HomeUncategorizedOpen thread 5/20/22


Open thread 5/20/22 — 15 Comments

  1. And the FBI shall lie with Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey, John Brennan, Igor Danchenko and Christopher Steele…
    “Handwritten Notes From 2017 Show FBI Agents Mislead DOJ On The Trump-Russia Investigation”—
    Key grafs (RTWT):
    “…The notes reveal a pattern of repeated lies and omissions by FBI leadership to DOJ officials that concealed the dramatic deterioration of the predicate for the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. As the predication deteriorated, so too was the purported justification for Comey’s public reveal of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.
    “The significance of the FBI’s lies was accentuated this week at Sussmann’s trial when Scott Hellman, an FBI cyber analyst, testified that he knew right away in September 2016 that Sussmann’s data did not suggest any covert communications between Trump and Russia. “Hellman added that he wondered if the person who put together the data was suffering from a mental disability.
    “Hellman’s testimony is the clearest evidence yet that the FBI knew from the start that one of the two major components of the Trump Russia collusion narrative – the Alfa Bank data – was false. As the March 6 notes show, they concealed this fact from their DOJ superiors.
    “The other major component of the investigation was the Steele dossier….”

  2. So when does the CDC, and then the administration start the lockdowns, etc over the monkey pox? I can see the MSM already starting the hype; just a matter of time. Perfect replacement for covid.

  3. In my Blue area people are wondering why govt isn’t locking down again because of an uptick in cases.
    So I’m not expecting a lockdown for monkeypox but once we are past the elections … perhaps reinstatement of old failed policies?

  4. I was thinking the lockdowns or restrictions would come before the elections so that more vote fraud can be arranged. But I see your point too Jim. People don’t like lockdowns and could or should take their frustrations out on those in power. I wonder …

    I was called in for jury duty this week and had to sit in a room with perhaps 80 people initially. Even though masks were not required about 60 to 70% were masked. That’s the highest percentage I’ve seen in months.

  5. Does anyone have any theories on why the spot gold price has not roughly, tracked with the Treasury printing a plethora of U.S. dollars? Or at least tracked with inflation?

  6. The “official” gold price has been explained as being set daily. But no (or very little) gold changes hands. The price is set. “Futures” contracts are paid off and everyone goes about their business. I’ve also heard it explained that gold price is dominated by “paper gold”, various futures and other financial contracts. Actual gold is loaned out as collateral and then loaned again (‘re-hypothecated”).
    I’m just repeating stuff I’ve heard, I don’t actually know.

    I’d think a better guess at the true value of gold would be the price charged by a small, local dealer who actually provides, you know, the actual metal.
    Or if we could find out what nation-states pay for it.

    re: the vid. Looks to me like the dog is more long-suffering, well-behaved and tolerant not so much entertained …

  7. In my Blue area people are wondering why govt isn’t locking down again because of an uptick in cases.

    If you look at the national numbers, you notice:

    1. Since April 2, the (seven day moving average of the) daily case count has increased 3.5x

    2. The ICU census began to increase around about 20 April. However, the increase has been on the order of 1.35x.

    3. To date, 47 days into this explosion in the case count and 28 days into the increase in the ICU census, the (seven-day moving average of the) daily death count has continued to decline. From June of 2020 to the present, the case count has been a leading indicator foreshadowing an increase in the death count with the trough-to-trough delay being between 18 and 32 days. What we’ve been seeing is something novel and it does not in this respect resemble the post-omicron waves in other occidental countries.

  8. According to this, those of us old enough to have had smallpox vaccinations may be protected from monkey pox,

    I have a suspicion that those of us who refrain from sodomy and intravenous use of street drugs are not in much danger of monkeypox.

  9. Sarah Hoyt addresses the newest nascent pandemic – if St. Fauci & the WHO have their way.


    The commenters are in consensus that this is another run at the covidiocy control agenda, and that it should not be allowed to succeed.

    Really: the Monkey Pox? Did the name come from the same focus group as Ultra Maga King?


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