Home » They must have switched women midstream


They must have switched women midstream — 28 Comments

  1. Great hair color choice! A nice perky cut and some tasteful makeup works wonders. That man and is crew are geniuses.

  2. As a general rule I switch women midstream. Allahu Akbar! Because women are inferior to men in intelligence. And, AND, inferior to camels in just about any way I’d find attractive. Allahu Akbar!

  3. I’m with Ed…and I’m standing as far away from Steve as I can…I can hear thunder & lightning can’t be far behind. 😉

  4. Wonderful video. I had such a hair stylist for 25 years. I saw him do such a transformation on a friend and rushed to set up an appointment. Just a guy, in a salon, not on TV, not famous. The trick is to genuinely, genuinely, genuinely give up all control to him. That is incredibly hard.

  5. I guess you call that guy a “stylist”. Whatever he is, he is extremely talented. The woman looked great after the transformation – and naturally so, not like the reconstructed zombies you see walking around in West LA – and it was neat how happy she was with her new look. Good for both of them.
    Are there people like this who transform old bald guys into matinee idols? ha ha

  6. “Are there people like this who transform old bald guys into matinee idols? ha ha”

    Ian Fleming.

  7. All you need to do is take over a blackjack table and put down the price of a 2019 Mustang on each spot. You’ll be an idol in every casino in Monaco.

  8. The ever eclectic and whimsical Neo has been showing these makeovers for quite some time, and they are startling, but this one — Mega Wow! (Are we aloud to used “Mega” on the internet or in polite company? It’s very close to MAGA. Hope I don’t get you in any trouble Neo.) Love it when you share your personal interests like this. And the makeover stuff is slyly appropriate since you do conduct a salon here.

  9. Some of you guys remind me of my husband. To listen to him talk, you’d think he was the worst misogynist around. Instead of which, he’s a wonderful husband and our two daughters adore him. You’re not fooling me.

  10. Scott, it all depends on your price range and level of dedication. For instance, if you really want to work at it then join the merchant marine. Become the master of one of our pre-positioning ships at Dodge (Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory). I knew of one guy who talked the USG into installing a hot tub into his suite so he could, he said, test the water tight integrity of survival immersion suits.

    I say I knew of him because I couldn’t stand to be around him. As far as I could tell he never showered, bathed, or even combed his hair. But he didn’t need to as their was a community of foreign workers servicing the American military/naval presence which included desperate women. Who for the price of bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken would join this slob in his hot tub for the joy of immersion suit testing.

    I laugh because my only other option is to cry. And I don’t cast any aspersions your way, In fact the way you framed your comment indicates you had no idea how it would appear to someone like me who crossed the Perfume River into the Wild, Wild West.

  11. Scott. I apologize if anything I’ve told appears to reflect badly upon you. I don’t know you.

    Your comment made drift down Memory Lane. And Memory Lane isn’t an entirely good place.

  12. But I know where you can be rock star for a few hundred bucks. Probably a few thousand readers of Neo’s blog know those places. My dad, the sainted Senior Chief in the USCG knew of those places. My drill instructor…


    …No s***, that is my drill instructor. Gunnery Sergeant Holt, or as we affectionately called him the Anit-Christ. But Gunny and my dad knew there’s no way to prepare you for the horror. Sure. You can cross the Perfume River and buy a couple of 11 year old girls. You can also be skinned alive with vice grip pliers. Or welded into a cell to die of starvation. Or whatever variation of cruelty or brutality you can imagine. And many you can’ t imagine because you are too decent.

    And now the powers that be are importing it. My life’s work, my friend. Undone.

  13. I am a strong man. But I don’t have the time to pump out the push ups that the guys in prison have the time for. Is god really going tp be impressed?

  14. Not sure what you mean, Steve57, but as, despite many years of effort, I can’t really do push ups, I doubt very much God would count that against me.

  15. what I meant was, dearest Kate, is that when we are to be judged that God isn’t going to factor in that I can do more push-ups than you can .When I was younger I could do 100. Since I turned 56 on my best day I can do 25. I was philosophizing on that last one, when I really couldn’t lock my elbows without digging deep, I had an epiphany.

    And the epiphany was it just doesn’t matter how many push-ups I can do.

  16. To be honest, I didn’t really have the epiphany just yesterday. It’s just that when I explore the upper reaches of pain I tend to philosophize.

  17. Kate, as per usual you are miles ahead. It’s one of the reasons why I insist that women should not be invested in ground combat. They are too valuable.

  18. We may need you later, to tell us how stupid we are. If a tree falls in a forest, and there’s no woman around to tell the man he’s an idiot, does it make a sound?

  19. What is love?


    Not to humble brag, but for a Navy guy I was a decent rifleman. I was better at firefighting. My basic first aid kit barely fits into a Sears Craftsman tool box that I bought on sale. But I did administer the largest ammunition account of any intelligence command in the Pacific Fleet. Whiich I used to think was nothing to crow about, like claiming to be the best ice hockey player in Ecuador. But then I learned the entire IRS has only five million rounds of ammuntition. That’s it?

    I can get a half dozen friends to head to the range and we’ll need an extra truck for the ammo. I love Texas.

  20. If it needs to be said, five million rounds of ammunition for the IRS is five million rounds too many. It’s one round too many.

  21. Italian client (me). Jewish woman’s web site. Vietnamese cabbie. Chinese restarant owner.

    If there’s not a an ethnic joke we can all laugh at we are far sicker society than even I could imagine.

  22. Are there no longer any funny ethic jokes? I’ll let the Poles laugh at me if I can laugh at the Irish.

    Irish foreplay. “Brace yourself, Brigitte!”

  23. A Israeli girl in Haifa was knitting a sweater. And her mother looks at the sweater, and looks at her daughter, and realizes the sweater is going to be way too tight for her well endowed daughter. “Honey” she sez “Isn’t that sweater going to be too tight for you?

    “Oh, the sweater isn’t for me. It’s for the American Sailors.”

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