving her was not black.

    Some news and others are talking civil war, but that wont happen..
    certain prerequisites are needed for that to happen and they cant exist now
    one is a clear line or demarcation between sides
    the numbers of those willing to go out and act are actually quite small compared to the numbers of folk who will stay home and who will not participate. It will not be possible to get enough going to get that split working (short of starting to slay people at random and not get caught provoking the situation as in hate hoaxes)

    this will die down as they always do, but its not helping anything
    the people in the crowds should be grabbing those who are changing them from protesters to insurrectionists or there will be hell to pay later…

    Ultimately, those that do this do not realize what the alternative state they would create would do compared to this one. They never do they are just sell outs of their fellow man, or outsiders doing it. Take Venezuela as an example, once the change was in, remember what happened with the protests? people shot, run over, and more… they no longer protest for that reason… in Hong Kong its a bit tougher and now more subtle as they want to control their image with the world, so its facial recognition and night disappearances. Ergo many of the protestors wearing gas masks with flaps for ears to prevent ear printing as a ID source.

    There is no good that can come from this
    the officer was never going to get off whether there was protests or not
    everyone is united on this… so the protests dont have the right us vs them
    its us vs no one as far as i see, its us vs nothing and venting and looting

    the them is missing…
    the cops are not on the side of this officer
    the politicos are not on his side
    the union is not going to be on his side
    the black community is definitely not
    the white community is appalled and angry too

  45. I will shed exactly as many tears for CNN as I do when I recall that Robespierre died on the scaffold. Which is to say, none. Only a heart of stone could watch the attack on CNN without laughter.

    Van Jones actually had something to say about that.

  46. They’re rioting in Atlanta
    because they can.

    It’s mayor is a Democrat – therefore NOT responsible.

    City voters who want to change need to start changing the party they vote for. I’m imagining Trump getting videos of the carnage and producing and Ad:

    Minneapolis – Atlanta (with pictures)
    Democrat mayors.
    Democrat fails.

    Want change?
    Change the party you vote for.

  47. Local Minneapolis news investigated arrest reports and now the Mayor has walked back the claim about non-Minnesotans being the majority of arrestees, and throws the police under the bus for supposedly giving her bad information.

    Here in Seattle, FB is full of people saying that the Proud Boys have “infiltrated” the crowd and are causing all the violence (as opposed to the local Antifa/Black Bloc types who love this sort of thing). Within hours that will become Holy Writ and no questioning the narrative will be allowed. Sigh.

  48. I suspect half or more of the rioters haven’t even heard about George Floyd’s death.

    They are rioting because they’re bored, they’re uninvested in society, they’re mostly from fatherless homes, they have no moral formation whatsoever, and they think it’s fun to go out and get crazy and burn stuff and go home with free stuff, with impunity.

    But the mayor of Atlanta, lefty though she is, actually just scolded the rioters for destroying their own neighborhoods and dishonoring their own community. Not bad, that; we’ll see if it has any effect.

  49. R.C. on May 30, 2020 at 11:39 pm said:
    I suspect half or more of the rioters haven’t even heard about George Floyd’s death.
    * * *
    In parallel, the riots around the Middle East during the Benghazi time period were populated by people who never watched the video that were their alleged cause.

  50. Bryan Lovely on May 30, 2020 at 9:56 pm said:

    Here in Seattle, FB is full of people saying that the Proud Boys have “infiltrated” the crowd and are causing all the violence (as opposed to the local Antifa/Black Bloc types who love this sort of thing). Within hours that will become Holy Writ and no questioning the narrative will be allowed. Sigh.
    * * *
    Opinion post from Fox News:

    Jones called the relationship between lawmakers and community leaders “crucial,” saying that there are legitimate protests who don’t want their message overtaken.

    “I mean, these are the main people that are here, are legitimate protesters that feel like there is injustice, and there is, going on in this country and they’re speaking out against it,” Jones said. “And they don’t want that message to be clouded by people that are agitators and looters, that … have their own agenda.”

    Oops – you’re not supposed to say things like that.
    You might get misquoted —


    News anchors and pundits have repeated lies about Donald Trump and race so often that some of these narratives seem true, even to Americans who embrace the fruits of the president’s policies. The most pernicious and pervasive of these lies is the “Charlottesville Hoax,” the fake-news fabrication that he described the neo-Nazis who rallied in Charlottesville, Va., in August 2017 as “fine people.”

    Just last week I exposed this falsehood, yet again, when CNN contributor Keith Boykin falsely stated, “When violent people were marching with tiki torches in Charlottesville, the president said they were ‘very fine people.’” When I objected and detailed that Trump’s “fine people on both sides” observation clearly related to those on both sides of the Confederate monument debate, and specifically excluded the violent supremacists, anchor Erin Burnett interjected, “He [Trump] didn’t say it was on the monument debate at all. No, they didn’t even try to use that defense. It’s a good one, but no one’s even tried to use it, so you just used it now.”

    My colleagues seem prepared to dispute our own network’s correct contemporaneous reporting and the very clear transcripts of the now-infamous Trump Tower presser on the tragic events of Charlottesville. Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

    “Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

    …these Charlottesville statements leave little room for interpretation. For any honest person, therefore, to conclude that the president somehow praised the very people he actually derided, reveals a blatant and blinding level of bias.

    But like many fake news narratives, repetition has helped cement this one into a reasonably plausible storyline for all but the most skeptical consumers of news.

    Despite the clear evidence of Trump’s statements regarding Charlottesville, major media figures insist on spreading the calumny that Trump called neo-Nazis “fine people.” The only explanation for such a repeated falsehood is abject laziness or willful deception.

    We could make a little list of other instances where the false statements of the press and Democrats, repeated overtly and covertly — explicitly and implicitly in the framing and “between the lines” of stories — are generally parroted as true by the people who don’t (or won’t) accept evidence of the truth.

    Some people are waking up, and maybe the sheer insanity of the riots, especially outside Minneapolis, will jostle a few more to #WalkAway.

    The #WalkAway Campaign encourages and supports those on the Left to walk
    away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today. We are walking away from the lies, the false narratives, the fake news, the race-baiting, the victim narrative, the violence, the vandalism, the vitriol. We are walking away from a party driven by hate.

    Founder Brandon Straka on Levin’s show March 3, 2019:


    STRAKA: Yes, no, but that’s a perfect example and interestingly, with Charlottesville, I had already at that point had my eyes open that actually happened after these events, so that was one of the first examples that I was experiencing in real-time because now, I saw, I was like, “I see what they do,” and it’s the kind of thing once you see it, you can never unsee it. Once you realize what they’re doing, you see it every single time.

    So when Charlottesville happened, I already knew and I was like, “Aha, they’re doing it again. They’re doing it again,” because you’re right. He certainly did not say, “Oh the neo-Nazis and the KKK, great people.” No, no, no, he was saying there were also historians mixed in with these people who were just simply protesting to preserve their speech.

  51. A couple of people have expressed concerns about the health of the rioters, who are obviously not practicing social distancing, although some are wearing masks.
    You will be glad to know, Governor Cuomo is on the case.

    The havoc that began in Minnesota has spread to urban centers across America, including New York City.

    “You have a right to demonstrate. You have the right to protest. God bless America,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) declared during his coronavirus briefing Saturday. “You don’t have a right to infect other people. You don’t have a right to act in a way that’s going to jeopardize public health.”

    “Even if you think you’re a superhero because you’re young and you’re strong, you can get it and then infect someone else,” he added. “So it’s just wholly irresponsible… You can have an opinion, but there are also facts, and you’re wrong not to wear a mask.”

  52. A common sense look at the history of riots — and their failure to achieve the stated objectives (which, as we now, is never the real objective).

    By ZAID JILANI May 29, 2020 6:24 PM

    This sequence of events is all too familiar from American history. A new paper by Princeton University political scientist Omar Wasow, a long-time researcher on civil rights and politics, sheds some light on why nonviolent protest tends to provoke sympathy while violent protests tend to polarize and even empower the protesters’ political opponents. Wasow’s father was a part of “Freedom Summer,” the bold activist venture to register black voters in Mississippi in 1964, and Wasow had long wondered how the momentum of civil-rights activism was blunted over the course of the decade.

    Wasow looked at protests that took place between 1960 and 1972, measuring how they shifted public opinion. What he found is that the civil rights movement’s nonviolent protests in the early 1960s were remarkably effective in moving public opinion, pushing the general public toward support for civil rights; these protests also even increased the Democratic presidential vote share in counties proximate to nonviolent actions.

    But things changed drastically when protests turned violent in the late ’60s. Wasow determines that white public opinion shifted so sharply in favor of social control that the violence may have tipped the election to Richard Nixon:

  53. Social distancing was so yesterday….

    And Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, whose own city has seen major crowds of protesters for several days, did not criticize the protesters for not practicing social distancing, though he did urge the activists to refrain from violence.

    “Let’s remember why we march, protect each other, and bring a peaceful end to a painful night,” he said.

    In the tweet immediately preceeding that one, Garcetti issued a “friendly reminder for any Angelenos returning to their houses of worship this weekend: face coverings and physical distancing are required for all services.”

    “Houses of worship must not exceed 25% of capacity or 100 people, whichever is less,” he wrote to the religious residents of the city.

  54. AesopFan —

    Apparently Cuomo doesn’t mind if people break and burn things, just mind that social distancing!

  55. TL;DR didn’t read all the comments. Why are they attacking CNN? Let me ask a question, who hates CNN? Trump hates CNN. So who comprises the mob? It must be Trump supporters. PsyOps 101.

    Why haven’t the Feds infiltrated and broken up Antifa? They’ve certainly had the time. I can only speculate the reasons but it doesn’t sit well with me. Government would rather prosecute easy targets like non-essential business owners trying to put food on the table. Nope, there is certainly something rotten in Denmark, err D.C.

  56. Interesting how George Soros gets blamed by ALL sides of the political spectrum.

  57. How will we get the COVID 19 vaccine, if the anarchists destroy all the factories, and destroy all of the stores?

  58. Anarchists are a bug not a feature; a pox, pestilence, socially transmitted disease.

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