Why yes, let’s
A good idea from Kevin Williamson, now that Democrats are fighting against the so-called “Cadillac tax” that was instrumental in getting Obamacare (remember Obamacare?) its low CBO scoring, the low scoring it needed in order to pass muster:
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who is a numbers guy, should have the CBO rescore Obamacare as it is actually being implemented, incorporating not only the proposed Cadillac-tax repeal but also the effects of enrollment numbers that are lower than projected ”” current expectations are that 2016 will see about half the enrollments originally estimated. The result will be not billions but hundreds of billions of dollars in additional deficits. Let Herself defend that on the campaign trail this year, or let that batty old loon from Vermont try to convince the public that all that lost revenue can be made up by raising taxes on 400 guys in Manhattan. By all means, let’s have that fight.
Now there’s a shock!
Also note that another cost-saving compromise they made, not allowing illegal aliens access to Obamacare, is also being pushed by Democrats.
However, I’m fairly sure illegals are already getting Obamacare illegally, regardless.
The unions pushed for Obamacare and found out to their horror that they have “Cadillac” health plans that are supposed to be taxed. They thought only “fat cats” had them. It just makes me think that people who are always complaining about “equality” and “fairness” secretly believe that when things are equal and fair enough for their liking, they will come out ahead.
They were for it till they were agin it…
it was great when it was hurting someone else, but now its targeting them, its not so great.
dont it always seem to go
that you dont know what you got till its gone
they paved paradise, and put up a parking lot…
[there is a whole world of people who create tiny things, including tiny violins, and that is what is now playing a dirge… (intersting topic to look up, everything from tiny instruments, to tiny guns, motobikes, doll houses for adults, and more… my family is one or rather was one of the owners of the worlds smallest bible, about the size of a postage stamp and that was in the 1970s)]
You had 2 completely off-topic comments here which I deleted.
mass hysteria over kkk and false memories twittered after hoax is admitted vs mcmartin mass hysteria and similar human frailties are not on topic since MU is the place with the KKK mass hysteria…
ok. got it… dont link past events with current events as the current events are not enough to support being on topic if the reference is not understood, and there is not enough space to lay it out and spoonfeed the association.. (of course there was more mcmartin in the post as the KKK is current and mcmartin is 20 years ago, and not so easily remembered)
Got it… keep i simile stupid for the simple…
[we are doomed… ]
What on earth are you talking about?
Take a look at this thread.
It is about CBO scoring of Obamacare. The two comments of yours here that I deleted were about professor Cheryl Matias calling whiteness “a disease,” and the murder of a white woman by two black teens.
Nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
Also, I have copies of the comments of yours that I deleted in this and other threads, and I can find no mention of McMartin in those comments despite doing a word search. Perhaps you posted them on some other blog other than this one?
That Kevin Williamson apparently thinks that there is the slightest chance that Ryan and the GOP leadership might have the CBO rescore Obamacare as it is actually being implemented… speaks to an appalling level of either denial or obtuseness on Williamson’s part, as to the GOP’s actual motivations.
There is not the slightest chance that the GOP leadership will actually engage in such actions. Ryan will do as that leadership bids him.
Geoffrey Britain:
I don’t really get the sense that Williamson thinks it will occur.
Obamacare is a gift that keeps on giving once its passed and we see what is inside it. Cry baby cry, make your mother sigh because your union bosses donate millions to the jackass party.
The very term “Cadillac” came from the UAW !
Such plans were INVENTED by the UAW.
That’s how the name ever came to be.
In the original format, UAW members were getting HMO style healthcare — with no out of pocket payments at all.
Once 0-care rolled up… the UAW freaked out.
For by far the largest pool of Cadillac plans lies with Big Labor.
Wealthy folks with much smaller family sizes never found such Cadillac health policies very attractive.
The original pool that the rates are based on is massively skewed towards blue collar industrial injuries… and new born children.
And the wealthy weren’t even near the facilities that were dialled into the UAW world.
By the numbers, Cadillac plans started with Big Labor — and Big Labor is the last to give them up.
Big Government — of course — has Rolls Royce health care. It’s not on the chopping block at all.
Mr. L has just come in. Mr. L is a lion these days. My hostess was all of a dither when she told me on the telephone, “ . . . and L is coming. You know it’s dreadfully hard to get him.” L is a very powerful labor leader. “My dear, he is a man of the people, but really fascinating.“ L is a man of the people and just exactly as fascinating as my horsy, bank vice-president, on-the-make acquaintance over there, and for the same reasons and in the same way. L makes speeches about the “third of the nation,” and L has made a darned good thing for himself out of championing the oppressed. He has the best car of anyone in this room; salary means nothing to him because he lives on an expense account. He agrees with the very largest and most powerful industrialists in the country that it is the business of the strong to boss the weak, and he has made collective bargaining into a legal compulsion to appoint him or his henchmen as “labor’s” agents, with the power to tax pay envelopes and do what they please with the money. L is the strongest natural-born Nazi in this room.
What does that remind people of…
I like to keep pointing out; just relying on enrollments also shows little. Smart people know their off exchange plans are being forced to comply with the same rules as on exchange plans. Why have insurance tied to your employer? Re: people with insurance are signing up for ‘obamacare’. Not every person getting it is really a win for insuring the uninsured.
The increased cost was easily predictable because we had the example of Hillary care. In 19995 Tennessee implemented Hillary care as Tenncare. The first year budget was 2.5 billion dollars. In 2004 the budget was 8 billion. The cost had more than tripled in less than a decade. Tenncare was the largest line item in the state budget and was on it’s way to bankrupting the state.