Home » Emanual vs. Holder: it’s on Eric!


Emanual vs. Holder: it’s on Eric! — 12 Comments

  1. The ever prolific Jennifer Rubin weighs in at Commentary on the same New Yorker article thus: Holder under the bus?

    Rubin sees the airing of Emmanuel’s objections to Holder’s decisions as a possible prelude to the removal of Holder, and that would certainly be a good prudent thing for Obama to do, in terms of the national interest and Obama’s self-interest.

    However I agree with neo’s conclusion: “Holder is a proxy for Obama himself.”

    Unless Holder starts bad-mouthing Obama, as Jeremiah Wright did, there is little chance that Obama will throw Holder under the bus.

  2. There is every chance that Obama will throw Holder under the bus.It’s his way, and all his associates have proven to be disposable at a whim.No one who works for Barry should delude themselves that he cares about their well being and reputation,but DC seems a place filled with ambitious people who think themselves indispensable.

  3. I wonder how the black elite would react to Obama’s getting rid of Holder. The hearings on the Black Panther case might also fuel the move against him, making it even harder for Obama to wiggle out of the situation.

  4. It is only political “sense” that drives Emanuel. In Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals you must make change happen from inside the power structure. To do that you must do what is necessary to stay in the power structure once inside. For Emanuel it is all about Obama staying in power. If Obama does not accomplish this part of his agenda, he risks losing the support of those who are against the war on terror and Gitmo (which includes leftists and independents) and possibly risks his re-election in 2012. So political sense is the only sense Emanuel has.

  5. Mayer’s “he is not a lawyer” line, reminds of a story lawyer-friend once told me about someone who when asked: “Are you a lawyer?”, answered: “I don’t want to brag, but the answer is ‘no’. “

  6. Neo: I don’t find it sad that Emanuel did not win that argument: the more fractured this administration the better for America. V

  7. Exactly F,

    Let the Obamites continue making the wrong decisions. It’s a valuable teaching instrument on how failed Presidencies behave.

  8. Rubin didn’t go far enough. I seriously doubt that Emanuel actually objected at the time. It’s more likely that Holder is becoming so politically toxic that Emanuel is distancing himself from him and his decisions.

  9. So…. I wonder how much influence Emanuel has anyway?

    Seems that he will be the first to go – not Holder.

  10. When one hears Eric Holder one thinks Marc Rich and Fannie Mae. Two of the executive branch’s finer moments and a fine example of a selfless career public servant. And I’ll be the first to donate to the Buy Eric a House fund when he leaves public service because he has given his life to America and hasn’t garnered a single dime in its service.

  11. But Holder is a proxy for Obama himself.

    No offense, neo, but every presidential cabinet appointment is a proxy for the President himself, that’s the nature of the beast at these rarefied positions. It’s also why elections have consequences.

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