HomeUncategorizedSo, what’s going on with the Iowa caucuses?


So, what’s going on with the Iowa caucuses? — 44 Comments

  1. Computerized voting would certainly make things easier for the Democrats. If you have a Democrat Secretary of State,the states votes can go as needed.

  2. What a fiasco. The DNC has got to demand a total housecleaning of the Iowa Democratic leadership after this.


  3. I’m going to guess that “someone” at Iowa Democrat HQ was trying to hack the software that was supposed to report the results . . . and screwed the pooch.

    Oh please, please, please let it be so!

    I can hardly wait for President Trump’s State of the Union speech.

  4. With absolutely no inside information, I’m going to say the problem was not with computers, it was because the fixer hired by the Democratic bigwigs couldn’t figure out how to make a clean job of insuring Bernie didn’t win. Perhaps there was a computer error somewhere, but there was almost certainly some fiddling going on with the tally. That was the larger problem.

  5. Then there was The Case of the Disappearing Poll:

    “Conspiracy theories swirl over canceled Iowa poll, …”

    I suspect Bernie had a big night and that’s not what the Democrat Powers That Be wanted to see.

    Maybe that’s kooky talk.

    However, Bernie might have had a big night anyway. And that’s not good news for the Dem Establishment.

  6. I see more Bernie bumperstickers around UNM than anyone else. I think Sanders’ support is deeper than most realize. (And judging by the Project Veritas videos, more hard-core as well.)

    As I watched [Sanders], I realized that what makes Sanders unique isn’t his democratic socialism; it is his preternatural political abilities. People were riveted as he spoke and as he listened. He has extreme focus, compassion, and respect for those he disagrees with and is painstakingly honest and direct. He has been in politics for decades and has heard thousands of stories, but he was able to be totally present in that room, listening to those particular stories. A thin teenager bravely stood up to ask him a question about cancer research and revealed that she has brain cancer. I wept; so did many others in the room. When Sanders bowed his head briefly, then gave her a smile and warm hug, there was no doubt about his sincerity.

    This ability of his to connect and to build trust—which he has proved he can do across race, class, and party lines—will translate into the two things I care about the most: beating Donald Trump and overcoming the corruption and dysfunction of our political system so we can have a more equal, fair, thriving democracy/

    “Why I Support Bernie Sanders for President”

  7. If the DNC is dirty-tricking Sanders or if they can’t even persuasively deny it, it’s very serious. Sanders supporters still have a large and understandable grudge from 2016.

    The Dem Convention may be a Thunderdome.

  8. “…and to build trust…”

    “Yes, if you truly understand what’s at stake, if you truly comprehend what WE are up against, then you MUST vote for ME.

    “Yes, you owe it yourselves. To all of us. To AMERIKKKA.

    “And while it’s all too true that I’m a millionaire and an Old White Dude—no, I wouldn’t blame you at all if you refused to read anything I wrote—and a life-long Communist sympathizer to boot (oh, and a Jew too, but only nominally, so don’t worry—I’ll cut Israel down to size, heh), ONLY I can complete the glorious mission started by our dear Barack Obama. ONLY I, Bernie—AKA, “THE BURN” (don’t you love that?)—can make America what America ought to be. What it was meant to be. What it is destined to be!

    “And so, I humbly stand before you today to humbly request your valued vote (along with the votes of all those who have died—yes, I respect dead people, too…ESPECIALLY dead people). Because WE ARE THE FUTURE, Yes, TOMORROW BELONGS TO US…. Did I mention ‘humbly’? Yes, most humbly. (And I don’t know anyone out there who, in fact, has more humility…well, maybe Pocohantas, um, no sorry, I mean, well, you know who….). Anyway, just vote for me. You probably will never have this chance—this awesome opportunity—again.”
    = = = = = =
    “…and screwed the pooch…”

    Yep, no doubt. I wouldn’t be surprised that they got a tally that amounted to three or four times the total population of Iowa.

    File under: “Still a few kinks in the software, heh (you know how it is); but give us a few more days and it’ll be freakin’ beautiful—insanely great: the best part? NO ONE WILL SUSPECT A THING! Yep, a freakin’, insane work of art….”

  9. Is it true that when Iranian “students” made all of our Tehran embassy personnel hostages in 1979, Bernie cheered them on? Maybe “cheered them on” sounds too strong. Was he on their, the Iranians’, side?

  10. And these are the folks who want to run our country, but they can’t run an election in a high school gym.

  11. I think that the powers-that-be of the Democratic Party have concluded that whoever runs against Trump this year will lose. But how badly? How many of their down-ticket candidates will also lose?

    With Sanders as the Democratic candidate, a whole lot of down-ticket candidates will also lose.

    I think that the above may explain the late arriving Bloomberg’s welcome in the primaries. The powers-that-be may be thinking, “He’ll lose, but not as badly as the others. Besides he’s rich so we’ll have more money left to spend supporting our down-ticket candidates.”

  12. What Lowell said +1000 upvotes!

    I can’t wait to see how they run America’s healthcare system.

  13. No results as of Tuesday morning, which means this is no longer just about incompetence. The douchebags at the Iowa Democratic Party obviously just packed it in sometime last night and said “We’ll get to it tomorrow.” What unbelievable arrogance.


  14. Stolen from another board, but too good not to repeat:

    “The DNC has become The Planet of the Apps.”

    I’m having a great morning laughing at this sh!t show. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of folks!

  15. The company that made the app is named “Shadow.” Apparently, run by ex-Clinton staffers.

    “Who knows the results of the Iowa caucus? The Shadow knows . . . . …”

  16. The very public collapse of any semblance of Dem tech prowess is amusing.

    But watch for reports on Dem turnout. Rumor says it was low. That’s an important data point.

    Also, reports say PDJT broke the record for incumbent turnout. People flocked to the Repub caucus despite it being meaningless. Iowans: “Tweren’t meaninglessness to US, Bub!” Me: Yes Sir!

  17. A nation guffaws at its o’erweaning tyrannical lesser part. Perhaps a purgative of mirth is born: let’s be rid of these progressive(ly blithering) twerps!

  18. Caucus rules are screwy as it is (I don’t claim to understand them). It sounds as if they were scrambling to redistribute votes/delegates all over the state to both tear down Bernie’s strong showing as well as prop up Biden’s poor showing. Alas, there was a total lack of coordination in manipulating the numbers and here we are. When it was essentially a two person race last election cycle, Hillary’s people were organized and knew exactly how to swing her votes and take them away from Bernie (as well as managing to win every “coin flip” for delegates that arose) so that there was no delay or confusion.

  19. Kate,

    That article is great! “Toxic work environment” is a direct result of PC, inclusivity, wokeness mentality. Eventually no one is perfect enough so they begin to eat their own. It really is a fun morning as the Dems self-destruct due to thier own ideology. It’s like reading Kurt Schlichter’s novel only for real.

  20. Latest statement from DPC:


    Does not say when they will release results.

    The DNC has just gifted the Republicans with a metaphor for the lack of competence of the Democrats that will be a devastating talking point for the entire election.

    The campaign slogans write themselves…

    Real world competence.
    Real world results.
    Vote Republican.

  21. miklos000rosza

    Is it true that when Iranian “students” made all of our Tehran embassy personnel hostages in 1979, Bernie cheered them on? Maybe “cheered them on” sounds too strong. Was he on their, the Iranians’, side?

    In 1980, Bernie was an elector for the (Trotskyist) Socialist Worker’s Party. The SWP was very much on the side of the Iranians in the hostage situation. When Iran Took Americans Hostage, Bernie Backed Iran’s Defenders. As Democrat Socialists condemned Khomeini’s hostage taking, Sanders stood with a communist party that condemned “Carter’s war drive against the Iranian people.”

    Sanders would like the public to believe, as an AP story put it, that “democratic socialism [is] the economic philosophy that has guided his political career.” But that has not always been the case. In 1977, he left the tiny left-wing Liberty Union Party of Vermont that he’d co-founded, and in 1980 instead aligned himself with the Socialist Workers Party (SWP), the self-proclaimed Trotskyist revolutionary party, became its presidential elector in Vermont, and campaigned for its candidates and platform that defended the Iranian hostage seizure.

    In fact, the SWP’s position on Iran is part of what distinguishes it from democratic socialist groups. When its presidential candidate, Andrew Pulley, came to speak at the University of Vermont in October 1980, Sanders chaired the meeting. Pulley attracted only 40 students to his rally, where he concentrated, according to the SWP’s newspaper The Militant, “on the Iran-Iraq war,” and condemned “anti-Iranian hysteria around the U.S. hostages.” Military action against Iran was not at that point theoretical—Pulley’s speech came six months after the attempt to free the hostages in Operation Eagle Claw had failed.

    In his standard stump speech, Pulley condemned “Carter’s war drive against the Iranian people,” and said that the U.S. “was on the brink of war with Iran,” which would be fought “to protect the oil and banking interests of the Rockefellers and other billionaires.” Americans, he predicted, would soon “pay on the battlefields with our very own lives.” Their criticism of the Ayatollah was intended “to get us ready for war.” And, Pulley charged, the media who criticized those of us who were against “American imperialism” were “declared insane.” As for the hostages, Pulley said “we can be sure that many of them are simply spies… or people assigned to protect the spies.”

    Pulley’s words were a direct echo of what the Islamic Society of University Teachers and Students had declared on Nov. 4, 1979 : “We defend the capture of this imperialist embassy, which is a center for espionage.”

    Backing the Mullahs didn’t turn out too well for the Marxist-Leninists in Iran, as the Mullahs wiped them out.

  22. Pollster Nate Silver is concerned:

    To be even more blunt: The Iowa Democratic Party’s colossal screw-up in reporting results will potentially have direct effects on the outcome of the nomination process. The failure to report results will almost certainly help Biden, assuming that indications that he performed poorly in Iowa are correct, as they won’t get nearly as much media coverage. And they’ll hurt whichever candidate wins the state — most likely Sanders or Buttigieg…

    Furthermore, Iowa is typically a state that winnows the field. But with every candidate either having performed well there, potentially having an excuse for a disappointing finish there, or somewhere in between, it might not do that. Delaying the winnowing process would tangibly increase the chance of a contested convention.


  23. physicsguy, that’s exactly what I thought. This sounds like Kurt Schlicter wrote it! Roy Nathanson has it:

    “Real world competence.
    Real world results.
    Vote Republican.”

  24. “Pollster Nate Silver is concerned…”

    Not sure it really matters, Nate.

    Nor does it really matter which bozo “wins” the nomination.

    Just as long as the SW is ready and in place by November 3rd….

    File under: “Don’t worry, be outraged.”

  25. I’m reminded somehow of when George McGovern picked Thomas Eagleton to be his VP running mate in 1972. It soon came out that Eagleton had been in a hospital for mental illness or depression — I don’t remember the details — and the whole business made McGovern and his people look incompetent. I know I had been on his side (I was young) but I lost enthusiasm which never returned.

    There are a lot of Low Information Voters out there but they’re noticing this.

  26. Another great line from comments around the net….bringing out the best in humor

    “I’m sorry Bernie, but I can’t let you do that.” – HAL9000

  27. The last I read was an Iowa democrat official saying “it was a coding error”.

    Yeah, blame the programmer.

    Not the manager(s) in charge of: analysis, debugging, testing, verifying, hardware validation, quality assurance, user training, securing and all those other tasks a system needs before releasing it.

    It’s ALWAYS the programmers fault. Not a single other person or group had ANYTHING to do with it.

    Reminds me of those good old days when I slung code for a living.

    Programming is simple. Even ex-coal miners and ex-journalists can do it better than people with decades of experience. Just ask the democrats who ran in that clown show named ‘Iowa’.

  28. Gringo, miklos:

    I don’t think that most Democrats these days would consider backing Iran to be a dealbreaker.

  29. neo wrote,

    There’s a delay, and rumor has it that it’s the result of an app glitch.
    Makes you want to race out and have all voting computerized, doesn’t it?

    At least with paper ballots, we can see the smoke from the burnt ballots and we might be able find the copier that printed the extra ballots.

  30. Tom Perez, the most interesting man in the world says – “at the DNC, we don’t always test our build, but when we do, we test it in production”.

  31. Perez went on to say, “But in any case—and I’m being frank with you here—why would we waste money on testing when we already know the result we want? I mean who in their right mind would throw around money like that? The voters would never forgive us and we’re beholden to them; in fact we’d never forgive ourselves: we go that extra mile to be fiscally responsible, fiscally sound. And we pride ourselves on that. We’re all kind of like family here, you know….”

  32. Neo:

    I don’t think that most Democrats these days would consider backing Iran to be a dealbreaker.

    You are probably right. I wonder if Bernie also supported what the Mullahs did to their former allies on the left- destroyed them. Might bring that up to Bernie and his prog friends.

  33. It soon came out that Eagleton had been in a hospital for mental illness or depression —

    He’d done time in an asylum for depression ca. 1960 and he was hooked up to jumper cables while therein. I believe there may have been a second instance of this as well. Not sure if he didn’t tell McGovern et al about this or if he did tell them and McGovern thought he could let it slide. Either way, someone’s conduct in this was irresponsible. McGovern initially stood by him (in a way that got him lampooned) and then accepted his withdrawal from the race. It re-inforced one of the Nixon campaign’s lines about McGovern – i.e. that he wasn’t steadfast. McGovern’s rudderless statements about the federal estate tax were another example offered in Nixon’s advertisements.

    I don’t think people appreciate the degree to which the mess that was the Nixon Administration, Jimmy Carter’s deregulatory initiatives and the experience of serial losses to Ronald Reagan brought the discourse on economic matters in the Democratic Party back toward the Earth. The period running from 1970 to 1978 may have been the era of peak stupidity in economic policy. Ralph Nader, who has been a thorough economic illiterate for decades (as lawyers often are), has been butt-hurt for decades that he has not in 40 years had the kind of influence he did ca. 1973.

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