HomeParis and France2 trialTale of the tape: al Durah


Tale of the tape: al Durah — 10 Comments

  1. “So why did no other news agency pick up on the discrepancy?”

    News agencies report what is “accurate”, even if it is
    “fake, but accurate.”

    From a news agency perspective, that the boy moved after he supposedly died equates to
    “real, but inaccurate.”

    News agencies are trying to report accurately. They cannot do less. Raison d’etre. Their honor is at stake.

  2. Is it not rich when the corrupt sue the honest? Oh well, time is eternal and even the Rolling Bones have to know, it is not on their side. I am not holding my breath on this outcome, though there is always some small hope that the right will prevail.

  3. I think gcotharn nailed it.

    I would be very surprised if the court found against Enderlin. The repercussions would be too huge.

  4. propaganda movie against Israel




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    What I was particularly struck by was that there was not a false note in the entire film- and I can imagine a better way for the people of this country to finally come to appreciate the reality


    A thought-provoking and powerful documentary film on the current and historical root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Unlike any other film ever produced on the conflict — ‘Occupation 101’ presents a comprehensive analysis of the facts and hidden truths surrounding the never ending controversy and dispels many of its long-perceived myths and misconceptions.

    The film also details life under Israeli military rule, the role of the United States in the conflict, and the major obstacles that stand in the way of a lasting and viable peace. The roots of the conflict are explained through first-hand on-the-ground experiences from leading Middle East scholars, peace activists, journalists, religious leaders and humanitarian workers whose voices have too often been suppressed in American media outlets.

    The film covers a wide range of topics — which include — the first wave of Jewish immigration from Europe in the 1880’s, the 1920 tensions, the 1948 war, the 1967 war, the first Intifada of 1987, the Oslo Peace Process, Settlement expansion, the role of the United States Government, the second Intifada of 2000, the separation barrier and the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, as well as many heart wrenching testimonials from victims of this tragedy.

    Featured Interviews

    Featured Interviews

    Occupation 101 features a leading list of some of the most credible Middle East scholars, historians, peace activists, journalists, and humanitarian workers.

    Dr. Albert Aghazarian
    Director of Public Relations at Bier Ziet University. He is the most prominent Palestinian Armenian figure — Headed press centre during Madrid conference.

    Ambassador James Akins
    Former (1963-1965) Attache at the US Embassy in Baghdad; Former (1973-1975) US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

    Rabbi Arik Ascherman

    Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

    Rabbi Arik Ascherman
    Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights – an organization of Israeli rabbis committed to defending the human rights of all people in Israel and in the territories under Israeli control.

    Dr. William Baker
    Former Professor of Ancient History and Biblical studies. Founder of Christians and Muslims for Peace.

    Bishop Allen Bartlett, Jr.
    Assisting Bishop (2001-2004) of the Diocese of Washington. The Episcopal Diocese of Washington comprises 93 Episcopal congregations in the District of Columbia and the Maryland counties of Montgomery, Prince George’s, Charles and Saint Mary’s.

    Phyllis Bennis
    Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. An author, analyst, and activist on Middle East and UN issues. Helped found and co-chairs the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation.

    Peter Boukaert

    Director of Emergencies at Human Rights Watch — the largest human rights organization based in the United States. He has conducted extensive fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses in the West Bank (Israeli Occupied Territory).

    Sharon Burke
    Former Advocacy Director with Amnesty International — a Nobel Prize-winning grassroots activist organization with over 1.8 million members worldwide. Amnesty International undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave human rights abuses worldwide

  5. Oh, they all are Neo-Neo, one wins an award for his “documentary”, one gets a Nobel Peace prize for his “documentary,, and there is this. Not only true, but rewardably true, just ask Walter Duranty! Urhm, apologies if I mis-spoke earlier. And Hollywood is fair and balanced, I am progressive, and Jimmy Carter is nice. Ok, J.C. is nice to terrorists, despots, and anti-Americans. I’ll give you that.

    I just hope the Jews that are “running the world” wake up before it’s too late. Then again, if they are awake and in power, they must be suicidal. (dedicatedly tongue in cheek, no need for outrage which might otherwise be quite warranted, unless of course you are one of the suicidal Jews in power, then you can rant)

  6. The only way the Joooos can keep running the world is if enough wingnuts fear for their existence — so these guys need Iran! and Hezbolla and Hamas! and the threat of one-nuke genocide, as long as it’s just a threat.


    Fantasy wish: that some Palestinian mothers, who lost sons in the intifadah, would now sue France2 and France, for violating their rights with false publications, and promoting hate thru false images.

    When Palestinians claim to be victims of French anti-Semitism, it will be an interesting PC double-triple think to see what is PC.

  7. What bugs me here is that the judges were not all that … disturbed… as I understand, with the edited “raw” footage. I suspect they are going through the motions and in the interest of the public good, the discrepancy will be waived. I still say that France 2 and France itself cannot afford a verdict unfavorable to Enderlin, there are too many higher truths at stake and one nasty precedent this would make.

  8. Big Lie syndrome. Hitler understood it as the most powerful instinct bred into all people of Europe, and rode it into power. Now France 2 is riding it to the same tragic end. Enderlin is going to stick to his Big Lie, that the edited video is actually unedited, as long as it takes for the courts to buckle. Only if the court charges him with contempt can anything good come of this, and it clearly will not do so.

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