HomePoliticsThe government and the drones


The government and the drones — 16 Comments

  1. Yeah, this Federal non-answer is frustrating as hell.

    Some current theories–

    Actually, its our own government, or some part of it–see Dr. Steven Greer’s decade’s long contention that rogue government organizations are ginning up an “alien invasion” threat.

    China, Russia, or some other nation state?

    Some very wealthy SPECTRE like organization?

    Extraterrestrials? But I don’t see observers talking about seeing these objects demonstrating the “Six Observables.”

    Perhaps an extremely confusing mixture of some, or all of the above?

    And the latest theory is that these drones are searching the country, trying to detect traces of a nuclear or dirty nuclear bomb. As I understand it, if it were a dirty nuclear bomb, it would probably only contain a relatively small amount of nuclear materials and, if this were the case, such a dirty nuclear bomb would be very hard to detect.

    The problem with this last theory is that the DOE already has it’s NEST (Nuclear Emergency Support Team (formerly titled “Search Team”)), an umbrella organization specially equipped and tasked to detect just such a threat.

    I doubt that the thousands of drones flying around are all equipped with similar detection equipment.

    Thinking about it, though, I’m currently inclined to think that the nuclear or dirty nuclear bomb idea is the most likely explanation for all of these “drones” flying around. *

    Wouldn’t one of our enemies just love to smuggle such a weapon into one of our cities and detonate it?

    If this is the case, I could see why the government might make the decision not to inform the public about what is really going on, so as to avoid panic.

    * See https://yournews.com/2024/12/16/2948849/radioactive-material-lost-in-transit-nrc-confirms-speculation-mounts-over/

  2. P.S.

    A dirty bomb can be seen as a psychological weapon.

    The purpose of a dirty bomb is not so much it’s initial destructive power but, rather it’s ability to spread radioactive material over a wide area, forcing either an extremely expensive and lengthy clean up, or–given the half life of the radioactive material involved–abandonment of the contaminated area for months, years, or perhaps even a lot longer.

    Moreover, there are also obviously the immediate, and residual effects on any person unfortunately caught in the area when the weapon detonates.

  3. “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Could Obama and his minions somehow be creating a chaotic situation to interrupt the transfer of power? There have been rumors about some high-ranking military seeking to prevent Trump from taking power.

  4. @Rufus:A clandestine operation

    But it’s not very clandestine at all. They have their running lights on. Everyone is watching them and talking about them.

  5. ”I don’t believe the government doesn’t know what’s going on.”

    I’m with Kate here. I think the federal government knows exactly what’s going on. They’re just not telling us.

    This feels like the Chinese spy balloon incident: willful incompetence.

  6. Snow, just read that nuke material has gone missing, from a train. And some containers found damages, in a NJ rail yard.
    I don’ know what/who/where on the drones. But I think now some stupid people that have drones are out there, causing mayhem

  7. Niketas,

    I debated using the word “clandestine” for the very reason you outline. If it is a military mission it is clandestine in that all military leaders interviewed on the subject deny any involvement.

    Maybe clandestine yet overt?

  8. A helicopter equipped with an APS-19 radar, or similar, could intercept and stay with a drone. Night vision goggles for the pilot, an infrared spotting scope for the radar operator, and an infrared camera could provide positive ID.

    Also, unless the drones are flying a pre-programmed course on an autopilot, they would be under control of an operator on the ground. That provides an electronic signature that could be tracked to its source by ECM equipment.

    Except for night vision goggles, this is all 1960s gear that we used when we were doing air defense intercepts in Vietnam.

    To me, this all smacks of a military that either knows what’s going on or is too rigid in their thinking to simply tell the public they don’t know what’s going on but will get to the bottom of it. They are projecting an image of weakness when they’re so namby pamby.

  9. The “Is there anyone who trusts the government anymore?”

    (For that matter, “ANY MORE”???)
    Powerline blog is on a roll:
    “Dec. 16: Pentagon Knew of Covid Lab Leak in Oct. 2019, Ex-Intel Official Says“—
    “Biden Lied About Everything: Philly Fed Finds All Jobs “Created” In Q2 Were Fake”-/

    And more from the That’s Entertainment” File…
    “ Prisoner CNN helped free from Syrian prison was actually notorious Assad regime torturer: report”—


  10. Shoot them down. Let God sort them out.

    I’m not in a fluffy rabbit Jesus mood.

    Of course we won’t if they are American.

    Which is what I suspect.

  11. One thing is certain: They’re pretty silly the way they’ve handled this! Afghanistan is coming back to bite them!

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