Perry and the performing candidates
Perry’s attempt at damage control was to appear on the Letterman show and joke about his lapse. It may be the best approach at this point; we’ll see whether it actually works:
What strikes me about the whole thing is how the last few decades have featured a slow and steady loss of dignity for presidential candidates. Nixon and Kennedy were the first to appear on the talk show circuit, but unlike Perry I don’t think they were doing standup comedy.
Although later on, Nixon wasn’t above a little TV comedy to help his election cause:
On the other hand, musical interludes from politicians (such as Bill Clinton’s famous sax-playing on Arsenio Hall) have a more lengthy history. Harry Truman, for example, wasn’t half bad:
And here’s Nixon, in one of his non-candidacy years:
And even though she’s not a candidate, I’ll throw in Condoleezza Rice, who’s a very accomplished classical pianist (and a great dresser; nice outfit, Condi!):
The proliferation of primaries and caucuses is a key factor. You have to distinguish yourself early and without the old Huntley/Brinkley demeanor to the news, this is what you get.
(Damn Boomers…. of which I include myself)
It’s just a reflection of the populace.
Heaven help us.
on an interesting note..
‘Fiance’ of Cain accuser now ‘ex-fiance’
dumb women/smart women
Anyone remember how much(cough)MSM-Press Lapdog jabber, blather and gasps there were over Obam-Bam’s “57 states” or “Corpse Men” to name only a few. Zip, nada, hardly a mention.
I’m not a Perry fan, but this idiot mind set that nimbleness on a high school debate set makes a President is NONSENSE.
It is clear that Nixon, however flawed, was able, and actually tried hard to do the right thing much of the time. Unlike Hussein, who is unable and has never tried to do any right thing.