The left goes after Caitlyn Jenner
When Jenner came out as a trans woman named Caitlyn, the fawning attention was overwhelming.
When Caitlyn mentioned that she’s a Republican, that dampened things a bit. In fact, Jenner at the time said that coming out as a Republican was much harder than coming out as transgender.
But she seems to have adjusted, because she’s running for California governor as a Republican, and she’s made some bold statements such as this one:
…I oppose biological boys who are trans competing in girls’ sports in school. It just isn’t fair. And we have to protect girls’ sports in our schools,”
Just a short while ago that would have been a pretty non-controversial statement. But not anymore. As trans activist Charlotte Clymer says:
Listen, every marginalized community has members that work against the equality of that community. It’s, you know, every community has that. For trans folks, Caitlyn Jenner is the Phyllis Schlafly of the trans community, that’s who she is. She has always worked against LGBTQ equality. She has always worked against our interests. And so when we saw her throw trans children under the bus and directly attack trans children in the interview, we were not surprised — this is who she is.
Whether it be black people, Hispanic people, trans people, gay people, or anyone else who is a member of one of the left’s designated victim groups, those who go against the prescribed leftist thought are labeled as traitors to their race or ethnicity or sexual identity. No freedom of thought is allowed, and the left gets to decide what the people in these groups are required to think. The groups are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the left, as it were.
This is just a variant of the old leftist “class traitor” designation:
Class traitor is a term used mostly in socialist discourse to refer to a member of the proletarian class who works directly or indirectly against their class interest, or what is against their economic benefit as opposed to that of the bourgeoisie. It applies particularly to soldiers, police officers, bounty hunters, loss prevention, workers who refuse to respect picket lines during a strike and anyone paid a wage who actively facilitates the status quo. According to Barbara Ehrenreich: “Class treason is an option at all socioeconomic levels: from the blue-collar man who becomes a security guard employed to harass striking workers, to the heirs of capitalist fortunes who become donors to left-wing causes”.
In Russia before and during the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks and other socialist revolutionary organizations used it to describe the Czarist Army and any working class citizen who directly opposed their notion of the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. The term was later extended to include the Menshevik Russians and other supposedly counter-revolutionary socialist organizations under Joseph Stalin.
Modern leftism has substituted race and other identity groups for class, while retaining a little bit of the class thinking as well.
But back to Jenner. Does the left really think she’s got a chance in California politics? It’s hard for me to believe it, even though it wasn’t all that long ago that celebrity Schwarzenegger was elected there as a Republican-lite. Jenner is a celebrity too, and a member of an identified victim group, so the left can’t attack her quite as full-bore as they otherwise might prefer. But attack her they must, even if she doesn’t have a chance of winning office – and that’s because her mere existence as an activist Republican threatens to shatter the idea that all people in designated wholly-owned victim groups must march in lockstep with the left.
What they’re doing to Jenner now, and what they did to Tim Scott last week (and as our host described, what they do to anyone who dares think independently)—clearly a no-holds-barred bizarro performance of vicious, personal trampling and character assassination—would appear to indicate that in spite of their high and mighty—but EMPTY—rhetoric, the Democratic Party (with its legion of Hypocrats, phonies, sympathizers and enablers riding high at the moment) is waxing nostalgic for those heady days of the KKK:
H/T Powerline blog.
Still, it will be enjoyable asking a mush head why he’s afraid of a strong,proud, honest trans person.
Clymer: And so when we saw her throw trans children under the bus and directly attack trans children in the interview, we were not surprised — this is who she is.
It is always termed an attack or hatred. This is an example of an exceptionally narrow repertoire of allowed responses. It is as though this is nothing but Social Justice theatre intended to silence anyone who dares oppose the Left.
Silencing Jenner is not possible, so they try to poison the well and make people unwilling to even listen.
You know, I’m not one to go in for theories of systemic misogyny or treating the concept of “The Patriarchy” as if it was a real thing. It’s real hard not to notice, however, that this whole trans kids and sports thing is only about one particular situation. Has there been even a single instance of a girl transitioning to a boy and being denied a chance to compete in boy’s sports?
Instead, it’s always boys transitioning to girls and then wanting to compete against girls who, for simple biological realities, are physically inferior to them. And it’s not just the sport stuff. Aren’t almost ALL trans issues defined from the male-to-female transition perspective? We see talk about how “men can get pregnant” but I’m not sure I’ve ever seen much discussion of how “women can get erections.”
It’s almost enough to make one become a hardcore TERF
I think he/she/it has a chance. No other reason except to have the 1ST elected trans governor. You know Cali has to be first in all progressive things and this is the chance.
Don’t be a Cuck. Let them tear that Thing to shreds. I mean, have some self-respect, Republicucks!
And burn down the Republican Party for the empty rotten parody of what it has become.
As for the Left… we all know they flip on a dime when any of ‘their’ natural constituency of Diversity and Freaks go off reservation. Dogs bark, the Left knifes perceived traitors.
What will be funny though is to watch all the Republicuck talking heads line up behind a tranny. The memes on Gab are pretty creative already and the clown show drollness shows promise of much to come.
Come on NEO, I appreciate your writing generally, but he is still a “he”. The fact that he knows it is not fair to girls means that he knows himself he is still a he. And what about all the shelters that are set up for women that now must allow men inside? And the female prisoners that are now forced to share cells with males whether they want to or not??????? Have you seen that California is preparing to send THOUSANDS of males into the women’s prisons. What do you think will happen to those women?????????? It is likely already happening in county lockups, where women who HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN TO TRIAL are forced to share facilities with males who claim to be female! We have become so weak we will not even say that is wrong just so we do not offend the left! And then the kids at schools. Forced to share locker rooms. Girls over in England trying to hold it all day because the “ adults” are so weak they decided to make the all the bathrooms “ gender neutral”. Maybe Western Civilizations deserves to collapse.We have become pathetic!
Currently, the number of request is in the hundreds, not thousands in California, but give it a year or two
I have no idea if Jenner has a chance at election. I must ask my California conservative relatives. I watched part of the campaign video, suffered cognitive dissonance because the voice and face don’t match, and then listened to the whole thing without watching. If only California conservatives, not only Jenner, would speak out as he does!
British coed bathrooms and girls avoiding them .
@Jon Baker:
There are plenty of people in the mood for a Scouring of the Shire. When that inevitably happens, backyard bonfires of newly-unfashionable tutus will herald in a new Ice Age.
And, on the subject of Tutus, if Desmond Tutu shows up, could burn him too. Now there’s a thought :).
Does the left really think she’s got a chance in California politics?
It has to. Her first campaign video is, if anything, stronger than anything Donald Trump put up in 2016. Remember how quickly he made fools of all the other nineteen Republican primary candidates, and how his rallies attracted thugs from the organized street Left.
Jenner has pretty well declared war on California’s extreme political correctitude, at a time when skyrocketing taxes and hyper-nutso City administrations have taught the ordinary citizen that from Governor Newsom and his quacking followers in Sacramento down through your friendly local vote harvester, California is badly in need of a course correction. I think her message is timely and will resonate far beyond the imaginations of our corrupt ‘news’ media. There may even be hope.
This whole push to shame everyone into going along with KNOWINGLY calling a male a “ she” is just a soft version of that scene in 1984 when the government guy is torturing the dissident and demanding that he lie about how many fingers he was holding up. The day Fox News called Bruce a woman was the day I knew we were in for a world of stupid in this country beyond what I had previously realized.
I’m doubtful that Jenner has much of a chance as well. But he’s certainly qualified. As being certifiably dysfunctional is the prime, indeed sole requirement for high public office in any blue state.
“Has there been even a single instance of a girl transitioning to a boy and being denied a chance to compete in boy’s sports?” MBunge
Not that I’ve noticed but since any girl who imagines themselves to ‘really be’ a male, while still retaining the ablity to brush their teeth, secretely knows that they can’t successfully compete athletically in boys sports, so it doesn’t arise.
Whereas, boys who pretend to be girls know that it’s a certain path to ‘winning’. Self-deceit being essential to ‘validation’. That and pure selfishness, since they know they’re not competing on a level field. They haven’t won anything but they have earned our contempt.
“Have you seen that California is preparing to send THOUSANDS of males into the women’s prisons. What do you think will happen to those women?????????? It is likely already happening in county lockups, where women who HAVE NOT EVEN BEEN TO TRIAL are forced to share facilities with males who claim to be female!” jon baker
Civil lawsuits? Class action lawsuits against all involved parties? Citing cruel and unusual punishment and civil rights violations? Don’t jails & prisons have a legal obligation to protect the inmates from rape and sexual harassment?
I would think that conservative lawyers would be licking their chops at the prospects for huge compensation.
The interesting thing is that when Jenner was recently on some leftist TV show, the interviewer called Jenner “he” and then apologized. Jenner said he’s not too worried about pronouns, and that California has much more important problems to solve than pronouns.
1. “There is no evidence of voter fraud.”
2. “ It is unscientific to suggest the use of hydroxychloroquine might help with COVID, and you should be silenced for saying it.”
3. “The Chinese were not running “ Gain of Function” experiments in Wuhan, and even if they were, we need to continue those experiments, but you are a conspiracy theorist just for pointing that out.”
4. “ It is a right wing conspiracy theory that Dr. Fauci was using NIH funding to help run gain of function experiments in Wuhan, never mind that the rightwing rag ‘Newsweek’ said he was.”
5. “ A man can become a woman and vice versa. And how dare you think otherwise!”
And which one of those actually came first??????
@Insufficiently Sensitive:
Nothing good can come of electing a Clown Show Freak, no matter what propitious utterances it emits.
Does it have a stable sense of self? Unlikely, one would think.
Has it done weird unpredictable #$@% before? Hell, yeah!
Are you a steppe-dwelling nomad in regular need of the services of a sexually ambiguous Shaman? I would guess also no: Scythians don’t do blogs.
Californicated Republicucks should sit this one out if it gets the nomination. Be Men.
Men don’t vote for @#$^ing Elagabalus for Emperor.
The Age of Elections is now in Abeyance, anyway.
But mark carefully all who step up to assure you with honeyed logic why you ought to vote for this Abomination.
Jenner forces all democrats in the State to wear a tag on their foreheads that says “I am a hypocrite”.
This is not good handicapping.
That’ll really bug them.
No it won’t.
If she were to win, it would be interesting to see if she would be hailed as the “first female governor” of CA. But considering such issues as the fatal auto accident she was involved in, I don’t think this candidacy has legs. But she’s right on the issue of trans women and women’s sports, so I’ll give her that.
No surprises to see a sexually confused Clymer of the unambiguous surname brigade putting on a practical demonstration of the Culture of Critique.
Nice touch, the Charlotte bit though. Has just the right overtones of overblown (err) flounced up harlotry about it.
He/she/it’s first campaign ad.
Pretty good. Needs to do something with that hair though.
Yeah, CV, I wondered about that traffic accident.
Zaphod, nobody will “get the nomination.” The recall will have two questions. First, should Newsom be removed? Second, who should replace Newsom? Largest vote-getter becomes governor. No nomination, primary, any of that.
What SHOULD happen is that a California Republican without the Jenner identity issues starts talking the way Jenner is about what needs to be done for California.
“What SHOULD happen is that a California Republican without the Jenner identity issues starts talking the way Jenner is about what needs to be done for California.”
That’ll happen shortly after I become more detail-oriented and descend on my pillar of light to the earthly plane of primaries vs. recalls such that Art+Deco can’t slide a razor blade between my neatly-arranged arguments 😛
I don’t think a Republican will become governor of California. And if he or she does, that person will have to deal with a legislature that can override anything the governor vetoes.
However, I think that Jenner the Republican has a better chance of being elected governor than someone without the “identity issues”- that is, Mr. or Ms. Generic Republican. Being transgender would be a plus in California in terms of attracting some Democrats. A more ordinary Republican candidate wouldn’t have even a chance of doing that, IMHO, whereas Jenner has a small chance.
In a throwback to another time and place where we were all supposed to have our flying cars by now instead of tranny governators, Elon Musk appears to have managed to pull off a soft landing of his starship.
Elon Musk is a genius at grifting taxpayer cash, but I’d rather see him spending it on shiny starship thingies than it going to fund IVF for trannies and lesbians or Somali Lebensborns in Minnesota.
jack; Insufficiently Sensitive:
That’s a brilliant ad. Of course, brilliant ads don’t necessarily win elections when the deck is stacked against you. But it really resonates. I’m not even talking about politics. In the last 50 years I’ve probably gone to California at least 100 times and maybe more. Lots of relatives and friends there and I lived there for a year as well. Each of my visits may have averaged a month ( usually summers and then over the holidays plus some of January). So you might say I’ve spent many many years there. I first went in 1960 but my regular visits started in 1970. So I remember it when it really was The Golden State, a wonderful place. And I’ve watched it change year by year.
I wonder how many people remember. After all, most voters are not my age. But still, I love that ad.
As for Jenner’s hair, I think she looks fine considering her whole history, and the fact that she only transitioned a few years ago. The voice won’t change, but that’s fine too. Gives her authority.
The best of both worlds.
I don’t think she has more than a .000001% chance of victory, though.
Neo, my brother-in-law, a native Californian, agrees with you that no Republican is going to win. But I haven’t yet seen any Democrats say they’ll run in the recall. I suppose they don’t want to draw Newsom’s ire.
Generalize much?
Some trans people are very unstable. Some are somewhat unstable. Some are fine – I even know some personally who are fine and very stable and trustworthy. I wouldn’t generalize about one person by the category of people that person belongs to.
I’ll leave that to those who are into identity politics.
My grandmother was born on a farm outside Pasadena, and my parents, grandparents, great-grandparents and one generation before that are buried in San Gabriel. My dad lived there before WWII, and said it was unbelievably beautiful.
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I’m sure you know the rest.
There is a great coming apart at the seams. If one is not prepared to do injustice to an individual here and there in order to strive to retain what can be saved of the Whole, then one has to bear moral responsibility for one’s share in the collapse. Of course by then it’s all conveniently too late.
I’ve nothing against people making do with their personal idiosyncrasies — sexual or otherwise. We’ve all been around. We all know rather different people who live quiet lives and don’t rub it in everyone’s faces 24/7. Personally I’ve knocked about a lot in SE Asia where transsexuals are an established part of life. Go for a haircut, you’re going to get one clipping your locks and another one shampooing. They just are. What they don’t do is run for high office on the basis of being a public spectacle.
But this Jenner thing and the recent Trannypocalypse is not about personal idiosyncrasy — this is a public flouting of mores and a full-on inversion of values — some of if merely symptomatic of where our pozzed syphilization is headed and some strategically done to demoralise GoodWhites ™. There is no way to play in this sandpit without getting dirty.
Your Civic Religion is being turned into Karnival.
This studious, studied avoidance of the Disgust Reflex is late stage Sir John Glubb stuff. It doesn’t bode well for us at all.
It’s not about being fair to Jenner. It’s about your generalizations about trans people, and about what it would mean to elect Jenner (something that I think won’t be happening, as I already said). I would vote for her with no hesitation if I thought she was the best person for the job who is running for office. It’s as simple as that. She’s already a trans celebrity. She’s already a role model for whoever might find her a role model (although I doubt anyone views her and then decides to become trans because they admire her so much – I think there are many other things driving the trans movement, some of which I’ve written about at length on this blog). I see a lot of good traits in Jenner that I would want in a politician: courage, common sense in terms of public policy, and a great work ethic (you don’t become a star athlete without the latter). That’s the bottom line for me.
Also, as a trans person, she is sensible about trans activism and is against the more flagrant examples of it that violate the rights of others. It takes a great deal of courage to do that.
A whole lot of pontificating from someone who doesn’t have a stake in or live in this country; just cares for the people of “od.”
Honestly Its refreshing for someone to say something and not immediately double back and offer an apology when confronted by the mob. Especially in California
These days it takes real balls to do that
I estimate that in current year at least 80% of transsexuals out there are herd-following mentally unstable transgressives just picking the most fashionable attention-seeking way in which to kick our collective heads and rub excrement in our faces.
The other 20% give or take have always been with us, along with homosexuals. Who knows why, but clearly they must fill some group survival evolutionary niches having stuck around for so long. That’s great. No problem. I need to get may hair cut when I’m in Bangkok anyway. Were I a Scythian, I’d need a Shaman to boil up some herbs when I caught the Covid. Yay.
But societies have to be based upon some strong moral taboos. The old dispensation was that you could get up to whatever you wanted to provided that you were discreet and provided you kept it away from children, did not aggressively proselytize, and in some times and places stuck to certain parts of town and certain professions.
If you’re going to have any kind of Civic Religion / Pietas, it *must* be fenced around with taboos and even hypocrisies. Otherwise it ain’t no religion, duh!
I think you must be on the side of Civic Religion, because I think you know the alternatives and don’t like them. I myself am probably of another opinion, but am pessimistic either way it pans out.
The Big Question is what are to be those taboos and hypocrisies. Who decides those is who Rules.
Now our New Civic Religion most certainly *is* fenced about with taboos and hypocrisies, but instead of No Trannies being part of the ring fence, ‘Thou Shalt Worship Trannies’ is now part of the Creed. The shrine is fenced off with stuff like ‘White Men Bad’, ‘Voter ID Racist’, ‘Borders Bad’…
Jenner is a cunningly-disguised sign in the Greengrocer’s Window. The Serpent is Subtle. A well-ordered society would quietly tolerate a quiet Jenner. A dis-ordered society will tell itself that ‘Our Tranny is the Good Tranny, so there!’
He has been ripping India for days here with broad stereotypes and borderline racist tones.
“These days it takes real balls to do that”
We have a Thread Winner.
What you win is a month of free fact-checking from Art+Deco. Art, you could start with the obvious…
Only Borderline? Please permit me to elucidate. Those were meant to be overtly racist overtones. Obviously I’m not expressing myself very well.
I really don’t like Indians. Been there, got the t-shirt, seen and interacted with enough of them to know what’s what. Tell you a secret: Thais don’t like them, Chinese don’t like them, Javanese don’t like them, Africans really really don’t like them. Gee, I dunno. I guess they’ve all been Carefully Taught.
Are you satisfied now?
You speak as if Racial Prejudice is a bad thing, too. 🙂
Your estimates are meaningless to me except that they are your opinions.
I think the greatest danger of the trans movement – and it is indeed a great danger – is the activism involved in it. In other words, the insistence on testosterone-influenced biological males who identify as trans women competing against women in sports, the infringements on religious liberty and on other kinds of liberty, and the popularization (particularly among teens) of transition as a sort of fad, especially with adolescent females who are having trouble with puberty and its aftermath. The rates have skyrocketed. I’m also very much against the way the medical establishment has enabled this latter phenomenon, as well as the way the therapy establishment has done the same. There are plenty of things to fight against, but Jenner’s candidacy is not one of them.
Don’t like all of them? All billion or so? Sorry I’m not going to generalize about a country that big.
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We have rather different models of how a society functions or slips into dysfunction.
In my model, were Jenner a paragon rather than a Reality TV Magazine Cover Drag Queen, he/she/it would regardless still need to be sacrificed on the altar of civic piety if he/she/it exhibited poor judgement, hubris and gross civic impiety by seeking public office. For the Greater Public Good.
In your model, if my understanding is correct, he/she/it has better policies and arguments than the other side, and is therefore worth a try. For the Greater Public Good.
Your argument has the advantage of being less mean and unpleasant in the here and now, I’ll grant.
I’ll also freely admit that according to the same logic I should have opposed Trump from the get go because he was obviously a Clown Show back then. I argued at the time that he was Our Clown Show and therefore OK. So I’m an intolerant racist *hypocrite*… but constantly updating my priors.
We all can and do make exceptions for friends, colleagues, acquaintances whose individual characters and behaviours we have had time to build internal models of.
Failure to generalise about anyone or anything outside this small bubble alluded to above would have put your ancestors in the belly of a sabre tooth tiger or their gnawed-out bones in the ashes of another tribe’s campfire. Your ancestors did so well. Don’t let them down in 2021 by being the first to eff it up through woolly-headed cogitations you read about in some other people’s writings ;P
I’m not going to draw you a diagram or write a screed about why the Disgust Reflex has profoundly strong evolutionary survival advantages. You are smart enough to figure it out for yourself.
It’s remarkable that the only person seemingly able to muster the courage to speak plainly about the collapse of civilization in California is an attention seeking character who apparently has had his own balls cut off, and now masquerades as a woman.
And 56 percent of young white liberal females are self-described as mentally ill.
And … well, go ahead Lord, just send the comet. LOL
@DNW as the fireball / tidal wave engulfs us, there will be blue-haired women in sociology departments busily putting out papers on the hetero-normative problematic aspects of penetrative acts perpetrated on Black Bodies by patriarchal comets. Celestial Bodies as a term is right out, I guess.
We’ve been well and truly Fisted by Foucault (some Rare Satirical Wit had this as his Twitter handle before the Purge), and it’s not even the Half Time Show yet.
Well when the man from “od” post lately in his little rut, the disgust reflex gets tested. Takes all kinds to make this fallen world.
You know, it is impossible to believe that people became so Goddamned incredibly perverse just as a result of some lessening of the mechanisms of social repression; i.e., as an unintended result of good intentions aimed at a healthful and overdue liberation of the human personality from unnecessary strictures.
And of course there is no actual reason to have ever believed it in the first place, unless you grew up naive, in an insulated environment protected by quasi-libertarian normals who somehow (and apparently against all odds) did not have dark secrets hidden in their family closets; and you had only read about the crazies from history books, and not from secret rooms in your parents’ basement or attic, like the Kinsey family had.
Must there be, in effect, one briefly wonders, the functional equivalent of secret clans and covens of these miscreants reproducing themselves throughout history … just barely beneath the chronicler’s radar?
Naw. Too ridiculous to believe. Until of course, you are informed about assortative mating, read about so-called “gaydar”, and other plausible mechanisms you were never taught about in social history class or Anthropology 110.
The result being that the more you learn about people and their interior and private lives, the less – contrary to the expectations we have been conditioned to believe – sympathy and solidarity one is likely to feel for them.
They apparently like being what they are. They celebrate what they are. And they just get stranger, and stranger, and more perverse, until they walk right out of a recognizable humanity and into some other kind of moral existence altogether.
And we are supposed to care for, tolerate, sympathize with, and even affirm them, just why, exactly?
But you gotta love them because they are broken. But they are not really broken and you cannot label them that, you hetero-normative bastard.
But you gotta love them because they are just like you under the skin and we all want the same things and can work together to achieve them. But they are really not, and they do not, and we cannot, and how dare you presume it was ever so, you fascist.
But you gotta love them because we are all in this and are better together. Except we are plainly not.
And you gotta love them because it won’t hurt too much and you will eventually get used to it and be able to live a more or less normal and free life. Except it will, you won’t, and they don’t want you to and they are telling you that you too will have to change, or else.
So as they strike the match … let them burn …
I’m done preaching to the stones. And I think that most people here, probably are too.
Watched Jenner interviewed by Hannity tonight. Jenner said all the right things about policy. Has had good advice and coaching. The name recognition helps. It was the reason why Ahhnold won the recall with Gray Davis.
Rick Grenell, the German ambassador and acting DIA for Trump, may run. He’s gay. So, the GOP has diversity among its politicians to some extent.
That said, no Republican has a chance to turn things around in California. The Democrat controlled legislature handed Ahhnold his head. Things will change only when the voters decide to send some new, conservative people to the legislature. Problem is, those voters are opting to leave the state. It’s another Argentina now. So full of beauty and promise. So betrayed by socialism. A great place to visit. Yosemite is as nice as ever. Lake Tahoe has its charms. The Napa wine country is worth a visit. Palm Springs for golf in the winter is fun. But live and work there? No place for conservatives. Not now, anyway.
Franz Boas and Friends grabbed a-hold of Anthropology and re-oriented that field for Reasons.
Beyond the Usual Suspects, there’s plenty more to go around. Human Animals are just plain weird and messed up and a good deal of self-policing and societal policing is required at best of times — and when it works too well we forget why it was necessary until the wheel turns far enough again.
Compare and Contrast public reaction to Jenner antics to publication of Frank Harris’s Autobiography ‘My Life and Loves’ back on the cusp of the latest downward swing. He was a ‘real’ Harris too… Probably the last time in recorded history that a Harris did something naughty and the cognoscenti didn’t check out his ancestry for form’s sake.
This is a very good thread. So was the Nazi thread the other day.
Could we please have a Nazi Trannies thread next? With Sprinkles on Top. Pretty please!
But no Bronies. Gotta hold the line, you know.
No surprises in this, the Left consistently attacks their ideological and political opponents, especially the ones that are or appear to be strong, well supported, and liked. That these opponents are members of some Leftist favored category is irrelevant – they must be crushed.
The Hannity/Jenner interview unfortunately reveals Jenner as a George Bush (either one) “compassionate conservative.” Jenner has updated the term to “compassionate disrupter” which is less insulting to conservatives but it’s unfortunately the same old same old. Having said that, I had great misgivings about Trump. I was worried that he would govern as Schwarzenegger did. He proved me magnificently wrong. Maybe Jenner will as well.
As entertaining as a Jenner candidacy might be, this guy has serious mental problems.
Living in a house full of Kardashians will do that to you.
He thinks he’s a girl, and has mutilated himself surgically into a caricature of what he thinks some seventies vintage Playboy centerfold should look like.
I find it impossible to take his candidacy seriously, and I live in the formerly Golden State of California.
I absolutely think Jenner has a shot. The lunatic fringe leftists claiming Jenner is a “trans traitor” do not represent even close to a majority of the left. On the contrary, Jenner’s views represent the overwhelming majority on this issue. Depending on who else runs, id say Jenner is the odds on favorite to win. Newsome has no shot.
Nothing good can come of electing a Clown Show Freak, no matter what propitious utterances it emits.
Too late. Our ‘news’ media, and TV programs in general, have convinced too many Americans that anyone who becomes a Celebrity is a legitimate candidate for political office. Thoughtful governance is wholly trumped by the Celebrity’s public recognition, as is occurring here, and has occurred in real life too many times already.
After listening to Jenner on Hannity facing mindless interview questions, it’s plain that he/she’s running on celebrityship rather than on governing principles – that he/she is a ‘fighter’ who’ll fight for good, and against evil, and that his/her track record (clips of ecstatic spectators at track meets) is sufficient to run against the evil Gavin Newsom.
Jenner’s light years more palatable than Elegabalus, but the age of Pericles this would not be if he/she wins.
One asset that Jenner has is being a very public figure. The lefties will find it harder to manufacture drunken misbehavior in high school, etc.