When I first saw the headlines for this story I thought they were satirical.
They are not.
I think Northwestern has actually succeeded in out-dhimmi-ing Columbia, which is saying something:
In the face of illegal “encampments” and violence, the Northwestern administrators put out a jubilant statement announcing that scholarships will be provided for “Palestinians” along with a building set aside for Muslim students.
“Most notable among those concessions is a promise to offer full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students and guaranteed faculty jobs for Palestinian academics.
“The University will support visiting Palestinian faculty and students at risk (funding two faculty per year for two years; and providing full cost of attendance for five Palestinian undergraduates to attend Northwestern for the duration of their undergraduate careers),” the document reads. “The University commits to fundraise to sustain this program beyond this current commitment.” …
Northwestern will also provide a “house for MENA/Muslim students” and will “advise employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.”
Other concessions in the deal Schill and the rest of Northwestern’s leadership struck with the encampment occupants — one of whom assaulted a student journalist attempting to take video — include student oversight of the university’s partnerships with suppliers and the investment of its endowment.
In case you’ve not read up on your Muslim history, here’s what the Jizya is:
[In the] Arab-Islamic empire … a basic hierarchy between three groups emerged relatively early: at the top were (Muslim) believers, at the bottom of the hierarchy were unbelievers who should be fought, and there emerged an intermediate category of non-Muslims who had entered into an agreement with the Islamic state. Those in the third category were governed by a set of laws known as a pact, or dhimma in Arabic, and were called collectively ahl al-dhimma—literally “People of the Pact”—or just dhimmis. …
In exchange for the protection of the Islamic state, dhimmis were expected to pay a special tax, called the jizya. A document known as the Pact of ‘Umar spelled out the details of the agreement between the Islamic state and the dhimmis in considerable detail. … The Pact of ‘Umar lays out a variety of sumptuary laws, meaning laws whose ostensible purpose was to distinguish non-Muslims from Muslims in social interactions, place limits on non-Muslim behavior, and emphasize the social superiority of Muslims.
Northwestern is acting like conquered territory. But it goes beyond that. Not only are the university administrators signaling their own weakness and the weakness of their campus, and not only are they emboldening future Islamicist extremists and discouraging their own Jewish students and those who support them, but they are telling Hamas that attacks like October 7 give huge benefits all around the world.
Nice job, Northwestern! I hope every person who donates to the university informs them they won’t be seeing any more of their money. Of course, Soros may take up the slack.