HomeFoodSome people have asked for another jello post. I aim to please.


Some people have asked for another jello post. I aim to please. — 21 Comments

  1. I’ll be d—–, ah, “durned”. Talk about timely. Does anyone reading Neo’s entry remember the name of that Jello-foam-pudding type stuff that used to be available in the early 1970’s? I think it came in strawberry (kind of pink colored) and chocolate.

    I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called; and I must be using the wrong search terms, because it’s not coming up. Though I did stumble across that pink fluff walnut, apple and marshmallow stuff Granny and the aunts used to make for those summertime cookouts held under the shady willow trees in the side yard.

    Though the name of that business eludes me at this moment too.

  2. DNW, are you thinking of Junket? Kind of a slippery custard-y pudding-y version of Jello? Much beloved among my siblings and mourned when it vanished, though looking back now, I’m not quite sure why.

  3. Does anyone reading Neo’s entry remember the name of that Jello-foam-pudding type stuff that used to be available in the early 1970’s? I think it came in strawberry (kind of pink colored) and chocolate.

    I think you’re talking about a triple-decker dessert that may have gone by the brand name ‘1-2-3’. My sister used to make it on occasion. It was pretty good. Came in a lime flavor. In re Jell-O, it’s lime or nothing.


  4. “I think you’re talking about a triple-decker dessert that may have gone by the brand name ‘1-2-3’. ”

    I’m not certain what I am talking about in this particular case. LOL
    But I do seem to remember the product you pointed out.

    There may have been one that was basically just the top layer as well.

    Funny. I have not eaten a desert in more than 30 years. Well, in a restaurant, for a birthday, a few times. And in a couple of very upscale Chicago eateries. Where they got the giant fresh raspberries at that time of year for that desert, I can only imagine.

  5. “DNW, are you thinking of Junket? Kind of a slippery custard-y pudding-y version of Jello? Much beloved among my siblings and mourned when it vanished, though looking back now, I’m not quite sure why.”

    I’m not sure. Maybe. It’s possible I had that too.

    What I seem to recall was a thick foam “pudding” of a sort. I don’t recall it as being slick, exactly.

    And I have no idea why or how it popped into my head. I was thinking of those little single oven pizzas my mother would allow us after school in middle school, and all the sudden I thought of that stuff too.

    The late 60’s and 1970’s must have been some kind of heyday for boxed desert mixes, snack innovations and other “stuff”. Modern Suburban Living with avocado colored kitchen appliances, lighting with bronze cone spots and cracked glass swag lamps, intercom radio throughout the house, and a built in vacuum system.

  6. Ok, Art and Mrs Whatsit. Thanks for your help.

    I think I found it. Drum roll: …… Whip’N Chill.

    I think.

  7. Apparently I cannot spell “dessert”. It is that that I have not eaten in years. Although I have not eaten a desert, either.

  8. and a built in vacuum system.

    I recall being in just one house with a system like that. It was a ranch house built in LeRoy, NY, around about 1968.

  9. Electric knife sharpeners. My dad came home with one of those around about 1966. Can’t recall the last time I saw one.

  10. Whip ‘n Chill! Had forgotten all about it. I remember it now! Those boxed desserts were very very big in my house growing up. Does anybody make them anymore?

  11. and a built in vacuum system.

    I recall being in just one house with a system like that. It was a ranch house built in LeRoy, NY, around about 1968.

    Same time almost as we were looking at models in our new subdivision-to-be. They had the features I mentioned and I could not think of anything “cooler” than having a radio speaker built into your bedroom wall. I thought that Mom would appreciate the central vacuum system too.

    Those Star Treky cone lights, top to bottom and side to side wall-of-stone fireplaces, sliding mirror doors, and hanging globe and cylinder lamps of multi-colored “broken” glass, convinced me that if we had to move from a neighborhood where I was the ten year old king of the block, and at home in every neighbor’s house, I would at least be in store for a life like The Jetson’s had.

    Unfortunately, although my folks spent a lot of money on upgrades, the cone lights and Star Treky stuff was all sacrificed for their Colonial American sensibilities, and the extra money was wasted on hardwood and slate floors, plaster walls, and crap like laundry rooms, panties and extra closets and double washbowl bathrooms.

    I never got to live on the USS Enterprise … though some of my neighbors did. At least my aunt on the next street had cool dimmer switches, mirrored doors, and half walls with wrought iron screens and weird lamps.

  12. Back when SNL was funny and did
    parody commercials they honed in on the 70’s wacky dessert craze, I can still see Dan Acroyd extolling the virtues of ” Shimmer a dessert topping & a floor wax” hubby & i still laugh over that one!

  13. “Mrs Whatsit on January 7, 2020 at 8:56 pm said:

    Whip ‘n Chill! Had forgotten all about it. I remember it now! Those boxed desserts were very very big in my house growing up. Does anybody make them anymore?”

    I was actually searching that term and reading for over an hour. Following one comment to another finally suggested that The Vermont Country Store had Whip ‘N Chill. Result: Dead link. No search result on site.

    Next I read that an Amazon vendor sold it in commercial size quantities. Was pissed off enough to buy some just out of spite and to prove I had not wasted time I could never get back, so I went to Amazon.

    They had it, once. But now it is currently unavailable. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001652JLG

    I need a better hobby. But someone before me has already figured out that Marlin made rebranded 336’s for Sears and Wards; and because those always-scheming opportunists got there before you and I did, you aren’t going to build out your collection on the cheap by scarfing up J.C. Higgins 30-30s for $150 each from family members who don’t know any better.

    Life can be frustrating sometimes.

  14. ” Shimmer a dessert topping & a floor wax” hubby & i still laugh over that one!”

    Sounds good to me. The only chocolate donuts I like are the ones with that thin Plasticine layer of fake waxy chocolate that coats an undoubtedly artificial toroid of chemical infused cake.

    Goes good with whiskey drunk from an enameled tin cup when you are back at the cabin trying to get warm. Just make sure you leave all loaded guns outside.

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