Home » The anti-Trump Resistance resists …


The anti-Trump Resistance resists … — 12 Comments

  1. It is so sad watching the US tear itself apart. The vicious hatreds on both sides. The unwillingness to see anything other than bad in the opposition. And then there are the leaders whipping up the storm.
    Red and Blue aren’t your enemies. But your enemies are delighted when all you care about is red v blue.
    I would also argue Canada and Europe aren’t your enemies but that is now an amazingly controversial opinion.
    Good luck to all of you 🙂

  2. David Clayton:

    The left has been calling leaders on the right “Hitler” for a long time. The left completely dominates the bureaucracy in DC and is also behind the lawfare against its opponents. Those things are facts. This comes from the left. What is happening now can be explained here:

  3. Hope you saw the piece on City Journal by Chris Rufo which uncovered the crazy and deranged sex talk (lots of trans stuff) by our so-called intelligence officials.

    Lots of them need to be fired. And the new FBI can keep an eye on the fired CIA people to see if they are selling state secrets.

    What horrible people! No exactly like in the movies.

  4. ” The anti-Trump Resistance resists…with particular force because they see their entire edifice of power threatened.”

    Yup. As I said early on, DOGE is an atom bomb set off in the heart of the Deep State. With it Trump and Musk have crossed the Rubicon. I hope they both know there’s no going back now, no letting up. Everyone is all in. I think they do.

    Besides mixing three metaphors, I note that it took two atom bombs to defeat Imperial Japan. I wonder what the second one will be in this case.

  5. The unwillingness to see anything other than bad in the opposition.
    Your comment is perfectly smarmy.

  6. @Cornhead:Hope you saw the piece on City Journal by Chris Rufo which uncovered the crazy and deranged sex talk (lots of trans stuff) by our so-called intelligence officials.

    He can find that closer to home, one of his recent hires to the Manhattan Institute is an outspoken advocate for trans people, as well as a pro-Biden progressive and a porn actress. In Rufo’s defense, he probably hired her because she was dating another Manhattan Institute staffer, and not because of being pro-Biden or in porn. He certainly did pass over a lot of better-qualified people, though.

  7. David Clayton:

    I have no idea where you are from but it is sad that you have not been paying attention to what has been going on in my, our (neo’s) country. The far left has shown itself quite willing to murder Americans for having the wrong political beliefs be they a health care executive, a presidential candidate (unsuccessfully tried twice in 2024) or a conservative activist (Portland, OR 2020).

    Friends don’t murder to settle differences of opinion or philosophy. Enemies see no problem with that seemingly.

  8. David is really trolling us, or a reasonable facsimile, of same, now when 100 cities were undergoing ‘mostly peaceful’ protests, so Canada, debanks Truckers and grovels to Xi, and assorted terrorists, like omar kadr, the boy terrorist or the Hamas protesters, how are they an ally, maybe under a different regime,

    by that standard, this so called resistance is a damp squib, some cigar store indian judges,
    some rent a mob, with AID receipts,

    some of Rufo’s research, might have published elsewhere,
    like Discover the Networks, but much of it is new to my recollection,

    does someone have to simon pure to be acceptable, well we are going to have a very small tent, for instance clair lehmann and bari weiss have said some silly things in the last week or so, but I wouldnt right them off

  9. David Clayton:

    And as to the country “tearing itself apart” consider that what is actually happening is the progressives and left are loosing their dominance and strangle hold on power. They are weakened but not yet defeated. Clutching at straws, hopefully as the arc of history pulls them down the drain.

  10. Revealing classified information is a serious federal crime. Revealing classified information to a hostile foreign power would be an act of treason.
    Ҥ2381. Treason
    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” [my emphasis]

    Which raises the question; can an American citizen convicted of treason and imprisoned… still receive a Presidential pardon?

  11. @miguel cervantes:does someone have to simon pure to be acceptable

    I am heavily sanitizing this situation, miguel. I’ve given you enough to go on to fill in the rest, and find out how bad it really is.

    Someone who preaches meritocracy probably should be expected to practice it, and the tent cannot be made infinitely big to cover “a pro-choice atheist who has consistently voted Democrat throughout my adult life”. There are a lot of real conservatives with better qualifications that Rufo passed over. It’s not wrong to point this out.

    As one commenter said, “You get to dole out cash and prizes to your friend’s lefty porno gf or you get to lecture people about temperament and hiring practices, you don’t get to do both at the same time.”

    Rufo’s done a lot of great work, and he can do more. He could be even more effective if he hired better people, and this particular act of nepotism is the kind of thing that is at least as bad, if not worse, then the DEI hiring he’s been working against.

  12. @Geoffrey Britain:can an American citizen convicted of treason and imprisoned… still receive a Presidential pardon?

    Treason was pardoned by President Johnson for thousands of people in 1868. It’s a plenary power and there is only one restriction on it in the Constitution. The Founders argued about making treason unpardonable, and did not do it.

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