Trump the racist
Since the El Paso shootings, the Trump opposition has ramped up one of its favorite angles for attack: Trump is a racist! They think this is a winner.
That message was heavily pushed ever since Trump first declared his candidacy in his kickoff speech. The misleading message they promoted was that Trump had said that Mexican immigrants were all rapists. It was their preferred narrative, you might say. And that’s been an approach ever since: to take a word Trump actually used and to generalize it far beyond anything he actually said.
Collusion and obstruction were just detours along the way, different means to the same goal: Remove him. Or at the very least, defeat him in 2020.
Even the assassination talk they air so freely is a form of that: if all else fails, kill him.
That’s why they called themselves The Resistance right from the start. They wanted to frame this as a battle in WWII terms: Trump’s a Nazi and so are his supporters, and the rest of us are the brave Allies and their helpers in occupied lands. World War II was one of the last times it seemed to most Americans that we were on the side of Good and the other side was Evil. So metaphors about Trump are geared to imitating that particular conflict, and what may seem like over-the-top rhetoric on the part of the left is an attempt to invoke that sort of Good/Evil dichotomy.
And believe me, they’ve been pretty successful.
How does Trump play into that? He’s blunt. He doesn’t mind calling things by names that are not the usual diplomatic boilerplate. Whether it be “Rocket Man” for the head of North Korea, or “invaders” for the caravans of illegal immigrants trying to cross the border, he uses speech that the left and NeverTrumpers on the right feel is offensive and that they can exploit for their own purposes.
Today a commenter “The Other Chuck” got into an exchange with a few other commenters (and me) on this thread. Among other things, TOC wrote this:
What I cannot support is his toying with the alt-right and his continued demonization of “invaders” from the south. You can make all the excuses in the world about crazy gamers with AKs, that we’ve had them before, that they are a tiny fraction of the killers and killings nationwide, etc. The fact remains Trump got elected because he singled out illegal aliens as “invaders” and continues to hammer it away at rally after rally.
TOC is singling out one thing—Trump on illegal immigration—as the reason Trump got elected. I think there are many many reasons he got elected, and that is just one. Another big one is that he was running against Hillary Clinton and the extreme left. And that may have been the biggest reason of all that Trump was elected, although the appointment of judges and the revival of the economy were big ones, too.
More about the “invader” quote in a while, but first I want to add that TOC also invoked the shadow of Hitler and WWII and the Jews:
How many times must he rail against the “invaders” before you wake up and realize they are his foil, as the Jews were Hitler’s?
Trump has many other foils, too. And having “foils” does not equate those foils with Jews in WWII, nor does it make you Hitler or Hitlerian.
TOC added:
Whether through endless tweets, or campaign rallies that mimic Nuremberg in the 1930s, he has found his focal point, and they are brown skinned refugees, like the ones killed in El Paso.
Where to begin?
First of all, Trump has made it crystal clear that he is not talking about legal immigrants, ever. He is only talking about illegal immigrants of any race or creed. That many of them happen to be Hispanic is irrelevant; many (perhaps most?) legal immigrants are Hispanic, too,and Trump has no beef with them.
So although if you are in favor of open borders, you might say that Trump doesn’t favor illegal immigration and you disagree with that position of his, it is simply false to say this has anything to do with racism. It has to do with illegal immigrants being lawbreakers.
What’s more, “invaders” is exactly correct for the large groups (“caravans”) of illegal immigrants who marched here (with leftist help, quite organized) shouting militant slogans and invading their fellow Latin American and Central American countries along the way, not always welcome in those countries by any means. Many Mexicans considered them “invaders” as well. These caravans of illegal immigrants planned to storm the border and overwhelm the guards there, and thus gain illegal entry. And they were extremely explicit about that.
Those are the people who are rightly called “invaders.”
I don’t watch Trump rallies ordinarily, but I was curious to see how he actually has used the words “invaders” and “invasion.” So I decided to get transcripts of his rallies. Although I have no intention of spending hours checking this, I checked two recent trasncripts, this from a mid-July rally in Raleigh NC, and this from 8/1 in Cincinnati, as well as this rally from two years ago in Phoenix. I did a search on each page for “inva” which should have lead me to either “invasion” or “invader” or “invaders” if those words had occurred, and I got nothing.
So it is clear that Trump does not use that word in every speech.
When does he use it or when did he use it? As far as I can tell, it was in connection with the huge illegal caravans that seemed to reach a crescendo last fall. The word seems quite appropriate to me:
Comparing any of this to the Holocaust is an abomination. For starters, Jews were legal residents and citizens of the countries in which they and they families resided, in many cases for many centuries. They were being rounded up in those countries in which they resided, their goods confiscated, and on pain of death sent to death camps to be murdered, or labor camps with conditions so dreadful that they would probably only survive a few months there. By trying to leave, they were running away from virtually certain death and torture.
The caravans are voluntary. People are coming for economic reasons, as well as to escape turmoil in their own countries that is not specifically directed at them. Crime, for example. Poverty. Many people from all over the world want to come here for very similar reasons, and they have to wait in line to come here legally. The people in the caravans should be no different. And anyone with a bona fide claim for asylum can make that claim as well, and they don’t have to be in the US to do it.
And of course, for a certain percentage of the people in the caravans, entering illegally is just the tip of their lawbreaking activities. They are habitual lawbreakers, child smugglers, and/or gang members. That is the case, and although we don’t know what percentage of the whole this group is, the legal immigration system is designed to weed them out. But the “invaders” want to overwhelm that system illegally.
Let me repeat again what TOC wrote: “[Trump] has found his focal point, and they are brown skinned refugees, like the ones killed in El Paso.”
A lot is packed in there, isn’t it? The implication is that it’s their “brown skins” that Trump’s against, when there’s nothing he’s ever said or done that indicates any problem with brown-skinned people per se. Invoking El Paso in that sentence links Trump’s blunt talk about illegal immigration with mass murder [see ADDENDUM below], as though discussing an unpleasant reality and a legal remedy for it (a wall or deportation) necessarily provokes murderous hatred.
And last but not at all least in that quote, there’s the idea that illegal immigration has been Trump’s “focal point.” But it’s only one of the themes he harps on, the economy being another that I would argue is far more central to his message. In fact, back when I was no Trump fan at all, I analyzed his original speech—the one where the MSM jumped on him for supposedly saying Mexicans coming here are rapists—and I was surprised to discover that the portion on immigration was a very very small part of his speech. Unfortunately, I can’t find the post where I did this, but I can find a transcript of his speech, and you can see for yourself that immigration, illegal or otherwise, was a rather minor part of it.
Back on July 2, 2015, I wrote a post about the controversy over his remarks about immigrants in that very first speech. I’m going to reproduce my post here in full to end the present post. It’s fascinating—to me, anyway—to look back and see what I said right at the beginning, when I couldn’t stand Trump:
You can’t say Trump isn’t getting press. That’s his thing, in addition to making money: attention-getting.
Why is he #2 on the Republican candidate list? Because a lot of people like his big, brash mouth, and because there are so many other candidates competing. I don’t think Trump has a chance of actually winning the nomination [NOTE: by August of 2015 I had reversed that opinion and thought he did have a chance of being nominated], but he will draw from the “I’m sick of the Republican Party” crew and get a certain not-so-small percentage of Republicans to favor him.
Which brings us to the fallout from his immigration remarks. Let’s look at what he actually said:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said. “They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”
“And some I assume are good people,” he added.
But it’s not just Mexico that’s dumping all of it’s problems in the U.S., Trump continued. “It’s coming from all over South and Latin America and it’s coming probably, probably, from the Middle East. We don’t know.”
Was Trump’s main problem hyperbole, the failure to say it the other way around, as in: “Most of the people coming here are good people, but many are bringing their problems with them—drugs, crime, rape”? Would that have gotten any attention at all?
I don’t know. But Trump is defending his rape remarks as true, and there certainly is some evidence to back him up (see this, this, this from HuffPo, and this from Amnesty International).
I guess it’s okay to say when they’re the ones saying it. From Amnesty:
Kidnapping for ransom isn’t the only risk. Health professionals report that as many as six in ten migrant women and girls are raped on the journey. And activists repeatedly raise concerns that abducted women and girls are vulnerable to trafficking.
From HuffPo:
But while many of these girls are fleeing their homes because of fears of being sexually assaulted, according to the UNHCR, they are still meeting that same fate on their journey to freedom.
Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes.
The assaults are so common that many women and girls take contraceptives beforehand as preventative measures.
So it’s not only coyotes doing the raping; fellow-migrants are involved as well.
The media and liberals are hyper-concerned with campus rapes whose high numbers are largely a myth. But they seem to show little concern for these women—as long as its Trump bringing it up.
As for drugs, there’s this, from a 2006 House Committee on Homeland Security report:
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reports that the Mexican drug syndicates operating today along our Nation’s Southwest border are far more sophisticated and dangerous than any of the other organized criminal groups in America’s law enforcement history. Indeed, these powerful drug cartels, and the human smuggling networks and gangs they leverage, have immense control over the routes into the United States and continue to pose formidable challenges to our efforts to secure the Southwest border. The cartels operate along the border with military grade weapons, technology and intelligence and their own respective paramilitary enforcers. This new breed of cartel is not only more violent, powerful and well financed, it is also deeply engaged in intelligence collection on both sides of the border.
You can read more general statistics on illegal immigrants and crime here. And, as Ann Coulter’s recent book indicates, the problem is hardly limited to illegal immigrants; many legal immigrants are a problem, too, because the type of screening process that used to be in place no longer is.
Coulter points out that we have “a media determined to cover up immigrants’ crimes.” The reaction to Donald Trump is an indication of that, but it’s not just the media. It’s businesses who are boycotting him, because anyone who says the sorts of things Trump has said—which, although hyperbolic, are based on a core of truth, a truth that cannot be told—must be shunned. American now no longer cares what’s actually happening to the country, as long as we talk about it in a politically correct manner.
The narrative—it’s everything. And you wonder why politicians get so mealy-mouthed?
[ADDENDUM: There is now a controversy over the manifesto that has been attributed to the El Paso shooter. Did he write it? Did he post it? If not, who did, and where? And by the way, that article I just linked distorted what the 8chan owner said. He did not say the manifesto was posted at Instagram. He said that the shooter ordinarily used Instagram to post things, and then that the manifesto was uploaded to 8chan by a person who was not the shooter. No one seems to know who that was, but I assume we’ll hear more as time goes on. However, the narrative has already been set: that this is the El Paso shooter’s manifesto and will remain so in people’s minds, whether it is ever authenticated or not.]
Trump is no racist and it is a pure lie for the Dems to assert he is. Former football player and movie star Jim Brown said Trump is no racist. Who wants to argue with Jim Brown?
The narrative has now moved from “Trump the racist” to “Trump the white supremacist.” This insanity just shows how desperate the Dems are.
I heard one good reason so many Dems (especially working class) support Trump: It’s Trump and the American people versus both parties. That’s what I picked up from all those Trump rallies back in 2015 and 2016.
A guy this AM on Fox gave three reasons he voted for Trump: 1. Stop illegal immigration. 2. Fair trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada 3. Restore American manufacturing. I’d personally add in stopping the Global Warming scam. If Trump hadn’t allowed American energy to get ramped up, we’d be looking at $120 WTI and $4.00 plus gasoline. Iran would be having a field day.
China Joe, of course, is on the wrong side of all these issues. And he’s as dumb as a rock to boot. I hope the Dems nominate this loser. It will be an epic beat down.
All this Dem rhetoric is aimed at low information voters and rabid Trump haters. Any one with a brain and half-way educated can see how dishonest all of this is.
BTW, China Joe is a way better nickname for Biden than Sleepy Joe. Everyone knows that Joe is a dope, but his money deals with China is a complete betrayal of his country. Yeah, he’s a traitor or globalist. Trump puts America First. Joe puts his bank account first. Just like the Clintons.
He’s China Joe to me until this election is over.
I use to write “Hillary must be defeated” in the manner of “Carthage must be destroyed.” China Joe is my new meme.
Correction: “deals with China ARE a complete ….”
I get so angry about the continual misquoting of Trump and misrepresentation of his intentions that I just want to scream. A person I know (I was going to say “a friend” — that might no longer apply) maintains that Republicans in general and Trump along with them, are all opposed to “common sense gun laws,” including red flag laws. I have pointed out that red flag laws have a high potential to be abused and that they threaten civil liberties. My associate calls me a “follower of the NRA and discredited Wayne LaPierre.” I just want to scream. I even forwarded Alan Dershowitz’ Wall Street Journal op-ed from this morning calling red flag laws a threat to civil liberties. No reply.
The problem is, we are in a weekly luncheon group. Otherwise I’d just ignore him. I think he’d be happy with that too.
And here’s the kicker: he was a high official in the CA Republican Party before he moved to NV.
I’m gonna go scream.
Watching the Trump haters is like watching people have a psychotic episode in public. Their behavior is not logical or rational.
Trump was elected because he was not Hillary, he was an odd choice who rose to the top in a field of decent candidates, none of whom could have defeated Hillary. To the left Trump was an impossible choice and to the right he became our only choice, he went out a talked to regular people and promised them economic recovery and jobs where Obama said the jobs were never coming back but they did. Trump is Trump, not a traditional conservative Republican and not a racist, when he says Baltimore is a mess the left sees racism while the right is defining the problem and looking for solutions.
Trump still annoys me, he will most likely disappoint me on some things like ‘Red Flag’ laws but I hope he wins again.
The funny thing is, that with all this hate-mongering from the Democratic candidates and media, I’m beginning to think of the Democrats as Nazis. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help myself 🙂
i clipped off the bottom of your article for being too long and couldn’t read it..
anyway… i can explain why Kara Young doesn’t count.. ie. Kara Young was his black girlfriend who was with him for a while… [i was told i married my wife as a way for a white supremacist oppressor of women could prove falsely that he wasnt what he was!!!!!! ]
Kara Young, a biracial model who dated Trump, said she “never heard him say a
all of the above has to do with being loved and regarded by the new people who will have the power by the volume of their population and their births and lack of fecundity destroying ideology…
When the women who supported feminism (that we have now) end up realizing they put the target on their sons and some of their mates (if they care)… and ultimately, THEMSELVES…
all they needed was to reduce the population enough that importing people would be required, and their votes would make anything their hatred and blame (as in Germany) would be focused on (finishing the job?) After all, if Jewish people were dominant in Germany as they are in Israel, could the “world storm/shoa/holocaust” have happened? [kind of the point to having Israel]
they haven’t quite realized it… but i have met some who have, like the feminist who ended up with two sons and so, is on the receiving end…
some people are just frothing at the future schadenfreude..
So much of what is going on is reminiscent of the blind faith the German people put in their leader and believed what the leaders told them about hook nosed black dressed hucksters that were such a problem…
The outcome of decades of a leftist feminism (the only REAL kind) becoming policy (you cant oppose) and equating itself with the only way women would or could be (so there is no alternative but their doctrines and ideas).
What would those women do to their leaders (get woke?) if they weren’t so busy making their self’s not exist?
Over the Next Year, Germany Will Hit a Scary Demographic Milestone
How Germany Is Defusing a Demographic Time Bomb – Bloomberg
Eastern Germany on the brink of demographic collapse | Financial Times
Germany will hit a significant demographic milestone over the next
Refugee crisis: Not even a million migrants will reverse Germany’s …
French birth rate declines but migration increases net population
People: France’s Advantage Over Germany – Worldview Stratfor
How to Solve the West’s Population Crisis | Time
Muslim majority in France projected in 40 years – Washington Times
War, Migration, and the Demographic Decline of France – Jstor
Journal Article / War, Migration, and the Demographic Decline of France
Population Index – Vol. 12, No. 2 (Apr., 1946), pp. 73-81
Europe needs many more babies to avert a population disaster
‘Remarkable’ decline in fertility rates – BBC News
Falling birth rates could spell end of the West – Lord Sacks
The West’s demographic crisis — Institute of Economic Affairs
UK birth rate: Number of children being born in Britain hits 10-year low
Australia wants a population policy to address its aging workforce
As Australia’s population hits 25m, regions cry out for skilled migrants
Is there an impending population crisis? – MercatorNet
Why Australia needs to get real on population growth – Financial Review
United States
Can immigration save the US from its birthrate crisis? – Washington Post
Demography – Elderly population – OECD Data
US population growth hits 80-year low, capping off a year of …
The demographic time bomb that could hit America – Washington Post
America’s Biggest Economic Challenge May Be Demographic Decline
America’s Demographic Crisis |
RUSSIA [where feminism of the left kind established what feminism IS]
Russia’s Demographic “Crisis”: How Real Is It?
United Nations (ideas)
Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?
[United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing.]
Population decline is inevitable in the absence of replacement migration. Fertility may rebound in the coming decades, but few believe that it will recover sufficiently in most countries to reach replacement level in the foreseeable future.
its more than winning votes..
its about being in good with the new people…
and what makes you in good with the new people is to attack the old people
Which is why the dems are doing what they are doing as the population in the target audience declines to the point of no longer having any say against the much larger DEMOCRACIES votes..
and long ago i said it wont stop… you cant convince the ladies they are exterminating themselves and not making a better more free and less oppressive future…
well maybe, if you listen to Roseanne Arquette:
Arquette took to Twitter to apologize to her followers for being “born white and privileged” just days after saying she’ll never again stand for the American flag.
“I’m sorry I was born white and privileged. It disgusts me. And I feel so much shame,” the “Pulp Fiction” actress wrote on Wednesday.
one last thing to say.
Not my circus, not my monkeys…
i have no dog in this fight…
family is gone regardless
Mueller has let the left down badly. What else do they have ? The “Racism” thing has a history with Democrats who have labored mightily to shed their history of slavery, Jim Crow laws and KKK membership, even in Congress and their Supreme Court nominees, like Hugo Black who cut off recounts to make Lyndon John a Senator in 1948. The Big Lie has a long history. School children are even taught that Lincoln was a Democrat.
A key difference between my leftist friends and me is that I believe one describes people by attributes – skin color, gender, etc – and defines people by actions. Leftists are the opposite. They define people by attributes and judge actions based on identity, based on attributes, of the parties involved. As we have seen recently, they have traveled so far down the rabbit hole of dark age insanity that they are OK with assault and murder, if the right people are being assaulted and murdered.
Nobody – almost literally, nobody – objects to illegal immigrants because of their skin color. People object to illegal immigrants because they are breaking the law by entering and staying in the country. It doesn’t matter if they’re from Guatemala, Guangzhou or Guernsey. It happens that the majority of conspicuous illegal immigrants in the United States are from Mexico and nations southward for the obvious reason that our country shares a long border with Mexico, which is only the most northward of numerous corrupt, failed nations that people want to leave and our nation is an easy destination which is widely known to be easy to break into. Further, there is a large population of expatriates of these nations living in this country, and various agencies of the left actively encourage them to scream and shout and wave flags in their angry entitlement. It does not help that a disproportionate percent of some crimes, in some regions, are committed by illegal immigrants from south of our border.
Instead of having a rational conversation about these concerns, leftists can only see the world in terms of identity-based division and hate. Thus, we can talk until we’re blue in the face about how we object to large numbers of people stampeding across the border and how they break our laws, usurp taxpayer-funded assistance handed out by agencies which are not allowed to inquire about immigration status and produce bumper crops of children which magically become US citizens just by virtue of being born here. We are, or at least were, a nation of laws. But none of that will matter to a leftist. All of that was a smokescreen, a “dog whistle.” Of course, what we’re really mad about is “brown people” – because that is a physical attribute of most conspicuous illegal immigrants which leftists project is different than those complaining about those immigrants. (It appears that leftists assume all conservatives are white, Christian men; anyone who identifies as a conservative and isn’t a white, Christian male, is a “traitor” to their race and/or gender and becomes a particular target of abuse.)
That’s what you and me, never mind Trump, are up against. Leftists, including the people who used to be our friends, would dox us, stand outside of our house and scream death threats, cheer and clap if an antifa goon threw wet cement at us, try to get us fired, etc. Never forget that. While I have my issues with Trump, he is the biggest, bravest human being of our times for weathering this as a public figure at that level. Leftists are despicable, evil refuse, and I would not hesitate for a moment to call them the Nazis of our times. I used to wonder how ordinary, decent Germans got dragged into the madness; now I understand fully. Until all options are gone, we have families to take care of, so we stay under the radar and hope the madness ends. And unlike everyday Germans of the 1930s, we have few options should we decide to flee, given how far the leftist rot has gone.
Rhetoric keeps getting ‘dialed up to eleven,’ you’d think it would level off already, because it’s nuts, but I bet it’s going to get worse.
neo’s posting good stuff per usual. I have less and less to say, beyond yep, that’s the way it is, I can’t believe it’s gotten this bad and I have little idea what to do.
For the record, according to a recent Vox article:
-“During a recent campaign rally in the Florida panhandle, for example, Trump used the word “invasion” seven times in less than a minute.”
-Trump describes a border “invasion” at least 21 times in public speeches, remarks, and campaign rallies in an eight-month period.
-A recent New York Times analysis found that 2,000 political ads that Trump bought on Facebook included the word invasion.
I personally find the word invasion to be a tad too strong. The recent Central American caravans were full of people fleeing from violence, poverty, and political repression. I don’t believe their intent was to take over The United States in some military fashion which ‘invasion’ hints at. They want safety and a better life, which they feel the United States has. Also the National Guard has been deployed in most cases for surveillance and to help get them into temporary camps [which are not pretty lets admit] but they haven’t been there for combat as one might expect from an actual invasion.
Obama actually deported more illegals than Trump [so far] but Obama didn’t use the word invasion at campaign rallies. I think that is one reason the media has made a thing of Trump using the word.
Look, it might just be a potato potahto thing. I don’t like the work invasion but I don’t think Trump is a racist. I think he’s a politician who has found something that connects with his supporters. Depending on one’s political leanings that’s either a good thing or a bad thing. Let the voters decide…
Whoops, in that last paragraph I meant to write: ‘the word invasion’ not ‘the work invasion’.
personally find the word invasion to be a tad too strong. The recent Central American caravans were full of people fleeing from violence, poverty, and political repression. I don’t believe their intent was to take over The United States in some military fashion which ‘invasion’ hints at.
Those of us who frequent this site know that you prefer the invasion to be of potential Democrat voters. Tony Blair composed the plan and Britain has a severe Muslim problem which prevents them from taking action in the piracy committed by Iran on their ships in the Middle East for fear of domestic terrorism.
What we see on our southern border is an invasion facilitated, if not motivated, by powerful Democrat donors who have decided that, if they cannot win elections, they will import a new population of voters sufficiently serf-like to avoid challenges by “Deplorable ” voters.
It’s very sad to see that leftist media and politicians all jumped on this “manifesto” before it was even clearly identified as coming from the shooter. A few lines in it fit their narrative, and so off they went. According to Byron York, at the Washington Examiner, who actually read the document, it’s all over the place. Much of it is antithetical to anything Trump.
Mike K
Those of us who frequent this site know that you prefer the invasion to be of potential Democrat voters.
Hi Mike, not sure if you mean me when you say ‘you’. But I can tell you the thought of who illegals might vote for doesn’t cross my mind because they can’t vote until they are legal. And even then, once legal – which isn’t likely or easy, it’s not realistic. As noted, Obama deported more than Trump. In fact, under Bill Clinton deportations were higher than Bush or Obama. So if it’s a strategy then I’d be curious to see the evidence. Both and Snopes say there is no evidence, for instance, that George Soros [a major Democratic donor] has anything to do with funding caravans.
Joaquin y Julian, Doddering Joe Biden, Brain-dead Beto and the Screeching Scold – All the Lilliputians trying to tie Gulliver down.
Joaquin y Julian, Doddering Joe Biden, Brain-dead Beto and the Screeching Scold –
If any of these were on fire, d’ya think Trump would help them out as Gulliver did the Lilliputian Queen? Somehow, I doubt it.
I did my own post on who was behind the caravans. You can read it here.
Ever heard of vote by mail? Every heard of “voter fraud?” Ever heard of the 2020 Census citizenship question and apportionment in House of Representatives (where even population, not citizens determines the number of representatives)? You may not have heard of these things but they are real and important regarding the number of illegal immigrants in this country,
My Grandmother used to like to say “Put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion.” Sound advice too.
Joe Biden has a troublesome clutch, I think: Oops
I never said that Trump never used the word “invasion.” But he certainly uses it quite seldom. Interestingly, I don’t see a link to that Florida panhandle speech—perhaps Vox has never heard of the internet convention called the link?
But a minute or two of searching and I found it. It was a speech in Panama City on May 8. And as I suspected, Trump was referring to the caravans, and he was repeating the word so many times because he was also talking about the criticism of him for using the word. In other words, he was talking about the word itself.
I will provide the link and the exact quote in a moment, but first I’d like you and everyone reading this to reflect on exactly what Vox was doing with this “seven times in less than a minute” business—which you read and re-quote without, apparently, taking the trouble to learn what Trump actually said and why. The detail “7 times in one minute” certainly piqued MY curiosity. Do you have any curiosity? Don’t you want to know what on earth made Trump say it seven times in a minute?
Well, whether you are curious or not, here it is:
That’s it.
Oh, and “invasion” has three basic meanings, all of them perfectly clear, only one of which has anything to do with a military invasion. Here they are:
Trump was employing use #2. I think that if anyone else had said it, that would be obvious. Nothing military was ever suggested by Trump on the part of the members of the caravans. He IS suggesting that they are entering in an annoying and unwanted way. I’d say that’s an understatement, not an overstatement.
But critics of Trump love to interpret his words as they wish.
I’m trying to think of a better word to use to convey the idea of a huge group of people coming into a country illegally from another area, who are unwanted and who are in fact uncaring about the legality of what they are doing. I actually can’t think of a better word.
Can you? Just curious.
Neo, I thank you for the context but he’s not only refering to the word. I don’t agree with Trump when he compares the caravan invasion with that of a drug invasion. Were these people bringing drugs? Or is he combining one issue with another?
If I were a politician I would not make the arrival of illegals a major part of my campaign. But I might say we have large numbers of asylum seekers and refugees attempting to cross our borders and I will be working with officials and the National Guard to determine who qualifies and who does not. For those who do not we will not let them into the country. We will legally deport them. Boring speech, I know.
Again, I think the word invasion is too strong. Of interest in recent polls the number 1 issue with Republicans is illegal immgration. For Democrats its climate change. So the focus of concern is simply different. I live not far from the southern border. I possibly know illegals. Doesn’t really concern me much although I am not for open borders. Thanks for the debate. I do check your blog a few times a week.
Btw, I agree the Vox article fails to mention context. Curious but the speech only seems to have a count of six times.
this link is to the Wickedpedia — Green March
Lesson: an invasion of “unarmed civilians” is every bit as much an invasion as one of armies … and, unless opposed and turned back, will tend to have the same consequence: a change in the sovereign of land so invaded.
The government of Mexico, regardless of which party is in power, is consciously emulating a slow-motion version of the Green March against our South-West.
… and the leftists in America are consciously and deliberately facilitating the destruction of the sovereignty of the USA.
Bravo Neo.
I don’t know if you are aware of the recent flap on MSNBC, which I don’t watch. Here is the link.
Apparently, the conversation morphed from “invasion” to “infestation” and finally Nicole Wallace attributed the word “extermination” to Trump. Oh boy. She then had to publicly apologize and retract the comment.
I noticed this commentary second hand, and I am thinking this person is just another MSNBC twit. But no. Nicole Wallace was a former director of communications for the G.W. Bush White House and a former senior advisor to the John McCain for President campaign.
(Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude. PMA. PMA. PMA.)
It is no accident that Vox fails to mention anything that would soften the message they are determined to deliver, which is to make Trump sound as bad as they can without their actually lying. They lie by omission.
That’s one of the things the MSM has been doing for decades. Decades. It’s how I learned to do my own checking and not take their word for it if I can help it.
As for as Vox’s count of seven rather than six, that could be a mistake. Maybe they not only don’t know how to link, but they also don’t know how to count.
Actually, though, they probably (by not providing the link) didn’t expect anyone to actually find the speech and check on them. And even I didn’t count the number of times—I took their word for it, which was pretty careless of me! But just now I went back to the video and watched it, and I saw that after Trump said “It’s an invasion of drugs,” you know what happens? He repeats that same sentence! So that must be what makes time #7 as far as Vox is concerned. It’s just a repeat of the previous sentence about an invasion of drugs.
Vox should be ashamed of itself, but of course it’s not. Because these are the tried and true techniques of distortion and deception that work.
If you were to check Trump’s mentions of “invasion” in connection with this, you will find the mentions fall into the following categories: always referring to illegal immigrants and never legal ones; frequently referencing the word in connection with drug dealers, human traffickers, and/or gang members; and mentions of it as being something the media objects to.
After ICE cleaned out the MS-13 gang from Long Island, this is the thanks that Trump and republicans get:
Feel the LOVE from the inclusive snowflakes … who would run screaming to their safe spaces if the tables were turned.
Has nobody noticed that the breakdown in immigration enforcement is classic Cloward-Piven? Bring into this country a very large number of unskilled workers who will need and demand more governmental largesse, from countries where mobs are the principle mode of political discourse, and see what can be done with that. The Democrat (OK, demagogue) agitators can help confuse the issue by screaming “racism”, which will help corral runaway African Americans, deceived by falling unemployment numbers into abandoning their Democrat saviors. Sounds like a plan, or, at l east, a plot,
“Invasion:” A word that correctly describes what is happening on our southern border and therefore must not be uttered.
Joaquin Castro has invaded the realm of responsible discourse and defecated there. Disinfectant required.
“All this Dem rhetoric is aimed at low information voters and rabid Trump haters. Any one with a brain and half-way educated can see how dishonest all of this is.”
I wish I could agree. I got very shaken a few days ago when catching up with an old friend who is very smart and very well-educated but informed me that Steve Scalise is a white supremacist. When I said that was absurd, she said “he has ties.” When I googled it I found there was one kerfuffle where he might have spoken to a group tied to David Duke; the organizer concealed the Duke connection to get Scalise, who was apparently talking to every group he could about a tax plan. So there’s no there there, but my friend is certain anyway.
She is not a rabid hater, or at least she never was until now. She is not what we usually mean by “low-information voter.” She reads a lot, keeps up, etc. But clearly she is consuming information from misleading sources. And just as clearly, she does not realize that.
Our information ecosystem, if you will, is so thoroughly separated now, that it is very easy to get only the stories from one’s own “side” (to mix the metaphor).
How do we encourage people to question what they think they know?
People used to find it sobering when confronted with the Moynihan quote, “everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” These days I wonder if people would even get it.
“Montage’s” biggest fear in life is being called a “racist” by his left-wing betters.
How do we encourage people to question what they think they know?
There’s the approach Nathan took toward King David (2Samuel 12). Fashion a parallel, evoke agreement, flip the actor (“this is you“), and bingo, Bob’s your uncle.
And then King So-and-so (yer pal) lops off yer head, if yer lucky.
A while back we found out about “Journolist”—the secret online forum where leftist journalists—but I repeat myself—tuned in, there to be given the “Party line,” the concepts that they were all to emphasize, and the specific words they were all to repeat; the new course that they were to steer their reporting on.
The Democrats and their MSM publicity machine remind me of the Communist Party in the former U.S.S.R., and the Party’s apparatchik job title of “propagandist.”
Your professional Communist Party propagandists showed up at Party headquarters each day or week, where they were told by Party officials what the “official truth” was to be for that day, or week, or month; the “Party line.”
Then, they spread out throughout the population/society, and told everyone what the “official truth” was for that time period, and that official truth was repeated in all the media—on radio, on TV, and in the newspapers—and spoken by members and representatives of the Party.
Similarly, the Leftist/Democrat/MSM Party line has moved from one charge to another.
There is the Trump is unqualified, unstable, crazy, out of control line, with the subsidiary line that the White House is a snake put, and in total chaos.
There is the Trump’s a Traitor, Russian collusion line–in effect an attempted soft coup d’etat–which has now, it seems, failed.
More recently, replacing the fading Trump’s a traitor line, are the Trump is a “racist,” and Trump is “encouraging violence” lines.
And their latest Party line, Trump is a “white nationalist.”
This last charge is peculiar, because up until the Democrats and MSM came up with this particular, most recent charge, I don’t know if I even ever heard the term “white nationalist.”
Moreover, if I’d had heard it, I would have assumed that it referred to a couple of boozed-up, gap-toothed guys out in the boondocks who ran around shooting up stop signs, slouched on some beat-up dirty old sofa in somebody’s garage, drank a lot of cheap beer, and grumbled about how whites were being eclipsed.
Suddenly, though, the Democrats and the MSM have discovered this vast and dangerous problem with “white nationalism” throughout our country—confined, just to Trump supporters, of course—surely hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people who, I guess are also gap-toothed, boozed-up, stop sign shooting racists, who are a direct threat to all that every “right thinking” person holds dear.
What a crock!
< the thought of who illegals might vote for doesn’t cross my mind because they can’t vote until they are legal.
I don’t believe you. That is a the chief reason the Democrats are for open borders. I also wonder if the drug cartels are funding the Democrats. In California, those who get drivers’ licenses are also registered to vote. It was called “Motor Voter.” There were precincts in Orange County with 114% voter turnout. Those precincts were around Santa Ana, the Hispanic area of OC.
Michael F. Adams:
A post of mine from this past March.
To amplify Mike K’s point.
I’ve been called up for jury duty perhaps a dozen times, and served on a half dozen. I’d estimate 20% of the jury pool uses the “No habla ingles” excuse to be excused, which always works. The judge audibly groaned the last time around, complained, and then excused.
The only thing this proves is that Hispanics, like the rest of us, don’t like serving on juries. It used to true that all of the jury pool was pulled from voter reg. lists. Now, they claim to use one or two other lists in addition.
The last jury I served on had an elderly German woman serving with me. She was a German citizen with no U.S. citizenship. Through whatever mechanism, she had lived in CA for many years and had never bothered with naturalization.
In open conversation with another woman she talked about voting in all the elections. When the other woman hinted at being surprised, she said she had a residence and a driver’s license and nobody cares about anything else.
. . . nobody cares about anything else.
Ach, surely not! I mean:
But I can tell you the thought of who illegals might vote for doesn’t cross my mind because they can’t vote until they are legal.
Oh. Who’s being naive, Kay?
If anybody wants to read the manifesto attributed to Patrick Crusius, the El Paso Walmart shooter, it can be found at As far as I know, the original posting site for the manifesto, 8Chan, is still unavailable.
The full URL for the version is long, so I converted it to this:
I suppose lots of people here have already read this, and maybe Neo commented on it, and I missed that. But since I just found it, here is Scott Adams on the “Fine People Hoax Funnel.” Leftists and Trump haters believe the false story that Trump called Nazis “fine people,” and will retreat into thinner and thinner assertions when the main assertion is debunked. Cognitive dissonance will not allow them to admit that Trump isn’t a racist.
As a late blooming supporter of Trump (during Kavanaugh) and one who married a 100% Mexican – the TOC’s of the world are the problem. They want to tarnish like a MOB just like the mob tarnished Kavanaugh instead of help provide governance. I live here in Sacramento one block from tent after tent after tent yet Gavin Newsome and TOC want to refer to OUR BELIEFS LIKE HE KNOWS our beliefs and I will not cede ONE inch to the SICK and TIRED TOC’s of the world. TOC is sick.
The honest truth TOC? Even in my wife’s 100% Mexican family there was a 50/50 split. Democrat/Republican with shouting matches about illegal versus coming the right way. You sick bastard need to get it that LOVE= the rule of law and process. Without process you have no love. Period. Grow up and be FOR GOVERNANCE, process and love for once and for all