So long, PJ, and thanks for all the fish
Those of you who follow blogosphere scuttlebutt may already know that Pajamas Media has decided to dump its blogger ads. That means if I want to make up the bit of money I’ve received from that source for the last couple of years, I’ll have to scramble for other ads or pass the PayPal hat.
Some who predicted this long ago are crowing. Some who were getting more money than I from their ads (based on their higher traffic) are grieving or angry.
Me? I expected it. It’s been apparent for a long time that PJ was not getting much ad revenue. It’s also been apparent for a long time that PJ’s original model had changed and that it was relying more and more on a stable of big-name bloggers and their traffic, as well as efforts such as PJTV which were/are of no interest whatsoever to me.
I wrote about my attitude at the beginning of the venture, here. And guess what? I’d say the same today. So I’ll be parsimonious and quote myself:
I don’t think my blog ”“or the blogs of any of us, including its founders”“will live or die by the success of PJ Media. We all define success differently; right now, I consider this blog to have been successful, if not beyond my wildest dreams, then certainly beyond what I considered any realistic expectations. Great readers, and plenty of them”“what more could a person want?
I certainly didn’t go into blogging for the money”“that would have been like going into poetry for the money. I may be economically illiterate, but I’m not financially balmy. I can only speak for myself, but I know why I blog, and I don’t think that reason will ever change. I knew from the start what my niche would be”“what the story was that I felt internally driven to tell.
What is it I needed to say, and why am I so compelled to tell my tale? Well, it just so happens that I once wrote a post on that very topic. So if you want the best answer I can give, see here for more.
[ADDENDUM: For what some of my fellow soon-to-be-former-PJ-bloggers have to say, see this, this, and this.]
Just another victim of the economy. I’d apply for a bailout.
Oh – and I have been meaning to mention this on a post – and since this post is somewhat about things economical it might relate here. My PBS station come from Orlando. About 2 years ago they proudly announced they would be the first PBS station in the US to have a channel completely in Spanish – called V-me (pronounced V-meh). I found it interesting this hadn’t been launched in a market like LA, NYC, or Miami. But maybe in those markets they already have a goodly number of Spanish language stations available (here we have all four on basic cable) and understand the target audience is probably more interested in football (soccer), telenovelas, game shows, talk shows, etc. No different than the English speaking audiences. Anyway – since they launched V-me their fundraising programming has gone from a couple of weeks a year to an average of one week out of every four. And they keep showing the same darn programs every time.
I guess the Spanish speakers aren’t watching and if they are they seem to not grasp the concept that they should have to donate to a TV station. Gee, maybe they think, “Isn’t that what commercials are for?” Seems to me they pretty well grasp the concept of the free market. Maybe better than we do.
PBS refuses to get that, at bottom, PBS is for WASPs.
Whatever you do neo, Don’t Panic.
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Whatever happens, don’t stop blogging.
Put the paypal icon front and center shamelessly. I’ll pitch in. I promise.
So how many of neoneocon’s readers know who is thanking whom for all the fish?
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Neo, I’m surprised they haven’t made you one of their Xpress bloggers, assuming you’d take it. I am the smallest of the small of bloggers but your is a site of follow and read with relish daily.
I started writing when Gerard was there and made it more like a magazine with all sorts of different and wonderful topics —even down to a great martini and the best coffee roasts. But since he left, it’s become much more political.
I am sorry about this for a feel something has been lost in translation. But you’ll land on your feet and will go on to greater things.
Ma’am, the tone of your site is inviting and your commentary is unique. I am certain you are noticed by advertising brokers or some other blogging conglomerates. If I am wrong, then perhaps you may have a great book shut up in your bones; your own Jeremiad. Anyone who has a photo of ballet shoes, The Last Lion – Alone, and Frost (and the apple) must have a great story to be told. If I have missed an entry detailing a book you may have written then my apologies for being behind the times. But I look forward to any book you write. God bless you and I wish you a great deal of continued good fortune, ma’am.
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