Artfldgr: funny thing, I was going to post the Proud Mary video, but I was in a hurry and skipped it.
I’m slow, art and neo both beat me to it.
My Fisker Kharma Explodes in Delight.
its the old quote neo..
sometimes great minds think alike..
and it scares me.. 🙂
Bronx science scores another Nobel prize!!!
That gives my high school 8 Nobel awards, 6 fields medals and a few Pulitzers.
too bad they are going to change the test and entry to include race and gender claiming the tests dont prove anything – and that its the school not the kids that make it.
ie. cargo cult… if we put anyone there, they will be
but the truth is, put anyone there, and they will NOT perform… this is a big problem in regular colleges… including the texas surpreme court white woman vs minorities
forget white men vs women and minorities and gays… we dont rate and its why i did not get to go to college despite bronx science credentials and a early lifetime of study and effort.
the schools AVERAGE IQ is 140
it a college level curriculum for junior high and high school… and not a community college curriculum.
so i am happy that despite my imprisoned isolation in a tiny solitary confinement and lots of negative hurt visited on me, that i am connected and proud of the connection i EARNED working from kindergarten onwards!
i grew up in a slum, and should have had a decent life i earned for my family, but the social engineers decided to out me (and many of my contemporaries if male – who also were dumped by the system as they didnt have enough money, and as detailed in several studies that those were the ones the social engineers dumped. no money for school, no money for lawsuits… )
cant help it.. i am dancing a bit celebrating my contemporaries achievements!!!
and hoping that the paper i will publish shortly will add to that… 🙂
they may have kocked me out of the ring
but they have not removed me from the game
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well, they can’t be talking about the Karma automobile. The wheels are barely turning.
Just as Sisyphus keeps the boulder rolling down hill.
perhaps then Spambot is implies that resistance is futile. Is this a Borgbot?
Obama’s karma ate his dogma. Romney, instead, opted to tie his dogma to the roof of his karma. /politicizapalooza
no no no…
Karma is what my dogma keeps running after!
Besides it’s Tina Turner’s Proud Mary that keeps the BIG wheel turning, rolling on a river…
Tina Turner – Rolling on the river (1971) (Proud Mary)
Artfldgr: funny thing, I was going to post the Proud Mary video, but I was in a hurry and skipped it.
I’m slow, art and neo both beat me to it.
My Fisker Kharma Explodes in Delight.
its the old quote neo..
sometimes great minds think alike..
and it scares me.. 🙂
Bronx science scores another Nobel prize!!!
That gives my high school 8 Nobel awards, 6 fields medals and a few Pulitzers.
too bad they are going to change the test and entry to include race and gender claiming the tests dont prove anything – and that its the school not the kids that make it.
ie. cargo cult… if we put anyone there, they will be
but the truth is, put anyone there, and they will NOT perform… this is a big problem in regular colleges… including the texas surpreme court white woman vs minorities
forget white men vs women and minorities and gays… we dont rate and its why i did not get to go to college despite bronx science credentials and a early lifetime of study and effort.
the schools AVERAGE IQ is 140
it a college level curriculum for junior high and high school… and not a community college curriculum.
so i am happy that despite my imprisoned isolation in a tiny solitary confinement and lots of negative hurt visited on me, that i am connected and proud of the connection i EARNED working from kindergarten onwards!
i grew up in a slum, and should have had a decent life i earned for my family, but the social engineers decided to out me (and many of my contemporaries if male – who also were dumped by the system as they didnt have enough money, and as detailed in several studies that those were the ones the social engineers dumped. no money for school, no money for lawsuits… )
cant help it.. i am dancing a bit celebrating my contemporaries achievements!!!
and hoping that the paper i will publish shortly will add to that… 🙂
they may have kocked me out of the ring
but they have not removed me from the game