Peterson and Curry
Okay, so it’s long. An hour and a half long. You can speed it up by changing the settings (as I often do with interviews), but there’s no getting around the fact that, even then, it’ll be long.
Of course, you don’t have to watch the whole thing to get a lot of the gist of it. I think it’s well worth listening to at least some of the discussion. I find Judith Curry to be one of the best scientists today speaking about the subject. So here it is:
There’s not much more to say. Curry covers all the bases. It’s good to remember that this scam started way back in 1989 with Jim Hansen. Frigging 34 years ago!!! Not one of the predictions have been shown to happen.
This is the farthest thing from science, and the closet thing to power seizure.
Judith Curry has a two part interview on Tom Nelson’s Youtube channel in two 25 minute sessions that are quite accessible. They are much easier to watch than Jordan Peterson’s interview, which she complains that JP tended to run off at the mouth.
Part one:
Part two:
The models are not ok. They diverge from reality in both backward and forward predictive skill. They are tuned, parameterized products that objectively demonstrate incomplete or insufficient characterization of the system and processes in the wild. They affirm the null hypothesis that anthropogenic carbon dioxide is not a factor or not a significant factor in climate change.
Bravo! “Green Colonialism and Energy Apartheid.” Just so.
Like Peterson, I cannot wrap my mind around the green climate polices. As Spock would say, “It does not compute.”
Many good points and well expressed.
Puget Sound has set a couple of record low daily highs and even one record daily low this winter. And the snow keeps piling up in the Cascades. Yeah, it’s climate change. Just not what the Climate Cult is predicting. 🙂
I began following climate change by reading Gavin Schmidt’s blog, Real Climate, back in 2005. I was on board for a while. It soon became evident to me that they did not have open minds. Many questions were deflected or answered with hand waving and arguments from authority. I then found Roy Spencer and John Christy and have been a skeptic since.
I’m reading Lomborg’s latest book. It’s boring, but full of data and economic assessments. He believes CO2 is the n culprit but recognizes that “decarbonization” is not possible. I disagree about the CO2 but agree with his thesis of adapting to whatever comes.
I will listen to this. I know Dr. Curry’s work from other podcasts and articles, but I was surprised to learn how detailed Dr. Peterson’s knowledge is on the subject. He was put on a Canadian government council awhile ago (a decade?) and, in typical Jordan Peterson fashion took it seriously and worked diligently. He not only learned a great deal, but it didn’t take too long for him to realize the Canadian government and U.N. were not looking for facts or solutions. He has spoken about this at length in conversations with Bjorn Lomberg and Michael Shellenberger.
The woke mission is to poison the atmosphere of any organization or academic discipline they infiltrate. Climate science is a prime example. Many are the previously trusted institutions they have infested and deformed into hideous mutant versions of themselves.
One thing I noticed in my UNM experience was how passive the students were. A few of the brighter ones might press a particular point, but in general the rule was “Don’t make waves.”
In my last calculus class the TA barely spoke above a whisper and his handwriting was similarly faint, difficult and *cursive* (in a math class?) plus he tended to drift into higher math explanations when we were just trying to get the damn homework done or pass the next test. He was about the worst instructor I’ve ever seen in front of a blackboard.
I was the only student who requested something better. He improved for about 15 minutes then went back to his usual. I stopped paying attention and returned to studying on my own.
I am not certain what the younger students were up to. Just keeping their heads down, not attracting attention and getting through it is my guess.
But that’s the atmosphere I found in higher ed. In four years some of them will be graduate students and I don’t expect them to ask any hard questions then either.
CAGW is a giant scam; the biggest in history.
At 1.5x, his thick Canadian accent is tolerable.
Environmentalism long ago became an apocalyptic doomsday cult. They are always warning us about some imaginary existential threat. When I was in college Rachael Carson published her book “Silent Spring” where she claimed that pesticides would kill all the birds and give all of us cancer. I was alarmed, but later found that she was a big liar and her book was full of lies. Next Paul Ehrlich claimed that global cooling was going to cause worldwide crop failures and millions would die. Since global cooling didn’t pan out the environmentalists’ pivoter on a dime and started promoting global warming. LOL. Then there was acid rain which was going to kill all the trees and etch all the paint off our cars. Then there was the hole in the ozone which was going to give all of us cataracts and cause us all to go blind. They banned freon to fix the problem. The hole in the ozone is still there and we even had a hole in the ozone open in the northern hemisphere. The hole in the ozone is like the energizer bunny and just keeps on going and going. Well, I don’t believe anything the environmentalists tell me anymore. They blew their credibility by crying wolf too many times.
I was wavering until the EAU computer scandal. That convinced me it was all a fraud. Here is a rare article telling the truth.
The original Climategate emails contained similar evidence of destroying information and data that the public would naturally assume would be available according to freedom of information principles. “Mike, can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith [Briffa] re AR4 [UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment]?” Jones wrote to Penn State University scientist Michael Mann in an email released in Climategate 1.0. “Keith will do likewise. … We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise. I see that CA [the Climate Audit Web site] claim they discovered the 1945 problem in the Nature paper!!”
The new emails also reveal the scientists’ attempts to politicize the debate and advance predetermined outcomes.
And on it goes.
It’s good to remember that this scam started way back in 1989 with Jim Hansen. Frigging 34 years ago!!!
I don’t recall the exact date but I think it may have been a little before 1989, somewhere around ’86 through ’88. That’s when a friend of mine who was a NOAA officer at the time & I attended a lecture on some NOAA research. They had been measuring CO2 in the Antarctic and on Mt. Haleakala in Maui.
There were no hysterical alarms being put forth, but the basic premise about humans changing our atmosphere and CO2 is a greenhouse gas was unmistakable. Even back then I was afraid. Not of the warming, but of the coming government overreach.
of course hansen based his analysis on venus’s atmosphere, which was never conducive to life given elements, plus it’s proximity to the sun, is out of the sweat spot,
it was around 1992, when james burke, mostly known for connections, came up with this overheated dystopian melodrama after the warming, which predicted all the things that would come to pass if we didn’t basically curtain industrial civilization, this was an oppenheimer/mann teleplay, about a dozen years later,
it was part of an instructional lesson in a science class, I challenged as many of the premises, as I could with the students,
disappointed, expected recipe.
Curry is right, Peterson talks too much. He has some good points, but she is the expert in this gig and one can tell from her facial expressions that she is feeling a little marginalized. It was worth watching, though.
I remember pursuing a degree in Geology in the late 70s. The Acid Rain problem was just starting to be characterized, the funding was in place and data was being collected by research groups in dozens of universities. And of course the data was pretty clear, and the policy and legislation followed that cleaned up the industrial sulfur emissions problems and allowed the biological systems to recover. And there’s not much doubt about the improvements in the water quality in the NE’s lakes and rivers.
But: It was on the back of this successful effort of research-grant money being at the forefront of solving an environmental problem, that the new business model was born, and harnessed for its next, great mission. I have come to view it as a business model in search of a good subject – and Global Warming was the target of choice. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this has happened during the great expansion phase of the world’s university system.
Steve McIntyre ought to be a hero for his dogged, fair-minded work. His climate audit blog and the links he lists are the best source of quality science on the subject.
An Aussie group put up a great source of most of the important emails in climategate. The lies of the alarmist “hockey team” were exposed for being blatant and relentless.
Jeff Condon (as Jeff Id) was excellent in his analysis. His blog is The Air Vent. He was one of the recipients of the leak.
Coyoteblog used to have a good presentation on the many problems of global warming science.
WattsUpWithThat is still a good source.
Most of the brilliant people who tore apart the corruption and incompetence of the global warming scam have moved on. They very clearly proved it was bad science. And the world made it very clear that it didn’t matter. It had to be really disheartening to realize just how corrupt our institutions are.
Of course, we’ve seen it on issue after issue over the last few decades. Truth doesn’t matter. The constitution doesn’t matter. The rule of law doesn’t matter. Big Brother just keeps tightening the noose. And America keeps getting weaker and weaker. And Democrats and their voters keep celebrating their rampant criminality with smug, moral hubris.
Curry defended the indefensible for many years. She participated in scientific fraud and has never apologized. I doubt she ever will.
stan doesn’t seem to like Judith Curry.
Good thing stan is on our side since he knows all the details of Judith Curry’s case.