HomePoliticsPelosi hangs on


Pelosi hangs on — 6 Comments

  1. Having her and Harry around to kick around (some more) is one of the best gifts the Dems could have given to the Republicans, and the Tea Parties.

    The faces of the Democrats’ huge defeat are also the faces of their future apparently. Ask Adlai Stevenson how that sort of plan works out.

  2. 1. Like kcom said.

    2. In center-right America, Bill Clinton defeated a RINO by running as a centrist. Ditto for Obama. After taking office, Clinton angered the country by governing as a leftist. Ditto for Obama.

    After a midterm rebuke, Clinton swerved to the center and became a successful two-term President (despite disgracing the office).

    If Barack follows Nancy’s lead, we may witness what might have happened had Bubba doubled down on his leftism.

  3. And if there is *any* argument of if the Dems are “centrist” this one should settle it. If someone isn’t angered by this then they aren’t pay attention.

    Indeed, she was the leader of the one of the worst defeats in US history and they want *more* of what she did?

    OK, have at it is all I can say. I would prefer a real Democratic opposition to keep us “honest”, but barring that I would prefer what we have now. the Dems are going to vote the latter and be happy about it?

  4. Ideology and narrative are all that matters. Other than Pelosi having no shame and no clue that Americans really dont want big government solutions, she is the face of “progressivism”. If she goes it will look as if “progressivism” has failed. Of course we understand that it has..

    On top of it all, I believe narcissism runs supreme in the make-up of the “progressive” mind. Its up to them to heal the planet and they’re the only ones smart enough and hip enough to know what to do.//

  5. Isn’t there a political aphorism about this? Something to the effect of: “Never interfere when your political opposition is about to shoot itself in the foot”?

    Have fun, Nancy. (I’ll bet you’d just love to have approval ratings like those of Sarah Palin… and how galling must that be?)

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