Trump and Putin meet
Voluminous coverage on the meeting.
The handshake passes muster at Vox, while Twitter has a field day with the pressing of the flesh.
How about the actual content of the talks? Well, there’s this:
At first, media thought Trump would not bring up accusations that Russia interfered with our presidential election in 2016. But after the two hour meeting ended, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that is the first topic Trump brought up…
To no one’s surprise, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov eagerly “told reporters that Trump had accepted Putin’s denial of tampering in the US election.
Tillerson also told reporters that Trump and Putin “reached an agreement on curbing violence in Syria.”
Tillerson, Mnuchin and Mad Dog. CEO of global oil giant, Goldman Sachs and Hollywood star and one of the greatest war fighters of his generation. Now compare that to Obama’s people and the likely picks of Hillary.
Putin seems genuinely happy with his hours long meeting with Trump. A body language ‘expert’ claims that Trump dominated their initial greeting, which disproves the slur that Trump is Putin’s lackey.
Mark Twain opined that one should “never trust a man without vices” and in that vein, I suspect that Putin is much more comfortable with a man who speaks forthrightly and places his own national interests first, rather than an Obama who speaks out of both sides of his mouth.
Placing Russia’s interests first is exactly what Putin has himself done; support for Iran gives Russia access to Syrian warm water port facilities. While Putin’s seizure of the Crimea and prevention of the Ukraine’s entry into NATO are arguably, entirely defensive measures.
Putin understands Trump unequivocally placing America’s interests first and appreciates that it makes for a much more predictable geopolitical ‘playing board’.
Lord Palmerston’s truism resonates with Putin; “Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”
The West’s turn toward Marxism proves that to be true, even with America’s longest allies.
If early reports are true and Trump and Putin have reached a solid understanding on Syria, then this meeting is a BIG success.
Not that the MSM will portray it as anything beyond minimally successful.
How much air time has been spent by the TV people talking about Trump’s handshakes as such?
Trump treats the media like stupid children because they are. In addition to being liars and agents of the opposing party.
Trump has an awesome handshake, and I am not saying that because I am his supporter. If Obama gives a handshake like that I would praise him too. That is a strong and masculine handshake of a dependable man. That is the kind of handshake loved ones and relatives give each other after long separation, it is very warm and welcoming, especially that little upward grab on the forearm, how can anyone find fault in that?
that little pet on the back of the hand is a nice gesture as well, it has an everything is gonna be alright calming effect on the receiving person.
Forget the handshake meme. It is BS. First of all, why would Putin favor djt over hrc when djt is of the drill baby drill movement. Secondly, why would mother Russia want missle-defense systems in Poland. Its amazing how the msm can’t connect the dots. 😉
“Why didn’t he keep asking until Putin confessed? BECAUSE TRUMP WAS IN ON IT!” seems to be the angle the media is spinning.
Trump and Putin “reached an agreement on curbing violence in Syria.”
Positive progress. The native people in Syria deserve better than immigration reform to advance a political myth of “clean” conflicts (wars). So do Americans and Europeans, too.
Parker nails it. Plentiful American energy and defensive missiles in Poland are not Putin’s cuppa.
I just read the book of Oliver Stone’s three part and multi-day/year interview with Putin. What a grind. Stone is an anti-American stooge. Putin is a master at dissembling, double talk, and gamesmanship. I’m would not trust the man – ever!
The only thing that I can say with certainty is that Putin wants to bring Russia back to some semblance of what it was as the USSR. He views the collapse of the USSR as a great disaster. I believe that in his heart he blames the U.S for that. His aims are counter to the desires of those who expect Russia to be a responsible actor. We must rebuild our military, strengthen cybersecurity, and get our economy moving again. Putin understands strength. We must be strong to counter his ambitions.
I think Trump understands that. I hope he understands that.
Cornhead Says:
July 7th, 2017 at 4:34 pm
How much air time has been spent by the TV people talking about Trump’s handshakes as such?
Trump treats the media like stupid children because they are. In addition to being liars and agents of the opposing party.
* * *
What I saw was that the Polish first lady was looking at the American first lady and never saw the President’s hand at all.
None of the Handshake-gate memes of the MSM compare to Obama’s gaucherie with foreign heads of state.
Tatterdemalian Says:
July 7th, 2017 at 8:11 pm
“Why didn’t he keep asking until Putin confessed? BECAUSE TRUMP WAS IN ON IT!” seems to be the angle the media is spinning.
* *
It’s pretty standard for the agents of two countries to spin the meeting to favor themselves.
This is nothing like the blatant repudiation of Obama’s statements by other countries after his meetings.
Trump treats the media like stupid children because they are.
Exactly how did these stupid children manage to fool you, those like you, and the Alt Right backers of Trum for so long?
“why would Putin favor djt over hrc when djt is of the drill baby drill movement. Secondly, why would mother Russia want missle-defense systems in Poland. Its amazing how the msm can’t connect the dots.” parker
Useful idiots aside, the more realistic can connect the dots just fine. It’s not about whether Putin favored djt, it’s about using lies to delegitimize djt so as to politically damage him as much as possible. Justified as necessary of course.
“His aims are counter to the desires of those who expect Russia to be a responsible actor.” J.J.
Putin could care less about other people’s ‘desires’. He’s placing Russia’s national interests first. He views being a “responsible actor” as counterproductive and naive. The strong prosper. The weak settle for scraps from the strong’s table.
Ymar Sakar,
As of late, you’re starting to sound just like artflgdr… i.e. ‘if only the fools would listen to me!’
Well, I have a sense of comfort that Trump is backed by the likes of:
Rex Tillerson, who spent the last several years of his life dealing leading his mega-multinational through some very rough neighborhoods, and often dealt with Rogues in the process.
Jame Mattis, who led great military forces in even rougher neighborhoods where he had to deal with, or kill, even greater Rogues.
There are others, but these two jump out. I don’t think Putin will pull any wool over their eyes; nor will he intimidate them.
Then, of course, there is Trump himself. He didn’t spend his life as a community organizer, or riding the coat tails of a husband.
I feel like adults are in charge again. Now, they have inherited a colossal mess, and it could get messier despite their best efforts.
“Exactly how did these stupid children manage to fool you, those like you, and the Alt Right backers of Trum for so long?”
Because even the stupidest moron can flip a switch to turn a light on. You don’t have to understand the electrical system and all its infrastructure to use its user interface.
Nor does it take a genius to use the propaganda techniques developed by the Nazis and perfected by the Soviets to start their own propaganda machine whose lies can’t be seen through without psychic superpowers.
Watch out, Don and Vlad! One of the best minds of the Democratic Party is keeping close watch over your skullduggery!
You don’t have to understand the electrical system and all its infrastructure to use its user interface.
That implies there’s a Deep State pulling the strings, and of their power you know not to what extent, yet people act like they are so easy to defeat with some tweets and some EOs.
As of late, you’re starting to sound just like artflgdr… i.e. ‘if only the fools would listen to me!’
I was here way before Art. The truth of the matter is that Art always sounded like Ymar, not the other way around.
And the only reason why you say that now, of all times, is because there’s an emotional issue with your background that I’ve pointed out, which you have no defense to. So you conveniently default to the status quo behavior, you adopt the Left and your Demoncrat allies’ method of ad hominem and distraction. That may work against everybody, except me. I always remember your weak points, if only because you refuse to defend it. For someone that prides themselves on their logick, GB, when you default to emotionalism and Leftist acting out, they don’t need to be me to notice it.
Ymar pointing out the weak fools that need a Hero King in Trum and Trum’s weak points, is nothing new. Ymar pointing out the Leftist zombies before Trum ever became a Republican, is nothing new either. So what’s new, GB, you don’t like to deal with the truth that December 25th is not the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth but everybody taught you that it was so. That’s too bad. Eventually people will have to grow up and realize Satan Clause isn’t all that great.