The clueless, ignorant, and arrogant are in charge — 18 Comments
fictionalist. no..fantabukist yes
And his relation to one of the family leaders of the world dont hurt
Dug a bit more and you will find a seventy year and pro quo of the top families connected to ask this. Pick the arbitrary starting points of micro loans… India and Indonesia and the families.. And voila
Phone spell check makes things worse not better
Ben, Powers, Rice are complete dolts. They caused plenty of damage.
But Val and Barack listen to them. Stupid. Hillary Clinton-like stupid.
Cornhead, the low-level true believers are the dolts. The five people you name resent comfortable, accomplished conservatives. They are cleverly using the dolts to gain power to punish those they resent, i.e., Republicans.
Goebbels would be so envious.
I don’t believe Trump has well chosen so far. Case in point: Lewandowski (thug); Manafort (lobbied for: the Saudis, a corrupt Ukrainian dictator with ties to Putin and a Pakistani terrorist organization); Carson (numerous gaffes in spite of high expectation: now heads VP search and just said Trump is open to a Dem VP); his new finance guy Mnuchin (partnered with Goldman Sachs -nothing wrong with it except the attacks on Cruz in that regard now look silly – gave to the Clintons – that must have been a plus – and worked for Soros) And his lightweight/ airhead (often downright wacky) spokespersons like Pierson and Hughes.
But then, he also believes, like our current President, that the best possible person to consult is himself:
“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”
And for these reasons, I don’t believe he will choose any better later, either
*chosen well.
Yes, quite obviously since January of 2008.
Punks of a feather flock together. We use to call it navel gazing. Now its considered conventional wisdom. I loath conventional wisdom.
Makes sense given that Obama became President with the chief instrument of a demonstrably false narrative of OIF that yet is the prevailing narrative of the Iraq intervention in the zeitgeist despite its plain contradiction of a straightforward law, policy, precedent, and fact record. It stands to reason that they would continue the propaganda strategy for President Obama that made Obama President in the 1st place.
A pyromaniac seems to be cutting loose in Alberta.
Is this jihad ?
For there are multiple fires breaking out — directly in the oil patch.
OPEC crude is up $2 in the blink of an eye.
Coincidence, or something more ?
Inquiring minds want to know.
You are sometimes even often in the bullseye, but you may be off the mark on tbis on.
We are now VERY soviet… the nyc soviet (council) has decided to force people to pay 5 cents per bag. the money will go to the supermarkets, who will then lobby for a 10c minimum and donate to the dems of the council for more
Now that behavior control is a proper use of taxes (normalized over evil things like cigarettes, the way forfeture was ok for drugs now everyone loses money to the police if they have any… ), the next step is to make a very large list of behaviors the communists dont like and start taxing us.
this wll end with men sitting on welfar drinking starka as women turn into hookers for “gifts” which are not considered income (as happened in soviet russia)..
how bad is it?
for the first time, people want to leave the US in record numbers, the same way that jews with resources escaped nazi germany before hitler fully flowered
the number of published expatriates for the first three months of 2016 was a record 1,158. In 2015, there were approximately 4,300 expatriations. Comparing present to past suggests that Americans renouncing citizenship have risen 560% from their Bush administration high. There are now 18 times as many renouncers as in 2008.
Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country
Filmmaker and American citizen Agustin Blazquez never thought his native Cuba would become a communist country, but now he sees the same radical shift happening in America.
heck i started seeing that when i was a kid in the mid 1970s… duh.
the left has been clever by using “very non-threatening words,” like liberal, progressive and concerned citizens, for advancing government control of American lives. The truth about Cuban politics is hard to find because of media spin and propaganda dominating American discourse.
watching American youth embrace avowed socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, strikes him as “absurd.” It is the end result, he says, of the cultural marxist education and media propaganda that has anesthetized too many Americans who do not defend the values that made America exceptional.
these are the same people who have defined what makes a good leader (So they can fit that mold) what we should think, what we have to buy or they will make illegal or tax so only those with lucre can have, and on and on…
Obama says he controls media, and you guys think you know the candidate that is hated and the whole media machine goes after.
there is now a twitter feed and a website fishing for any person who thinks they been wronged by trump over the past 50 years plus. (can anyone here say that if the same was put on them they would have a clean slate from high school across their whole lives having no one think they wronted them?)
Here is a clue for those just waking up to the political phenomena that we are witnessing: Don’t blame Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) or even Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.). Blame those in the Washington political establishment who refused to stand up to President Obama’s destroying what remained of the rule of law under the Constitution. Blame those who accepted the premise that allowing the federalization of our nation’s schools (at all levels) was acceptable and could be managed.
We are in post-constitutional government. This is not a good thing, but it is objectively true. Congress has ceded all of its authority to the executive branch. The Supreme Court has ruled in King v. Burwell, with a GOP nominee agreeing, that the actual words in legislation don’t matter, and can be reinterpreted however the executive branch decides suits its purpose. The GOP in Congress continues to give lip service to things like executive amnesty and concern about the borders while funding Obama’s every move. The GOP in Congress pretends to want to stand up to Iran while giving Obama’s Iran deal an OK through the original Corker bill.
at the end: Any questions why Trump is swamping everyone in the Republican primaries? If GOP politicians are looking for someone to blame, they merely need to look in the mirror to find their quarry. It was their own failure to properly represent their own constituents that created a rich environment for an outsider like Trump to succeed.
The emergence of Trump is not the end of democracy; it is affirmation that, in fact, democracy in America – if not the constitutional rule of law – is alive and well. Stop whining.
As to the likes of Rhodes and their enablers, this comes to mind ….
Not only did Trump admit that he hires second-rate people so he won’t be upstaged, but it completely fits his psychological profile of a petulant narcissist. He’s the white Obama, and this news is utterly unsurprising.
OPEC was trying to destroy fracking by lowering prices. They failed, of course.
It still hurt the fracking industry a bit, but not enough to kill em.
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fictionalist. no..fantabukist yes
And his relation to one of the family leaders of the world dont hurt
Dug a bit more and you will find a seventy year and pro quo of the top families connected to ask this. Pick the arbitrary starting points of micro loans… India and Indonesia and the families.. And voila
Phone spell check makes things worse not better
Ben, Powers, Rice are complete dolts. They caused plenty of damage.
But Val and Barack listen to them. Stupid. Hillary Clinton-like stupid.
Cornhead, the low-level true believers are the dolts. The five people you name resent comfortable, accomplished conservatives. They are cleverly using the dolts to gain power to punish those they resent, i.e., Republicans.
Goebbels would be so envious.
I don’t believe Trump has well chosen so far. Case in point: Lewandowski (thug); Manafort (lobbied for: the Saudis, a corrupt Ukrainian dictator with ties to Putin and a Pakistani terrorist organization); Carson (numerous gaffes in spite of high expectation: now heads VP search and just said Trump is open to a Dem VP); his new finance guy Mnuchin (partnered with Goldman Sachs -nothing wrong with it except the attacks on Cruz in that regard now look silly – gave to the Clintons – that must have been a plus – and worked for Soros) And his lightweight/ airhead (often downright wacky) spokespersons like Pierson and Hughes.
But then, he also believes, like our current President, that the best possible person to consult is himself:
“I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.”
And for these reasons, I don’t believe he will choose any better later, either
*chosen well.
Yes, quite obviously since January of 2008.
Punks of a feather flock together. We use to call it navel gazing. Now its considered conventional wisdom. I loath conventional wisdom.
Makes sense given that Obama became President with the chief instrument of a demonstrably false narrative of OIF that yet is the prevailing narrative of the Iraq intervention in the zeitgeist despite its plain contradiction of a straightforward law, policy, precedent, and fact record. It stands to reason that they would continue the propaganda strategy for President Obama that made Obama President in the 1st place.
A pyromaniac seems to be cutting loose in Alberta.
Is this jihad ?
For there are multiple fires breaking out — directly in the oil patch.
OPEC crude is up $2 in the blink of an eye.
Coincidence, or something more ?
Inquiring minds want to know.
You are sometimes even often in the bullseye, but you may be off the mark on tbis on.
We are now VERY soviet… the nyc soviet (council) has decided to force people to pay 5 cents per bag. the money will go to the supermarkets, who will then lobby for a 10c minimum and donate to the dems of the council for more
Now that behavior control is a proper use of taxes (normalized over evil things like cigarettes, the way forfeture was ok for drugs now everyone loses money to the police if they have any… ), the next step is to make a very large list of behaviors the communists dont like and start taxing us.
this wll end with men sitting on welfar drinking starka as women turn into hookers for “gifts” which are not considered income (as happened in soviet russia)..
how bad is it?
for the first time, people want to leave the US in record numbers, the same way that jews with resources escaped nazi germany before hitler fully flowered
the number of published expatriates for the first three months of 2016 was a record 1,158. In 2015, there were approximately 4,300 expatriations. Comparing present to past suggests that Americans renouncing citizenship have risen 560% from their Bush administration high. There are now 18 times as many renouncers as in 2008.
Cuban-American Filmmaker Warns America Is Morphing Into Communist Country
heck i started seeing that when i was a kid in the mid 1970s… duh.
these are the same people who have defined what makes a good leader (So they can fit that mold) what we should think, what we have to buy or they will make illegal or tax so only those with lucre can have, and on and on…
Obama says he controls media, and you guys think you know the candidate that is hated and the whole media machine goes after.
there is now a twitter feed and a website fishing for any person who thinks they been wronged by trump over the past 50 years plus. (can anyone here say that if the same was put on them they would have a clean slate from high school across their whole lives having no one think they wronted them?)
at the end:
Any questions why Trump is swamping everyone in the Republican primaries? If GOP politicians are looking for someone to blame, they merely need to look in the mirror to find their quarry. It was their own failure to properly represent their own constituents that created a rich environment for an outsider like Trump to succeed.
The emergence of Trump is not the end of democracy; it is affirmation that, in fact, democracy in America – if not the constitutional rule of law – is alive and well. Stop whining.
As to the likes of Rhodes and their enablers, this
comes to mind ….
Not only did Trump admit that he hires second-rate people so he won’t be upstaged, but it completely fits his psychological profile of a petulant narcissist. He’s the white Obama, and this news is utterly unsurprising.
OPEC was trying to destroy fracking by lowering prices. They failed, of course.
It still hurt the fracking industry a bit, but not enough to kill em.