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Is this cultural appropriation? — 41 Comments

  1. i dont know, your a woman and this was feminists idea, maybe you can explain how this came about and why the ladies did this to themselves and what it will do to them and their kids going forwards…

    or not give a rats… patootie..

    A great definition comes from Maisha Z. Johnson at Everyday Feminism: “cultural appropriation is when somebody adopts aspects of a culture that is not their own.”
    A deeper understanding of cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.

    Cultural appropriation | Geek Feminism Wiki | FANDOM
    Feminism 101: What is Cultural Appropriation? – FEM Newsmagazine
    What’s Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? – Everyday Feminism
    This Is What Cultural Appropriation Looks Like | Bitch Media
    Is Digital Witchcraft Feminism Cultural Appropriation?
    Can You Appropriate Your Own Culture? Everyday Feminism
    I Write About Feminism — FAQ: Cultural Appropriation
    Is It Cultural Appropriation To Use Drag Slang And AAVE?
    Everyday Feminism Interviews K. Tempest Bradford about Cultural Appropriation

    this one is interesting:
    Interrupting Patterns of White Feminism – Showing Up for Racial Justice

    but the REAL FUN? thats when these ladies start hitting the new paradigm given they are on the out cause of their skin color, and what they make when they have children, and how, their usefulness is used up as they didnt have babies and the others did, and so, are better to side with..

    What Is Toxic White Feminism? – When Feminism Is White Supremacy
    gonna be interesting when moldy locks beats herself up over this…

    boy, the ladies really control it all now…
    cant even think on your own..
    cant go to holloween and cant make a taco

    but i brought this up a few years ago,when they were shutting down business in washington state for this reason, like the ladies who went to mexico to learn how to do it right, then lost their business…

    when the darker side goes after the lighter, will the lighter realize that they have no men? and the only support they have is from the government, who is finished using them? (not enough of them to win votes like the racialists).

  2. Copying and imitating is not appropriating — the other culture still has it.

    Part of freedom and progress is to try other aspects of other cultures, and choose to accept those facets that you like, which remain within the bounds of your own cultural laws. No live sacrifices, for instance.

  3. No, it’s not cultural appropriation because there is no such thing. At least not till every non-Caucasian, gives up everything Caucasians have created. Cultural appropriation is a club invented with which to beat up Western Civ and Caucasians. When blacks like Michelle Obama stop straightening their hair and return to only using only their own musical instruments like drums… then we can discuss refraining from appropriating each others culture.

    In that game, non-whites have a LOT more to lose than do Caucasians.

    It is pretty funny and a bit stupid though.

  4. 1. Right, there’s no such thing as cultural appropriation. Because otherwise we’re all in real trouble. Persons Hardest Hit: Women, Minorities, Non-Anglo-Saxons who are fond (to the point of being unable to speak without use) of the “F” word.
    2. Hypothetically assuming cultural appropriation, who’s culture is being appropriated here? A society of medieval knights and muslims who wear matching red scarves? Wouldn’t that be, like, .0000000000000001% of the population? Is there anyone even alive to file a complaint for this violation of civil rights?
    3. This is awesome.

  5. Also, not even sure those dudes are Muslims.
    Very provocative sexy dance they’ve got going on.

  6. “It is pretty funny and a bit stupid though.”

    I would change that to extremely stupid. A world wide 30 day strike by Caucasian males might stop this nonsense…. but nah, they are stuck on extremely stupid.

  7. Hey folks, the title of this post is a joke.

    Cultural appropriation is a ridiculous charge, period. I just think this video is funny.

  8. It may be a ridiculous charge, but millions believe it is not funny and take it seriously.

  9. parker on March 26, 2019 at 6:03 pm at 6:03 pm said:
    “It is pretty funny and a bit stupid though.”

    I would change that to extremely stupid. A world wide 30 day strike by Caucasian males might stop this nonsense…. but nah, they are stuck on extremely stupid.
    * * *
    I’ve always wondered about that “day on campus without white people” that was such a big feature in the slide into decadence a couple of years ago.
    What if the Prof hadn’t said anything, and all the white people had indeed stayed home, and the university had quit functioning for the day..or maybe not?.. what would have happened then?

    And, yes, there is no such thing as “cultural appropriation” in the sense the Left uses the term.

  10. This video is a hoot. Bollywood is so much fun!

    Singh is of Sikh ancestry, and married a Hindu.

  11. When I lived in Thailand, I was watching VTV before y’all had even heard of Bollywood.

  12. Another tool of oppressive control invented by the left disguised as an act of compassionate inclusion for minorities. The atrocious left will corrupt any good thing of humanity that they can get their hands on and weaponise it to destroy humanity

  13. I saw it as the islamic version of the knights of the round table singing a la monty python…

    however, we no nuttins know nuttin and have to defer..

    Amherst College office of diversity and inclusion put out a glossary…

    On Wednesday, the elite Western Massachusetts liberal arts college’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion posted and emailed to students a “Common Language Guide,” a 36-page document containing dozens of politically correct definitions. Then hours later, following complaints, unposted it.

    The document defines “capitalism” as a system that “leads to exploitative labor practices, which affect marginalized groups disproportionately.”
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    “White feminism” is “predicated upon the erasure of women of color and the ways in which racism and sexism converge and compound one another.”

    “Homonationalism,” per the document, is used “to explain the ways in which cis-gay and lesbian veterans of the Iraq War were celebrated as proof of American exceptionalism in contrast to racist/orientalist discourse about Iraqi combatants and other people in Central Asia racialized outside of U.S. understandings of whiteness.”

    Right now i am still watching the girls get all in a twisted position trying to figure out if Yoga is cultural appropriation… so now they cant exercise

    Professor: White people who do yoga guilty of ‘power, privilege, and oppression’
    To truly honor yoga, writes Michigan State University professor Shreena Gandhi, white Americans should understand its history, acknowledge the cultural appropriation they engage in, and possibly reduce the cost of yoga classes for poor people, a group that often includes people of color and “recent immigrants, such as Indian women to whom this practice rightfully belongs.”

    If this is so, i say give her back Suttee/Sati, and say we are sorry the British stopped it once it became a forced act…

    Since the ladies took over the campuses, things getting wackier and wackier
    what will top steam cleaning your vagina?

    stay tuned, we may find out…

    At least the feminists of color now are being taught the white ladies want to exterminate them, and boy are they gonna find a fresh field of proof in Sanger…

    When Feminism Is White Supremacy in Heels
    From tone policing to whitesplaining, the liberal white women’s feminism is more toxic than they realize
    [Harpers bazaar]

    White feminism isn’t feminism. And it’s not forgivable – The Boston Globe

    Portland Burrito Cart Closes After Owners Are Accused Of Cultural Appropriation
    Critics say the women bragged about stealing recipes while in Mexico.

    White women’s burrito shop forced to close after ‘culturally appropriating Mexican food and jobs’

    The Battle Over Kooks Burritos Led to Death Threats and International Outrage. We Invited Portland Chefs to Weigh In.
    The story about Kooks provided tinder for a cultural inferno

    just think what a war in the middle of wacko feminist city would do…

  14. Coming from that neck of the wood, and enjoying the original song anyway, this was awesome. Now only if the lyrics could be translated, that would be real “phat laule” — which would require an enemiy’s anal cauterization.

  15. neo, I have given in and started using sarc tags ( / ) even when the satire should be obvious because reality is now outrunning satire by at least a few laps now.

  16. Trump is normally portrayed so negatively in the media, and by everyone I know here in my blue bubble, it was novel and exciting to see exuberant positivity! So, definitely not cultural appropriation;-)

  17. I’ll believe people are serious about “cultural appropriation” when Africa gives up using electricity.

  18. Neo: WAY cool!

    –And your title is great too. :>)))



    By the way — What Esther Said. Me too!

  19. A society of medieval knights and muslims who wear matching red scarves?
    Ummm, those are Hindus, in ~1730s or so. I’m unable to find whether Baji Rao (the Peshwa ruler and commander in the original video) had any Sikhs in his army, but it’s entirely possible.

    So, IF you believe in “cultural appropriation”, it would be appropriation of a yuge chunk of Indian culture from a not so distant past.

    (The video of Trump is hilarious. “Cultural appropriation” is a stupid, bogus, blunt weapon of the progressives. And the original videos of the song are grand – gotta love Bollywood for hanging onto what made movies glorious back in the day.)

  20. In the original video, there’s a group wearing turbans (3:00 mark) that widen out to the side, coming to a dull point above the ears. And my first thought was “Did the Women’s March culturally appropriate their p*ssy hats?!?”

  21. Here are some other examples of cultural appropriation:

    1. Cell phones, TV, radio, transistors, autos, planes, railroads, bicycles, ALL gas/diesel engines, etc. etc. were all invented by white Europeans or Americans.
    2. Polyester, nylon and all other plastics were invented by white Europeans or Americans, and many articles of clothing are made from these man-made materials. And don’t forget ALL auto, bike, truck tires.
    3. Sheet rock, microwave ovens, toasters, refrigerators were invented by white Europeans or Americans.
    4. Eye glasses, contact lenses were invented by whiter Europeans or Americans.
    5. Means of extracting or producing energy – electrical or otherwise – from oil, natural gas, hydro or nuclear means were invented by white Europeans of Americans.
    6. The printing press was invented by a white European – as was book binding.
    7. The majority of musical instruments and the methods of recording and playing back recorded music was invented by white Europeans or Americans (e.g. electric guitar).

    Anyway, the above is just a small partial list of what the descendants of NON white individuals are culturally appropriating.

    So next time some deranged, ignorant, stupid, leftist loon hits you up for cultural appropriation, just remind them they are the most egregious violators of that stupid, neo-Nazi, Marxist religious ideology.

  22. Instant classic.

    Also, why isn’t “Hamilton” protested as cultural appropriation?

    Rhetorical question only.

  23. Cultural appropriation–as currently bandied about rests on several false presumptions, some of them:
    1. Culture is determined by genetics, not environment.
    2. Culture is static
    3. That a particular group of people can lay permanent claim to a manufacturing technique, artform, clothing style, etc.
    4. When cultures interact it is wrong/immoral for manufacturing techniques, fashion, music, art etc. to influence each other.

    As originally used, it made a bit of sense. It was cultural appropriation to not credit a source that material was derived from. I.E. a white artist doing a song based on a black R&B artists work, a rapper using a classical music sampling in a son—without crediting the source material.

  24. “Hey folks, the title of this post is a joke.”

    I knew this. I even raised my hand in class. But when the school marm didn’t call on me and I got hungry I went to Taco Bell to culturally appropriate a Mexican Pizza combo.

  25. For future reference, the surname “Singh” is pretty positive proof you’re dealing with a Sikh.


    And believe you me, you don’t want to have to deal with the Sikhs in a hostile mammer.

    From the Wikipedia.

    “…Naik Lal Singh and Sepoy Jiwa Singh reportedly carry the body of Bhagwan Singh back to the inner layer of the post.
    The enemy breaks a portion of the wall of the picket.
    Haughton signals that he has estimated that there are between 10,000 and 14,000 Pashtuns attacking Saragarhi.
    The leaders of the Pashtun forces reportedly make promises to the soldiers to entice them to surrender.
    Reportedly two determined attempts are made to rush open the gate, but are unsuccessful.
    Later, the wall is breached.
    Thereafter, some of the fiercest hand-to-hand fighting occurs.
    In an act of outstanding bravery, Havildar Ishar Singh orders his men to fall back into the inner layer, whilst he remains to fight. However, this is breached and all but one of the defending soldiers are killed, along with many of the Pashtuns.
    Sepoy Gurmukh Singh, who communicated the battle to Haughton, was the last surviving Sikh defender. He is stated to have killed 20 Afghans, the Pashtuns having to set fire to the post to kill him. As he was dying, he was said to have yelled repeatedly the Sikh battle cry …”

  26. Now that’s a victory dance!

    Lately I’ve been watching “reaction videos” which show someone watching a Youtube music video screen-in-screen so you can watch the person and the video together. In particular I like a young black guy whose handle is “ModernRenaissanceMan” or MRM.

    MRM is an interesting combination of Christian, motivational speaker, internet entrepreneur, musician and music fan. He’s got a good heart, a sense of humor and a fun range of facial expressions. Because he’s young and black, he doesn’t know much white classic rock, but he’s willing to be pleasantly surprised.

    Here’s one where he watches the Righteous Brothers sing “Loving Feeling” for his first time and is delightfully befuddled to see it’s “two white dudes?!”

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg4PdR_ZtEs (skip first minute)

    I think MRM is doing a nice bit of racial healing in our divided country.

    Unfortunately reaction videos in the other direction — white/black — don’t happen for “appropriation” sort of reasons.

  27. What’s called “Cultural Appropriation” is USUALLY “Cultural Appreciation”, and should be regarded as such.

  28. You humans have appropriated this Earth which was created by the Divine for the Divine. All of you who have not been paying rent on this place, need to go or we will initiate the Purge soon.

  29. neo: Indeed!

    Yes, I believe it was your post which got me interested in MRM. I’ve watched 20-25 of his youtubes and forgot where I got the idea. Thanks for the tip.

    My favorite is his appreciation of Joe Cocker’s cover of “With a Little Help From My Friends”, but it was kinda long and hippieish, so I went with the Righteous Brothers, which not surprisingly seemed like a good idea for this venue.

    What do you see when you turn out the light?

  30. From MRM I found my way to some basketball reaction videos (why not?) by a very attractive black woman, calling herself “Allure Vision.”

    She has a great video on Larry Bird:

    Yet another thing about Bird is that blacks accepted him. He was so good, what could anyone say? Besides he didn’t see race, he rejected the Great White Hope mantle, and he even had a trash talking style like Muhammad Ali. They both boasted plenty as psychology and they could both back it up.

    It’s gotten a little tricky for whites to voice their appreciation for blacks, but it can still be done and I would sure like to see more of it.

  31. I happen to think that this video is funny as hell, and I hope that this makes some social justice warrior’s heads explode.

  32. That video is perfect. Those of us who love (yes “love”) Trump are the warriors in the background, celebrating and dancing with our hero. Far from appropriation, we are sharing in another culture’s expression of its appreciation for bravery.

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