Home » Veterans Day, Armistice Day


Veterans Day, Armistice Day — 8 Comments

  1. In the area where I grew up Armistice/Veterans Day was referred to as Decoration Day because the graves of veterans were decorated with small flags and piled deep with flowers. It was a solemn day. Still is as far I am concerned.

    There will never be lasting peace. Human nature is what it is and that will never change. We have the capability to love and to hate, and that will never change.

  2. I hope this sheds light rather than confusion . . .



    Decoration Day was first observed on May 30, 1868 to commemorate those who had died during the US Civil War. After World War I, which officially ended in 1919, Decoration Day was expanded to honor all military personnel who had died during any war or military action in which the United States had been involved. It was after this time that Decoration Day began to be known as Memorial Day. But it was not until 1967 that President Lyndon Baines Johnson signed the legislation officially renaming the holiday as Memorial Day.


  3. Tried to correct the above’s italicization @ “Europe’s intelligentsia” but after one try with 3 min to go… got a message “You can no longer edit this comment”….?

    Great! Now it wiped out the posted comment…

  4. Don Cherry banished to outer darkness because he groused about immigrants not wearing lapel poppies. Don Freaking Cherry. Wot a woild.

  5. Several thoughts:

    I have visited the place where the good Doctor was stationed for a time at an aid station just behind the front lines. It is now a WWI cemetery.

    I, with my best friend, took a tour of the WWI battlefields, starting in Belgium and going all the way to Verdun, along the route of the trenches. Very moving to say the least. To see the cemeteries leaves on almost speechless.

    New movie coming out next month called “1917”. It is WWI “Saving Private Ryan”, and it look good.

    To my fellow veterans where ever and when ever they served, Thank you.

  6. We seem to be this paradoxical species that loves and fights, and kills and is compassionate, and is vengeful and altruistic, over and over, endlessly repeated throughout our history. Are we nuts? But stop and imagine our 300,000 years in the wilderness as small tribes, afraid of every noise at night and every encroachment in our food territory, lethally protective of our children and women. If we had not been micro-affectionate and lovers in our tribes and fierce macro-killers of our competitors outside our affinity groups, we probably would not have arrived here now to talk about it. We are what would be expected with these parameters of our game of life. Those of us who survived, evolved as lovers and killers, because we had to.

  7. Oh, that explains why so many people started crushing my work load yesterday.

    It was almost like a holiday.

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