Sanity Squad tonight (note time change)
It’s that time again: the Sanity Squad will be on Blog Talk Radio tonight. Click here to listen live at 7:30 PM Eastern time, or to hear a tape if you can’t make it then. Siggy, Shrink, Dr. Sanity, and I will be discussing the Great Democrat Cultural and Social Divide—or, “it’s not really about politics for them.” The second topic will be the results of the British elections and the meaning and significance to America of the British voters’ rejection of the Labour Party.
I keep hearing that Democrats want to stop the focus on Obama’s radical friends and Hillary’s nasty tactics and corruption so that they can make this campaign about high food prices, high gas prices and the economic problems that resulted from making it too easy for people to buy houses.
High food prices are due to the Left’s crusade to burn food in our cars. High gas prices are due to the Left’s adamant refusal to allow us to drill for more oil. And helping more people with shaky credit buy houses was a huge priority for the Left.
I feel like Brer Rabbit. Please don’t throw me in that briar patch. 😉