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The news cycle … — 13 Comments

  1. Which reminds me of Charlie Wilson’s War.

    Any other fans of that movie? I’ve seen it a half dozen times at least. Great scene where Charlie Wilson, owed a favor by someone really powerful, is asked what they can do for him. He says, “I want to be on the board of the Kennedy Center. It’s a great place to take dates, but I can never afford the tickets.”

    Why can’t Democrats produce guys like that anymore?

  2. Re: Charlie Wilson’s War

    And it had one of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s great performances as the maverick CIA operative advising Charlie Wilson (played by Tom Hanks).

    Why can’t Democrats produce guys like that anymore?
    –Mike Plaiss

    Yeah. I miss those guys too.

  3. The Hoffman character was based on Mike Vickers, a guy who joined in the 51 signatories letter! One of Obama’s pets too.

  4. The Hoffman character was based on Mike Vickers


    According to wiki:

    Charlie befriends maverick CIA operative Gust Avrakotos and his understaffed Afghanistan group to find a better strategy, especially including a means to counter the Soviets’ formidable Mil Mi-24 Hind helicopter gunship. This group was composed in part of members of the CIA’s Special Activities Division, including a young paramilitary officer named Michael Vickers.


    Christopher Denham played Vickers. Philip Seymour Hoffman played Gust Avrakotos and acted up a storm. See:


    BTW, this is a Mike Nichols film. Nichols directed “The Graduate” and “Primary Colors.” Nichols is the go-to director for delineating the old sixties school of Democrat liberalism, far less toxic than the mutant Obama strain.

  5. Gust died in 2007 before the film aired i think

    The book was very enlightening about what we knew then about the mujahadeen. The films cript by aaron sorkin was less impressive

  6. Nichols also directed Catch-22, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?, and Carnal Knowledge, among other pretty good films

  7. Geez…gonna be a busy day for neo!?

    Republican Attorneys General Seek to Bypass Biden Pardon, Investigate Fauci on State Level

    A coalition of Republican attorneys general are seeking to bypass President Joe Biden’s last-minute preemptive pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci to investigate him on a state level for his role in the COVID-19 pandemic response.

    Yes!!! 🙂 They should also check into the others he pardoned. Exactly what the Rule of Law is about…

    PS – blog seems to be running fine – maybe a little slow at times, but I haven’t had any error messages for at least 3-days now…

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