Today’s Trump roundup
Trump doesn’t seem to quite understand the nomination process—unless, of course, he “misspoke” again. But I think that words—especially ad-libbed words like the following from Trump—can reveal what’s in/on a person’s mind better than scripted ones, and Trump has used a very interesting phrase:
“[John] Kasich shouldn’t be allowed to run,” he said. “Look, under the grounds that Rand Paul could’ve stayed in, and he had nothing. Marco Rubio could’ve stayed in. Jeb Bush could’ve stayed in. They all could’ve stayed.” Trump said the Ohio governor is “1-for-29,” and the only thing he “barely” won was his home state. “If I spent one more day in Ohio, I would’ve beat him,” he said. So far, 32 states have held Republican primaries and caucuses.
During his visit with Republican National Committee members last week, Trump says he brought up Kasich, asking, “Why is a guy allowed to run, all he’s doing is he goes from place to place and loses and he keeps running.”
In case it’s not clear, it’s the word “allowed” that’s the troubling one. Trump certainly is well within his rights to question Kasich’s motives for continuing to run and/or to ask whether Kasich should continue to run, but “allowed”?
Trump sells himself as a dealmaker extraordinaire who’s also a quick learner and problem-solver, who hires only the best people. Yet he doesn’t seem to have mastered (or even learned much about) the process of amassing delegates to the RNC. He may not like the way it’s done, and you may not like the way it’s done, but the phenomenon is an integral part of the long haul towards winning a nomination.
If you aren’t sick of the topic and you want to read even more about Donald Trump’s campaign, go here. It’s actually a pretty interesting article, describing how (supposedly) his campaign is run and by whom it is run (mostly Trump, with the help of some people who haven’t done much campaign-running before, which may or may not be a good thing).
I thought that this passage (if true, which is a rather large caveat) could shed some light as to why Fox might have become so Trump-friendly in recent months:
During Lewis’s severance negotiations, Lewis hired Judd Burstein, a powerhouse litigator, and claimed he had “bombs” that would destroy Ailes and Fox News. That’s when Trump got involved.
“When Roger was having problems, he didn’t call 97 people, he called me,” Trump said. Burstein, it turned out, had worked for Trump briefly in the ’90s, and Ailes asked Trump to mediate. Trump ran the negotiations out of his office at Trump Tower. “Roger had lawyers, very expensive lawyers, and they couldn’t do anything. I solved the problem.” Fox paid Lewis millions to go away quietly, and Trump, I’m told, learned everything Lewis had planned to leak. If Ailes ever truly went to war against Trump, Trump would have the arsenal to launch a retaliatory strike.
The article is full of interesting tidbits like that, and a few of them may even be true. Who knows?
Good Lord. On top of everything else, the man is a sore winner!
So Trump isn’t just a clown, he’s a blackmailer too (allegedly).
Some people also say that he has very small hands.
Trump relies on his status as a celebrity to bluster and bully his way to a YUGE win because he is a winner in his fantasy twitter world. He certainly has no one among his ‘best’ people that understands a different ground game is required in each state.
Check out Ivana Trumps interview in the NY Post this weekend. Her story about faking being a beginner skier (she had been a ski instructor) to prop up Donald’s ego is a hoot. He still blew a fuse when she could ski better than he could even pretending to be a tyro. She proudly says he’s good for women when he put her in charge of the Trump casino in Atlantic city. She had no experience and surely helped it along to bankruptcy. He’s a pretty poor deal maker who seems to have a talent for bullying his way out when things go sour. Perhaps his whining now is laying that groundwork
“[John] Kasich shouldn’t be allowed to run,” Donald Trump
Another man, who would cut a great road through the law, to get after the Devil…
Geoffrey Britain:
Actually, he’s another man who would cut a great road through the law, to get anyone he perceives as standing in his way…
Dirtyjobsguy Says:
April 4th, 2016 at 7:42 pm
Atlantic City is a mobbed up town — and always has been.
No-one else made big bucks in Atlantic City.
Merv Griffin lost a Huge bundle there, too.
There’s a lot of baggage on Trump’s ‘train’ … but filing Chapter 11 for his casinos is not a blot on his record.
It looks like Cruz is beating Trump in the campaign to win over ‘committed’ delegates.
Trump is also flagging in various caucus states.
Kasich is weak enough such that the match up is man-to-man, Ted versus Donald.
If Trump fails on the first ballot, his delegates are set to defect — and in scale.
I think it is now indisputable that for Trump, anyone he perceives as standing in his way… is, if not the devil himself, then at the least, one of the devil’s minions.
When I bring up such fine lines of meaning, it’s ignored… Now that someone you don’t like is talking, it matters
Pull out almost any research paper and you will almost always find a plea to some action the state of powers that be must act on
Its so common everywhere it means little if others would adapt it as a turn of phrase
Where were you all when that mattered over the past 30 years… Note it doesn’t but you want it to..
Trump using allow is sign of evil
Cruz wife being a globalist socialist banker and his team being some of the worst breakers of the Constitution is OK
Here’s a nice little tidbit:
Poster “Eric” has been blathering for years about the “leftist activist method” being the only game in town ™, and I’ve been telling him that conservatives *will not* operate that way.
Well, now we have an example of what that looks like:
Scumbag Trump lackey Roger Stone is THREATENING GOP convention delegates in intimidation tactic
Got that, Republicans? If you’d just sell your soul, you too can become a leftist-like goon.