Portland, Oregon does its bit to globalize the intifada
Who needs UNRWA when you have the Portland school system? From Chris Rufo:
The lesson plans [from the Portland Association of Teachers, a state teachers’ union affiliate] (The union did not respond to a request for comment.) are steeped in radicalism, and they begin teaching the principles of “decolonization” to students as young as four and five years old. For prekindergarten kids, the union promotes a workbook from the Palestinian Feminist Collective, which tells the story of a fictional Palestinian boy named Handala. “When I was only ten years old, I had to flee my home in Palestine,” the boy tells readers. “A group of bullies called Zionists wanted our land so they stole it by force and hurt many people.” Students are encouraged to come up with a slogan that they can chant at a protest and complete a maze so that Handala can “get back home to Palestine”—represented as a map of Israel.
Other pre-K resources include a video that repeats left-wing mantras, including “I feel safe when there are no police,” and a slideshow that glorifies the Palestinian intifada, or violent resistance against Israel. The recommended resource list also includes a “sensory guide for kids” on attending protests. It teaches children what they might see, hear, taste, touch, and smell at protests, and promotes photographs of slogans such as “Abolish Prisons” and “From the River to the Sea.”
In kindergarten through second grade, the ideologies intensify. The teachers’ union recommends a lesson, “Art and Action for Palestine,” that teaches students that Israel, like America, is an oppressor. The objective is to “connect histories of settler colonialism from Palestine to the United States” and to “celebrate Palestinian culture and resistance throughout history and in the present, with a focus on Palestinian children’s resistance.”
The lesson suggests that teachers should gather the kindergarteners into a circle and teach them a history of Palestine: “75 years ago, a lot of decision makers around the world decided to take away Palestinian land to make a country called Israel. Israel would be a country where rules were mostly fair for Jewish people with White skin,” the lesson reads. “There’s a BIG word for when Indigenous land gets taken away to make a country, that’s called settler colonialism.”
Please read the whole thing.
Do the people of Portland know about this? And of the residents who do, how many approve? Perhaps it’s very very popular; it’s Portland, after all. But perhaps not.
Gotta keep that hate flowing….
It’s the (“Biden”) “American Way”….
File under: If you don’t hate, you ain’t a Democratic…
‘Do the people of Portland know about this?’
What’s the joke that goes ‘if only Comrade Stalin knew about this?’
A very large percentage of the people of Portland approve of this.
There are still parents on a school board in Oregon?
I’d like to find a pen pal. I was rereading about the deaths of the Japanese sailors in there Kido But I. What a waste! Is there Anything like a pen pal anymore?
I’m sorry if I seem to be asking the same question
The schools have been captured. Is there some way we can abolish school unions? Not that the Democrats would want to do that, since they’re a reliable voting bloc and funding source. I am just dumfounded by this. And angry.
Griffin is correct; the people of Portland, so very, very afraid that there might be some limit to abortion or access to the wily weed if they vote otherwise, continue to vote hard left. As long as they can enjoy their own deviance, they will let the chaos continue. They are depressed and demented, and the graffiti, the violence, the ugliness of their city makes them feel…. at home.
Palestinian feminist collective is this some kind of joke well if you want shaheeds or black widows thats what you teach
Will they be bringing in leila khaled* for career day or that pakistani microbiologist who married into al queda
*pioneer skyjacker for the popular front
How about that greta of martyrs ahed tamimi
They’re on top right now and feel like revenge for the many years they think they were persecuted. Conservatives don’t understand this, but as Churchill said “Every dog has his day and some days are longer than others”! It should be noted that he never said anything would last forever, something the Left and Right tend to forget. D-Day, when you face the one place no one has returned from, your reaction is unknown. There have been terribly brave people, I should not even talk about them.
I think Neo has linked to at least one of travellingisrael’s videos before, not sure if this one of them. But anyways, for ammo against the “settler colonialism” narrative, go to the 8 minute mark of this video, where one of Arafats top lieutenants is quoted.
Portland does Portland
I’m not sorry BTW. Whatever stinking job available I’ll do. Id gate to tell my granddaughter I avoided a job because I. Didn’t like the smell
Israel needs to send the IDF to Portland as it’s obvious Hamas has a stronghold there. I’m sure there are tunnels under the schools.
Do you think these people know that Israel has been a Jewish nation for 3,500 years? And the Palestinians are the colonists and the Zionists were Jews who wanted their country back? Oh and Israel was much bigger than today? Ignorance is fine, people can be educated. Willful ignorance is disguising. Telling lies to children in schools is pure evil.
Excellent article in keeping with this one from Neo.
Actual individual people composed and distributed these lesson plans. What are their names and where do they live?
Considering it was like beirut for 90 days straight
Affirming chimera any question how evil thix regime is
Here is an example of one of the plan notecards
There was never any palestine there were sanjaks under the ottoman mandate olive groves you can find those anywhere across the med
Settlers left gaza 20 years ago, but from the river to the sea right i didnt see any slides of farfour the mouse i wasnt looking hardr enough this is child abuse and mental torture plain and simple
Not ere there vayaltrs or ayalets. Which is what I believe the Turks called provinces. Sanjaks were counties.Feel free to prove me wrong and I’ll be happy for it
It wasnt one contiguous land mass even jerusalem wasnt its own province i think part of nablus fwiw
I hate talking about Jews as if vthbe Muslims don’t hate me too.
Assyrian massacre anyone?
We European Catholicd are supposrd feel guilty about “stolen land” but Islam gets a free pass?
Consider this piece from “The Innocents Abroad” by Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens], published in 1869. Fourth paragraph down on page 485. He is describing a journey by donkey from Damascus to Jerusalem, and the party is in the north near Galilee.
“There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent — not for thirty miles in either direction. There are two or three small clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single permanent habitation. One may ride ten miles, hereabouts, and not see ten human beings.”
And from page 488:
“We traversed some miles of desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds — a silent, mournful expanse, wherein we saw only three persons…”
It was truly a land without people, as the early Zionists described it. The claim that there was a thriving muslim arab polity whose property was stolen by Jews is a filthy lie.
Page 485
Its a complicated issue that takes people years to know the intricacies besides the simple premise that israel has a right to exist and these bedu have been against that premise since 1920 who by their nature are nomadic. Joan peters has the details
As with many such tribes many were not even arab but circassian of turkish derivation like the husseinis or the khashoggis on the other side of the red sea
I’m sorry if I seem to be asking the same question. Miguel, it’s not complicated. Muslims are Commander to hate Jews. I can spell it out
I forget which surahs cover that but since that would be a church and state issue sarc its an extreme corruption of historical understanding
But considering how they have like duck to water with henry rogers and diangelos medicine show who can really be surpris
There was a portland al queda cell headed by the son of a black panther patrick lumumba ford
A quarter of the world commanded to hate you. That’s a lot to take on all at once.
Didnt they get rid of mike schmidt maybe they are slowly awakening
The decline of Portland (The Rose City) is so sad.
Wife is from Portland. George here is her grandpa:
“George Grace and John Henny travelled up and down the coast of the Pacific Northwest in 1942 and 1943 talking to rhododendron growers trying to kindle interest in a rhododendron society. As ARS Editor Rudolph Henny recalled it, “The founding members had met on the day of the great invasion of Europe (June 6, 1944).” [6] Those in attendance were: E. R. Peterson, George Grace, W. G. Tucker, H. H. Harms, John Bacher, John Henny, and Rudolph Henny. All of these men had outstanding collections of rhododendrons.
It was agreed at this meeting that this newly formed group be known as “The Rhododendron Society.” It was agreed to meet only four times a year, and the officers elected on this date were: John Henny, President; George Grace, Secretary; and E. R. Peterson, Treasurer. John Bacher declined the vice presidency, but declared “A day to be remembered in horticultural history.” [6] W. G. Tucker was extended the honor of having membership card number one. It was also agreed that evening to have the first public meeting in September. In the meantime both large Portland dailies, the Oregonian and the Journal, were given the story of the new organization and articles appeared in the Garden Sections of both. In September of that year about forty persons attended the first meeting in the auditorium of the Public Service Building in Portland.”
@David:Consider this piece from “The Innocents Abroad” by Mark Twain [Samuel Clemens], published in 1869… The claim that there was a thriving muslim arab polity whose property was stolen by Jews is a filthy lie.
Not only did he not meet a thriving polity of Muslim Arabs. He met Jews. He was not generally impressed with them–poor guy lived before the days of multiculturalism and he was pretty dismissive of the inhabitants of most places he visited–but they were there and he met them. He met plenty of Arabs there too but doesn’t have anything complimentary to say about how they lived or behaved.
Chapter XLVIII: Describes meeting Jews in Tiberias.
Chapter LI: Describes meeting Jews in Nain.
Chapter LIII: Describes meeting Jews in Jerusalem.
L chaim
Chases Eagles: yes, the decline of Portland is sad. I moved there in 1983 from southern California and my husband and I saw many more moving vans going south than north like we were. Portland’s downtown was just getting revitalized back then and I watched Pioneer Courthouse Square, the KOIN tower, and many other gems get built. I worked downtown and it was glorious.
I lived in a Portland suburb for more than 30 years before moving to Vancouver WA (and now, thankfully in Texas). It was nice to be able to buy a house back then for a pittance compared to today.
“There’s a BIG word for when Indigenous land gets taken away to make a country, that’s called settler colonialism.”
When a sentence doesn’t agree with itself about how many words are in the phrase “settler colonialism,” that’s called What’s Wrong With Left-Wing Teachers. A rather perfect example.
What is it called when the one tribe does it to another?
“In 1847, a disastrous conflict with the Suquamish devastated the Chimakum, effectively wiping them out. According to Wahélchu of the Suquamish, various conflicts and tensions between the Suquamish and Chimakum had reached the point where the Suquamish decided to launch a “war of extermination” as soon as some immediate provocation was offered. At least two pretexts for war soon came to pass and a war party was organized. Because Chief Kitsap, the Suquamish war chief, was either dead or unable to lead, Chief Seattle, for whom the city of Seattle was named, became the leader of the war against the Chimakum. The Suquamish under Chief Seattle were assisted by about 150 Klallam warriors. Before long, the Chimakum were confined to one village with a stockade, located near the mouth of Chimakum Creek, near present-day Irondale. The village stronghold was named Tsetsibus, or C’íc’abus, and had long been an important gathering place. The Suquamish warriors hid themselves near the village and waited for a good chance to attack. A Chimakum family left the village and headed north, passing by the hidden Suquamish. The father was recognized as the man responsible for the death of respected Suquamish Tulébot, which had been one of the pretexts for war. The Suquamish immediately fired a volley of bullets. Many of the Chimakum villagers rushed to help the man and his family. Seeing the village mostly empty, the Suquamish rushed through the woods and entered the village from behind. Once their numbers inside the stockade were sufficient, the Suquamish opened fire upon the Chimakum inside the village. The Chimakum were taken completely by surprise and found themselves unable to resist or escape. According to Edward S. Curtis, recounting Wahélchu’s telling, “the rapid rain of bullets mowed them down.” Women and children were captured and taken away as slaves. The Suquamish paddled away, leaving the last Chimakum village in ruins and nearly all of the people either dead or captured. One of the few Suquamish who died in the encounter was Chief Seattle’s eldest son.
The Klallams filed a claim with the Indian Claims Commission for compensation beyond that already received for lands ceded under the Point No Point Treaty. The Klallams claimed that the Chimakums were nearly extinct at the time of the Point No Point Treaty and that those few Chimakums left had been absorbed into the Klallam tribe. The Klallams had occupied the former Chimakum lands and claimed them as their own. In 1957 the commission recognized the Klallam claim of possession of the Chimakum lands at the time of the treaty and granted compensation of over $400,000.”
Settler colonialism is one of the propaganda schticks used by the Marxists. Accuse someone of colonialism and they are the bad guys.
The accusation against the Jews in Israel is just the tip of the iceberg. All the nations that had colonies prior to WWII, which before then had been considered to be normal, became aware that nations forcing their will on other nations by force of arms was an unjust act almost on a level with the depredations of Japan and Nazi Germany. So, colonialism was out and evil. But the Marxists claimed that any territory acquired by people’s “revolutions” was okay. Thus, the USSR, which was a huge colonial empire.
In addition to rewriting the history of Israe’s birth, they are also pushing the narrative that the U.S. is an empire built on land stolen from the Native Americans. They fail to recognize that, at the time, colonization of underdeveloped lands was acceptable and widely practiced.
History prior to WWII is filled with stories of lands being conquered and ruled by other people than those indigenous to the area. In fact, what is now Israel was conquered by the Muslims and became a part of the Ottoman Empire. The Jews were the indigenous people who were conquered.
My understanding of the recent history (Since the 1920s) of Israel was greatly informed by the book, “The Haj,” by Leon Uris. It’s fiction, but the descriptions of what took place rings pretty true. The jihad that has been carried out against Israel and the West lines up with what Mr. Uris wrote in his book.
WWII was a hinge point in history. The belief that conquering other nations was not good took hold. The UN was set up in an attempt to stop aggression between nations. It’s worked here and there, but dictators like Putin and Xi have not given up on expanding their lands through use of force.
The rewriting of history and training activists is an obvious Marxist ploy. Why are so many Americans blind to that? The answer is that they are too lazy to take notice of what’s going on, or they’re in favor of the myth of an egalitarian society. Whatever it is, our freedom is in danger.
“an unjust act almost on a level with the depredations of Japan and Nazi Germany“
No one mentions any wrongs committed by Japan because they aren’t white and thus the victims of the American oppressors. All their behavior is purposely forgotten by our elite
Gooder and harder.
I’m not so much pro Israel as I’m against Islam. The stated purpose of Islam is the domination of the whole world. The word “Islam” means submission (to Allah).
From my perspective, then, Israel constrains at least part of the Arab world. And Israel does have the right to exist.
We’ve seen time and again that Muslims, in large measure, are not able to integrate into western societies. Believe what they say…they are coming for us…
When did the colonists firsr clash with the natives that would be king phillips war which was the backdrop to the salem witch
trials no
There were later clashes with the iriqois and well the cherokee war was probably closest to the nakbah
Werent the brits use them as proxies in both wars thats how lord belmore becomes an abolitionist and baden powell who put an end to the slavetrading ashanti becomes a villain
J.J. writes that WWII was a hinge point in history. My extensive reading of the early history of Africa (graduate level studies in preparation for a diplomatic assignment) demonstrates how that turning point came about.
There used to be a monument on the waterfront in Douala, Cameroon, where General Leclerc landed to enlist African troops to aid the Free French under General deGaulle’s leadership.Thousands of African (and Asian) troops were conscripted by the Free French to support their war effort. At war’s end, they were left wondering why the French (and much of Europe) should be free of foreign domination, but they (Cameroonians, Dahomeans, Senegalese, Vietnamese and so on) should still live under French colonial rule.
I cannot say from personal experience that such a freedom mentality extended very far, but it was certainly an important rallying point in the French colonies.
BTW, I have not been back to Douala since 1976, but I understand that monument has been torn down, a sort of anti-colonial gesture in its own right.
I well remember what I saw as a holdover of the French footprint in Cameroon. When I lived there in 1975, the main post office in Douala had a large central hall reminiscent of a railroad station in France. Above the counters at the far end was a large sign reading “the mail has/has not arrived from France,” with a light showing whether the mail had or had not arrived. But not from any other place in Africa or the rest of the world — only from France. I suppose that sign is gone too.
I can spell it out
I’ve read your posts and I’m pretty sure that you can’t.
I didn’t know about the relatively short Cameroonian war, it’s not one the French brag about nor the Cameroonians
The pre-Columbian history of North America was pretty brutal. The Aztecs and even the Navajos were big killers of the neighbors. All that is unknown to college kids today and the teachers’ unions are determined to spread the lies to K-12 kids.
“‘Colonies Are Good!’ –Economists”, reads my latest bumper sticker addled T-shirt.
Not always nor in the same degree — but more benefits flow to the colonized than colonizers, just as the statistics in Lenin’s classic Marxist screed, “Imperialism, The Last Stage of Capitalism.”
Lenin annoyingly argues AGAINST the stats from British economist Hobson. His error needs to become infamous!
UCLA development economist Deepak Lal from India, made this case explicit in a book (now hard to find), some 15 years ago.
In the past couple years, Portland State University political scientist Bruce Gilley does too. (See his interviews posted to YouTube.)
“King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa” (1998) is a best-selling popular history book by Adam Hochschildnotes Wikipedia.
Even the most horrifying account of colonial atrocities in “King Leopold’s Ghosts” gets a chapter of striking rebuke in Gilley’s latest book!
I read this book in a history course on imperialism at the University of Denver around 20 years ago as part of my research prep to give a paper on the American Indian and the Western frontier at a conference on Imperialism in Chapel Hill, NC.
King Leopold was a late 19th century King of Belgium and his inheritance was rubber plantations in Congo, Africa. And his overseers perpetrated ruthless and murderous exploitation of his native workers there.
But Gilley will have none of that. He says that the marxist author of “King Leopold’s Ghosts” fabricates quites and misidentifies photos in building his case. Gilley has even shared his findings of valence inverted quotes, eg, making good facts bad, to the writer, still living, who has conceded his points raised.
Similarly, Dr Rafe Heydal-Mankoo strikes out against slavery reparations from Britain in this 11m exegesis at a University of Cambridge debate. https://youtu.be/O02RrKCZ64Y?si=F96exYiH6M3AjDE6
Finally, and only weeks ago, the British educated German, Dr Kristian Niemietz, runs the numbers on fiscal exploitation by the West, and reaches the same conclusions that Hobson’s numbers did in Lenin’s tract a century ago! See the historian’s new interview on his book here https://youtu.be/VzxRCQ_c-hc?si=89dQ-cENQJF9MTZ7
My (mostly non-leftist) history conference on imperialism found the term applied to colonialism much contested by every generation, yet not useful except as a stalking horse to whip up partisan interpretations.
The only thing that’s changed on this front risibly parallels the rise of the Big Lie by the monopolizing left on global warming. And the exclusion of contrary voices.
One or 2 more generations like this, and the U.S. will be no different than Cuba. Thanks, Democrats!
I’ve read your posts and I’m pretty sure that you can’t.
Nice drive by, but “imsorrysteve” is correct. If you don’t think so, maybe you ought to help him out and spell it out for him.
then again, one can’t control for large scale projects like colonization, or even slavery, how would it have worked out otherwise, in the latter case, the arabs would have sold their captives to someone, in the former case, well economics drove exploration certainly of india, and other places,
I suspected as much as king leopold, it was probably bad enough, he was a villain in the last tarzan film, played by christofer walz, well that was his emissary, opposite skargaard and margot robbie, the statistic sof such matter are easy to trip up see Eduardo Galeano’s Open Veins, Lenin like Marx was probably as careless as Michael Moore, in his polemics
Now Angela Bonilla, president of the Portland Association of Teachers announces they’ve removed the lesson plans because “they were not fully reviewed”. She does not tell you who composed them or who posted them or why they thought they were free to post them.
yes anything that had the endorsement of the Palestine Feminist Collective, probably was not going to end up well, at this point the Portland teachers union feel a little like the stock villain in scooby do shorts, vis a vis, Chris Rufo
‘I would have gotten away with it’ it wasn’t for you crazy kid’ if it wasn’t for him and Andy Ngo and perhaps a few others one would have no idea what is going on in Portland,
the dynamic we were speaking about,