Padma’s keeping busy
I must say I’ve been remiss in keeping up with Padma Lakshmi’s career now that she and Salman Rushdie are no longer one.
Is she lonely? Does she miss these days?
If so, she’s bravely bearing up. Apparently she has managed to fill with friendly correspondence whatever aching void may have been left by Salman’s absence. What am I talking about? Why, just this afternoon I received a comment from her on this very blog!
It was signed by Padma, and went like this:
Hi”¦Man i love reading your blog, interesting posts ! it was a great Wednesday.
I know it’s a bit short, but then again, Padma’s a busy lady. And I know it’s not too personal, considering all I’ve written about her. But still—as Salman said in happier times—she’s a very mirthful gal.
I think, however, it might be time to fine-tune my spamguard.
[ADDENDUM, 12/13: My spamguard must be falling down on the job again, because I heard from my new buddy Padma again today. She writes, in a sort of breathless teenage voice:
Hi”¦Man i just love your blog, keep the cool posts about I guess mirth was not enough: Rushie and Lakshmi comin..holy Thursday .]
“They said it would never last.”
And it didn’t.
Nice picture, though.
Yeah, it yelled SPAM to me….
The alternative kind of spam, where human beings actually do the leg work.
Have you ever read Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca? Padma is Rebecca.