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The Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses — 33 Comments

  1. And in the specific case at hand, the ‘sin’ was entirely fabricated.

    Coulter makes the point that America is now a sea of fake injustices.

    I suppose that’s only natural in a ‘slow’ news cycle.


    And then there’s the deflection of attention — squirrel!

    The ONLY news that worthy of national attention is that of Barry slouching towards Tehran.

    So, up pops this ‘controversy.’

  2. neo writes,

    “The trouble with so many of these campaigns (such as the one against Memories Pizza) is that they represent the imposition of a newly-required brand of thinking and the stamping out of opinions opposed to it, . . . .”

    Yes. As Ace ( http://ace.mu.nu/archives/355936.php ) points out . . .

    “Who, Exactly, Should We Punish for Not Digging Gay Marriage?

    “It’s a more interesting question than you might think. Should we punish aged, mentally-fading 67 year old grandmas, like, for example, Hillary Clinton, who opposed gay marriage until last year?”

    — Ace of Apades HQ

  3. Very sobering post. Some claim that the first person who says the word “Nazi” has lost the argument. That heuristic is appealing but is probably wrong as often as not. A better heuristic is the one by Mark Twain who said that “history never repeats itself but it often rhymes.” The parallels between our unstable society today and pre-Nazi Germany are unsettling to say the least.

  4. I donated $$$ to Memories Pizza. Then I ate a salad.
    I figure I did not gain any weight in the transaction.

    And to think that the Left and Nancy Pelosi regularly called G.W. Bush, “Nazi”, “Hitler” and the like…
    ( they are ignorant. Don’t have a clue what it really means or infers )

  5. I figure one day I am going to be present when there is an incident of anti-Semitism (I have kids entering college, so I will be nearer to ground zero for academic ‘tolerance’).
    I’ll probably make the news that day…

  6. I donated to the Memories Pizza Go-Fund-Me early on. A small amount – just about what I paid today for a deli lunch plus tip for my daughter and I at a downtown deli (Schilo’s in San Antonio) and I felt perfectly righteous about it.

    I own a Teeny Bidness, which supports me and my daughter, over and above my military retirement and her military disability. It seems that in the eyes of the great and good social justice warrior types, that small independent business owners are as bad as Nazis practically … and as I commented on a previous thread, I would hate to be compelled against my better judgment to perform a service.

    The thing is – they want to see us bow, and to say that 2+2 is 5 … and to worship Big Brother.

  7. Thing is, in Christianity, marriage is a SACRAMENT. Not just an empty ceremony. For Anglicans, Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox, marriage is literally one of the five sacraments.

    Non-Christians have NO right to force us to redefine ANY of our sacraments. And the one thing the marriage service says in our church that defines the participants is “this man and this woman.” (Notice that race is NOT specified, btw.) Also, at least in our church, you must be a professing Christian to marry in the church.

    People have been talking about homosexual marriage as if they were simply insisting on being allowed to get married before a judge in a civil ceremony under the aegis of citizens’ rights. That is Not The Case with a Christian marriage.

    Can’t the same case be made for observant Jews? they couldn’t be forced to allow non-Jews into their synagogue and celebrate/participate in a Gentile’s marriage, could they?

    The pizza shop girl wasn’t being asked if she would officiate at such an occasion or have it at her church, but demanding that she participate in it is, from the devout perspective, insisting that she endorse something that would be a violation of her sacramental understanding of marriage, something we take very seriously.

    I suspect most people don’t even know what “sacramental” signifies any more. It goes to the very core of what we worship.

  8. Beverly,
    I thought my Catholic faith had 7 sacraments?!?! I may have to get a new Christian Calculator…

  9. clarityeeker;

    I’ll bet Beverly left out two:

    Holy Orders and Anointing of the Sick

    Easy to forget as most folks don’t sign up to become nuns or priests; nor can anyone, except priests, anointed the sick.

  10. Richard Fernandez quoting Cardinal Francis George: “Speaking a few years ago to a group of priests, entirely outside of the current political debate, I was trying to express in overly dramatic fashion what the complete secularization of our society could bring. I was responding to a question and I never wrote down what I said, but the words were captured on somebody’s smart phone and have now gone viral on Wikipedia and elsewhere in the electronic communications world. I am (correctly) quoted as saying that I expected to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. What is omitted from the reports is a final phrase I added about the bishop who follows a possibly martyred bishop: “His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.”

    Has it ever happened that the Jews (metaphorically) fought back? Can Americans fight back against the America-hating President and Democrats?

    It seems all the energy for fighting is on the wrong side.

    Why is this? I don’t deny it; it’s just a question.

    Since they fight and we don’t, we will lose. That is certain. But knowing that, why don’t we fight? Why didn’t the Jews fight?

  11. Mike, I’ll take a stab at an answer to your question: I think conservatives do fight, but not with the same intensity and single-mindedness. People give to the Memories Pizza fund; that’s “fighting”, but it’s short term victory in a small skirmish in the big war.

    Conservatives, in my view, have that strong libertarian streak where their greatest wish is to be primarily left alone to live their lives. What do I primarily want to do? Go to work, come home, enjoy my kids and wife, enjoy my house, play some golf, bust some clay pigeons at the local range, etc.

    After working in close contact with leftists for the past 30 years I can tell you what they want to do: their primary goal in life is to change YOU from an ignorant sludge to a proper human, OR if that fails, to eliminate you. Home, family, other pursuits are secondary to these people. Their life IS politics. I occasionally look up facebook pages of some of these people. Their header photo always has raised fists at demonstrations, or some other photo statement of their politics; mine has a pic of my kids at Disney. I think the contrast is the answer to why all the energy is on the other side.

    Like parker has suggested many times, the tipping point is coming in which conservatives will be forced to fight in the literal sense. I don’t look forward to that at all as the country will truly be torn asunder in a worse fashion than the Civil War. The outcome will depend on how much control the leftists have over the military. Even then, I could see such a scenario just opening up an opportunity for Iran, Russia, China to come in to take advantage of the chaos. We are heading towards dark times.

  12. All my life I wondered how the German people could have done what they did – followed depraved leaders to the abandonment of their own morality.
    The last 20 years or so have been an unfolding of reality showing exactly how it happened.
    Certainly there are great differences in the settings, but to see firsthand the ability of leaders to alter the mindset of a crowd, and a populace, is a frightening thing.
    In Germany it went almost as far as it could go, to utter self-destruction. Here it remains to be seen.

  13. Mike asks (paraphrasing), “Why is all the energy for fighting on the left’s side?” Whittaker Chambers provides an answer in his “Letter to My Children” excerpted here:

    To make a long story short, the basic gist is that the left has something to live and die for whereas we, their opponents, do not. We must regain a reason to live and to die by matching the left’s faith in man to solve man’s problems with a renewed faith in God.

    It is very profound and very sad. Chambers thought he had chosen the losing side. We may just have to wait for the bishop that comes after the martyred bishop before this thing can be turned around.

  14. Mike:

    What are you talking about? Have the Jews ever fought???

    They’ve been fighting since Israel was founded. Here’s a list. They fought during Biblical times. They fought in the Warsaw Ghetto against truly unbelievable odds. They fought in other ghettos during the war, against similarly stacked odds. This uprising in a concentration camp was especially heroic. There were many more cases of fighting back. See also this on Jewish partisans.

    I am really puzzled by this myth of the non-fighting Jews.

    See also this.

  15. @physicsguy: I have assumed for a long time that when it gets bad enough, when we cross a certain bridge, conservatives would be riled up enough to fight. I’ve been shown wrong on the far side of every bridge.

    I am slowly coming to a different conclusion, a horrible one: That conservatives are cowardly in general. That is, we do not, as a rule, possess the virtue of courage. Why would we? We work hard; we were given a great country; life is good.

    I think only when we have to fight like soldiers will the slumbering virtue be awakened. I hope.

    No doubt however that is a long way away.

    We could learn about it in books (ex. Aristotle or a Catechism or a History text), but they don’t teach that stuff anymore. So it will be the hard, traditional way, or total defeat.

    George is right. Martyrdom and persecution and submission and subservience and traitordom awaits us one and all.

    The DemLibs? They fight like animals on a mission and that is exactly what they are. The Orcs of Mordor needed no rousing. They killed and died and destroyed because they were Orcs from Mordor. A liberal does the same thing because that is what it does. They kill and die for Mordor the same way a sucicide bomber will do it for Allah.


  16. @Neo: The word “metaphor” is central to what I was saying. I was NOT saying Jews don’t fight. I was saying THEY DID NOT FIGHT THE NAZIS when they could have and could have made a difference.

    In that sense they are a metaphor for all the good people who take up the fight too late – in the case of the Jews “too late” being defined as 6M DEAD ONES!!!

  17. There’s another Christian being persecuted by the state, featured at Ace of Spades: Arlene’s Flowers. http://acecomments.mu.nu/?post=355951

    “How’d you like to be sued by one of your long-time friends? What happened was that after Mrs. Stutzman refused to do his wedding [and politely referred him to another florist], the customer complained on social media, which resulted in it coming to the attention of the state attorney general, who then took it upon herself to initiate the lawsuit against her.

    “Then the customer and his partner piled on with their own lawsuit, which targeted Mrs. Stutzman personally, as well as her business. Because apparently there’s nothing more dangerous than a 70-year-old florist who refuses to do a homosexual wedding. She must be bullied into acquiescence, or bankruptcy.”

  18. “She must be bullied into acquiescence, or bankruptcy.”

    Bankruptcy being what liberals think of as getting off easy. It will get much worse. History and human nature “prove” as much.

    The whole issue is that bullying works and so liberals use what works. The mob is always stronger than the single victim; and each single victim is used to make an example so that future dissent is squelched before it even starts.

    You, me, we will all learn – heck we have already learned! – to be quiet…or else.

    Correction. We have been trained not just to be quiet. We are trained to verbally agree.

    Truth: We are a nation of cowards. Most people are cowards. The price for resistance is far too high and we will not pay it. Let us not flatter ourselves that we would pay it. The irrefutable proof is that we will not.

    The only thing that works against a bully is the only thing that ever works against a bully. And we haven’t the guts to do it.

    They say bullies fold quickly when treated the only way bullies should be treated.

    That is what “they” say. We are too busy sheltering-in-place to find out.

  19. A long while ago, i explained that this is where we would end up, and even explained that the white males of the USA are now the hated ones BECAUSE they saved the jews last century… now, the world knows that unless you exterminate the white males, they will come to the aid of the target…

    a long time ago i was called negative for describing a path we were on and we would not break from because we would not focus on what was important, would not look to reveal the agencies, or the issues… but sit, like arm chair generals making up fictional stories to fill in blanks, and in effect actually do nothing.

    so… here we are on the eve of a potentail nuclear war, because our population cant fight… those who cant and remained will fight as a fifth column, and out leaders will probably give up making some claim to not being able to fight.

    does it matter?
    nope… my family is exterminated, i have no future, and i am just watching as i wait to die… what else can i do given that todays newspaper claims that the state is not doing enough to get women and mnorities on the sba 8a program even more help. after all, abatements, tax help, free office stuff, higher loan amounts, mentorships, special contractual agreements your competition cant have, favorable database for bids, and on and on and on and on it goes… and its not enough…

    given that too much is not enough, just let me die peacefully, soon… as i have no way to connect or do anythng other than die… no future at work, no friends (lost when the doc pretended to help with my IP but instead procrastinated and destroyed my chances), no home, no pets, no artwork anyone sees…

    just waiting to die…

  20. Here’s why the conservatives aren’t fighting: The liberals’ belief system has as a core principle the destruction of society as it exists now. It undergirds everything they stand for, Western civilization must be destroyed in order to usher in a collectivist utopia.

    Conservatives, on the other hand, are just trying to mind their own business. Society, by and large, is perceived as being fine the way it is. There are things that need to be fixed or reformed, but you do those through the normal channels of civil democracy, and of course, minding your own business and being the member of society that you want to be.

    I think liberals are much more easily swayed to join the activist (i.e., mob) mentality, because first and foremost, that’s the easiest way they are going to get what they want, and second, liberals tend to be much more swayed by emotion and tend to be more driven by the herd mentality (despite believing they are independent-minded), all the while thinking they are the rational ones, and this kind of cognitive dissonance isn’t conducive to a sound state of mind. I’ve seen it too many times not to believe it: people who are otherwise perfectly pleasant and civil who become consumed by hatred over specific political topics.

    In summary, the conservative mentality dictates keeping your head down and minding your own business. The liberal mentality dictates overthrowing society. Plus, I don’t believe the average conservative realizes just how much progress has been made in that regard. In the past few years, I’ve come to the conclusion that in the global war of the 20th century of democracy vs. collectivism, collectivism is currently winning and winning big. Everyone thinks communism died when the Iron Curtain fell, but I believe it’s stronger than ever, not in overt implementations of socialist and/or communist governments, but in the hearts and souls of a majority of people in the West who are ready to adopt and implement these ideologies, mostly without realizing it.

  21. I’ve started reading the book Dresden by F. Taylor. I’m sure someone on this blog recommended it. Anyway, he traces the start of anti-semitism back to 1879 or so when a prominent historian wrote that Jews couldn’t lose their racial differences. So before, they were considered Christians if they converted, but after this, they were still Jews.

    Taylor cited this historian as ‘corrupting’ the minds of a generation. Same problem, different time I suppose.

  22. Mike: “I am slowly coming to a different conclusion, a horrible one: That conservatives are cowardly in general. That is, we do not, as a rule, possess the virtue of courage.”

    Umpire’s gotta call balls and strikes.

    Congress is cowardly for not impeaching Obola.

    Why? They’re afraid of what the liberal media will say about them.

  23. Truth Unites:

    I don’t think it’s cowardly to decide not waste time and effort on a fight you cannot win in terms of conviction in the Senate, the only way impeachment would result in any harm to Obama. They could impeach in the House but cannot convict in the Senate, because the Democrats would not join them for the 2/3 of the Senate required. Without that, impeachment is an empty exercise in theater that would backfire.

  24. Not so, Neo.

    Most definitely not an empty exercise in theater. There is so much to be exposed, and the merits of the argument for impeachment will be aired.

    There are Democrats in red states who will face heavy pressure to vote to convict. Or else lose their re-election bid.

    Moreover, it lets conservatives know that their elected GOP congressmen are not cowards, and that they will make and take principled and constitutional actions.

  25. Truth Unites:

    You are dreaming about your second paragraph. It’s a fantasy. There may be a few, but nowhere near enough to convict.

    And your last paragraph is the “theater” part to which I alleged. Impeachment minus conviction will appeal only to those conservatives, about 30% of the public, and alienate much of the rest of the country and have them unite around Obama as a victim figure.

    And impeachment minus conviction wouldn’t even appeal in any transformative way to the many conservatives who hate the Republican Congress so much already over other issues. It would be considered a small effort compared to all their other failures, for which so many conservatives are screaming “let it burn.”

  26. Let us agree to disagree agreeably then.

    No matter the outcome, I argue that impeachment and conviction is the good and correct decision and action.

    Moreover, Eeyore pessimism is a hallmark of a lack of courage.

  27. Truth Unites:

    If you want to “disagree agreeably,” I have no problem with that, as long as you eliminate the implied insult at the end.

    The definition of “Eeyore pessimism” is that the person is ALWAYS pessimistic, and unrealistically so—it’s a foolish, constant, unsupported pessimism.

    There is something else I believe I’m demonstrating, and it’s called “realism.” My position has nothing to do with courage or lack thereof.

  28. On the subject of anti-Jewish boycotts; I am pasting below a recent post by someone explaining why anti-Israel boycotts are not anti-Jewish. I am also pasting my son’s response which makes short and effective work of him.

    First the anti-semite;
    “Genius 1 –
    A lot of stupid people conflate Jews with Zionists, which is why you hear denunciations of Jews at pro-Palestinian rallies. The bigger point should be there are pro Palestinian rallies all over the place. Europe is fuming at Israel’s government and America is right behind them. The immoral settlement policy in Israel is about to hit a brick wall of European sanctions. Netanyahu inadvertently did the Palestinians a huge favor by coming out of the closet as a bigot the last election.”

    and now my son’s reply:

    ” For the LOVE OF GOD. You just used one of the OLDEST tricks from the book ‘HOW TO KILL JEWS’. I see you explained that their should be a difference, why? Im guessing its to avoid looking like racist\bigot, which is very Un-american, is that you? I suppose that is a good reason. You would also seem like less of an idiot around complete idiots. Anyway, you don’t really know whats going on do you? Maybe you are new to Jew hating? Maybe your life sucks. Maybe you have a lady to impress. Maybe your dog barked at a cat. There are lots of reasons. Jews are sneaky. But whatever your reasons, please be more creative before you bore us to death. Like the guys this article is about, they clearly cut the bull and went right to the point, ‘KILL ALL THE JEWS’. Hard not to appreciate that.
    If you want another trick from this old book, find yourself a Jew that hates Israel\Jews. Use him against those zionist pigs, they will never see it coming, I swear it. Oh one other thing, the only reason the Palestinians hate Jews (I mean Israel) is because of settlements. It’s seriously only those damn settlements. Anyway, I wish you the best on your Jew bashing adventures. – AJ”

  29. Given the Left’s derangement* over separation of church and state, I’m surprised Leftists have not advocated restricting the franchise, and denying the right to vote to Jews and Christians.

    *To the Left, the separation runs one way only: the church should have no influence on the state; that the state should compel the church (both the institution and the membership) should never be restricted.

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