Problem with comment editing?
At the moment, some readers are reporting a problem with comment editing. They can comment, but can’t edit afterwards.
I don’t know if it’s the case for everyone, or just a few. I tried reinstalling and reactivating the edit plug-in, and there’s still something wrong. Please bear with this; I hope to get it fixed soon. It has been a bit glitchy lately, so it may just heal itself.
Please let me know whether or not the edit function is working for you.
UPDATE 2:00 PM November 9: It seems to be working now. Let me know if it goes out again.
It’ been off & on for a while. Mostly, but not entirely, off in the last few days.
Nope, no edit functionality that time. However, I specifically recall seeing it on earlier posts I did today.
My last comment posted twice, but the edit feature allowed me to delete one, so I guess it works for me.
Also, I notice that the Amazon donate button is on even tho my ad blocker is functioning.
Back to proofing before posting — sigh.
For now, anyway.
Funny thing, but editing was gone for me earlier and now it’s back.
Neo – are you perhaps seeing the Ghost of Editing Past?
Will test edit function; but meanwhile, Gerard from American Digest who posts here frequently has had to evacuate his home in CA due to a forest fire, and the latest news is that his town is pretty much destroyed. He’s safe at his mother’s house with his new pet cat, but I know he would appreciate folks’ prayers.
Edit function just worked for me.
PA Cat, I was just reading the comments at Gerard’s blog and see that James Woods is tweeting updates, or was last night.
Edit test. Edit: Worked for me.
this comment successfully tested and edited
this is a test… works for me.
Edit function working.
I don’t edit comments often, but every time I’ve tried it works.
And it’s working fine now.
And it lets you do multiple edits.