The second wave…
…in Hokkaido. It stands to reason that there would be a second wave. This is especially true if the first one was clamped down so quickly – as in Hokkaido – that few people gained immunity. I trust the figures … Continue reading →
…in Hokkaido. It stands to reason that there would be a second wave. This is especially true if the first one was clamped down so quickly – as in Hokkaido – that few people gained immunity. I trust the figures … Continue reading →
We keep reading that COVID-19 kills mostly the old and infirm. Except, from where I sit, a person doesn’t have to be so very old or infirm to be in those categories. Yes, the disease kills a lot of very … Continue reading →
I get several emails every day that chorus, “We’re here for you!” The pharmacy, the grocery store, Walmart, my doctors, the hairdresser I went to briefly ten years ago, ditto a trainer and physical therapist. The universities I attended in … Continue reading →
AOC isn’t cute, despite her youth and looks. And although she’s widely considered by the right to be stupid, I beg to differ. She’s an dedicated ideologue with an attractive demeanor, and to many people on the left (and not … Continue reading →
You may have noticed that I haven’t written much if at all about COVID-19’s origins, despite having written a ton about the disease. Was it from a wet market? Was it from a lab? My opinion was that it was … Continue reading →
There’s been a sudden hike in the NYC death toll from COVID-19: The Big Apple’s new death toll is 10,367. That figures combines the 6,589 victims who tested positive for the virus plus another 3,778 who were never tested, but … Continue reading →
[NOTE: Part I can be found here.] Flu (otherwise known as influenza) has been around far longer than COVID. Flu comes every year and it kills a lot of people. So one might think that we know a great deal … Continue reading →
Have you noticed how many of the sites that purport to give information about how to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 give contradictory and/or confusing information? My guess is that a lot of the reason is that the … Continue reading →
Gretchen Whitmer is the governor of Michigan. Till COVID struck, I’d never heard of her, but then I don’t live in Michigan or near it. COVID has given her a fame of sorts, because she has clamped down on the … Continue reading →
[Hat tip: commenter “Rufus T. Firefly”] A jack of all trades:
Continue reading →What are you doing to keep yourselves busy? For me it’s rather simple. I still do a lot of reading and writing and thinking (hopefully not in that exact order). That’s what I do each day anyway, and it takes … Continue reading →
Sorry, I don’t have an answer. But I have some thoughts on it. First of all, we have to re-open, although doing it in stages and to different degrees in different locations is fine with me. Not only is it … Continue reading →